The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, February 18, 1965, Image 1

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1 40 S—rtenccd Upon GuiHy Pieos Bell Indicted in Bridge* / The Hinton Chrooide > Murder By Grand Jury Vd. 66 — No. 7 Clinton, S. C, Thursday, February 18,1965 , An indictment charging mur- Following are the sentences der was brought out Monday handed down upon submission against a 31-year-old Greenville of guilty ideas: Negro in the Aug. 28, 1988, Charles E. Gunter, larceny, beating stabbing death of the six months, wife of a Laurens attorney. Joe Wise, noil-support, once The indictment against ,\yillie' year or $1,900 fine, suspended James Bell was among the true on support payments of $35 a bills returned by the Laurens County Grand Jury during the opening day of a scheduled one- week term of General Sessions Court. Presiding Judge C. E. Single tary, of Charleston, sentenced week, probation five years. Jimmy *Le&n Clark, non-sup port, one year or $1,500, sus pended on support payments of $12.50 a week, probation five years. Monroe Wiliams, OUie James 11 defendants on Monday and Barksdale and Thalmar Gog- 80 on Tuesday after they entered gins non-support, one year or P lea# - ' $1,500 each, suspended on sup- - Bell is accused of slaying payments of $15 a week, Mrs. Beaufort Campbell Bridg- probation fiV e years, es, 45, whose body—stabbed George Oscar Mosley, non- and beaten viciously — was . found in the .ceond-floor * up P 0 "' on ' ) "‘“ r or «“>; branch law office which she ^ <Kl on ' u « >ort p 1 f y ."’ e " U „ 0[ $4.00 a week, probation five staffed in Clinton for her hus band, Justin A. Bridges, for mer member of the South Carolina House of Representa tives. . Bell, currently serving a four- . , . , -_-a 000 each, suspended on service year sentence for a firearms- . .. . years. James Monroe James and C. E. Barnes, driving a motor ve hicle while under the influnece of Intoxicants, one year or $1,- Photos by Dan Yarborough from Architect’s Drawings. Exterior and interior views show the new building of M. S. Bailey & Son, Bankers, to be erected on N. Broad St. Contractors started work Monday. pointing offense, was returned to Clinton from the State Peni tentiary January 22 and for- . _ mall, charged with murder. 17 f” *** ” .‘“I of six months or payment of $250 fine, probation one year. Carl E. Cullens, Jr., non-sup- 1 month, almost to the day after »» “wort PM™"** of $20 a week and probation five Mrs. Bridges body was found by her husband. Judge Singletary is expected Cast of 150 To Perform In County Would Get The Wizard of Oz In Laurens M58,848 in Federal Fmds Under Bi» To Construct New BuildllM M. S. Bailey & Son, jankers Laurens — Laurens Commun- engineer and announced at years. ity Theater will stage the most WLBG in Laurens. Roy Parker, violation of bad elaborate production in its three Members of the cast from to appoint Bell’s defense attorn- check law ’ 8ix month *’ *«»P en d- years of operation next week the Clinton-Joanna area are Laurens County would get $457,848 from a federal ald-to- Dr. Keisler Assists eys this week, but the case is not likely to be tried during this term of eourt o( Brenda Campbell, Susan Camp- education program now before . Wrifinn Hie+Arv m bell, Beth Johnson, Janice Weir, Congress, according to the South In ''imy niarory ed, one year probation. when it presents "The Wizard S. B. Briggs, carrying con- Oz” with a cast of 150 drawn _ _ cealed weapon, $100 or 30 days, from the surrounding area Johnny Fulmer, Patte Plowden, Carolina Education Association. Of Lutheran Synod Religious Emphasis Week At College Is Now Underway James Kenneth Hunter, Gra- The dy McCoy Hunter and Robert spark producUon is hoped to John Ledford, Angela Birch- greater interest in the more, Patsy Sadler, Nancy Sad- A' 14-county area of upstate Dr. M. S. Bailey & Son, Bankers, Officers of the bank ar$: Rob- on Monday began construction of ert M. Vance, president; James a new building on N. Broad St., Von Hollen, vice - president; which will serve as headquarters Goyne L. Simpson, cashier and for the financial Institution which assistant trust officer; Charlea Wjr Iv&vVxUJr AAlAJlIfCI