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i * k- / , . V THE CHRONICLE Strires To B« a Gean Nowa- pap«r, Conplete, Newsy, and Reliable. If Too Don’t Read THE CHRONICLE Ton Don’t Get The News. VOLUME XXXVIII .CLINTON, S. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1938 NUMBER 36 Bryson And Mahon To Run Over STATE COMMIHEE REJECTS RECOUNT, ORDERS NEW VOTE Ballot For _. Second Prknaiy Tuesday, Sept. 13tH Both Sides Are Heard At Session After Which Group Votes 28j ' ^^^Yicial ballot, .To 14 For Another Hurdle. Mahon Resents Insinuation On!sute and county, as it will appear Spartanburg, Bryson Talks of Confusion. • Columbia, Sept. 6.—The state Dem-, sujfjrested that* someone has 9tolen ocratic executive committee meetingelection from Mr. Bryson, said Bonham. “If you ordered a second at Columbia Tuesday ordered a sec-' election, I wonder if my friend would ond race next Tuesday between Con-|j,^ over to Spartanburg county and gressman G. Heyw’ard Mahon, Jr., tell the good people there that they seeking renominatian in the Fourth had debauched the election district, and his opponent, Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville attorney. Mahon’s counsel asked for a re count but Paul M. Dorman of Spar tanburg county, moving for the run- over, contended that “if you had five recounts, I venture to say that no Tw’o of the five would be the same.” Bryson’s counsel argued against a recount and pleaded that a second race would “be fair.” Mahon, after the committee’s ac tion, told newspapermen, “I’m per fectly willing to abide by the com mittee’s action.” He claimed that a recount at the there is no intimation of fraud.” box in Goldville, Laurens county,' As reports from several Spartan- would give him 50 additional votes burg precincts were made slowly, to overcome the reported eight-vote i “the feeling” would be that “half of lead held by Bryson. j the Spartanburg vote was held back W. H. Nicholson, of Greenwood,; to see what vote was needtKl for Ma- “He hasn’t said and he hasn’t prov ed that there was anything crooked up there” and “his insinuations should not be con.<«idered,” Bonham con tended. E 0. Merrit of Union, moved for the recount but Dorman’s substitute prevailed. Dorman said, “I don’t believe there was any stealing in my county but I do believe it was confusing. That was an awfully clean race to wind up this way.” James L. Love, of Greenville, said the solution was a recount “since at the voting precincts for the sec ond primary, next Tuesday, Septem ber 13th. Governor WYNDHAM M. M.ANNING BURNET R. M.WBANK Congress JOSEPH R. BRYSON G.‘HEYWARD MAHON of Representatives (Vote for two) C. E. BROOKS PHIL D. HUFV C. L. MIL.\M ROBERT C. WASSON Clerk of Court VIC. R. FLEMING C. A. POWER Game A^’arden SYDNEY A. LEE J. D. W. WATTS Declares Vote ! PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE READY Count, Raci poR NEW TERM OPENING TUESDAY Executive Conuniltee Gives Of-i ^ ficial Vote of First Primary i Expected To Equal That of Last Year With All Dor- and Names Entries for Run-j Space Reserved. Two New Men Added To Faculty. Pro- Over Next Tuesday. | Rrofn of Orientation and Welcome Arranged For Freshmen. The I.aiircns county oxocutive com-1 ^^ith an cxpectetl onrt>Il!nont that nu'vly h(*l<l by Major Cummings. 'Tho jmittoo in .«<cssion Thursday morning, donnitory .space to ca- jdeclaretl noininoc.s on tho first ballot Pi’osbj’terian collogt* will on- in tho August 30th primary, and its oiHh sossion noxt Tuo.s-^ ■those to ontor tho run-off on Soi)tom- ‘'^vptombor 1.1th. Tho freshman I'or 13th. ■ class will report on Tuesday and will Run-ovor racoa will ho hoi,I noxt '''.