r i'- : > Page Two j. i 1 ■ . ■ ■. t ■ — THE CLINTON CHRONICLE J -~v- 1 Thursday, Moy 13, 1948 George R. Bla- elberger repor-tod oh the Health com- new secretary, Mrs mittee’s work in having a pre-school, lock. ' t clinic for children who will be in thej W. R. Andereon congratulated tiie .first grade next year: Mrs. Julian organization on its accoftiplishments Bolick reported on the work of the and said the P.-T: A. not only bene- t . f Library committee. During the past 1 fited the school, but the entire com- bi. thday motif, bearing lighted ^ J separate fhl ldren ? s library ! munity as well. f room wse set up in the library build-( Mrs. H. M. Lukstat and Mrs. Philip tunas L. Roddy serVed refreshments to the SOCIETY -pege three) candles and encircled with ivy and :«\i rnsrs. Mrs. John T. Young Heads Porent-Teacher Group The Florida Street School Parent- Teacher association held its ing at Presbyterian college. were solicited and a number of new group. books bought. Reports were also. ♦ heard form the Budget and Finance, Baptist Circle Meets in mm- » Legion To Give Todies Night 7 Party The local American Legion 'post will observe “ladies night” on Tucs- day evening. May 18, at 8 o'clock at ; Red McLane's place near Chappells Gene Anderson’s meeting of the school year Tuesday Publications and Membership com . mittees. With Mrs. Simpson fjr .,, Mrsl Hart gave a report on the The Business Woman’s circle of 'work during the past year and the _ Firs tBa P tist . church^met Monday m Week- End “Specials! • • v... ■ '• V m evening at the home of Mrs. Lewis evening with Mrs. J. B. Hart, presi- thanked all the committees for their Simpson dent, presiding. , cooperation, after which she turnedj Mrs. Hugh Ray had arranged the Reports from the committee chair-, the meeting over to the new presi- Program on "Laborers Together In' men were given. Mrs. H. L. Eich-'dent, Mrs. John T. Young, and the'£ ur Denomination." Assisting Mrs., Ray were: .Mrfc. Ryland Sumerel,, + + + + f + > + + + + t + ! Miss Irene Workman, Mrs. W. H. Roberts, Mrs. Grady ^loore, Miss TIH RSDAY AND FRIDAY, May 13 and 14 id** 3 hoof* e. » nlore. breo ol h'9 h , rtitoWiofl JFRIDAY AND SATl'RDAY, May 14 and 15 Wild Horse Mesa Agnes Davis, Miss Florence Adair, and Mrs. H. E. Bishop. Later a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments of ice cream and cake served. With TIM LESLIE Western Adventure. HOLT and ni ifM Reg, .or 07 and 7:20. 9c and 35c Admission. . . SATl RDAY. MAY 15 ONE DAY ONLY Green Hell Daring adventures, jungles. With RANKS. JR', JOAN in unirod DOUGLAS FAIR- BEN NETT, JOHN HOWARD. ALAN HALE. Starts: 2 20. 4:07. 5:54, 7:41, and 9:28“ CARTOON. 9c and 35c | NOTE:—“Gone With the Wind”' will run only twice each day^— one program in the afternoon at,- 2.00 p.m.. another at night at 7:00i p.m. MONDAY. AND TUESDAY, ‘May 17 and 18 Starts:. - Friday: 2:18. 4:55. 7:32. 10:09. . Saturday: 2:58. 5:42, 8:26. . ...plus... —i- Lir Abner (Comedy) Based ( on the A1 Capp comic trip. Starts:- Friday: 3:18. 5:55, 8:32. Saturday: 1:30, 4:38. 7:16, 10:00. Dangers of Canadian Mounted, Chap. 9 9:30 A. M. Show SATURDAY. 9c and 30c MONDAY AND TUESDAY, May 17 and 18 NAN <> church for 4 meeting. ♦ Mrs. J. B o ♦ ♦ ♦ Seam-free Nylons (slightly irregular) 2 pair . COMMANDED PLOWDEN ♦ n n n o o O Oj ♦ ^Baptist Class ;; Has Meeting Thirty members-of the Helen An- 4 derson Sunday school class gathered Monday evening at the First Baptist) their regular monthly' , A large number of ladies and auxil- Wilder, president, pre- ■ , ... , sided. The devotional was given by | iary members will attend. Mrs. Marvin DeYoung and the Bible Commander A. J. Plowden, a Pres- lesson taught by Miss Marion Burts. • byterian college graduate and now ♦ :vIrs - s - W. Sumecel read an interest-: head of the state Legion, will ad- ♦ ing h“t,ei lic«u Mrs. C. U. Hallman, ^e group. Other state officers l f n : f Sna. C ^ member/ Wh ° 15 now ! are expected to attend.