C1I1U XV V/ UX71 L o^/cna ft* v *** 111CJI x, j Jr CIVS J Odvlxd f XwCUaVjf Oslil” rt yntl i m o A Lee Schronce, housebreaking community theater and Its build- i er> Susan Chinatti, Susie Kel- , rh . * pas has served the community since F. Waldron, trust officer of St. Johns Lutheran 1IUM . . ..... of $7.1 million. Church, has agreed to assist in 1886. Robert M Vance, Directors, in addition to president, Messrs. Vance and Von Hollen, and larceny, one year each to Ing fund. The organization al- i er( Francine Audia, Lou Led- run concurrently with a sen- ready has purchased a site. The f ort i i Bobby, Susan, Kathy and tence they are now serving in school building, which has been Lynn Wassung. GreenviUe County. used by the group In the past Is A 16-piece band-is under the on the number of families with um“e or 8 everal‘bunded pages facil ' tie8 in recent years nece ”|- Bailey Mrs. Mercer V The formula for diarlbuUng Synod e of“sS, slated that growth of thr bank', are: George H Coruel«m, WJ the anticipated funds is based Una now in preparation. A vol- buslness and expansion of its Carlisle Neely, Mrs. C. M. Wise, Luther and battery Five Presbyterian leaden are gravated nature, one year, sus- ^Starring Lodema^Cheaney,^ an school. The unit is made up of chi j dren J. Franklin, assault scheduled to be torn down this direction of Harry Bauknight, . th , including narrative biographical tated 1116 ex P ansion of its facili - Miss Emil y F - Bailey, and Mn. of a high and a* bmtd d^jcmr at CUnmn Hl^t ^ “.LucTs«iiotT“^ Sr.. - Petitions Seek visiting the Presbyterian College pended, two yean probation. 18-year-old Woodruff High School music tea chers and students of campus this week to participate Larry Hart, Roger Painter, j .Jf 1 ® ,* ^TW« f the aPea ‘ in the coUege’s annual Religious Carl Crawford and Kenneth , play J Th ^“' day, Feb. 25, for a three-day run. rJA . Performances will be each night K|fl \tlin0nfc AfO at 7:30 p.m. at Laurens Central J1UUCIIIJ HIv Emphasis Week exercises. Bush, housebreaking and lar- The program opened on Wed- ceny, three years, suspended, nesday and will extend through Harry Clamp and Bonard Friday, with dally attention giv- Davis, larceny, two years each, •n to religious activities. suspended, five years probation. PrtnclM tpeuker for th. oc- Harr, Theodore LoUie, Frank »loT^"rt caaion is Dr. Jorge Lara-Braud, Owens* —' A ° - ' * p y The area spreading from Oconee to Saluda County has a total of 53,625 children between to association figures. The federal aid program under E r; n S r&ed by Mr. Enrolled For Term Carl Chesney, mother of the . 4 4 and Robert F»rU* “ star - Both are soloists at .. ° 8 ° u ! '1 60 * * * lina to improve the education a native of Mexico who serves as Craine, driving a motor vfhic e ?i de BaptlSt ChUrCh in ^ nd,n 8 Presbyt e rian CoWtge of children of low Income fam- a r , _t..t * “ . . e Woodruff. during the second semester of Hies. assistant professor of missions at under the influence of intoxi- Xhp i- D io V ed bv eu ^ ^ - one year, sus- Seminary. ^ In thls capa- pend«l on p^ment of 1250 or who ^ ^ ln ^ ^ A . r . Ro»lyn M.rUn announced today. dtylie Is responsible for the de- service of six months, one year World War H aad she “W The current enroll- velopment of s dop&rtinont of nrobatinn * i. _ j « * P robation is now a development director ment includes 467 men'and 43 the Presbyterian Church s minis- Enoch Richardson, assault for Laurens Mills. women. It compares to a first and battery of a high and ag ^d o w iii require about ,a year, uc Dr. Keisler's assignment is said ‘ that portion of the narrative sec- The structure will be two ^ ^ tion covering the life-span of stories and basement and will thtTages *01 six and*!?” acording tbe U s nited 1 i“ t 1 h ^f n ^ hurch J" America, 1918-1962. The synod lbe Broadway Theatre on the was organized in 1824, with eight west s i de °i tbe street, and wUl i * tit* tnwi-i a i^ pastors and fourteen congrega- contain approximately 19,000 s„ B - B tions. square feet. The building will be The preparation and publish 58x110 feet. ing of the history is sponsored The existing building on W. filed in the office of the Laurens by the synod, through