11 \ I nan** April 21, IMP THB CLINTON CHKONICLF ? ^^U^^^^XJJJPKO********************—»»****•»*»»»•*•*»•******** Personal and Social News of Joanna MRS. GEORGE METTS, Correspondent and Representative TelepkMM Jeeau HU 4 Mr. aad Mrs. Bea Weinberg and Missy, of Atlanta, spent the Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Garner spent Sunday with their son, Larry Garner, at Georgia Tech in Atlan ta. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cole and daughter, of Charleston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Char- lieCole. Mrs. Kate Easterlin and Kathy, of Greensboro, N. C., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carr. AEM-3 Tommy O’Shields, of San ford, Fla., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Sara 0’Shields. Mrs. W. W. Hair had as Sunday REVIVAL 4 April 24 Through May 8 T • HEAL: Charles A. Campbell Minister In Word and Song • Souls Saved • Bodies Healed • Prophet’s Ministry • Word Of God Preached Nightly 7 O’clock GOD IS STILL A MIRACLE WORKING GOD! James W. Cason, Minister JOANNA YOU ARE INVITED! visitors Mr.' and Mrs. Claude Gal- arneau and Suzanne, Mrs. F. B. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hair, of Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Hair, Nancy and Minim, of Green wood, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Nobles, Marcia and Mike, of Newberry, Mrs.. Fredna Little, Tommy and Scott, of Statesville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett, Mrs. Georgie Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kitchen and Joey, of NewWh-y, Mrs. Rosabelle Kitchen and Elaine Tankersley, of Whitmire, attended the Nix reunion at Greenwood Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Goodman and son and Miss Emma Lee Good man, of Greenwood, Mrs. Sallie Norris and John Butler, of Silver- street, Mrs. Ginny Hazel and chil dren were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chandler. Miss Dorothy Minick spent sever al days last week in Tampa, Fla. “Granny” Sanders, of Belmont, N. C., is visiting Mrs. Annie Mar tin and Mrs. Evelyn Davenport for several weeks. Mrs. Boyce Bowen Is spending several weeks with Mr. Bowen in Chicago. Mr. Bowen has accepted a position there. Mr. and Mrs. James Fulmer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elsies, Mrs. Virgie Gamer attended the funeral of Mr. Estes’ sister, Mrs. Mary Simon at Chester Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Hamilton, of Colum bia, spent Sunday with her father, H. P. Bragg. Miss Patricia Carter, of St. An gela's Academy, Aiken, and Bill Carter, of St. Charles College, Ca- tonsville, Md., spent the Blaster hol idays with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Craig and Miss Chrystelle Craig spent the week end in Greenville with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Craig. They also attended the sunrise service at Greenlawn Mem- odial Park. Mx. and Mrs. W. W. Niver, III, of Clinton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Niver, Jr. Mrs. Tommy Davis returned home Sunday after visiting in New York and Fort Dix, N. J., with Lt. Davis. Lt. Davis will leave shortly for a tour of duty in Germany. Mrs. Da vis will join him later. Mrs. C. W. Chandler and chil dren, Mrs. Sallie Norris visited Mrs. Alice Snider and Miss Nell Mills at Lydia Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Jackson and family, of Honea Path, spent Sun day with Mrs. L. J. Brock. Dennis Burnett spent Sunday night and Monday in Newberry with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Poag, of Greer, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Poag. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Nabors, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Nabors and chil dren visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nabors in Gray Court Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Waits, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nabors spent several days last week in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bragg, Lynn and Denise, of Aiken, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bragg. Miss Sylvia Metis spent Sunday night and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turner in Newberry. Mr. and Mrs. David Grogan, Lin da and Sherry, of Brockton, Mass., are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Poag and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Poag. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gardner, Karen and Wayne, of Spartanburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. VJaits, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gardner and other relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Boyce and Cherry, of Aiken, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mason Row land and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyce. Miss Jackie Hunnicutt spent the week-end with Miss Shirley Mor gan in the Bonds Cross Road com munity. Miss Pearl Arrowood spent Sun day in Clinton with Mrs. Lucille Lawson. SN Wayne Couch, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Crouch. Seaman Woodrow Alexander, of Little Creek, Va., is spending a 16- day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Alexander. Mrs. Emma Higginbotham is spending several weeks with her grandson, Bobby Pitts and family in Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. James Mundy and family, of Georgetown, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Barron O’ShieWs and Allen spent Sunday in Little Mountain with Mr and Mrs E. N. Son. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and chil Day O’Dell, Mn. Alma O’Dell, Miss Sue Walley, of Fort Mill; Jerry Pitts, of Clinton; Jimmy Templeton, of Marion, N. C.; Air. and Mrs. Cecil O'Dell, Jeff O’Dell, Miss Bren da O’Dell, Mrs. J. D. O’Dell, Mrs Roy Templeton and Bud O’Dell, of Joanna. STUDENTS HOME FOR SPRING HOLIDAYS The following college students spent the spring holidays at their homes: Miss Brenda Jane O'Dell, Miss Sue Boyce. Miss Elinor Niver, Miss Dixie Couch, all of Winthrop College, Rock Hill; Miss Marian Surratt, of Coker College, Harts- ville; Larry Murphy and Ronald Passmore, of Clemson; Tommy Frazier, of Spartanburg Junior Col lege; and Miss Patricia Carr and Johnny Lewis,’ of the University of South Carolina; Jimmy Farmer and Jerry Lewis, of Erskine Col lege. MR. METTS AND MRS. TURNER CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS George Metts and his sister, Mrs. Howard Turner, of Newberry, celebrated their birthdays with a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Metts. Their birthdays are April 15 and April 17 respectively. Mrs. Turner’s cake was white with yellow decorations and Mr. Metis’ cake was white with blue and yellow decorations. Those enjoying the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Turner and son, Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Metts and daughters. Sylvia, Kathy and Caro lyn. BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVER SARIES Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lee Swygert will celebrate their 15th wedding OFFICE SUPPLIES CHRONICLE PUBLLSHINOCO. Mrs. Abrams in keeping with the j were Mr. aad Mrs. Edward Wood occasion. and childrpn^ Newberry; Mr. and REVIVAL CENTER NEWS Mrs. Roy Sjpoe and family, of Sa- Richard Adams, faculty member luda; Mrs. James Bodie and son, of Presbyterian College, was the Joanna. Those calling in the aft- guest speaker at the Joanna Re- ernoon were Mr. and Mrs. Buddy vival Center on Easter Sunday. Mr. Seawright and Mike. Mr. and Mrs. Adams continued the morning and ^ a,ter Count and family, of New- evening worship services. Berry, and James Oscar Ruff, of Revival services will begin Sun- s P artanbur f>- day. April 24, at the Joanna Revival Center. The Rev. Charles Campbell of Charlotte, N. C., will be the visit ing minister. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Rev. James Cason is pastor of the church. W. S. C. S. MEETS Mrs. Lavinia Cooley presided over the April meeting of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service held last Tuesday evening aL Epworth Methodist Church. A number of bus iness items were discussed and va rious reports were given. Mrs. Mary Simpson presented the program entitled, “The Church's Missions In Town and Country.” Mrs. Pope Moates, Mrs. B. C. Flow and Mrs. Mildred Morgan served chicken salad sandwiches, cake squares and iced tea. MRS. SWYGERT HONORS MOTHER WITH DINNER Mrs. Perry Lee Swygert honored her mother, Mrs. Hermie Wood, with a birthday dinner Sunday at | the Swygert home. Those present WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES FOR EXPERIENCED PLUMBING AND HEATING CALL BENJAMIN PHONE 117 or 596 HICKORY CURED ... 7 Folks used to think rheumatism could be cured by carrying a hickory nut. Today, we laugh at these old wives' remedies. We have so many reliable, quick acting medicauons now Medical discoveries in recent years have eliminated or greatly eased untold pam and suffering But, remember—most medicines should be used only upon the advice of your physician. When you or a member of your family become ill, see your doctor first. Then come to us for the medicine he prescribes. ’ HOWARD’S PHARMACY PHONE 101 dren, of Rock Hill, spent jhe week anniversary April 21. end with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Swygert at tended a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Swy gert in Greenville Sunday. WITH THE SICK Mrs. Minnie Burnett is still con fined to her home with a foot ail ment Mrs. Doilie Carr is receiving treatment at Joanna Hospital. Mrs. Peggy Prince has returned home after being a patient at the local hospital. Miss Tricia Carter has been dis missed from Joanna Hospital after undergoing