I'r » I 4 r"i ♦ .< y ! * Two TOE CLINTON ClOONiCLB ThiindAy, NoreMbcr 10, Qeste Andebdank... ^luiSridcuf,, fynidcuf, and Saturday SHOPPORTUNITY DAYS! SALE! Coats and Dresses 20% to 40% OFF Women’s Coats Regular 40.00 29.00 —100% all wool —Newest fall colors —Many styles and fabrics —Sizes 8 to 18 New Fall DRESSES 6.00 —nationally advertised —Sizes 9 to 15 # 10 to 20 CHICKEN FEATHER Pill ows 1.00 each -Standard size -8 oz. stripe ticking -Limited quantity -Reg. 2.29 v. ,A f A . - S f _ - * , •• -**' ' * ' y- ' SOLID BRASS Table Lamps Complete with shade 4.95 —22" tall —3-way socket —Reg. 6.95 . PERMANENT FINISH > w ' n SI , t- ^ ^ • V ” ij i fx/ ■*/* - *A t i' Ski* tte/S/A Y. Sa&M Organdy Curtains 3.00 -2V2 yds. long, snow white -84 ## to 90' 1 wide each pair -Regular 5.95 QUILTED Mattress Pads 2.98 Singles and doubles First Quality NYLON HOSE 51 Gauge, 15 Denier 1.00 —Dapperette Nylons •—i —Colors: Teal, Cobra, Spicey —Sizes 8!/ 2 to lOVi Lovable Bras 1.00 —Perfect fitting —White only —Sizes 32 to 38, A to B Sale! 250 Pairs RAYON PANTIES 2 pair for 1.00 -First quality -Two styles -White only -Sizes 5 to 8 LACE-TRIMMED Rayon SLIPS . . . I.98 —Sizes 32 to 42 —White only Coro’ Boxed JEWELRY 1.00 -Rhinestones, pearls -Pins, earrings, bracelets Plus tax —Beautifully boxed —Ideal for gifts SPECIAL PURCHASE Hammered ALUMINUM TRAYS 1.00 Assorted styles — Ideal for gifts j Large' Bath Towels You Can’t Beat Value 30c