\ ;v . Thursday, December 22, 19 ID THE CLINTON CHRONICLE ✓ Page Five CREDITORS’ NOTICE All persons having claims against the estate of Rufus Earle Sadler, de ceased, are hereby notified to file the same, duly verified, with the under signed, and those indebted to said, estate will please make payment | likewise. , JULIA OWENS SADLER, i Executrix. Dec. 2, 194fl. , 22-3cw! FINAL SETTLEMENT Take notice that on the 27th day of December, 1949, we will render a final account of our acts and doings as Administrators. D. B. N. C. T. A. of the estate of John H. Pitts in the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens County, at 10 o’clock aun., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from our trust as Administrators D. B. N. C. T. A. Any person indebted to said estate :p notified and required to make pay ment on or before that date; and all pewons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven, or be forever barred. DAVID T. PITTS and JOHN HENDERSON PITTS, Admniatrators DB.N.C.TA. Nov. 23, 1949. 22-4cw FINAL SETTLEMENT Take notice that on the 27th day of December, 1949, we will render a final account of our acts and doings as Administrators of the estate of Janie Copeland Pitts in the office of •.he Judge of Probate of Laurens County, at 10 o’clock a.m., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from our trust as Admin istrators. Any person indebted to said estate is notified and required to make pay ment on or before that date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven, or be forever barred. DAVID T. PITTS and JOHN HENDERSON PITTS, Administrators. Nov. 23, 1949. 22-4cw There is an old tale which becomes apropos chiefly at the Christmas time. An agnostic-a disbeliever in God—made this offer to a pine- year old: “I will give you an orange if you will tell me where God is.” The youngster was equal to the challenge. *T will give you two oranges,” he said, “if you will tell me where He is not.” Many great men have cbrays felt the spirituality of Christmas, and some have managed to put it into words. For instance, when Woodrow Wilson was asked to prove the greatness of Christianity, whose founder was the Christ-child, he said simply, “Try it.” Cardinal Spellman had a Christmas gift for the mind when he said: “The joy of Christmas is a joy that war cannot kill, for it is a joy of the soul, and the soul cannot die. Poverty cannot prevent the joy of Christmas, for it is a joy no earthly wealth can give. Time cannot wither Christmas, for it belongs to eternity. Hie world can not shatter it, for it is a union with Him who has overcome the world.” The late Franklin D. Rnosevelt once illustrated the spirit of Ch cd with this story: “A thief broke into the home of a priest and stole his purse. T1 at night the priest wro e in his diary: ‘Let me be thankful. First i ;h r* I was never robbed before. Second because although he Ual; r iy purse he never took my life. Third because although he t- ' nM I hud it was not much. And fourth because it was he who ' \ and no’ I’.” Gray Funeral Home Clin ten, 8. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ..and^. EMBALMERS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones 41 and S99-J L. RUSSELL GRAY and V. PARKS AD MR. Gen. Mgr*. ———>BIMWIillMM—W«R«n COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD WIRING Electric*! Appliance Repairing and Electrical Construction Work Floor Plugs A Specialty ARNOLD M. CANNON 406 W. Maple St. Tel. 312-XJ HOPE THAT SUSTAINS THE WORLD ... If there is anything more touching and inspiring than the sight of a little boy or girl waiting patiently for the arrival of his beloved Santa Claus, the world has yet to produce it. With boundless hope, after hanging up his stocking, he finally goes to bed, knowing as sorely as he knows his own mother and father, that the Glftbringer will have been there when he awakens. FOR QUICK PLUMBING REPAIRS CALL TELEPHONE 117 Benjamin & Sons Expert Workmanship CRANE Quality Materials i ■•■■■NMiaMag YOUR ICAR SICK? 1 i ^ i l | WE 0 WELCOME ■ a Chance % TO SERVE ^ ♦«». YOt/f^mS COOPER MOTOR CO. PhoM SIS ■v 0 West Main Street WE DO ALL KINDS OF PRINTING —EXCtPT SAD CHRONICLE PUflLISmvc. CO T IKE Santa’s pack, your stock of " holiday goodies should be plenti ful and interesting. Since callers will be as much present as holly and gifts during the holidays, do your baking of cakes and cookies, so your cupboard will be re. dy for any who might drop in. Home-made delicacies served during Christmas a'nd New Year's are as heart-warming as the sound of the yule-log crackling on the hearth. If you have a fruit cake, a variety of cookies and perhaps a few candies, and if you serve these with a festive beverage, you will have gone a long way in spelling holiday cheer to those who come to say “Merry Christmas” at your home. Here is a simple type fruit cake which does not need the aging that a traditional cake requires. The' recipe makes two 9x4x3 inch loaves and is the perfect answer as to what should be served during the holidays: Raisin Fruit Cake (Makes 2 loaves) 4 cups seeded raisins 2 tablespoons grated lemon rind 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon allspice *2 I i cups liquid V,'i cups chopped nutmeats 4 cups sifted cake flour 5 teaspoous double acting baking powder 2 teaspoons salt 14 cups sugar ' #4 cup butter or shortening 2 eggs, well beaten > 2 teaspoons vanilla Combine raisins, lemon rind, spices and water in a saucepan.' Cover and simmer s»ently for eight minutes. Drain, pressing out as much liquid as possible. Measure liquid and add water or co f fee to make one and t ne-half cups and reserve. Grind raisins with nut- rreats. Sift flour once, measure and add baking powder, salt and sugar; sift three times. Cream butter thorough ly. and add flour mixture, eggs, vanilla and reserved liquid., Stir until all flour is dc-ripened. Beat vigorously for two minutes. Add raisin-nut mixture and mix thor oughly. Turn into two 9x4x3 inch loaf pans which have been greased, lined with brown paper and then .ceased again. Bake in a moderate • 150“ > oven for one hour and II minutes, or until done. Let stand five minutes on cake rack, then re move from pan, leaving paper at tached until ready to serve. Cool. Wrap in a clean cloth and store in tin container to keep moist. •The liquid may be water or left over coffee. Kris Kringle cookies are a tasty concoction of dates and nuts. If stored in a tightly covered contain er, they Will keep moist for several days: Kris Kringle Cookies (Makes 31 balls) I cup butter oeokie crumbs 4 teaspoon salt ■a teaspoon baking powder 4 cup sifted all-pnrpoee flour 1 cup finely chopped, pitted dates 1 cup bT\ck walnuts, chopped 4 cup sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 cup confectioners’ sugar Combine cookie crumbs, salt, baking powder and flour. Add dates and nuts. Add sugar gradually to RAISIN FRUIT CAKE /or 0 spicy b olid my beaten eggs. Blend in cookie crumb mixture and vanilla. Bake in a greased . and floured nine-inch square pan and bake in a slow (325*) oven for 30 minutes.’ While still wgrm, cut into 30 squares. Roll each squhre into a ball, turning the top, crusty portion inwards as you roll. Place confectioners’ sugar in a bag. Shake the balls in the sugar to coat ovenly. The post year wos a very pleasant one < for us and we sincerely appreciate oil you hove done to moke it so. r. - * May your every wish be fulfilled to complete your happiness on this gkxJ occasion, that's our Christmas wish for you and yours. Greenwood Coca-Cola . f . f Bottling Company We Mte to look bock over the post twelve months on Christmas morning It seems to accentuate the passing of another year, a year of work mode a pleasure by associating with and serving people like you. We of this organization wish you a genuine Greeting of Cheer for the holidays. J: EDERAL SAVINGS [AND loan asiociation