The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, December 09, 1948, Image 3

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Thursday, December 9, 1948 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Page Three The WOMAN'S PAGE S0CIE1Y EVENTS, CLUB AND CHURCH NEWS OF INTEREST . TELEPHONE 74 or 156-W also arranged an interesting pro-1 lor. Camellias, evergreens, bright; Jean Murden of Marion. Miss Ann gram on ‘The Church Sweeps Over i berries and many lighted tapers i Bailey of Spartanburg, and \ the World”. , with painted mag;nolia leaves re- Bing Prothro of Aiken. Mrs. Charles Pinson, of Cross f sembling a huge display of poinset- * Hill, was a visitor, and assisted'the, tias were used to emphasize the . . , hostess in serving fruit cake, cof- importance of utilizing materials at MuSgrOVC Club Meets ifee, nuts and candy. Mrs. Wilson Hostess A. R. P. Mission Group hand for decorating, j Mrs. Blalock was chairman of the j !decorating committee and Mrs. Hen ry M. Young, Sr. headed the hostess committee. • Mrs. Patte Gives Century Club Program The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Century club was held on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. D. O. Rhame. Mrs. Edouard Patte who was pro gram chairman for the afternoon, gavp an interesting paper on “The International Court of Justice and Its Influence," continuing the study on the United Nations Organization. Presbyterian Circles To Meet Monday Circles of the Women of the church of the First Presbyterian church will meet Monday, Decern ber 13, as follows: . No. 1—At Lesh Infirmary 7:30. Nos. 2 and 3—At the church 7:30. All others will meet at 4 o’clock. No. 4—Mrs. Alex O’Daniel. No. 5—Mrs. R. E. Ferguson, Sr. No. 6—Mrs. John Spratt. No. 7—Mrs. Edouard Patte. No. 8—Mrs. R. G. Murphy. style from the table prettily appoint ed with lighted red tapers, ever greens and berries. Mrs. H. M. Young and Mrs. Robert S. Owens The December meeting of the i Woman’s Missionary Society of the Mice Florence DuRfint Associate Reformed Presbyterian riurcnte uuivanr church was held on Monday after- Given Seated TfiO noon at the home of Mrs. L. M. Wil son. With Mrs. Mjtchel! Mrs. P. riod the club dec ided to b UV a $5,00 , health bond. <4 Several Chr.f m<*s car > Is V /ere sung, led by the retreat.' >r ■a I It; iders. - Mrs. DeShields a nd M. = s C >x. Con- 1 tests and games wf*re co^i luctei by Miss Vaughn. i- • ■ 4 me Jem- onstration agen| nnze • v •inne -s in tne contests bein' U Mrs. W irren Dill- tne Musgrove Home Demonstration ard and Mrs La rry DeSo.elds club Thursday afternoon. Her home Refreshments were ser. id >y was beautiful with Christmas deco- )Ste ss. rations. t The club sang “Come With Torch- ! es, Jeanette, Isabella.” The devotion- Mrs. Ansel B. Godfrey and Miss al was given by Mrs. A A May, us- ... „ „ ... , , , . J °y Godfrey entertained beautifully j n g Luke 2, after which the Lord’s „ - - Mrs - ^ B Tribble was leader of a t tea Saturday afternoon honoring p ra ver w'as reoeated bv 'he mem- serveH refreshments and Art Freet the white cross program and at the Miss Florence DuRant whose mar- hpr _ ^ y of Presbyterian college had charge conclusion of the discussion a spe- riage to Adam R. Andrews, Jr., will of the decorations. cial offering for the catrse was tak- take place January 22 The ro11 was ca B*d by the secre- * en . Mrs. C. Bynum Betts and Mrs. j Thirtv _ five me mbers of the voune tary ' Miss Cnx ’ and earh member Eastern Star To 1 B ‘ ^ la : set were > nv >ted ior the informal' answered ^ with her favorite Christ-j Journal of seated tea and reeiving with the carol. During the business pe- Blakely taught the Bible study from ! Exodus. Have Christmas Party Officrs and members of the East ern Star and their guests will havej/rs ^ their annual Christmas party Mon-' UrOp-lO OlYGn day evening, December 13, at 8 o’- ! clock at the home of Mrs. R. P. I Chapman. Mrs. James Sloan Hostess At Bridge Thursday afternoon Mrs. James P. Sloan entertained her club for .1 des sert bridge, assembling guests for two taolo—-1 Evergreens with bright berriej (Continued on page two) Birthday Party For Sara Pitts honoree were her grandmother, Mrs. George Ellis, also another bride elect. Miss Virginia Henry and her 'mother, Mrs. William J. Henry. Rv Inint HncfPCCPC 1 Rose s^ chrysanthemums and Ojr JUini nublcsscs quince adorned the living room and Miss. Barrie Jean Wingard and ; i n the dining room Christmas ber- Miss Peggy Copeland were hostess- ries, greens, and red candles were es on Saturday 