‘f;*"''' 01,1 studonts Tuox,l.y to ol,x,t two nu-mhora to th. »■> Thurs,|ay ami bo ma- houso of ri'proaontativoa, dork of: ‘'y* , court, game wanlon and four town ship magistrates. The official tabulation county follows: Smith Declared now dopaiiniont of radio has been adfltNl for the year, with John H. Thatcher as director. Faculty For Year The complete faculty for the .1938- 39 scission, as announced by Dean Brown, follows: President—Ur. William P. Jacobs. V’ice-President, (Jre<*k and French- Dr. E. Spencer. ' l.atin and German—Prof. Bothwell Everything is now in readiness for the new year’s work. President Ja- for tho'^^^'^* announced. Campus worker.s,, Graham. I carpenters and* painters have been English—Dr. M. G. Woodworth. I busy .several weeks in prej^aration for! .As.sociate in Englisih — Prof. Kurt 4733 ' opening and all buildings are now ^ Weber. , spic and si«n for their occupants and j Bible and Religion — Dr. D. J. I tho new year’s work. Brimm. - The program of orientation for] Bible—Prof. Bernard H. Boyd. 1344' Tieshman week” •^il] In,* ushered in| Flconomics—-Dr. J. B. Kennedy. n”f.‘'Biwkm,:n '“pix-r _____ in fh#> ilinm47 hoii I* U. S. Senate Olin D. Johnston E. D. Smith Governor Bon E. .\<lams Neville Bennett Prof. Cole L. Blease Party Nominee : Wyn<lham M. Manning ‘Colton Ed” Vote Officially Giv en As 186,000, A Majority of 36,082. jor Mahon’s nomination, of Greenwood, said. He said that W'hile there Nicholson, was no pleaded that for “the good of the par ty” and the candidates, a second race should be ordered. James H. Price, Bryson’s attorney totd the committee that'“the only place that Mr. .Mahon led wa.s rank! tickets “and since there was a dif- Business Administration — dining hall. Following Kenneth .N. Baker. “ .jj the meal hour a prk)gram will be pre-j Chemistry—Pi-of. H. E. Sturgeon. 2S2I*‘‘"‘‘'^* in the chapel ^at w'hich timci Psychology and Philosophy—Dr. F. 2842 wek*oiae.a.ilili wi 1 bt‘ heard from 11). Jone R. J. L , imiication of fraud, tho law ha<i'boon;y-»Z'‘x?'.,-‘" "'''..•r'i', ’“"v'l" r vtolatod rogardiuK white and-yellow'y'*':"' 0--Crottun Ed^ Columbia, Sci>t. (>.—The state Dem tKiatic exiH^utive committee, meeting! do-' E. ) E. .Smith the party’s nominee for the with irregularities and has caused! ference of” almost 5,000 votes, “clear-i ^ charges that he (Bryson) was just'ly there was an irregularity.” sentisl the state in the senate for 30 counted out.” | The vote by counties by which the “I don’t know of any other county | executive committee ordered a sec- Bumet R. Mayhank Lieutenant Governor E. Hanna E. Harley C. Wannamaker State Treasurer P. Miller Roy, .Stone Congress Jos. R. Bryson G. Heyward Mahon House of KepresentatiTes 12:10 of the Y. M. A. a Thi' will he followt*d s. 13091^*’^“Education—Dr. Clarence R. Ham- ul stmlent btxly. rick. hy an informal new men given by than Spartanburg” where they made “the mistake” of printing the county ballots — carrying the congressional candidates’ names—on yellow paper instead of white, as required by law, Price said. ond race: Ayes—(28) Bamberg, ter. Chesterfield, Colleton, ter, Edgefield, Georgetown, Green- His vote was officially d<*clarcd tO'L. A. Austell be 1.86,519, with Governor Olin D. jW. T. Bolt Abbeville, Allendale,'•’“'■nxlon receiving I5(M37. This gave C R Brunk, Barnwell, Calhoun, Ches-i .Smith an official majority Phi I Huff Dorches- ^ 3b,082 votes over his New Deal-iS. J. Hunt indorsed opponent. |C. L. Milam .. Fifty-two