“i. — A Ortotor l 19M THE CLINTON CHRONICLE n Personal and Social News of Joanna MRS. HOMER JACKS, Cor respondent and Representative Pams* Mr and Mn G Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parish of Clinton, were Tuesday visitors of Mr and Mrs John Burnett. Sr Mr and Mrs William Kitchen and Joey of Newberry, were Sunday visitors in Joanna: Mr and Mrs. Herbert Lewis are spending a few days with the lat ter's mother. Mrs. Adair in Clarks ville, Ga., Mr and Mrs Raeford Smith in Atlanta, Ga. Miss Sandra Salters of Columbia, spent the week-end with her par- tnts, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Salters. * Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Moore, Man ning and Thomas, .were Sunday guests of Mr- and Mrs. Johnnie Moore Captain and Mrs Charles Gallo way of Augusta. Ga, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Flow. Mr. and Mrs. Hack Prater. Mrs. Belle Willingham spent the week-end in Greenville with her daughter. Mrs Cart Turner, and Mr. Turner Mis Edith Bouknight of Newber ry, was the week-end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Prater and Diane. Mrs. McNeil Trotter, Mrs. Eu- dean Bishop. Jamie and Billy, spent Sunday in Blacksburg with their mother. Mrs L. H. Rhinehart. Mr. and Mrs Bocbe Rhinehart. Misses Essie Mae and Elizabeth Dickey were Sunday visitors in Newberry with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Redenbaugh and family Among those from out of town at tending homecoming at the Baptist Church Sunday were: Mr and Mrs. Charlie B Dickey. Mrs Leila Tur ner. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bundrick and chikfcett of Greenville; Rev. and Mrs Jim McKittrick of the Bush River community A1C and Mrs Pete Sanders and children of Alexandria. La , are ex peeled to arrive here this week-end for a short visit with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs Jack Hunm- rutt. and other relatives. Sandy Templeton of Columbia, spent the week-end with his par eats. Mr and Mrs. Clfcby Temple ton Karen Gardner of Spartanburg. was a recent visitor of Mr. and > Mrs W K Warts Mr aid Mrs Bernard Nabors. Mr and Mrs C. H Salters. Kathy. Ihm and Betty Stroud were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrv William Tony in I'naon Mk and Mrs Earl Smealh and family spent the week-end with the latter's parents. Mr and Mrs. Ben Troupe in Bamberg Mr. and Mrs Freddie Adams of Greenwood, were week-end visitors of the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams Mr. and Mrs J W Akins and children of Concord. N. C.. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Bishop in Mbuntville, and Sunday afternoon visitors of his sister. Mrs. J. R Hall, in Jo anna. A group of members of the Sporteman's Club were visitors in Athens. Ga , on Saturday where they attended the University of South Carolina vs the Cniversiyt of Georgia football game. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucius Hill and son. Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs Robert Franzen of Columbia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Franzen. Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett. Jr., and son. Dennis Craig, were week end visitors in Atlanta. Ga., with the latter's mother. Mrs. Ina Mae Collins. Mr and Mrs Mike Minick They also attended the state fair Mrs Sadie Street of Greenwood, spent the week-end with her sist- r. Mrs. Johnnie Stroud, and Mr Stroud. Mr and Mrs BiU Poag of Greer, were Sunday guests of the L H Poags and attended homecoming at the Baptist Church Sunday after noon visitors of the Poags. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Cole. Sr. were Mr and Mrs Sam Strirktand Mr and Mrs John Gambrel] of Green wood Mrs. Bryce Little of Charlotte. N C., spent the week-end with her father and sister. John M Roa* and Mrs. Lavuua Cooley Dr and Mrs William J. Carter visited their daughter. Patnrta. at St Angela's Academy m .Aiken last Thursday Miss Pat Carr, a student at the University of South Carotma Co lumbia. spent the weekend with her parents. Mr and Mrs R G Carr Mr and Mr* C R Eale* and children are vuntng the latter s Mrs Frances Giles of Seneca, ■pent the week-end with Mrs W W Hair On Monday Mr and Mrs Olga Hair anid daughters. Nancy and Minam. were guests of the Hair family Mr and Mrs H M EUtoU spent the weekend m Georgetown with Mr and Mrs Calvin Elliott. Mr and Mrs Jim Mundy. Sur.day. dirfner guests of Mr and Mrs Cecil O'Dell