'evening for a drop use d. Mrs. Gary Dillard poured in at the Wingard home preceed-| coffee and assisting in serving sand ing the pan-hellenic Christmas wiehes, cakes and stuffed dates de dances. corated in the Christmas were Mrs. About thirty-six young people en- Horace D. Payne and Mis. L. S. Mc- joyed the occasion. Guests were Millian. Both bndes-elect were remem- Westminster Group Fetes Converse Fellowship Here The Westminister Fellowship of the First Presbyterian churctf'fcn- tertained the Converse college group with«a Christmas party on Tuesday evening in the social rooms of the church Sara Pitts, daughter of Mrs. James Pitts, celebrated her 10th birthday Friday. In celebration of i- u the occasion she invited 20 friends inv,ted int0 the dining room where in her age group for an afternoon |V Ppc £ Wa r Se ^ V(>d , bu j fet St ? e * party. jMrs. Guy L. Copeland The pink and white theme was prettily carried out in decorations and refreshments. The birthday fee. Gracing the supper table was! an oblong modernistic design fash ioned of galax leaves, pink carna- cream, cookies and candies w r ere served. Mrs. Eichelberger Hostess To Club Mrs. H. L. Eichelberger w r as host- thfa^r ^ ‘<> memhers^of her bridge Cub which was directed by Miss Grace i ° n ,, Thy rsd f y a fternoon wR h two Young and John Neville. j tables in P lay - Refreshments were served buffet fore cards bered with gifts of after dinner cof- feecups. Out-of town-guests for the tea in cluded Miss Jean Watson of 'Con way, the week-end guest of Miss a 11 v, KJ ii LMUcl > . . j aII _ 1 1 > C* V | 111 v. W v » IV ^ v I Id d v o v d 1 LVA1 o v) cake, glowing with lighted candles tl ? ns . and on ? ta , ca ^dl * Mary K^mt Wysor and Miss Barrie centered the dining table and ice which was^ placed upon ‘ s . . Jean Wingard’s visitors, Miss Betty Phone Call From Santa After the Christmas Parade, Santa Claus will leave a representative in Clinton to accept telephone* messages for him. All parents desiring Old Santa to call their children may contact Santa’s represcntati\e by— Calling 436 Then, at a later time, a call from the North Pole will he made by Santa to your child. tray. Elsewhere in the receiving rooms the pjnk and green motif was observed in decoration. Guests included Miss Ruth Frank-, lin of Montgomery. Ala., Miss Betty Jea Murden of Marion, Miss Ann Bailey of Spartanburg and Miss Bing Prothro of Aikren. ’ Bridge Club HI*, Rll'U ■ FROM MISERIES OF' Dads A dessert course was enjoyed be-jEnjoVS Meeting cr/m^'hiah cont , lu si.°n of the j p p Hamer entertained her f™S. h L?L and Tu « 8h s ,T e i bridge club members Thursday for W. Little and iS “k3eo?ge Brock°en-: and a number . of a,tern00n brough, who were club visitors. Mrs. j g _ ' ...... u E. N. Sullivan was also a guest for Evergreens with bright berries the afternoon. | formed an appropriate setting for Arrangements of yellow chrysan-,*he two tables. Alter a sweet themums formed a pretty back-! c ? urse J sev 1 era ' progressions were 'played with Mrs. j Heath Copeland high score winner and floating prize going to Mrs. Carroll White Cope land. Mrs. Walter Danhoff was a \guest of the club for the afternoon. ground for the club meeting. Shirley Quinton Has Birthday Party Mrs. E. L. Holland entertained on Saturday afternoon with a birth- 'day party for little Shirley Quin ton, who celebrated her sixth birth day Sunday. A number of friends of the hon oree were present for the occasion, each one remembering Shirley with a gift. An arrangement of carnations were decorative in a bowl centering the dining room table You know what wonderful re lief you get when you rub on Vicks VapoRub! Now . . . when you have a nagging, raspy cough due to a cold, here’s a special way to use Vicks VapoRub. It's VapoRub Steam and it brings grand re lief in a hurry! Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer. Then . . . inhale the soothing VapoRub Steam. The medicated vapors penetrate direct to cold-con gested upper bronchial tubes and bring relief with every single breath! Try it! WICKS *W VapoRui Little Milton Moore Celebrates Birthday Friday evening in celebration of his fifth birthday Milton Moore', son of Mr. and Mrs: Perry M. Moore, invited eight little friends for a dinner party from 6:00 until 7:30. The supper table was prettily ap pointed in the Christmas colors and was centered with the birthday cake During the afternoon the hostless,! around which the attractively assisted by Shirley’s mother, Mrs. L. H. Quinton, served ice cream, cake, and mints with coca-cola. Thornwell