a commit- Pitts St. will continue to house County Supt. of Education Leroy r ... _ . ,, . tee charged with the direct re- the Bailey Insurance Agency and Burns requesting school trustee ti wiMMA th ° Un t i WO fh d get sponsibility, the chairman of the drive-in banking facilities. . elections in one of five attend- stite ’ follow^ ZVar^b^ of which is the Rev Paul Mc * The ba *«ment of the new buUd- ance areas in each of the coun- CuUough of Prosperity. ing wUl contain the bookkeeping ty,s two school districts. The copy should be ready for department, safe deposit vault, The attendance areas are Lau- 425.5 million Into South Caro School Trusts Elections In County Laurens — Petitions have been with $1,817,051, Anderson County with $881,858, and McCormick, try to Latin America. Dr. Lara- h^ U 1n^htZZpiZ«MmhHM e on gravated nature, one year, sus- plays the Cowardly Lion and — — ™ ce iv e varying amounts Pended, and two years proba- Carl Mullis of Laurens, Uncel tion to the normal first-semester re year. Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- tion day mornings at 10 o’clock. Four Presbyterian minister* Join the main speaker in leading the students’ religious thinking in a series of discussion sessions. They are: the Rev. Robert Deb- Gordon Collin, of Louren. «»• “' countie, ik the update would av« th** Cnwardiv Lion and whom 39 were women. In addl- --.iv^varying amounts. Six counties in the state would Corndson Featured the least' with 1121 371 Othar tbe P rin t er b y tbe end °f the conference rooms and employees rens * n Sc* 100 ! District 55 and Uie least, Wltn V/iner Plinlon hi Cr'hrvnl nictr-ir.7 KA Ttw. Henry. attribution, 16 students complet- lounge. Clinton in School District 56. The The main floor will contain the are |s are each represented by banking room, executive offices on two seven-mem- and small loan department. ber h 001 ^ 8 - Terms of the two Laurens Audrey Lee Lucas, larceny, In addition to Laurens and ^ work on their degrees at the g *t 0 Y* r a million dollar, each |„ N> Y . Trade Paper The me2zanine wU1 house the six months. Woodruff, the cast includes close of this period^ On the other ^ cl “ di ; g $18, and George H ^ rael8on ^ ton tnist department and cLerence ^ t expire Jess Willard Jackson, lar- members from Clinton, Enoree, hand . 30 registered as new stu- nicn,ana ’ M411 . L 1965. In the Clinton.area, only ceny, one year. Wattsville, Gray Court, Hickory dents for the second semester. Thomas McDowell, house- Tavern and Joanna. The current semester will ex- Dr. Carter Named expire on bins nastor of Puritv Presbv- breaking and lar c«ny, three The production is under the tend through final examination n terian P Church of Chester* the years * 8US P end ed on service of direction of Joe Arsi, a native next May 28, with the annual OfOUp TO Allot wHUam viain «a^M one year and three years pro- of New Jersey, who has been spring vacation scheduled tor Science Board Funds Rev. William Klein, pastor of Rock Hill’s Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church; the Rev. years pro bation. Ray McCall, two cases of for- Jerry Hammet, Presbyterian 8®^, one year, minister to students at the Uni- Bobby Gene Riddle, using a versity of South Carolina; and m o tor vehicle without the own- the Rev. Hugh Eichelberger, er s consent, three years, sus- Clinton native who currently is P®nded on service of one year QX Clemson University serving as chaplain at Egleston and three years probation. ^ t TT ® , T Children’s Hospital in Atlanta. Leroy Gary, using a motor Mrs. Linda Taylor Davis, wife Religious Emphasis Week at vehicle without the owner’s Jack H. Davis, III, was a connected with every Laurens April 1-7. Commencement exer- Community Theater production rises on May 30 wUl close the since its founding. He' is chief school year. Mrs. Davis Graduate Dobbins Speaks At PCA Meeting Mills vice-president, was featur- rooms. , t . . . ed last week in a special Daily Architects for the new building 'j. t . . News Record article. * are Lyles, Bissett, Carlisle and 4 Staff writer A. T. Pederson Wolff of Columbia. Contractors t h3^ f, no . I ? ina ^ ing chose the Clinton executive for are LaFaye-Tarrant of