were Mrs Bryce Little. Miss Brenda O'Dell and Jer ry Pitts of Charlotte. N C.. Mrs. j Lavinia Cooley and John M Ro-s Mrs John Burnett. Sr , attend ed the Nix family reum-*n on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newman ; Nix in Clinton Jimmie Templeton of Marion. N C.. spent Sunday with Mr* J D Dell FETED WITH SHOWER A group of friends served as host esses Saturday evening at the'Joan na club house with a miscellaneous shower honoring >irs. Mack Wil liams. a recent bride Around thirty ladies enjoyed games and contests, after which they were invited into dining room for refreshments A salad plate with party dainties, cake and tea was served buffet style The table was overlaid with an organdy cloth over green and centered with arangements of mix-) ed fall flowers in a crystal con tainer. The honoree wore a brown nun gled cotton fall dress She was pre sentcd a unique corsage by the I hostesses Mrs Williams was flowered with masy ..'fits for her new home Those attending from out of town included Mrs Sadie Street of Greenwood M-rs Sterling Pitts and daughter. Barbara, Mrs Annie Smith of Clinton. Mrs. Cleve Bran non of Chappells, and Mrs Connie Davis of Mountville FIRST PTA MEETING The first meet mg of the Joanna Parent-Teacher AsociaUoti for the new year was held Monday eve rung in the lunch room of the school In the absence of preaadrot Cecil Bishop Mn Cecil O Dell presided Chairman of the membership com mittec Mn Geneva Fiord an aounred plans for the mrmbersoip drive Included in the*e is a letter to hr sent to iarrnts of all enrolled pupil- The group voted to give a STS donation to the rLa*oruom» to be used a» nrressary The program was an informal reception for tie teactyrn and re newing old acquaintance* A from each room introduced their CERAMICS CLASS HAS TRIP teacher Refreshments of punch. | Seventeen todies, members of the and cookies were served from on ceramics class, with their inatnic appointed table by members of the tor. Mn Frances Warner, motored executive board Mrs Harold Mur to Charlotte. N C, Saturday by phy and Mrs Grange Sanders were foundation bus. driven by Harmon co-chairmen for the program Murrah. Jr . who is also a member Approximately 50 parents and of the class They were guests of friends attended the meeting the DH Mar Ceramics Studio ‘ of EIGHTH GRADE ELECTS Charlotte and enjoyed sightseeing OFFICERS and shbppmg at the Charlotte Mall The eighth grade of Joanna < > n, * r I** *• sponsored Mary Pearson Thompson Her bus- band. Ear Cooper, died m 1MB She was a member of Northside Baptist Church , Surviving are a -on. Horace Cooper of Simpsonville: dx daugh ters. Mrs Myrtle Shaw of Jackson ville, Fla.; Mrs Mary Snow. Mrs. Mildred Wofford and Mrs Betty Burke of Wattsville. Mrs Ruby Mahaffcy of Simpsonville. and Mrs Funeral services were conducted Wyladene Mobley of Greenwood Monday at 3 00 p m at C|#*r a brother, W W Thompson of Springs Baptist ( hurch by Rev Mauldin, a lister. Mrs Lora Rec- Claire Baker. Rev Carl Bmhnp and tor of Mauldin. 12 grandchildren Rev Roy Stockman Burial was m and four grejt-gr.indchildren the church cemetery schools, with Hack H Prater as homeroom teacher, elected class officers recently. Those chosen to serve the class are: President—Sue O’Dell Vice-Presidept—Andy Stroud by the Joanna Foundation ATTEND CONVENTION Mrs Carolyn flames. Mrs Mar- aret Morse. Mrs Madge Black- well and Mrs Gladys Barnes at tended a -beauticians convention Secretary - Treasurer — Ginger in Charlotte N C. several days Byars , thi> week IN ACCIDENT Wmi THE SICK , Inends of Mr and Mrs trank Mis- Dianne Prater is recuper- Phillips will regret to learn thev ating at her home following several were involved in an automobile ac- day., treatment at the local hos cident last Wednesday returning pjj a j > . from Charlotte, N. C. Mrs Phillips .. ... „ :. ' , was hospitalized throosh Irtda, at ^ ^ lrMt . Hays hospital to Utnton She * re m ., m ^ „ jul Co . cuperatmg at home on the Whit- mire highway. EPWORTH CHURCH TO HAVE HOMECOMING Next Sunday, October 9. Epworth Methodist Church will have the annual homecoming. All former pastors and families and members of the church are cordially invited to attend Guest speaker for the morning worship service will be the o . Re, Parr, *. Turnor£*■.*»«« ^ dlsclurwl friU have charfc of refresh *»> » ’ Mr * Lauren, ansi ments the daught. r the late H T and Mrs. EoH Cooper Lauren* — Mrs Neva Thompson LAURENS DRIVE-IN THEATRE WED.