Thursday, November 10, 1949 THE CUNTON CHRONICLE / Page Three WEST CIINTOK SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS MRS. JOE CAMPBELL, Correspondent and Representative as who was celebrating a birthday. Each one.present remembered him! with a gift. Harry Sparks of Greenwood spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heaton, Sr. and son, Carl, Jr., Mrs. Quillen Ginn and daughter, Peggy, were visitors in Greenville Saturday. Miss Marie Weir and William Weir visited Mrs. Wilbur Weir who is a patient in the General hospital in Greenville, Monday. J. J. McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foster and children, visited Mrs. Fos-i Birthdays Sandra Rice wil Ibe 5 years old November 10. Charles O. Sipes, Sr., has a birth- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jones of Burling ton, Vermont, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Adams on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Knox visited' day November 17. Charles Sipes, Jr. Mrs. Knox’s brother, W. T Turner ! wil l celebrate his .birthday, Nov. 28. who is ill in Williamston Sunday. ! Delma Hardman will be 8 years j old tomorrow. Among The Sick j Janice Caughman celebrated her Nancy Ann Leopard is recuperating 3rd birthday, November 8. after a tonsilectomy at Blalock clin-i Saturday is, Jimmy Hughes’ birth- ic last Saturday. > day. B. B. Neal has been ill several: Carolyn Dunaway had a birthday weeks. • t November 6. , Friends of Mrs. Winnie Barnette Carrol Barker will celebrate his ter s father, I. M. Burton who is in j are sorry to know she is a patient 3rd birthday November 12. the St. Francis hospital in Greenville, I in Hays hospital. 1 November was Richard Foster’s Sunday. | Mrs. Jesse Samples is improving 1 birthday. Little Johnnie Weir of GreenvilLe| after being ill with flu. 1 Richard Watts celebrated his birth-j is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and | Little Mary Anne Heaton is im-! day November 5 and Mrs. Watts had Mrs. J. T. Weir. , i proving after being ill. , a birthday November 6. Mrs. M. T. Ficklin is visiting rela- Mrs. Grady Smith is recuperating Pete Barker will have a birthday tives in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Snelgrove spent j Clinic last week. Saturday with relatives in Saluda from an operation at the Blalock November 28. Tomorrow’s birthdays include: Mrs. M. T. Ficklin and Mrs. Joe Campbell. Thomas—Wright Mrs. H. D. Thomas announces the Miss Sara Boyce, of Aiken, spent' W. M. S. Meets ^«r ee k*f n £ ^ er parents ’ Mr.j The Woman’s Missionary Society, and Mrs. J. C. Boyce of Calvary Baptist church held its Mr. and Mrs. Esters Campbell,' re g u i ar mont h]y mee ti n g at t he home # u ^ « i Mrs. A. F. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. '^Mrs. J. P. Toms Monday evening ™ rr 'f* e he J t da , Ug T hter ’ Helen ’ t0 Grange Campbell were visitors in with a i a{ frnumber present. i Bo ^ tlaS ng ° f Laur f ns . , Greenville Monday. | The | ram chairn ? an , Mrs . Al-i /he ceremony was performed by Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kirby and vin Trammell, had charge of the lth ^ R h ev ’ h Rous 5’ P astor ° f ^ BecJry. Mrs. Bobby Hamrick j»nd; program . T he meeting was opened Ust chur J h in Laurens Saturda y* N °- with all singing "What A Friend We!' 6 !?^ • jj- „ u u, Have in Jesu,” "Chmt The Ana- /“l ,1" ^ wer For Moslem Land", was the top- strMt " n " ;h drMS wl,h b,acl< acces - ic. Mrs. Trammell gave a talk on “What Are Moslem Lands” as maps _ „ were passed marked around the Lydra spent Sunday with Mr. and reach of Moslem power. Mrs. Ma- ^ VnTMr. iT^Uclaw and XT' 1°’ daughter of Greer were Sunday f others takina a oart on the P res « nt w,th Mr Wrights par- Jtierta ot Mr Holtacl.W. mother. ^ pr0 ,r,m "er. Me"dam« A W !?"»• Wrl « hl *“ Mr*. Ada Center. Ridding. Ralph Riddle, R. T. Tram- Mrs. Cecil Spurlock of Rock Hill me jj an d ^ Bagwell, spent several days recently with Mrs r B Amick. president, pre children visited in Simpsonville, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Reece of Langley spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Sexton. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Longshore of ories, with a shoulder corsage of pink rose buds. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for a wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs Marcell Barker. sided over the business session. The Gan * le 3 r roll was called and minutes read by Fie.d, Va., is visiting her mother. the secretary, Mrs Grady Smith. Mr* Mary Passmore and other rela- Committees were appointed to . .. _ . _ ^ .'plan a Christmas party and banquet Mr and Mrs_ Rufus Satterfield of for the mem bers and their husbands . ^ Lauren* spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr# Am|fk %MVt a report t0 society . L t ^ ' stating the W M S had been plac- CpL Jack Caughman of Fort D»x ^ on lhe A _, IUt for the y „ r N J^ is spending a 15 day furlough Meeting was closed with prayer by with his parents. Mr and Mrs W Mr# H Caughman Junior Missionary Society Has Meeting The Junior Missionary Society ot, Bailey Memorial church met at the home of Pat*y Cunningham. Nov lat The devotional was led by Carrie Dunaway followed by a prayer by M | The hostesses Mesdames. Toms R L Yarborough served a sal- The business was then discussed at which time plana were made to help Rev J. H Holland in getting ready for the use of the new flan nel-graph board, to be used in the 6 L !*5S- “ r „* n i 5< " Tom '‘"IllaVurli wnh row of Charlotte N C. spent the'w^. o,... After the business th week-end. with Mr. and Mrs Ji *****— . _ _ „ J Rebecca Anne Kirby Mr and Mrs E. B Norton and the group Join ed in singing happy birthday to Miaa Corrie Dunaway who was celebrat- i mg her birthday Mrs Alice Kinard recently visited i, ** tMra *f * f ^ rno ®*' Refreshmeni. were served by the Mr and Mrs F-ed Rodeisperger in ut 'J* ^ ,irU * hostess and the girU all )oined her Newberry. the home of Rebecca Anne lf| p^rt^aing of her birthday cake Mr and Mrs Coley Campbell. Mr whj WM celebrating her 3rd p rei#n!e< | her Friendship Pat, and Mrs Cleveland Campbell, and h* 1 ^**. .k* .ue,!* Mr * MurTa,r Adams E J Campbell were visitors in >ir * Kl,bjr w *‘ co,n#d tfve * ue * u ♦ ■■ ■ at the door and interUined in a MeeStog HeM number of games Bailey Meosartal Mlsaieoary Soeiety , , . Later in the e' the hostess The Bailey Memorial Missionary visited Mr and Mrs Grange Camp- * rr ' e<1 J*®* thocolate and cookies Re- Society met November T In the home bet: Sunday. ; hec«g Anne received a number of Mareelie Barker. Mr and Mrs Ceroid Hionphey of ‘ m ' ful i,fu The meeting was called to seder Joanna, visited Mrs Lillie Mae Mills. by the president. Mrs John Holland Greenville. Sunday S-Sgt and Mrs Charles Garrett and son. Chuckle of Fort Jackson. Birlkda* Dinner The theme song "Jesus Calls Us** SMMf. Mrs Charlie Barker and daughter i Miss Nellie Osborne entertained at «rsi sung and Desrey Osner and Jimmy Sut- * dinner on Sunday in honor of he* The devotional was given by Mrs. tie . isited relatives in Laurens Sun- father. J r. Osborne Devid Word. followed by a Thanks- day. There were thirty present Mrs gtvtng prayer offered by Mrs Mar• Mr and Mrs Troy Phillips and Abbie Rhodes and family, of Angus- c# ite Barker Mrs Eland Harris daughter of Williamston. visited Mr O* • out-of-town guests for -••d a poem entitled "The Pilgrim Fathers'' A Thanksgiving story was given by Mrs John Holland The order of business was then taken and plans for gifts to those living at the County Home were dis cussed P'ans were also discussed and Mrs R C Osner. Sunday. *he occasion Mr. and Mrs John L Ivey andi Mr Osborne was celebrating hL daughter of Laurens, visited Mr birthday. and Mrs J Brevard. Sunday. _ „ Mr. and Mrs George Leopard of near Saluda spent the week-end with On Sunday the immediate familiei Mr and Mrs Hubert Leopard of Mr. and Mrs. Ott Thomas gath- for the Society's Christmas program Mr. and Mrs. P D Watkins and ered at their home for a surprise to be held at the home of Mrs Joe Mrs. Eursula McCoy of Greenwood, birthday dinner, honoring Mr Thom- Terry. ■i .