The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, December 23, 1948, Image 11

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Thursdoy, December 23, 1948 THE CLINTON, CHRONICLf J: Page Three & Thank the early American Puri tan pi6nccrs for your Christmas ^7? turkey and cranberries. It was they w ho discovered what could be done to nice, fat turkey and December 25th feast. Since then turkey and cranberries have been the basis of the American Christ- . ' *4 mas dinner. Santa Claus, holly, mistletoe and the custom of giving gifts were also .brought from the Puritan homeland. Christmas dirtner tables arc load ed with food • and old supersti tions, coo. Ii a guest refuses mince pic, there's bad luck in store for / him, eat apples at midnight for good health, be sure to have plum ^ pudding lest you lose a friend V during the year. The feeding of % animals, sending cards, singing carols and paying Christmas gifts are all in superstitious tradition of things to do for good lutk. t — r— PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS OF JOANNA MRS. CECIL O’DELL, Correspondent and Representative MERRY CHRISTMAS ' the members exchanged gifts. MERRY CHRISTM1AS to all friends Novel refreshments were served, end readers of my Joanna news. -Mrs. Cecil O’Dell, Cor. Enjoy Christmas Party On Friday evening 26 Intermediate Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Stroud and 1 boys and girls enjoyed a Christmas children visited the latter’s parents, party at the church. Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Dennis, in Pros- Murphy and Louis Murphy, teachers, perity on Sundry. i were presented gifts by the classes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fields of; During the social hour the mem- Batesburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. bers exchanged gifts among them- Louie Prater Sunday. \ selves. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Weir were. Refreshments were served. week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 r ” ^ A. M. Crocker in 'Whitmire. ChrLstmas Party Enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Folk and son Members of the Woman’s^ Society are spending the holidays with rela- of Christian Service and the ladies tives in Belton and Woodruff. 1 Ever-Ready club of the Methodist Miss Brenda O’Dell spent a few church had their annual Christmas days this week with Mr. and Mrs. party last Tuesday evening. W. E. Holsonback in Newberry. | The program chairman from each R. L. Francis is spending the holidays in Chicago with his daugh ter, Mrs. George Vasen, and Mr. Vasen division presented an inspiring pro gram centered around the Nativity with music and candlelight. Immediately following, the mem- Mr .and Mrs. W. W. Niver, Jr., and i jj ers gathered in the assembly room family are visiting relatives neai j w h ere it was appropriately decorated Conway this week. I w jth the Christmas colors of red and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Delaney and i an{ j traditional Christmas tree. ; daughters are in Miami, Fla., for recreational committee had the week. j charge of the entertainment for the The following college students are evening, spending the holidays with their par ents here: Misses Elaine Franxen and which gfits were exchanged. Mesdames Jv M. Ross, J. J. Ab- _ T rams, Walt Fulmer, H. M. Willing- Nancy Chapman ° Wmthrop ham and John Gask | n served chick ‘ n Messrs. B,ll Ppag. Juhan Gardner sa , (ruU cake and coff( atter of Clemson; Bobby Boyce, Hack ’ Prater and George Frady of Erskine. Mrs. Cecil O'Dell and Mrs. Rudy Prater visited in Newberry Monday.! Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Brock were 1 visitors in Durham, N. C., a few days i last week.' 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Willingham and! family of Newberry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. J^ Willingham. | Fred Verner of Greenville, and Mike Cooley spent Monday in Co-1 lumbia. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin of Clin ton, visited Mrs. Martin’s mother, Mrs. Marian Hamm, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyce and Bob-| by are spending the week in Sumter with relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Oxner and; m ake the other two nico.s a i ’as- / family were Sunday guests of Mr.' an i t i sur P r ' se - and Mrs. Johnny Davis in Cross Hill. Mrs. Gllsby Templeton and chil dren and Mrs. Walter""Garner were Monday visitors in Newberry. Mothers, who are the o.Ticial cooks of the family, will reap added praise this holiday season if they plan a special Christmas menu for every meal on Christinas day. While “something special” is expected for dinner, a minimum of attention will Here is a menu for the d y which will prove popular. . BREAKFAST Orange juice V.’afT s Grilled Sausage C. kes Miss Dot Wood and Billy Nobles Coffee Honey Milk of Newberry, were Sunday guests of i CHRISTMAS DINNER Mrs. W. W. Hair. Clam and Tomato Juice Cocktail Roast Turkeyi' Gib et Gravy Celery Dressing Mashed Potatoes Buttered Green Beans Calavo.and Grapefruit Salad Assorted Relishes Hot Rolls Pie Milk Miss Faye Gaskin and John Gas kin spent a few days this week in [ Camden visiting relatives. Miss Maxine Wilson of Columbia, 1 is spending the holidays with her j father, Mac Wilson. ! Messrs. Bud Carr and J. C. Lam- Cranberry Sauce bert are in Connecticutt on a busi ness trip. M.F. Hair of Monroe, N. C., spent last Saturday with his mother, Mrs. W. W. Hair. Mrs. J. L. Delaney, Mrs. John Gas kin and Mike Cooley celebrated their birthdays Saturday, Dec. 18. Messrs. Jimmy and John Sloan of Fruit Cake Coffee SUPPER Nutbread Sandwiches Mixed Vegetable Salad Fruit Gelatin Dessert Tea - " ■ Milk It’s a good idea, too, to crowd a Clinton, and John Ross spent Tues- small cutting board with assorted dav in Columbia. cheeses and crackers. Place it in Mrs. Ernest Smith, Miss Betty the living rooiruior those who may Smith and Miss Betty Clamp were not be ab\e to eat candy or who Saturday! visitors in Greenville. Mrs. Mason Rowland is a patient at the JBlaJpck Clinic in Clinton. Junior Boys and Girls Enjoy Party The junior boys and girls Sunday school class of the Baptist church enjoyed a Christmas party Thursday afternoon at the church. Mrs. Francis Giles -and Miss-Ruth Hair, teachers, led the games a'nd contests. In the social hall was a lighted Christmas tree laden with gifts -and don’t ear/? for nuts. CITY SHOE SHOP Pitts Street Expert Shoe Repairing Clinton and Gbldville S. D. Dawkins & Sons IYOC OIY OMI» rorv OOP Yes sir! Nothing would we like better than to walk right up to your front door, knock a couple of times, and soy to you personally, "Merry Christmas." Unfortunately, we can not do this, so we take this means of expressing our Season's Greeffigs to our friends. V ’ i _• -!ii i We are grateful for the Holiday Season now with us, as it affords us an opportunity to express the friendly words and thoughts that have accumulated during the passing of the year. Each year we realize more fully that friendships are what make life worth living and we like to feel there is a spirit of friendship underlying our relations with customers and em ployees. So, to you, as a friend, we feel doubly obligated to show our appreciation. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year To Everyone Everywhere, and Especially To Our Large Family of Loyal Employees Manufacturers of Quality Shade Cloths % ' - » , Joanna, S. C. '