\ - t THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Thursday, December 1, I960 WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES — • Fir*! InttTtkMi — Mintmum Tic up to 15 «»rd> , 3c each additional word • Multiple Insertion — 4 times for pme of 3 • Obituaries. Cards, of Thanks and Trespass Notices^/ change at 3 cents per word Minimum Si W • ALL WANT ADVS CASH ' M.. Wednesday PART TIME evening work avail- Mobilization Night At ! able for two neat, alert men with j d - T ^ J j cars. Opportunity to advance for Reedy KlVCF I UCSdoy i ritht man. Call 42^-X-W IP NOTICE in \in im PIANOS in exceHen; condition FOR SALE Funed and ready to go Terms easy. — c — pricey, low The Trading Poit. Laur \ EARC.AIN 22 tt. Home, Com- ens. S. C Uc • • iveep Freeze. $173 00. Orig- -— la pru'e $479 00 11 tt Frigid- FOR SALE—Practically new cadet .rt Hein per a tor. $95.00. original water heater, with new pipe and ntf $279 Oil Roth 3W years tank May be si*en at Lydia Mills ^ 1‘itts • new .Me's Esso Service. Store tf 128 40 022 PUPPIES: Yard d>>g type. FTih' to anyo x* who will give them a good heme Phono Hilltop 12378 Cpl John T t'ooley. Mountvflle, S. c ' ^p-n-s,-! WILL TRADE 1.000 equity in ‘56 model 41-ft house trailer for house flirniture or smaller trailer paid for or car Ralph Williams. King Trailer Court. 214 S Broad St. Clinton. S C 4t D-15 NOTICE No hunting, fishing or trespassing of any kind allowed on our lanus. Violators will be prose^ cuted Henderson and Oavid T 4c D 22 PC Closes Good Season With 7-6 Newberry Victory Presbyterian College wrapped >> NOTICE — No. hunting and tres- PANSY PLANTS. Swiss Giants in Fa-sing arv allowed on my land mixed colors - Also English Daisy, northeast of (. linton known as the 1 If REV. THOMAS L. NEELY Name Campfire News Columns Names for the Camp Fire news columns for the three areas in the Clinton council have been selected from suggestions by Rlue Bird and Camp Fire girls. "Chatterbox.'’ Valerie Far- up another successful football nell’s entry, is to be the name of season on Thanksgiving after- 1 the K;jdoka district column. Va!- noon with a 7 to 6 victory over er j e j s a mem ber ol the Mo-ka-ti Newberry which gave the Hose-! g roup . Mrs s c. Rowe, leader, men a stout 6-3 record for the Linda Hubert's suggestion, year and their third straight -Girls Wo: id.” wps chosen for Little Three -championship under the 1>evva area She is a mem ber Coach Frank Jones . .of the Happy Blue Bird group, This finish climaxed a remark- | ed by Mrs. James Barnes, able comeback for the PC grid- M rs a. R. Ivester’s fifth grade ; men After dropping their first Camp Fire group suggestion of games, they roared hack to ..,» eta ^ 0 x ews -- wni head the i r take six of the next seven en-; gagements. Jones shared credit for his success with assistant coaches, Clyde Ehrhardt, Vic! Spooner, Charles Mu,sselwhite,! Billy Tiller, and Mac Copeland. Except for the lopsided 0 to 27 the house. There was a small of Probate of Laurens County, at Over 300 |»eople are expected to j lo -ss to the Citadel after two open > \LE -Albritton, blakemore. Sw^t Henry place qnd Creekland farm. attend Mobilization Night of the dat f ’ the Blue Hose performed weel even in defeat in bowing 12 to 21 to Furman and 0 to 8 to Mrs. Boyette Died In Accidental Fire, Coroner's Jurv Rules 10 o’clock a. m., and on the same day will apply for * final discharge from my trust as Executrix. Any person indebted to said es tate is notified and required to make payment on or before that . date; and all persons having claim-# against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven, or be forever barred. . MYRTLE A TUMBLIN. Executrix. 