* Mrs. Le^la Johnson had charge of! The committee on “arrangements the recreation period and Mrs. Keith consists of Carol White Copeland, Adair s committee served a salad : Mac Hipp Jr., and S. A. Pitts, Jr. course and cookies, (Tickets for the barbecued chicken Rayon Briefs 1.00 if perfect New Cotton Dresses Cotton Ballerina Petticoats New Coro Jewelry 1.00 49c 5.95-8.95 1.98 1.00 plus tax o n ♦ Boptist Y. W. A. Meets With Mrs. Bishop association dinner are now on sale at all drug stores in the city. The Young Women’s of the First Baptist church met Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. Leonard Bishop. —t. ' i Mrs. Olin Sheely, Jr., read a letter-j-- about the YWA associational meeting 1 in Laurens May 10. Miss Glennice Moore, assisted by Miss June Owens, 1 M ss Mary Ruth Norman, Mrs. Mar-. war d- Holland Announces In Ward One' Jezebel < > < > < > ol o drinks. ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ] ROBEW-MITCHUM'JANE Gfo-ER | in A wirtvIUM B8U8US Feature: 2.20, 4:17. 7:20,-9:17. i NEWS. 9c and 35c, A. M. Sh r.v MONDAY. . WEDNESDAY. MAY 19 ONE DAY ONLY The Senator Was Indiscreet t With BETTE DAVIS and HEN RY FONDA. Feature: 2:25, 4:23 7:25. 9:23. NEWS and CARTOON. 9c and” 30c 1 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, May 19 and 20 Song of Idaho (Western) With KIRBY GRANT and KEN TRIETSCH. Starts: 3:21, 5:57, 8:33. ...plus... well known resident of ward one, announces his candidacy today for alderman from Mr. Holland for several garet Bull, Miss Betty Sue*Simpson! years was an official of the city as a and Mrs. Sheely rendered the pro- member of the police department and gram on "Together, Building a De-' street overseer. nomination.” I ! During a social hour the hostess and her mother, Mrs. Ernest Chaney, served a . salad course with cold 4 * Comedy as a Senator’s Presi- 4 den-.sai h mbit ions lare fanned from fi joke to a near accomplished fact. Return of The Whistler \ With. WILLIAM PO.WEL.L. ELLA RAINES and PETER LIND HAYES. Start- 2.24, 4 10, 5:56, 7:42,‘and ! 9:28. MUSICAL SHORT. CARTOON, i 9c and 35c 10 A. M. Show. n n ♦ o o n o ♦ ♦ < < i 4 4 «> it < > 4 4 4 4 it it it 4 4 i t it it it it ♦ it it UL Action and excitement in this adventure with The Whistler. Starts: 2:18, 4:54, 7:30, 10:06.» f Chapter 7— Mysterious Mr. M 9c and 30c Boldwin-Trewhella Betrothal Announced Of interest here to friends and rel atives is the engagement announce ment of Miss Kathryn McMillan (Kitty) Baldwin, ot Columbia, for merly of this city, and Stephen Wil liam (Steve) Trewhella, Jr., of Pal mer, Mich. The wedding will be a June affair. Miss Baldwin is Vhe daughter of Mrs. W. P. Baldwin, Sr.. 5! Colum bia-,- and the late Mr. Baldwin. Her mother was formerly Miss Elizabeth McMillan of this city, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMillan. The bride-elect was graduated last June from the University of South Carolina where she was prominent in campus activities. She is now working at the McKissick .Memarial For Summer Comfort In Your Home A CLIMAX ROOM COOLER A Beautiful Ornament To Fit Anv Ordinary Window _ S59.95 . t Installed HOME SUPPLY CO. Phone 423 UNIVERSAL and DIRECTONE RADIO-S49.95 r -■ Genuine Chevrolet Seat