-THURS. OCT. -V« 2 \LL TIME (.RE \Ts PEYTON PLACE" l.ana Turner—Dane \ arvi Also On Same Program TOR Afro ROAD" Back to Thrill You — CARTOON ►u Xga*n r FRIDAY (HT. 7 “BCNDLE OF JOV" Debbie Reynolds—Eddie Either Eull Ofg Eun. laugh* and .songs SI25.W) CASH NIGHT CARTtKiNS SATURDAY OCT. H Giant liouble Eeature Program "SINK THE BISMARK” __ | h^CF “KINf; OF WILD STALLIONS” Starring (.eorge M«ntgomer\ (•tor — Scope CARTOONS SI N MON. n rs. CMT MMl I ir*l Drive In Run This Area "LIL ABNER** Thev're All Here In the < ft lush • FLESH Broad*a\ Musk al smash—N*w The Perfect Fnn and Mu*lc Movie. Thev Come Alive In THF< HNIt H.OR CARTOONS FOOTBALL On WLBG 860-0n Your Dial-860 FRIDAY, OCT. 7 Wofford vs. Newberry (2:15) Saturday, Oct. 8 Virginia At Clemson Game Time 1:45 All new_and here today! GIVE /' Jf 4 f MERCURY METEOR BOO and 800 series Priced right, in the heart of the low-price field HIGHLIGHTS •too. id. toe oowoe l,. * ! When you open your door to your neighbor who cc s on you on behalf of the COMMUNITY CHEST, give o thought Ic ad those for whom he or she speaks . . . the men, women and children of this community who so urgently need your help . .. Hie HI, the injured. Hie aged. Hie handicapped, the under- privHeged. Open the door of your heart to Hieir appeal and give generously to moke this o better place for Hiem .. . and / 'K foroll of us... to live! When you give Hie UNITED way, you give ONCE for ALL Hie important welfare activities of Hits community. You hove Hie definite assurance that your contribution will be used in such o way os to do Hie most good for the greatest number! mopi ckanato pro tobrtcotod tor Grot 10.000 Iron roomtor too* tot! Moro roor-wot UpTtolS* ^dtolto. ’t first **0” pto« no* V-O's that mm to 10% bottor p*ckop thon toft foor't briMtont cor wttb a ftoo-cor rido. Cxctosbro Covhtoo-Urtfc Mtspoottont 1960-1961 COMMUNITY CHEST Of Greater Clinton . OCTOBER 4-31 GOAL: $20,560.75 1961 MERCURY 1 PRICE COMPARISON CHART niKCS START HUNDREDS LESS THAN EAST TEA* 1. MERCURY METEOR BOO Priced right is the middle of the low-price field with sock ears aa Chevrolet Bel Air and t Plymouth Belvedere 2. MERCURY METEOR 800 Priced with the top series in the low-pnoe field with such cars as Chevrolet Impels and Plymouth Fury. 8. MERCURY MONTEREY, Finest, most luxurious of all 1961 Mercurys. HERE IS A NEW AND BETTER LOW-PRICE CAR -WITH A 12-MONTH OR 12,000-MILE WARRANTY You're looking at the newest car in the low-price field the Mercury Meteor. But the resemblance to other low-price cars ends with the price. COSTS LESS TO DRIVE I You save on upkeep. Your Mercury dealer is extending his warranty on all 1961 Mercurys to one full year or 12,000 miU», whichever comes first. See him for full information. He will be glad to show you a copy of his new warranty. You save oh gas. Mercury’s new, wider choice of engines and transmissions lets you tailor your new Meteor to your kind of driving. Choose super economy, super power, or any combination in between. And just think of these 7 other savings: A new pre-lubricated chassis lets you drive 30,000 miles before it needs another lubrication. A new-type oil filter lets you drive 4.000 miles between oil changes. Mufflers are aluminized for more than double the life. Brakes are self-adjusting. N’e^linc-Coated body panels protect your car from rust two or three times as long. Spark plugs are aeif- cleaning. save gas. A special Super-Enamel finafc never needs waxing. LOOKS BETTER. AND IS I The styling and size are completely new. Trimmer, easier to garage, far more agile. You get a de luxe intenor in every model at no extra cost. FEELS LIKE MORE! Here's the first low-price car to provide a true “tine-car feel." Not just shock absorbers and springs for your riding comfort, but a unique new system of rubber cushioning eidled <*ushion-Link suspension. It is exclusive on all Meteor 800’s, Montereya, and Mercury station wagons. No more bumps from tar strips and other road-surface irregularities. Don't miss the first showing! See your Mercury dealer now. Here, without question, is the newest and smartest buy in the low-price field. UNCOiM-MKNCUIW DIVISION. 1961 MERCURY the better low-price car WIN A NEW MERCURY OR COMET! 50 CARS GIVEN AWAY FREE! Enter the Mercury-Comet Sweepstakes. October 6 to 31. Easy to enter. See your Mercury Dealer now. . , SuDfOct to-state and local rogtoafeons BALDWIN MOTOR CO. • 11 NORTH BROAD ST. C LINTON. S. t