votes were cast for State W. R. Richey, Jr. ■S. .Auditor R. Dorrfkh -A Wilson Clerk of Court -- wood, Jasper, Kershaw, I.ancaster,. , 11 dt*-. In Spartanburg many of these I^jiurens, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, r*^*^u* boxes were not brought in until the'cormick, Newberry, Orangeburg, withdrew from the .senato. Robert (. Was.son county committee was meeting at | picken.s, Richland, .Saluda, Spartan- campaign a few days before the noon Thursday—about 48 hours’* af-,burg, Sumter, Mrs. C. L. W’hoeler, of ter the primary, although, Price saidj, Dillon, state vice chairman. - ' returns were, for th^jM the regulations require<l them to be Nays—(14) — Andei*son, Berkeley, ulentical with the unoffi- handed to the party 36 hours. , It took an ave hours” to count Spartanburg-boxes, the ^attorney said, although one had only about 600 votes ami the other less than 1,000. Price added that “I don’t charge those managers with anything W'rong,” but asserted that in one in stance where a 1m)x wa.s left over- i.v)-' leeeption for the the Y. M. ( . .A. .(1(0 , I Wednesday morning at 8:30 the devotional exeivises for fresh- IP’O**'*'^ ” cluipel, fol- - j f(,\ve,t iry^on introduction of th'«' fac- 1 olty and plaeement tests. In the af- ternmui conferences wijl be held with faculty and registration will take r{55 chapel there 5119'"'^ Ik.* talks from officers of the va- j^ji-yirious stuilent organizations. Devotional exercises at 8:30 Thurs day morning will be followed by psy- 3457 tests. The remainder of the day will be giv?n over to confer- 'ences pertaining to the year’s work wi1,h faculty members, athletics end Dr. M. W’. 4170! 2391 Dean and Histoiy Krown. French—Dr. .S, M. Huntley. Physics- Dr. Neill G. Whitelaw. Biology-Dr. H. S. Fish. .Mathematics—Dr. H. E. .'spencer. Dii'ectbi' (hf It^dio—.Icrhn H. Thach- er. Education 1510 4322! Directoi’^ of I’hy.'-ical Walter A. Johnson. Assistant Director of Physical Ed ucation—lionnie S. .McMillian. Hasehall t'oach—('. E. Gallow'ay. Tennis (loach—William (’. Lufler. I.ihrarian—TWillaiTl L. Jones. Pi-ofes.sor of Military Science and Tactics — .Major Alexander H. Cum mings. .Assi.stant Professor of Military Sci- li iiy a I 1/lllVMl. SLaiC A. I la i I IIIOI !• • 1 • 1 •*! er' 1 4't I f 4 ■quirvil them to be N’ay.-( 14) - Andeiwon, Berkeley, T,*' ^ ‘ ty sevretary within rherokee. Clarendon, Darlington. Dil- <"»' l"■■■vlouxxly new>|«- .lohn D Dnvi, lion. Fairfield, Creenville, Horry, Lex-: l-l' 'T'' ''’’r ■ , .a ' .V'""""-' rage dTvlo to ir, <H,,c„i„„, Williamshurg.i n the gubernatorial race, there < . A. I ower the votes in two York. ’ , will he a ninoft between M.-iyor Bur- |■r.d■ale J udge Johnson Pleased With Work Of Men Presbyterian college’s 1938 football night at a commercial estahlishment, team has completed its first week of the voting place, employes of the intensive drills in football fundamen- firm hatl access to the box. tals. He said, too, that he absolved “Ma-j Their backs are sore from hard jor Mahon from doing any wrong; dummies and their muscles I know him too well, but stated that .strained from the intensive line the congressman’s “followers” might Line Coach Jack Nixop be CAjnnected with “some wrongdo- yjgj, been putting them through. But >"8.” _ TTactions on the field arc any indica- In Spartanburg, 4,9(3 less votes mental state of the team, were ca.