— n m II. — At thu meeting the secret of who , has been our ' Bib Sifter'* for the • year will be revealed Refreshments confiding of s salad 'course and sandwiches were served I to tnose present by the hostess, as- , sisted by Mrs Cecil Spurlock Attended Methodist Conference Lay delegates elected by the I church were Murray Adams. Dan Dunaway Others attending were ! Mrs Murray Adams. Mrs David ; Word. Mus Mane Weir. Richard 1 Dunaway. Linda Dunaway, J. E Holland. William Campbell and Rev. ^ John H Holland. Rev John Holland Returned To Pastorate Here At the meeting of the Conference of the Southern Methodist Church in South Carolina, convening in the Ma ple Street Southern Methodist [ chprch in Columbia, during the past week. Rev. John H Holland was re- ! turned to the Bailey Memorial I church for another year. All the regular services of the 1 church will be held next Sunday, November 13th; Sunday School at 10 a. m. with a class for all ages; j Morning worship at 11 a. m., at which time, at the close of the ser vice, the teachers and officers of the Sunday School, the officers of the Missionary Society, and of the Ep-; worth League, and Stewards of the 1 church will be installed in their re spective offices. All officers of ev ery organization of the church are asked to/ be present. The Epworth League will meet at the usual time, 6 p. m. with a pro gram for the young people. Biblical lesson will be brought with the help of the newr_Flanner-graph board. The service at 7 p. m. will be Evan gelistic in character, with the min ister bringing the message. Special, music will be rendered. 1 All members and friends of the church are given a special invitation 1 to be present at all services next Sunday, in order that the attendance on the first Suriday of the new Con ference year will reach f he high mTirk "Thera's lots more to tell you... but someone else may want to use the PARTY LINE" It’s thoughtfulness like this that makes your party line neighbors thoughtful of you. It allows others to call and frees the line for incoming calls. ' . - • 1 MANY of our customers desire different types of service which are not generally available ^ now—such as individual line or hvo-party line service. We have a record of all such applica tions and we're working hard to provide the cables and central office equipment necessary to furnish the desired service as soon as possible. •OUTRUN MU TI1IPHONI AND TIUORAPN COMPANY SUBSCRIBE TO IHe CHRONICL* "Thw P»n*r Fvervhod* Fesd*" -Wu want, to'show you what we have done to ffive you the service you deserve HERE'S AN INVITATION TO OI R Open House DIXIE-HOME Stores Warehouse SUPER HIGHWAY GREENVILLE, S. C. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 10:00 A. M. — 9:00 P. M. Buffet Lunch Will Be Served to Guests If you are unable to attend our OPEN HOUSE, you are cordially invited to visit us when vou are in Greenville. DCTKA VAUIt PURE LARD 4 lb. otn. 57o SHORTENING Swift Jewel 4 lb. eln. 79c Smoked HAMS Saall Sizes, 12 to H lb. ivfc WHOLE •r eithei HALF PORK LOW SALE Ceater Loii Chops... lb. 59e Economy Chops .... Ih. 45c Center Rib Chops ... Ih. 55c Loin End Hoist .... Ih. 45c lib End Roast lb. 43c FRESH SEA FOCI MARYLAND OYSTERS Mod. For Stewing pt. 69c SwWct Foe Frying pt. 79c PtESH GftllN SHRIMP Medium Ih. 49c Jumbo lb. 73c 12 Ounce Jm Peanut BuRsr 35c Krtm* I Lb eve Crackers . . 25c 04 In lUg Fir Bars ... 21c f ALIfOaM* SARDINES NO I TALI Fan 2 for 25c Snowdrift .. 87c No I Cm Dor Food 2 for 25c Pwrann Colored 10 O* Pig. Marshmallows 19c ALASKA VERI - BEST PRODUCE U.S. Ho. 11RISH POTATOES IQ Ponnds 39c CRISP Green Cabbage .. 2 lbs. 13c CALIFORNIA RED Emperor Grapes . 2 lbs. 21c EXTRA FANCY WESTERN Delicious Apples . 3 lbs. 33c SOUND HONDURAS Cocoanuts .... 2 lbs. 17c FRESH TENDER Green Beans..... 2 lbs. 25c FRESH RED Cranberries 1 lb. cello bg. 23c JUICY FLORIDA Oranges.. 8 lb. mesh bg. 43c l Jim Dandy WHITE GRITS 5lb.bag 32c PINK SALMON TALL CAN 39c For Better Cooking Pint Houle Wesson Oil .. 34c Sanbnte Can Cleaner. 2for 15c Gold Medal Macaroni or 2 8 Oz. Pkg. Spaghetti . . 23c FOR PERFECT BAKING Dixie-Home Flour 25 Ox Bag Plain or Scliruing 1.93 / G I 60 Wan Light Bnlhs . 13c G I 73 A 100 Wan Light Bulbs . 17c 14 Ounce Bottles TOMATO CATSUP .. 2for 31c Whit# House • 38 Ounce J5r APPLE BUTTER 25c Ocean Spray No 300 Can CRANBERRY SAUCE . .. 17c Hunts