} 1 Thursday, July 1, 1948 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Page Thre# South Clinton News Mrs. Ella Duncan Rites At Whitmire Mrs. Ella S. Duncan, 87, widow of Joseph Duncan, died Saturday morn-i x Tr<; Duncan was a native of Lau .ns at her home in Whitmire after re TcouZ * daugh^ of the late' MISS JOAN KUYKENDALL, several months of declining health. Funeral services were held Sunday ; j afternoon at the Whitmire Methodist church, ‘With interment following in the Whitmire cemetery. _! f or the Week . . . CITY SHOE SHOP Pitts Street Expert Shoe Repairing Clinton and Goldville S. D. Dawkins & Sons t W 11 V W* 11 f CA V* CA W4 gy * * A v A. w Thomas and Susan Jacks Owens, Correspondent and Representative i both old and well known families of ithis section of the county. She was a devoted member of the Whitmire Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Doster I Methodist church. / v were lighted by B^uce Walker, neph- 1 to speak favorably but he stoutly re- Thus Ahab, who had shed much ew of the bride. _ ' ;.pl;ed that he would speak only as blood, came to a bloody end. Despite The vows were spoken before an;God directed him.. . Jehoshaphat’s goodness of character improvised altar of bridal white and Notwithstanding Micaiah predicted his life and reign were ruined by. green. Tall floor baskets contained that Ahab would be slain the wicked compromises in crucial hours. In an arrangement of gladioli, daisies. # king persisted in making war and contrast with the two kinds the stern Queen Anne’s lace and fern, flanked induced Jehoshaphat to join him. and unbending Micaiah stands out by seven-branched candelabra. The allied armies were utterly rout- in bold relief. Never was man braver Mr. ShofT had as his . best man.’^d- True to Micaiah’s prediction, than he. He dared imprisonment and f frroomtri11a nnri Ahab was slain, but Jeho^hanhat death to speak as a true prophet o tf God. —- , Larry Murphy, of Greenville, and Ahab was slain, but Jehoshaphat es , _ w n y ■ » an , the* bride had as her onlv attendant taped to Jerusalem. children of Rochelle, Ga., are visiting h j Mrs L c H arvev of | Survivors include one daughter, Mr. and Mr*. H. W. Wood. Fountain Inn. Mrs. Harvey wore a Miss Mattie Duncan of Whitmire; C. R. Kuykendall visited his bfoth- d r e S s of light blue with white ac- thfee step-children, Mrs. Thee Elson er, J. P. Kuykendall in Ruth, N. C., cessories. Her corsage consisted of of Union, Mrs. E. A. Christy and Monday. red gladiolas. Mrs. P. D. Dean, both of Whitmire. Mrs. M. C.'Smith and Nancy Smith The bride entered with her broth- A son, Thomas Owens Duncan, died visited Mr. and Mrs. D. D. McManus er-in-law Rev L T Lankford by at Fort Jackson during World War in Whitmire last week-end. whom she was given in marriage. * ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Oakley of near She was becomingly attired in a dress “MAN O’ WAR” ! One of the greatest horses of all time, “Man 0’ War,” died recently of a heart attack. His age was 30. It’s just good horse sense, if you have a loan on your Life Insurance policy, to refinance it with us, at a rate less than you are now paying. M. S. BAILEY & SON BANKERS Established 1886 Capital $400,000.00 Clinton, spent the week-end with Mr. of soft blue with navy accessories, and Mrs. Harold Hairston. Her shoulder corsage was a purpie- I Little Ruth Trammell is visiting throated orchid. Immediately fol- her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe lowing the ceremony an informa%$re- | Davenport, in Goldville. ‘ I ception was held for close relatives | Kenneth Trammell has returned and friends. | home after spending two weeks in Mrs. Shoff is the ^tep-daughter of DR. FRED E. HOLCOMBE OPTOMETRIST Offices in Clinton Hotel Building Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Office Hours 9:00 to 5:30 Phone 428-J Ware Shoals with his cousin, Cary W. S. Thomson of Honea Path. She —— — Smith. received her education in the schools Jack D. Wood, who is attending of Honea Path, and North Greenville the University of Georgia, Athens, Junior college. .