Circle In December Meeting wrapped gifts were arranged. A feature of the evenings entertain ment was a visit from Santa Claus with whom the children had their pictures taken. Dinner Party Compliments The Ella Riddell circle of Thorn-:, i. i, d ’J Cl . well Memorial church met Tuesday MlSS Henry, Dride-tleCt morning with Mrs. B. S. Pinson. A lonely dinner party was given Mrs. George Back, Chairman, called the meeting to order after on Thursday evening compliment ing Miss Virginia Henry who will which the roll was called and the i be married on December 28 to Wil- minutes of the previous meeting read. Miss Dorothy McIntyre had charge of the devotional, which was taken from “Acts”. Miss McIntyre had gift and greeting f k dfomt.,. A portrait in its own personal QiJiutml (JUh/ijijjm, Most pleasing, most personal, most prized gift of all—a portrait, all dressed up in a bright and gay holiday wrapping inscribed with a fitting Christmas verse. It’s a * -lasting token of warmhearted friendship. For family of friends,, plan now to send a portrait of your child, your family, dr your own personal photograph. Call for an appointment today— ' save hours of shopping time! Holiday Offer S 18.00 dozen SHIELDS MODERN STUDIO Phone 85-W — Jacobs Bldg. liam Paul McKinnon, by Missts Carolyn, Ann and Fay Pitts, at the R. G. Murphy home. Covers were laid for twelve with a corsage of amber chrysanthemums marking the place of the honoree. A four course dinner was served. In the dining room a green and white bridal motif was carried out with handsome arrangements of magnolia leaves and a centerpiece for the dining table fashioned of daisy chrysanthemums interspersed with white lighted tapers. A gar land of ivy encircled the reflected floral arrangement. Long leaf pine with traceries of ivy was used in the living room with an effective scene of greenery and madonna fig urine adorning a console table. The hostesses presented Miss Hen ry and two other bndes-elect, Miss Florence DuRant fiancee of Adam R. Andrews, Jr., and Miss Anette Foster, fiancee of Jack Brewer, with gifts. _ Garden Club Unit Gives Lovely Tea The Gardenia group of the Clin ton Garden club entertained with a lovely tea for the other units of the club on Monday at the home of Mrs. C. M. Bailey. Mrs. George Blalock greeted the guests at the door and receiving with the hostess were Mrs. R. P. Wilder, chairman of the hostess group, and Mrs. Henderson Pitts, club president Mrs. W. R. Anderson and Mrs. T. C. Johnson, Sr., entertained in the living room. Mrs. J. C. Thomas and Mrs. M. A. MacDonald invited the guests into the dining room where Mrs. George Ellis poured ffee and Mrs. George Watts Cope-, nd cut cake. Assisting in enter taining in the dining room and serv ing the coffee, fruit cake, and salt ed nuts were Mrs. Carrull White Copeland, Mrs. Wilmot Shealy and Mrs. Ri S. Truluck. Eloise Mar shall passed mints. Nandina ber ries, red rosebuds and lighted tapers beautifully adorned the te^ table. Entertaining in the den and sun parlor were Mrs. Dan A. Yarbor ough, Mrs. W. L. Marshall, Jr., Mrs. J. F. Jacobs and Mrs. W. B. Lee, Mrs. Russell Gray bade the guests goodbye and on departing each was presented by the Iris group with a Christmas favor. Over a hundred guests called during tbv afternoon. The receiving rooms of the home were attractively decorated in the holiday motif using the individual exhibits are study projects for the group. Particularly effective was the Christmas tree and gift wrap pings arrangoment in the sun par- YG'J CAN GIVE AND GIVE AND... /• when you„ shop at Penney s She’ll Love These Rayon Crepe Gowns 2.98 Fine rayon crepe gowns trimmed with lace, net, or Appenzelle em broidery. (Put three of these un der the tree and watch her smile Christmas morning!) Pretty mold ed midriffs, cap sleeves, or straps. In tearose, blue, pink, or yellow. A real buy at this low price! Sizes 34-40. Dressy Blouses Make Fine Gifts! 2.98 Pretty enough to pamper her . . . and as for practical . . . we!!, what woman ever has enough blouses? Our nice hiyon crepes have careful detailing . . . touches of lave, tucks, embroidery, ninon inserts . . . per fect with her _new-dressy skirts, her suits. White, pink, aqua. Sizes 32-38. He Always Needs Good White Shirts 2.98 No man has enough white shirts. He aljways appreciates more, es pecially , Towncrafts! They're smooth, close-w'oven broadcloths,' Sanforized, of course,! Neat-all-day Nu-craft collars. And, a big break for you—these fine quality shirts cost no more than ordinary’ shirts. Sties 14-17.