102 S. Holland St.. Clinton, S. C. November 10, 1960 4C-D-8 CREDITORS' NOTICE All persons having claims agaisnt the estate of Marie Adair Rantin, , of the fire, things were so bad c ^ cea ^ d - are hert-by notified to Me at the home he grabbed a blanket ,he Same dul >' venfled : undersigned, and those indebted to heater in the room opposite the bedroom. Boyette changed his story about his whereabouts on the morning of the fire, in his words, so the public would not know what was going on, Sheriff Wier testified. Deputy Jones quoted Boyette as saying first he had been to Clin ton the morning of the fire to obtain dog food, His wife “was raising so much sand that morn ing." the deputy quoted Boyette, that the husband had retreated to tlje woods. He denied knowing the house was afire. Later, the sheriff testified, Boy ette told him that on the morning and went to the woods in his car and slept until about 2:00 p. m. A Negro witness, J. M. Irby,] Sr . said he was working a quarter of a mile from the Boy- 1 ette home about noon with his said estate will please make pay ment likewise. ARCHIE S* ADAIR. Executor Nov. 11, 1960 4C-D-8 Laurens A coroner’s V K f^^el r nna be r’V Plant tf William Stock. Candytuft. Carna- -'H'i H-PP placeoffUu- Greenwood RwJv Rjver Association. Canterbury- ^s.Foxslov^ — •»> Fl5< Tlie mMUag will be httd at I I found WtdlpMdfty,. Nov. 2S. ■ * One 9 piece Mahog Lirtope and Thrift 1 anglewxioi. \oTICE No hunting, fishing or the West Fnd Baptist Church, m) |i eIe IX)wr ; Mrs. Lois Hattie Bovette < Dining Room Suite in good Nursen 2 mucs north of Umtor - ■ ~ - • ion Consisting of table, 6 on S C Highway 306 Phone 106i* tt FOR \ FESTIVE— HOLIDAY cu,ed b > w H Pitts, Jr 4cD22 TABLE Christmas mats and cloths For yourself—to give : -^rhina, closet, buffet. C-on- Fred Burnett. Jr., 701 t rguson '-t or call 421-J af- <0 p m Ip lAl.l/.F.n COOK BtX)KS > the a-e of Spices. Sea Barbecuing. Meat and .-or Cooking Chronicle Puh- Co . Stationery Depart- 1 Gar> St Phone 74 Many other linen gift items in mats card table covers/napkins. Pub Co . Stationery Department. lt>9 Gart St . t'hone 74 } - BE AUTIF11 . STATTOENR Y ano her gifts for Christmas Tht jury ^ . . that or the esi l-.nd Baptist burch, power. : Mrs. Lois Hattie Boyette, of R? trespassing of any kind allowed on Newbersy, on December 6 at 7;30 -j-^ victories came in this '• Clinton, came to her death by ur land- Violators will be prose- P m tashion: 21 to 7 over Wofford. 6 an accidental fire which also Throughout the Southern Bap- to o over Davidson, 2® Jo 0 over destroyed her home, ti-t Convention. Associations will Catawba, 27 to 7 over East Caro- The body of a woman, burned vacuum -hieet io emphasize the goals for lH , a 32 to 6 over Elon, and'then ^yond recognition but assumed *•-* the coming year the 7 to 6 Bron/e Derby triumph 50-year-old wife of Lu- Thirty minute conferences will over \ e wberr\ * ,her Boyette, was found in the The Blue Hose scored a total ‘Paired ruins of the couple’s «as partly lailing-in. He saw no The inspirational message will „j 12 5 points during the nine hc,me ' vb >ch burned shortly after on ^ tie brcught by Rev. Thomas L carries. 32 of them by halfback aoon on October 29. ' Nt-elv assistant administrator ol .i un my May, and 30 by fullback Two witnesses told two sons and spotted the fire. He CITATION FOR LETTERS OF’ drove to the scene but fearing, ADMINISTRATION kerosene cans might explode, _ i liose to 'Teaye and refxirt the f arolina, fire. All they saw outside the ^ aun ^ ^ aun ‘ ns house w as a black dog. he said.: ^ ^ ssson, Probate Judge SEWING MACHINE and cleaner.- s^ile- ami service George H Young. 438 Laurens, or tea and hand towels Chronicle sYnglV^-alwaJd U ^k-^ Uth0n * ed ^ b> associational officers 4p-D-8 4 dix»r Plymouth Savov .u.n prided to -ell or trade aner Top mechanical con- • Low mileage G B Gold- Rl 2 Cl: Chronicle CHRISTMAS CANDLES Orna mental, beautcul \t Sl s C Phone' 74 dMls vor'ter. had nothing to do ' dh the actual burning of the home. Another witness, Angus Stew- WHEREAS Reba Lawrence art. of Cross Anchor, testified Hiagg made suit to me to grant he was driving along the road,; ^ tr *^ ei i- ers 01 Administration of spo.ted the smoke and got to thei^ e Estate and effects ol James scene about 12:30 p m. The Thomas Lawrence. ^ house w as in flames and the roof * beSi are - therefore.