Covers, Spotlights, Heaters, plus a Large Assortment of Other Genuine Chevrolet Accessories BRING YOUK CAR TO US FOR COMPLETE SERVICE— Motor Rebuilding — Rebore Block Crankshaft Grinding Radiator Cleaning and Repair . Wheels Balanced and Aligned DAY AND NIGHT WRECKER SERVICE Giles Chevrolet Co. Dav Phone 2G Night Phones 233-W or 279-M library at the university. The groom-elect attended New berry college and the University of South Carolina, where he Was in ■the. NR.QTC-.He. recea u-cd-ins ■ c-ommi; » THOMAS’ 4 sion in the Marine’corps in 1946, and 'is now a senior at the University and 1 a member of the honorary engineer- Chiropractic Review I’ui iished in the public interest to illustrate and explain . the practice of Chiropractic. ing fraternity and the varsity basket ball team. Miss Baldwin has a wide family connection here. Birth Announcements DR HART Nervousness Case No. 149—Business man, age 48, complained of being on verge of nervous breakdown, suffering with pain in left shoul der. He also had stomach dis tress and dizzy spells. There was a history of three nervous breakdowns in the past. - This patient responded very rapidly following the first few adjustments. Stomach distress improved as did the pain in the left shoulder. In a few weeks his nerves had improved so much that adjust ments were no longer needed. If you are suffering from ill health and it is your de sire to get well,* consult Dr. Hart. He has helped others regain their health and perhaps he can do the same for you. For additional informatioif concerning Chiropractic tune in on radio station WLB(f each Monday, Wednes day, and Friday at 12:35 P. M. Also Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at ,6'.35 P. M. ( ^ u ' . DR. CHARLES J. HART - LAURENS, S. C. Above Little Dixie-Home Store (Closed Thursday) Telephone 22096 WILLARD Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Willard or Jacksonville. Fla., announce the, birth of a daughter, Jo Carole, on April 26, at St. Vincents hospital in | Jacksonville. Mrs. Willard is the, former Miss Clara Johnson, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson of! this city. W\ S. C. S. TO MEET The Woman's Society of Christian Service of Broad Street Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon, May 17, at 3:30 o’clock at the church. AUXILIARY TO MEET Tne Woman’s Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church will meet Monday afternoon, May 17, at 4:00 o’clock at the church. Following a | business-meeting- the-.-annuaLbirthdary-T' ■ party will be held. t Demonstration Agents To Organize Club Miss Susan Hall county home dem onstration agent, and Miss Adeline Vaughn, assistant, will be at Florida Street school jFriday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock to organize a 4-H club for girls. All girls ten years of age and older are invited to attend.’ To the voters o7~ WARD FIVE I am a candidate for Alderman from Ward 5 and will appreciate your support. If elected as your Al derman. I will be faithful to the trust of the voters, I will perform the du ties of the office with honesty - and efficiency, and will’ render courteous service to all the people. I served my ward as Alderman in 1938 and 1939. If anyone doubts my record it is open for investigatioh. RALPH RIDDLE I m ether your preference is traditional or modem, you’ll find the pattern of your , —v , . . ' • ^ « choice in bur showing of the exquisite .Gorham designs. Come in, let ua show them to you to^ayt Price is for one 6-piece place- setting, including Federal Tax. J. C. THOMAS, Jeweler ‘It’s Time That Counts” ■1 1 \ -l