“t in the congressional race jg certainly determintxl ta fight to than for unopposed county candidate's last ditch throughout the ten on the same ticket. Price said, evi-.jjaj^pg its 1938 season. Coach Wal- dencing whaf^e termed the “con-^^^.j. Johnson is obviously pleased with fusion” caused by both state and j^yjg work of his young players and it ^ county tickets being printed on ytl-jjooks as though his sophomore ag low paper. [gregation may come through with Presentation of the contested mat- fiyjrvg colors, ter began w’ith the reading of peti- inct_R. .Maybank pf, Charle.'iton and I. Ib wbtte Wa-.-^oii , Wytidham .M. .Manning Of .Sumter. R(»<s I». Young Mayb:ink led the field of eight candi- Su|)er\is(»r date.s with u vote of 1J7,9(M(, with^.loe R. .Adair Manning receiving 71,.3.*Pl. Warren (’ranc J. E. Harley was declaie<l the W. -I. Menr>’ - {(arty’.' nominee for lieutenant govi-r- .A. Khett .Martitv he having won out in the first j County Ceimmissioner immary over two opponents. Bryan Holland .Soon after the committee was called .1. Ben Huntiu to order, Chairman Tayloi* H. Stukes Linder B. .Stoddard ■of .Manning said there were no con- John H. Wharton t*‘':ts on state races, so that he would (Jame Warden appoint a committee to go over the^.A, B. Jacks state returns'a.s compiled by Secre- Sydney .A. L*e tary l,.ane L. Bonner. jN. Dunk Powers ! On this committee, he appointixl: John I>. W’. W'att.s E. L. .Allen, .Aiken; C. H. Strickland, I Anderson; W'. Brantley Harvey, Beau- ifort; Joe H. Hall, Cherokee; N. W. Edens, Marlboro, and J. L. I^ove, reenville. This committee made its report, which was adopted without di.scus- I sion. ^addixl reireational features. Friday cnee and Tactics—('apt. I.aurcnce J. - IP, J will be given «iver to organization Feiguson. 113.'( iiivcting of cla*;ses. ! .Assistant in Military .Science anti I On Saturday evening at eight Tactics .Sergeant .Sterlin Young, o < l(H*k the Y. .M. ( . .A. and-Coilege College Physicians Dr. S. C. Hays, Dames will give a reception in honor I>r. D. O. Rham<*, Jr. of the new students. .Sunday morning College Officers th(- students will be welcomed /n the A'sistant to the President Piof. churches ol .the city, tollowed hy a il, E. Sturgeon, sjos ial .'1. Cy a, nte( ting in th** chapel in the evening at 7:'!9. ."Several of the (dd student', niem- hei - of the V. .M. C. .\. and studeid 241.5 .3 733 :{37d • (2.">8 3.3(15 E. Sjienccr. >r. M. (i. Wood- 7.'! 1 1271 2(15.3 292‘.» 3874 5555 58 13 2029 3336 1193 3076 eoimcil, will arrive tin* latte the week to a^si-t the coihge authoi- i-fic' in e.xtending' the “glad hand” to new students and help in a'iapfing them to their new environment for •he next niiK* months. ^ Three changes are made in the fac ulty for flu' i*oming .Major .Alex ander Hill Cummings will he jirofes- sor .of iiiilit-ary .science and tacOcs, succeeding .Major Floyd C. Harding,t rreasurer—Dr. ,A. ('leik of Faculty Worth. Ilii'iiiess M.uiagi'i part of lluritei. Registrar — .Mrs, Krown. ! I‘ield .Secretary ./(chii fi. O.sman .1 dm il .llaml l.illiai/ (lr.i>s Dirts,-tor of Public Rel.'itions —If. Holman. Director id' Personnel Henry .M. Wilson. Infirmary .Matron .Mr>. Dru-i»i .Me.Swain. .Secretary to the Piesident — .Mi-s Methodists Plan tran-ferred, who headed the unit last .Annie I.ou .\orinan. year. Cajit. Liwience J. Ferguson .^een'tary will serve as assi.<tant professor'-ift .ATlriir. this depai-tment, filling the jxjst for-1 Secretary—.Miss Frances Narcis.'