- to cite and auinonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the A doctor's statement read at sa ’ d James Thomas Lawrence, Cornnor the inquest said there were no deceased, that they be an appear before me, in the Court of Pro bate, to be held at l^aurens Court House, Laurens, S. C.. on Decem ber li next, after, publication hereof, at 3 odock in the after noon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand this 21st day of November Anno Domini 1960 J. HEWLETTE WASSON, 2c D O J. P. L. C. rnent Division, said in his opin- V a/-ij a. r\ c ion Boyette, a Clinton Cotton VvndcatS Upen beaSOfl The Bell Street High basketball girls and boy^s will open their season with home games Thurs- H Io based his opinion on the re-1 day night, December 1, against •onicle Taking orders now. .4 door -edan In top me- DESK ACCESSORIES make an X. r n tTDTTTT a,1U ' . V-i ^x ^ , c.i cooditr n Ha- Cylinder .deal gift for him Chronicle Pub- -™ AXT . C>N FRUIT anna ^ ,rst ( hurch ■'-y-rr.v. so.«d heater, torsion-aire hshing Co. Stationery Depart- CAKE. Delivery after f\ C 1 r November 15. Contact KlfCS On Sunday For William T. Anderson ults ol two lie detector tests, which Sheriff C. W. Wier testified Boyette too* in Columbia at his '.i.>-en-non saaeious in:erior. Bar- ment. 109 Gary St .rur. r-nced for sale or ‘.rade MAW \j> Sales. Clinton tf Phone 74 Gallman High. The schedule of other home games includes Dec 9, Sanders; Jan. 4, Pendleton; 13, Ridge Hill; 16. Bryson; 18, l^exington; 24, GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALE NOW anyone can buy DIRECT from U. JS. OOVFRNMKNT SURPLUS DEPOTS, by hiail for yourself or for resale. Camera*, DROP IN and see our sew collec- ’ian of s.ft.- The Chronicle GIFT WRAPPING With RIB- ols . nrnxxr , BON and cards to match. Chron- L^iintOn tJijrPVv ClllD. FOR SALE — Practically new Smith-L'orona portable typewrit er. handsome carrying case. , „ . , . . _ K .„ tv„ Standard krvbaard 1 u “ lshins Co - 108 Gar 5-S 1 " anc tixture- Reasonable Mrs. C Y Winn. 3iH South Owens St.. Phone Sjyw 4c-D-22 Mrs. Dell Crews or any member of the opposition to just 82 points, low Lo - veUe ^ u woman subject to i Edgefield: 24, Saluda. PLASTI PAK. the modem reusable adhesive The Chronicle ELECTROLUX (R)—World’s only auiomatic cleaner Sales and Ser vice H L Baldwin. Bonded Rep resentative. Telephone 1797. tf SAS world-wide restaurant book The Chronicle. cook Chronicle. AZALEAS Camellias. Loquat. Magnolia. Pink. Dogwood. Gar- a^nia Pittosporum. Sassaoquas. A-.JOa Boxwood and Hollies in Mrieral varieties and sizes Tangle- *cK«d Farm. 2 miles north of Clin- > C Highway 308 phone U S A LONG WAY to Mrs Me tf Donald's (a transplanted Texan» tea cT^TbIxiIvS LargiTvariet>""to Mi ^> ur K Wh Y ^ aeiight any homemaker Famous j 0 r r ^ cl P es e Chronicle, recpies from all over, the United "’ate- Also foreign countries. Chronicle Publishing Co . Inc.. Stationery Department 109 Gary St Phone 74 FOR RENT r\in v orvc-r-c n iT and was a student at Lanier High r „,. ^ B< h k ! FC > K HENT—Several additional Snhool In Macon. Ga ire now collectors items. The newlv est defensive figure ol any other South Carolina college j Presbyterian w o n its game William Thomas "Billy" An- against Newberry on the extra . derson. 17. died Friday afternoon p 0 i n t conversion of freshman en 1 at an Anderson hospital after, Louis R idin g er . The Ho , eme:1 several months of illness | scored the first time they got A native of ( linton. he was a t h e j r hands on the ball, moving son of Mrs. Louise Bond Ander son and the late S. Paul Ander-1 crashing center for the remain son He was a member of the , m ^ vard midw . iv . f)1 the flrn ] drinkins First Baptist Church of Laurens ()Uarter July 15. Newberry scored in the second 1)e Put.v Sherift H. R Jones lieriod alter a tumble by PC's sa ' d t ^ le idlarre( l body was found Surviving are his mother. Mrs ] May had given the Indians the in the ^rwm at the front of 23-yard binotiultttv cam, truck*. IkwUi. hard- v urc. office