Colum- t in *», T a ^ m** 0 his subject in “The Futures Mar- bia. K *1? n v v i n k i ket . . . In Textiles,” a special The present building, con- t ° carr y Dr. K. Nolen Carter, chairman p ictori al feature on outsUnding structed in 1955, is on the site ?c f n q ? ali " of the Presbyterian College young textile execuUveg . where the bank opened in F ebru- T * r y chemistry department has been xfK , d aily New York textile ary, 1886, and part of the original PeLtioHs from the named for the second straight tFade pub i ication is d i Str i but ed building is incorporated in the Lau ™s a ^ a endorse for reelec- year as a special pane! to hrip nationally . - present structure, distribute funds of the National Senator W. C. Dobbins was Science Foundation. He is in New Orleans this week meeting with other members of Presbyterian College is under consent, one year. member of the graduating class speaker at the 31st an- ^ 8e l«ctlon panel. They will the sponsorship of the Student D. S. Davis, Stanley Duff and at Clemson University hi Janu- nua j stockholders meeting of se ' ec * a Un^ed number of insti- Christian Association. Its pres- James W. Griffith, housebreak- ary - Bh® received an AB degree ^ cHnfon production Credit tutions ident this year Is Ike Cobb, a ing and larceny, one year each. wi ^ 1 a ma i° r * n English. A cum Association. Senator Dobbins *" to receive matching grants from the Foundation for senior from Decatur, Ga., Wreck Is Fatal To James H. Smith Johnnie Franks, violation of ,aude graduate, she is a mem- speech paralleled the changes und ® rgraduat ® scientific equip- liquor law, $800 or three months. ber °* ^ be English department at j n a griculture and government men *' ^® c * s * ons ar ® mad ® from Emerson Johnson, violation of Westminster^lligh School, liquor law, $1,500 or one year^ Thomas Ouzts, violation of Congo Missionory H. Smith, 53, of Rogers- bad check law - on ® y® ar to run _ c , cnn., died about noon concurrently with a 400-day sen- 10 jpeOK rCD. LI over the past years; pointing among a larger group of colleges out that the machine age In ag- application for the riculture required a dlVerslflca- ** rantB which wiU t® 1 ® 1 a PProxi- tion in farm operations, the pol- matel y $10,000,000. itical atmosphere today made The Presbyterian College it more imperative than ever chemistry department received James ville, Tenn.„ | , ^ Monday following an automohUe tence he is now serving. Miss Ann Anderson, mission- ..... ... accident at Ft. Payne, Ala. *“ Wayne Washington Ridpe, ary to the Congo, will speak to that Americans exercise their a ^?’ 880 / r ? m Funeral services and burial driving under the influence of the Lydia and Rock Bridge Pres- v °th»8 Privilege. the National Science Foundation were at Gadsden, Ala. intoxcants, $3,000 or four years, byterian Churches at their morn- Th ® maatlng was held at the wb «n this program was inaugu- Mr. Smith was manager of the ssupended on service of one ing worship services on Sunday, Flori da Street School auditor!- rated in 1962. CUnton-Newberry Natural Gas y «ar and five years probation. February 21. th ?.* pr ^ am , wa * pre * > Authority for a time after it be- Paul Woody, two cases of vio- Miss Anderson will speak at lJ y 1116 foUo f iag: Hugb Prill tina Craftsmen gan operations in the early lation of using obscene lang- Rock Bridge at 10 o’clock and at B* Workman, association presi- . * 1950’s. Later he was manager uage to a woman, suspended Lydia Presbyterian Church at dent; Lawrence F. Davis, direc- entertained Ot Dinner of the Fort Hill Gas Authority on service of six months and with headquarters in Easley.. three years probation. 