.a Gray McKee. Bible Conference Time Elxtended !4 Run-Over Races For Buying Farms For Magistrate •A. Bible conference under the aus pices of the General Board of Chris- In the race for the United states Swings, county farm for .Sunday .school teachers, officers ^ supervisor, and church officials will begin at applications Broad Street .Methinlist church next t*cun- stales This early in the season it looks , r, tmns of Koth eandidatpd ' u * v. „ I senate, .Senator Ellison D. Smith was tion.s Ol Doin canoKiaies. Hosemen are going to have) , . , _ E. M. Blythe, who w’ith Proctor heavy, fast backfield w’ith Junei ^ raoo *^*"030 mreei .neiniKusi cnuivu ih-al • i v.nimfv for the Tiiireh-me i. Bonham were legal rt*presontative^j|fjQ^p Meisky, Jimmie Dennard, 'll ^ h i xd t have been n«lThurs<lay at 9:30 a. m. F’red Barnett, - for M.hon. who wax proxoot. aa was:,„.|„. Ri-ynold... Jerry Roberta, and,ff, Bryson,- opened the arguments. ! Phil Rogers to gladden the eye of the “Knowing how* these votes are ^p^ial dean of South Carolina coach- counted,” Blythe said, we dori t think Line play is a more uncertain fac- the people would be anything out that of follows: Total vote cast, 336,087. I*'our townshif) magistratt* race.s in the primary were Undi'cidcnl and be run over next Tuesday in (ho a..-.-...-J ....... - .... — ^,1* timants has fn-tn extend-[uimary as folldfws: la well known layman of the through .September 17, the i»revn-| Sullivan townshi,.: W. Fred Hel- jnation, will be in charge, with t"‘‘iou.s date for closing having been Au- lams and D. Todd Knight; Dials: R. le would oe satisfied "with though it appears that the Blue u '” * vi ^f 74 Vnit*! k»wing subjects hav Cif sk rpoount ** Doinl^d c* i ■ i* *ii u u 4. liBiTi \I. Mftnninjf oi Sumter, T4y3«>t>f ’ _ , , snort OI a recount, pointeu stocking line will be much stronger , ui nnoo'i- the two days votes renorted cast ♦u* i C ole L. Blease of ( olumbia, 60,8*0,1 ^ * j t> )f 63,260 this year than last. nf Rennetl.sville. 47..i»^ Talents and Poi Charleston receive<l there w’as only a difference of eight between the two men. CHURCH MEET NEXT THURSDAY He said that President Clark, of j P i th« Goldville precinct, stated that he , The fourth and last quarterly eon-,bur^, had erroneously reported 12.5 vote.' /o'- '“'If ‘! i■ instead of 175 for Mahon -Methodist Ur of Columbia, 922. ”Yn the interest of fairness. Major! Thursday, Sept. 15th, at 7;30l Mayor Maybank and Colonel Man- Mahon a.-^ked for a recount of theiP- u . official meml^rs of ping are candidates in the second prj-*p vote in the district because the peo-ij^'^ ^he public invited to ^ary. pie have elected somebody in that Present. ] For lieutenant governor primary. “The only way to tell who has been Of'-wh'iih Bur'net'Rr.Msyhank of' “'f *>/ t!?'"''!"',’' 117 990* Wynd-'^*'’*^'^ ^ invite<l to attend. Tho fol- * * 1—g lK*en announced se-ssion: “Parable ounds,” “Andrew— A Faithful Steward of fkxl,” “.Stew- continue to Neville Bennett of Bennett-sville, 47, 882; Ben E. Adam.s of Eau Claire, 26 gust .31. .Applications will „ taken by .Mr. Owings in his office in ‘Seuffletowii: \V luiiurcns, opiHjsite the post office,’E. f'. AVingo. through Se()teniber 17 j-A. llellam.s and Z. Vaughan; Cros.'i be j Hill: J. H. Bryson and .1. \V. Ropp; P. Abeferomhie ami .