machines and equipment, _ , „ _ , _ , tent*, tool* and tena-of-thousamis of other Taylors; 27. Swansea; Feb 6. ! items a* a fraction of their original coot. Many items brand new. For list of hun dreds of IT. S. docernment Surplus Depots, located in every State ami oversea* with pamphlet “How Government Can Ship Di rect To You." plus procedures. HOW TO BUY and how to set FRKF. SURPLUS, mail *2.00 to SURPLUS SALRS INFOR MATION SKRVICKS. Box 1X18. Waah. 18, D. C. drink ,ig bouia. Once, they said.! rhe coaches are Mr s Helen H. she s.iui up her own home, then' Isaac, girls, and W. E. Little, went to a nearby Negro home: ooy a. hut found no one there. All home games will be played Afterwards, she went to anoth- at 7:30 p m in the Bell Street er Negro house and hid in a barn, i High gym. ol fleers said. Sheriff Wier de- bribed her condition as ‘ men- F,NAL SETTLEMENT I tally off" whpn Hpnntioc Take notice that on the 30th I have been wonderfully blessed in .1 yards on ten p,ays. with H.U day of December. 1960, I will being able to return to active life This was on rend er a final account of my acts after suffering from head to foot and doings as Executrix of the with muscular soreness and pain, estate of C. A. and Mattie B.iMost all of joints seemed affected. Dickey in the office of the Judge I According to medical diagnosis, I ARTHRITIS? set up efficiency apart ments Reasonably priced Ev- Louise Bond Anderson of Clin-jfoali D n the Hose S of Probate of Laurens County, had Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheuma- at 3:30 o’clock p m., and on the | tism and Bursitis. For free infor- ery thing furnished Can be seen ton. three brothers. Samuel Paul; j.' u i]K a( ,i- RipharH n £ tr.mir mi a. Mo,el Clinton l„,u^ ,„ r Mrs Anderson. Jr., of Macon. Goodman at hotel desk *- * • — lc Louis Chari WEBSTER'S college dictionaries S3 00 The Chronicle Every one., living within a four] discharge from my trust as Ex- 7harles Anderson of the U vard D | unt? c h.it ih»^ mde rad * Us oi ihe Clinton square ecutrix. trailer" SPACE for rent. Phone S J*" l ' a ," An ,f" ; '<«»*• at a two-poin, conversion '?£'*'*' l ° ^ pers ? n 184 from 6:00 p m to 9:00 p m failo<1 and thereby sealed the fate line. 1 CASH PRICES FOR CONTEST same day will apply for a final mation write: MRS. LELA S. WIER 2805 Arbor Hills Drive-65B P. O. Box 2695 SECRETARIES & GENERAL OFFICE ASSISTANTS very much in demand in E-aanei-v Irdustrv and Gov ernment ENROLL NOW FOR SPECIAL CLASSES SECRETARIAL. liOOKKEEl'ING AM) ACCOUNTING TRAINING Classes Start Thurs., Dec-l, 1960 F - lul! information write: GREENWOOD COLLEGE OF COMMERCE 205 Textile Budding Greenwood. S. C. MOORE BILLING MACHINES in stock and will order. The Chron-' icle BETTER HOMES AND GARDEN M:- E E Cox 602 E Florida "ttesriSe^Va^^Ma^ 0 r ^ b f gan ? e Tw ° Operate decoraUn7°the -vree: tf c 'otlesvHie. \a . Miss Mary txiu field goal tries by Newberry later door west of Joanna Telephone Charles Henry. S Louis and Har ry W. Bond. OFFICE SUPPLIES CHRONICLE PUP.. CO. PHONE 74 wire. 1 roll, new W phone 3492 Joanna FOR SALE — Pony saddle. $125 00 H. 106 Airport Road Chisholm. 2384, Joanna tf ^ lp FOR RENT Private apartment. 3 bridle and r ' >orr '-' • n,i bath. Front and back en- u hr i? T S ’ W n yn r\ ROSSie ' and Kntries wil1 ** i ud R ed on only the Wilton King, all of Laurens; two decorations which can be seen grandchildrne. f rom t h e street by out of tQwn Funeral services were conduct-1 judges and the w inners announc ed at Kennedy Mortuary Sunday ed on December 15 at 2:00 p. m. by Rev. Grange Mrs. F S. Cothran. Burial was in Forest Lawn cemetery LOST & FOUND Mrs. Morgan A (aughman. t ’-ol R Ha St Phone 281- Dachshund dog Sunday in the Laurens Mrs Bobbie Jean (linton. SC - tfc North Creek area Answers to!^ banfder Morgan, wife of Pres 2p- L) -8 F()R b ENT -2 Nice three room FOR SALE—I lot. 19 miles out ^P^rtmont ne;ir college Reasonable. name "Ginger." Reward John Addison. 21 or 582. on Spartanburg road 131' front. 