treatment. Stanley Bishop, of Newberry, re ceived treatment at Joanna Hos pital several days last week. Tammy Davenport is a medical patient at the local hospital. Mrs. Viola Wise was admitted to Joanna Hospital Monday for treatment. BIRTH .ANNOUNCEMENT NABORS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nabors, of Gray Court, announce the birth of a son. Rodney Adair, on April 13. Mr. Nabors is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Nabors. SPEND EASTER WITH MR ROSS Easter Sunday guests of Mr. J. M. Ross, Mrs. Lavinia Cooley and Mike Cooley were Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Ross, Pat Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Veraer Ross. Sonny. Mary Sue. Bob and Doug Ross, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Miller, of Greenville; Lt. Col. and Mrs. Fred L. Ross. Fredna, Elaine and A1 Little, of Charlotte, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hair, of Colum bia; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie V. Ver- ner, of Piedmont; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Norris celebrated a birth day on April 16. H G. Murrah, Jr., observed birthday on April 16. Kenneth Arrowood will celebrate his first birthday on April 30. Miss Vivian Whelchel celebrated her 14th birthday on April 14. Miss Jackie Hunnicutt will ob serve her 15th birthday on April 23. Mrs. J. J. Abrams' birthday was on April 19. BEGLNNER CLASSES HAVE EGG HUNT The four and five year Beginner classes of Epworth Church School - njoyed an Easter egg hunt on the lawn of the church Saturday after noon. The teachers, Mrs. Algie Abrams and Mrs. Herbert Lewis, hid the eggs and directed the games for the young folks. Virgil Living ston found the prize egg and was awarded a prize. Later in the aft ernoon ice cream cones and cookies were served and Easter baskets filled with candy eggs were given each child as favors. MRS. ABRAMS IS HONORED Mrs. J. J. Abrams was honored with a birthday dinner Sunday at the Joanna Picnic Shelter. Those enjoying the bountiful dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanby, of Foun tain Inn; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kay, of Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kay and children, of Columbia; Miss Doris Abrams, of Greenville; Miss Dorothy Wicker, of Newber ry; Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Bickley, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Abrams. Linda and Jim. Mr. and mK. Algie Abrams. Adgie and MarthaT Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Abrams, Joe and Jan, and Bruce Abrams. Many lovdy gifts were given to S~ Tkt Dinah Skor$ Ckery Shtnc in color Sundays, NBC-TV-Ou Pat Boone Chewy Showroom \ i ABC-1 r < CORVAIR BY CHEVROLET DRIVE IT! GET OUR DEAL!!!! See your local A pair of Corvairs recently recorded 27.03 and 26.21 miles per gallon in the 2,061.4-mile Mobilgas Economy Run. That’s certified proof that Corvair skimps on gas costs. It saves other ways, too. Corvair is the only U. S. compact car that never needs antifreeze or costly radiator repairs. Come in and drive the compact car that outdoes them all. Things Corvair gives you that America’s other compact cars can’t: fun are fxnect. of drivi Practically flat floor ... real foot room for the man in the middle. Paid dawn roar scat give* 17.6 eu. ft. of extra storage space. Four-whool indopandont inspimlasi for a smoother, flatter ride. Roar-onglno traction ... that corner with the engine's Weight bearing down on the rear wheels. You probably realise already that the mile age figures Corvairs recorded in the Mobil gas Kuo are higher than the average driver can expect. But because the cars met every kind of driving condition—rugged niountaio grades, king country straightaways, congest ed city traffic—those mileage figures prove Corvair’* inherent ability to save. Oper ating costa take a noae dive the day you take delivery of a Corvair. twnd »«— authorized Chevrolet dealer for fast delivery, favorable deals PLAXICO CHEVROLET, Inc Community Cash sparkling clean, pleasant to shop food stores Swift’s Premium Boneless“^houlder BEEF ROAST lb. 79c Fresh GROUND BEEF lb. 49c Swift's Premium Boneless STEW BEEF lb. 63c Dreher’s 12 Oz. Pkg. FRANKS _ _ 39c SUGAR 5 LB. BAG LIMIT: 1 With $5.00 or More Order! SUNNY DAY SWIFT PREMIUM CHUCK ROAST _____ 1 —* ——r- * u, 40c Chuck Roast OLEO DUKE’S Mayonnaise QUART LIMIT: 1 With $5.00 or More Order! Shrimp Ahov BREADED SHRIMP 10 Oz. Pkg. 39c Iteerfield Fresh Frozen CUT CORN 32 Oz. Pkg. 65c Deerfield Crinkle CUT POTATOES X Oz. I’kiz. 49c 2 Lb 2/ (Ejggfl Blocks 7c Sunnv Dav BLEACH Qt. 10c lllue RINSO 4 Lge. Boxes S1.00 LEMONS Doz ; 29c POLE V BEANS Lb IQ. TOWN HALL 4 Oz. Pkg. Libb> Potted SUNNY DAY 3* EVAPORATED MILK MEAT Juiced Right Orange DRINK /.coi 29c Hama PeanuJ 1*2 Oz. Jar 300 WEST MAIN STREET CLINTON TELEPHONE 20 BUTTER Sunit> Day ICE MILK * Gai 39c