I / y- 16 ■ / ‘ s THE CLINTON CHROMCLb / Thursday. Nove«ber 17, I960 LYDIA MILLS MRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL, Correspondent. Representative TKLEPHONE 10R5 N Mrs Hunyan Whitmire of New berry, was a recent guest of Mr and Mrs 4 R E Whtinure \ S-Sgt Harold Snider of Tyndall VFB. Panama Pity,. Fla , sp«'nt the week-end with his mother. Mrs Roy Snider On Sunday Mrs Snider, Mrs Nell Mills. Miss Betty Jo «'hitwood. Buck Meeks and Donald Snider accompanied S^t ^Snider to \ugtista, Ga . when* he joined friends to return to Florida Mr and Mrs: Torn Kelly and (.aughter of Greenville, ware Sun day \ isitor> of Mr> Kelly’s aunt am! uncle, Mr and Mrs Harry Templeton ' s-Sgt and Mrs Ixmh Abercrom- l»ie and son of Myrtle Beach, spent the week end with their ivirents, Mr ami Mrs Henry Abercrombie ,'*i Mr' Rachel Moseley M.K'k Gaffney, a freshman at • 'lemson College, spent the wet*k end with his parent'. Mr and Mr- Charles Gaffney Mr and Mrs Clarence Re\i- bf ')s nanburg visited Mr and Mrs H \ Hughey and Mrs B C Revis si: inlay '!." Gloria Jackson visittsl with .rands at Fert Jackson. Colum bia Sunday Mi'S Kay Roberts was the waCk- t*np College..tRock Htll. spent the week-end with her parents. Mr and Mr< D H Roberts Miss Nancy I 'hnton of Clover and Winthrop. w as Mi" Roberts guest for the week end Mrs Kate Johnson of Bradford. Tenn . arrived here Monday for an txtended v is: with hi r son-in-law ami daughter Rev and Mrs M J Sanders Mr and Mr> Billy Willard were recent week-end gue-is of Mr and Mr- J C Lamb in Atlanta. Ga Mr and Mr- Pete Kelly and chil dren and Mrs Bessie Hinson of Gaffney, were Sunday guest- of Mr and Mrs Ike Jones Mrs Roy Snider. Mr< Nell Mills anu Donald Snider spent a recent -ve< k:end in Belton with Mrs J J snider. Mr and Mrs. C W Sirdtr Mr and Mr- William Stone and children of .Anderson, spent the week-end with the former s broth er Jjewis Stone, and Mrs St >ne Mr- F E Brown. Sr . and Mrs Boyd Grant of Newberry, visited Mrs Virginia Wilson and C J Blackwell last Thursday Mr and Mr- Frank Birchmorg and family spent the week-end with m.' mother .Mrs Ola Thompson, in i irungeburg. On Sunday they at tended a birthday dinner celebrat ing the mth birthday of their moth er and grandmother “Grandmam- my Smith. ' at the home of Mr Birchmore s s i s t e i Mrs Bud Blackwell Mr ami Mr- David H Roberts were among those attending the 39c FRESH MAID LIVER MUSH Lb. 19' 10 to 14 Lb. Average u*45c BLUE RINS0 Large Box LIMIT: I With $5.00 Or Mom Order SUNNY DAY ENRICHED EVAPORATED MILK LARGE CAN LIMIT li! Swift’s Premium Boneless Shoulder ROAST Lb. 69 Swift’s l*remium Boneless STEW Lb. 59< FRESH DRESSED DRESSED HENS u>. 39 TOWN HALL INSTANT COFFEE 6 OZ. JAR SAVE 16c MAYONNAISE BENNETTS PRIZE RECIPE SAVE 13c Limit 2, Please SUNNY DAY ENRICHED THIN SLICED BREAD V/i Lb. Loaf 19c Save Up to 9c BAMA GRAPE JAM 20 OZ. TUMBLER TASTE O' SEA FISH STICKS 8 Oz. Pktf. 2 for 53c iv; |'>V 'M 64 TRANSISTOR ROCKIT RADIO ■ b»«b» Now at your Top Value Redemption Store Wonderland ofGife ...all free for Top Value Stamps lUondcrlaiid on lev THURS., NOV. 17, ^ 7*3(‘ P.M., CHANNEL 4 SHORTENING BAKE RITE SUNNY DAY 3 LB. TIN CHOICE OF 1 WITH $5.00 OR MORE ORDER! SPARE TIME FROZEN TURKEY DINNERS SHRIMP A’HOY FROZEN BREADED SHRIMP * 16 Oz. Pkj?- COUNTESS FRUIT CAKE REGULAR 89c SIZE CAKE WHITE LILY Limit 1 With $5.00 Or More Orfer FLOUR 10 u>. 79 SONNY DIP ICE MILK Yz Gal 39