•J7G: f/m. Ka.lerlin of .S’partan: ‘‘'T/Z';;"..';!!;' FDFNTY (• irir. 6.S77; D. T. Blackmon of Co- ^ ("Joiina^" am^ ••Man’ I-urens. Se, mhia, P51. and John (lushes Coop-,of $:m.42.T h elected is to recount the boxes.” Both he and Bonham argued that “prejudice” must be shown against Bryson and that such was not al-^ leged as a ground for a second race.j To obtain a second rt^e, Blythe claimed, Bryson would hav^ to show that all or most of the “discrepancy” in votes in Spartnaburg county would have gone to him. “We must assume the people either didn’t vote for either of them or scratched both of them,” Blythe as serted. “If you order the second primary, you will defeat the will of them who' voted in the first primary who wiUj not be able to vote in the second pri-! mary,” he added. “In a c^ntie way ny friend haa Going Away To College or To Teach? If you want the Clinton news —have THE CHRONICLE fol low you. Its weekly visits will be “like a letter from home.” Special student’s and teacher’s rate of |1.0O for n r - months. List your subscription today. The Chronicle “The Paper Everybody Read*' For lieutenant governor the vote, as offfcially declared wa.s: J. E. Har ley, Barnwell, seeking re-election, 160,567; _L Cakon Wannamaker, Cheraw, 108,229; R. E. Hanna, Che- raw*, 31,478. i.:T *ROJE(T ‘pt. 6..A WI’A all<»tment to a $.5.50,*)8H Laurens county farm-to-marke*t road improve^ ment program has been approvi'd. County officials state the work will] Jobless IndividusJsZZ-fZ'’ —. _ ifOl.I.I.NS DK.N.W. JK. TO ACI’K()\EI) ! si'KAK I.N SI’AHT-WBI KG 7,704 Checks Mailed re-election, 214,142; E. Spartanburg, 119,193. Roy Stone, Columbia, September 2. — Seven| thousand nine hundred and fourj checks in payment of jdb insurance I benefit had been maile<l by the South Mr. Harley declared the | Carolina unemployment comperusation j For state treasurer the vote w**: j commission to unemployed workers in E. P. Miller, BenneUsvilje, seeking, Carolina through August 31, j a statement issued yesterday by the j commission shows. The checks, in volving a total of $35,208.86, went j into all sections of the state. j These checks were issued to unem- j ployed persons whose records showed j their former employers had contrib-j uted to the unemployment compensa tion fund in their behalf. In other words, the payments were made to! them on the basis of legal right, and not on the basis of need, R. Brice Waters, administrator for the com-, miaaion, ezjdained. \ CHAMBER MEETS SEPTEMBER 29THI ♦ The September meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held on Tuesday night. Sept. 20, at John T. Young’s spring, at 7:30. This be ing the first meeting of the fall ses sion, President A. B. Godfrey urges a full attendaince of the menfberahip. ELECTION RETURNS THE CHRONICLE will re ceive and post election returns for the second primary next Tuesday night across the street in front of its office. .Arrange ments have been made by which the complete county vote will be tabulated and “broadcast” as soon as possible after the polls close. THE CHRONICLE invites its friends and subscril^rs. to gath- er at t£e*Bdard for'the fetums'.* Virginia .Assistant Attorney General To (Ippose Unification of Church .At. .Meeting Next Sunday. 'Mc'th’Kiiists in upper South Caroliiui .opposed to the merger of tho Metho- Flpiscopal Church, South, with the two other branches of this de nomination, will hold a meeting in .Spartanburg on Sunday afternoon. Sept. 11, at 3 o’clock, in the Carolina theatre, at which Hon. Collins Denny, I Jr., assistant attorney general of Vir- Iginia, will/speak oh this subject. .Mr. Denny is a strong, magnetic .speaker, ^ who w«rk(*d actively against the plan at the Birmingham conference and is thoroughly familiar with the subject and the means employed by the , church leaders to consummate it. All Methodists interested in this matter are requested and urged to attend the meeting. It is expected that a larg«' number from Clinton willjittend the meeting. The Broad Street church went on rec-' ord sometime ago &s being opposed to the unification plan.\ >