700' deep, Call Lawrence Lan- ford. 104-J after 4 00 p m. Ip Call 1712 ft Wasson - $asson I DCorporated Hickory TaVern •41 ; jyL. WELL BORING GEORGE E WASSON JAMBS D WASSON I * NOVTHS TO PAY TERMS Pbur»-« Laurens Rural 27810. 25 300 2MU5 or contact at Wasson Bra* Store at Hickory Tavern HELP WANTED NOTICE.—No bunting, fishing or trespa- «lng on any property of Thornwell Orphanage 4c-D-22 fkvR RENT—4-room house on Jo anna hgihway. Perry Moore. Phone 247 or 827 after 6 tf OPPORTUNITY for man or woman to earn $100 00 weekly- serving McNess customers in FOR RENT-Two-room fumish- this area We furnish capital^and ed apartment Private entrance train ~ P FOR RENT 1—4-room house 3—3-room houses H. I. PITTS Hampton Avr. V. Smith urges that everyone entering the contest please mail their entries to her, postmarked not later than mid night .December 5. The official entry blank is ap- pearing for the last time in The Call! ton Morgan, died early Monday ] Chronicle this week. Other 1*. morning in a local hospital after blanks may be obtained at the a three-month illness. local drug stores. She was a native of Greenville ■ County, the daughter of Mrs. I Myrtle Chambers Chandler and | the late William J. ChandJer. In addition to her husband and as Executrix of the estate of Daisy T. Jenkins in the office of the Judge SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS NEEDED For Dress Shirt and Blouse Production APPLY IN PERSON 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Monday Through Friday HALLMARK MANU FACTURING CORP. CLINTON, S. C. CLINTON GARDEN COUNCIL CHRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST Name Address Phone Commercial ( ) Fee $1.00 Residential ( ) Fee 50c Entry Deadline 12-5-60—Judging 12-12-60 Mail to Christmas Decoration Contest, care Mrs. F. V. Smith, 406 Elm St., Clinton, S. C. Phone 57 mother, surviving are two sis- iters, Mrs. Betty Jo Blackwell vjpijT PCTHTTP an ^ Miss Sylvia Cox. rfJuiUL Funeral services were conduct- — — cu aparimeni unvate entrance rain vou Car necessary Write and bath Gas heat Lights and O Box 343. Union. S C. 4pD22 hot water furnished 308 David- FORSALE son St.. Phone 406-J David- FOR SALE —7-room home, lp 24 baths and utility room in Col lege View Heights. Please contact sU ‘ r at 2:00 P m MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED Work m Civil Service No experr FOR RE NT-Refinished modern j F Jacqbs , phone 238 or 134. 4cD8 • necessary^ grammar school office or shop on ground floor at education usually sufficient Tram 102 w p iUs Street Excellent lo- FOR SALE :;i>w for permanent jobs with 4 *- ca t lon inquire at Sadler-Owens Attractive 5-room house in College curity Send name, address, phone pharmacy or Phone 228 5cD29 View Beautiful landscaped lot n resentative Call or write Mrs pairs or alterations you may Nine room home with 4 baths, ; France.- Hines. 129 LaSalle Ct., wa nt to make * Priced to sell, all conveniences, one of Clinton’s i Spartanburg. S .C . Telephone 58- -Not located on highway better homes. 36755 lc 16 acres about 3 miles south- Five room apartment located iikLp wanted—male 0* re.i‘£ 0 ' OiM0 ". ,ron ‘ businMS dis " ^ ^ i° r 215 acres on highway one mile Four room upstairs apartment .o i sr jt light truck needed to ser-, Cl ty limits, long road located on West Carolina Ave^ v.cc cuctomer- m dinton on estab- fron t , I Eight room house about 4 If you want to buy or sell see' miles from town Office space located on street floor in business section. C B. HOLLAND lished Watkins Route Bonus Plan Better than average income Old me e-tabkshed firm Write today, Wat- **, D t kins Products. Inc., Box 5071. Dept xlwl*l*lvNl^ S 3. Richmond. Virginia i FbMe 715, Night Phene 238 3p-N-n-34.D-8 s. c. Laurens Wo're Santa Claus Approved Something for every mem ber of the family... selected gift heme from the world’s foremoet manufacturers. NOW ie the time to buy. Cox Home & Auto Supply Customer Satisfactios Goaraateed 265 N. Broad St Clintoa SATURDAY University VS. Virgina AT 1:45 OVER WLBG-AM 860 OR YOUR DIAL