11:10 a. m. The public is invited to attend. RmI: n* ot Governors of S ^^ HopewS ~ Methodist Church. di- House Craftsmen was recently entertained at dinner at Hotel Mary Musgrove, with Jacobs Brothers, Clinton printing firm, as hosts. and operated cooperative. It , C , h . W -, B ? d ? e ' 1 “■“rtMenden, of the plant, is a member of the Davis was re-elected as a rector for Laurens County. The Clinton Production Credit Association is a farmer owned was formed in 1933 and been serving the credit ' needs of farmers in Laurens and New- berry^Counties for 31 years. board. Thom well Gives $161.21 In Drive For March of Dimes The Thomwell staff and child- Wildlife Association- To Meet Tuesday There will be a meeting of the Wildlife Federation Tuesday night, February 23, at 7:30 at Johnnie Young’s Spring. All members, former mem- PC Ahnnni Directors Plan For 1965 ren contributed $161.21 in the re- hers and sportsmen interested in cent March of Dimes campaign, wildlife conservation are urged according to D. S. Templeton, to attend this meeting. . chairman for.the drive at the tion the trustees now serving. They are D. F. Patterson and P. W. McAlister. The third peti tion nominates Lloyd H. Smith. Two petitions have been filed in the Clinton attendance area, one for the reelection of Trustee George Huguley. The other pe tition nominates Frank Sherill as his opponent. No petitions have been filed for election in the other two areas, Joanna and Cross Hill, in District 56. The terms of a trus tee from each area will expire April 1. The term of the Hickory Tavern attendance area trustee also will expire then and no pe titions have been filed in that area. In the event petitions are not filed, the posts will be filled by appointmentment by the Coun ty Board of Education as provid ed by law. _ Deadline for filing petitions was noon Tuesday. Florida Couple Are Charged With Grand Larceny A goal of $86,000 for the 1966 An nual Giving Program of Presbyterian College was set by the board of directors of the PC Alumni Association meeting in a special winter session on campus this Tuesday. Other plans for the ope ration of the alumni program through out the coming year were discussed by the group which included, left to right: seated—Julius Wannamaker of Charles ton, director; Secretary Rion Vaaaey of Greenville; Vice-President Tommy Todd of Laurens; President-Elect Walter Gos- nell of Spartanburg; and Dr. Hubert G. Wardlaw of Kingstree, director. Standing—John Newsome of Deca tur, Ga., Blair Baldwin of Columbia, L. L. Holladay of Greer, William P. Jacobs, III, of Clinton, and A. S. QQuinn of Au gusta, Ga., all directors; and Dr. J. Ed ward Graham of Charleston, - current president of the Alumni Association- institution. Templeton stated the contribu tion is the largest ever made at the school for a polio campaign. Art Editor Daugherty Goes To AbbeviHe County ' The Rev. Lawton Daugherty was installed as pastor of Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church mm,' <" Officers Take Still Near Clinton Mary Jane Jacobs, Clinton Jun- in Abbeville County Sunday eve- ior at Coker College, Harts ville, ning. \ is art editor of the college year- Mr. Daugherty until recently book. The Milestone, Which Is was pastor of little River-Domi- about ready for the press. nick Presbyterian Church in She is the daughter of Mrs. Newberry County south of Clin-. Marion Jacobs. toiw- This outbuilding at the rear of a dwelling in the Long Branch Community three miles north Clinton was raided by Laurens County sheriffs deputies and federal agents They smashed a 1,000 gallon vat-type still and arrested Hoyt Blackwell and Gettis D. Black- well, white men. From left to right are Chief Deputy Sam Reid, Federal Agent Ben Bishop, Deputy C. D. Benamin, Jr., Federal Agent T. D. DuBoise and Deputy Ted Ward. The vat is shown in the lower photo with the liquid pouring out after it was smashed by officers. —Photos by Paul Quinton. Laurens — Jesse WUlard Jack- son, 49, and Audrey Lee Lucas, 34, both of Orlando, Fla., were charged in warrants here Wednesday, Feb. 10, with grand larceny in comiectioh with the theft Tuesday of about $60 from a grovery-service station at Lan- ford. The warrants were sworn out before Magistrate Sam McCra ry and signed by Laurens Coun ty Sheriff R. Eugene Johnson. • Sheriff Johnson said the man and woman were apprehended in a car by Deputy Sheriff Sam Bishop about a half hour after Earl Patterson, operator of th* business, reported the theft to the sheriff’s office. ^ Deputy Bishop said Pa told officers a man ..and stopped at the station to gasoline and that the maa < ed the building while Mercury was being Patterson said he cash was missing locked safe soon drove away. j