•* is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Shoff is the son of Mrs. Anna Williams Shoff of Reading, and was •: H D HENRY 1898-1948 F M BOLAND /I k Yes A ,-r. with the selection of your Gorham Sterling ... satisfaction and pride of possession are yours ... forever. Select your Gorham pattern and buy a few place-settings now. Then, as you match and add .. see it grow loveher with the years. Coaham Bmouim C as loom *21.10 Price thoum it for one ploC* anting and includes * Fed. Tax, Col mam , Clllmmu* Colham Kimo Boxal* }2) 10 COLHAM L»*io *2) 00 J. C. THOMAS, Jeweler “It’s Time That Counts” Plus U State Tax •\ IOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THE COCA-COtA COMPANY RY Greenwood Coca-Cola Bottling Co. O IRAS, TK. Coco-Cola H. D. HENRY & COMPANY INSURANCE STOCKS — BONDS — REAL ESTATE Let Is Analyze Your Insurance Needs Telephone 121 -—- H. W. Wood. Russell Trammell spent the. past educated in the schools of that city. week with his grandparents, Mr. and He received his discharge /rum the | Mrs. J. H. Seay, in West Clinton. air* corps at the Greenville army a.r £♦ | Mr. and Mrs. Charley Billings of base. S i Greenwood, were guests Sunday of After a short wedding trip the h I Mr. and Mrs. Claud Willard. young couple will make their home \\ Mr. and Mrs. Antho Wynn and in Greenville. it ~ daughter of Cramerton, N. C.. were, — ♦ § guests Sunday of Mrs. Addie B. Cole- With The Sick man - J. W. Davis is a patient at Hays H Misses Bernice and Belle Nelson hospital visited their mother. Mrs. Minnie Nelson, near Clinton Sunday. home on Oak street. ' ^ (Political Advertisement) Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Duckt.., Je- Mrs. Floyd Emerv is ill at her rome and Faye .were visitors Sun- home on Peachtree street. day of Mr. and Mrs. frank \oung. Mrs. J. L. Rhodes, a former -resi- H Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O Shields and dent 0 f South Clinton, is seriously children enjoyed a picnic dinner ^l at hAr m Union. Sunday at euny*s Ltalra^ Mrs: Belle Fuller is ill at her home Miss Lutrell Oakley of near Clin- on Beach Street, ton; was the guest of Miss Joan , Mrs Alice Motte is in at her home Kuykendall during the week. on Peachtree street Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Campbell of ~ Whitmire, were Sunday guests of K « • # 1 ♦ # J \ Black Sr c "nt'rrics ’ 1 1 a 4 h ' rv»» : • • I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell. Mrs. S. L. Oakley of near Clinton, visited Mrs. C. R. Kuykendall dur ing the week. i Sgt. G. H. Ellis who is stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C., is spending a month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ellis. SIX-INCH SERMON By Rev. Robert H. Harper :: >4 ♦> it MICAIAH. A PROPHET OF ISRAEL ^ Lesson for July 4: I Kings 22:5-9, i Mrs. Bessie Whitmire of near Clin- 13-18, 26-23. ton, spent Sunday with Mr.* and Memory Selection I Kings 22:14. j> i Mrs W E Ellis • During the third quarter we have ] $ ! Mr. and Mrfe. L. L. Thomas and toT our study Unheralded Bible char- \\ .children of Goldville, were dinner, alters. Among these none was more g guests of Mrs. Evelyn Sams Sunday, devoted to God and the truth than Mrs. Ruby Crocker visited in Micaiah, a prophet of Israel. jg Whitmire Sunday. Afte-r the division of the kingdom, ! Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mason and Israel and Judah were often hostile *•* children were week-end visitors in to each other, but in the present .les- Spartanburg. •’ sc ' n ’ we learn pf a time when the Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were guests 1 monarchs of the two kingdoms met Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Moore m Peace in Samaria. Ahab induced in Greenwood. Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, to join J. M. Loftis and Winford Robert- him in war against the Syrians. Hun- son visited Misses Gladys and Doris dreds of lying prophets had predict- 1 £ Pearson Saturday. ed victory in, the campaign. Jehos-fg Barbara Mills is spending this! ha P h at asked if there was y&t anoth- g week in Goldville with Claudette er prophet who might be summoned, g Parrish. j and Ahab reluctantly sent for Mica- g Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patterson vis-1 ‘ah. The messengers advised Micaiah g ited Mrs. Valda Patterson, who is — a patient in the Columbia hospital, 1 Columbia, during the week. Beverly Webb is spending two S weeks in Camden with her uncle and g aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Webb. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Collins of Greenville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mart Sattenfield Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wilkes and children and Miss Katherine Hughes were visitors in Greenville Sunday. —■ 8 Jared A NATURAL PARTNER OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Birthdays and Anniversaries Horace Smith will celebrate birthday July 7. Mrs. Hazel Smith will have birthday July 8. Claude Willa/d will celebrate birthday tomorrow, July 2. Mason Coleman- will have a birth day July 4. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O’Shields cele- brated their 12th wedding annlver- a I BARBECUE MOUNTVILLE MONDAY JULY 5 Dinner at 12 Noon Served In Building On School Grounds C AND1DATES TO SPEAK Walter F. Lynch, Cook :: k . : : •i *♦ • • ♦.* it :: :: :: •# i •• •.* •*• •> #• *• •• ♦ # «« *♦ •• •• •« ♦♦ »*« ♦ ♦ ♦♦ 4% ♦# ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ • *• sary June 30 ..».♦ ♦> ♦> ♦> «> «> 4<4* ■ 444*44 44 4444 44 4* Vote For D. Sullivan, Sr. Candidate For House of Representatives Will Not Vote To Increase His Pay FAVORS: —Improvel roads and schools all over county. —Raise in old-age pensions. —Helping the poor. —Helping the textile man. —Helping the laboring man. —Helping the farmer. ■ —Helping the ex-soldiers of World Wars I and II. —Increased pay for teachers. > Doesn't Believe In One-Man Government Against inheritance tax. FARMER, GRADUATE OF CLEMSON COLLEGE, MEMBER OF THE METHODIST CHURCH. Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated | JARED D. SULLIVAN, Sr. I 7 :: The Farmer’s and Working Man’s Friend 44 44 44 ,4 44 4444 4444 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 *4 44 44 44 44 44,44 44 44 *4^44 4444 44 44 44 44 44^4*4,44^4 44 44 44 44,44 44 44,44 44 • . : Mrs. B. E. Eskew celebrated a birthday June 29. J. W. Campbell celebrated his | birthday June 23. J. O. Womble celebrated his birth day June 25. Dessie Webb will have a birthday July 5. Rose Eleanor Mason will have a birthday July 10. Mrs. W. S. Clark celebrated -"a ; birthday June 12. Iva Dees'will celebrate a birthday a birthday J^4y 11: Party Given For Paul Wood Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wood honor ed their grandson, Paul Wood, with a birthday party June 19. Each child remembered Paul with a gift. Birthday Dinner for Mr. Grogan Mrs. Willie Grogan honored her husband, Willie Grogan, with a birth day dinner Sunday in Goldville. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Summers of Goldville, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Summers and family of Goldville, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Grogan of Clinton." > 1 A picnic dinner Was enjoyed. Morris-Shoff Miss Nelle Elizabeth Morris, of Honea Path, and Geo r 4 g e John i Shoff of Reading, Pa., were united 'in marriage Saturday, June 19, at .5 1 o'clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Walker, -sister and brother-in- law of the bride. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Roy O. Gregg of Drayton, former pastor of the bride, in the presence of close rela tives and friends. - i Miss Joan Kuykendall reridered the nuptial music using'[“Seal Us, O Holy Spirit.” The traditional wedding march was used while *T Love You Truly” was played softly during the ceremony. The candles' Timmerman Motor Co. OLDSMOBILE G. M. C. TRUCKS Sales and Service I SED CARS BOl'GHT AND SOLD — YOl LEAVE’M WE LL EIXM ' I ’ ' We are equipped to give your car a complete reconditioning job. Bring it in today for a free estimate. Satisfaction < gua»nt^ed. I i •: v ■ SERVICE MEN Frank Snelgrove William B. Glenn SERVICE MANAGER J. 1\ Boyd it HELPER William Cheek BODY MAN Rov Jerry \ • 7 \ x XI, / yV ■/ \ \ ✓ ✓