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N THE CHRONICLE StriTM To Be a Gean Newt- paper, Complete, Newsy, and Reliable. If Too Don’t Read THE CHRONICLE Too Don’t Get The News. VOLUME XXXVIII CLINTON, S. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 \ NUMBER 83- county CANDIDATES PRESENT CASES TO CLINTON AUDIENCE Voters Gather At School Auditorium To Hear Office-Seekers Press Claims In Third Appearance of Campaif^n. Old-Age Pensions and Extra Pay For Legislators Engage Attention of Aspirants For Seats In House of Representatives. I School Bond Issue '691,000 Bales For Election Tuesday State Is Forecast Has Farmers Night Clinton Lions Club GEORGE REPLIES Qualified Electors of District To Production Is Based On Assump- Vote On Question oY Issuing 1,296,000 Acres Of Cot- $65,000 In Bonds. I Are Harvested This Fall. Many Guests From Over County Enjoy Affair. Club To Cooper ate In “Better Pastures” Move. The Clinton Lions club was host to , . , . , , 11 * Columbia, Aug. 15.— .A .'^outh Caro- A bond issue election for Hunter of (ID 1,000 hale.s of ^ . . . . ^ d^nct No. ^ 'Mil t>e V.d pounds gross weight is forecast apP'oxunately fifty I^urens county Clinton provided the forum Tuesdayjas efficiently as in any pre\ious ad- ues ay. ug. — • from conditions as of .August 1. ac- fanners and other guests b’riday night morning for the county candidates ministration. One of his opponent.^, of issuing and selling $bo,(HR) in cou- TO ROOSEVELT Says Issue Is Whether The Peo ple Are Capable of Choosing Own Servants. Waycross, Ga., Aug. 15.—Senator Walter K. George, D., Ga., today the ClintJn-Lau-l'^'''’'’*'*^ national admin- annual Georgia” I with relief and WT’.A funds being ov .•.*..1. iM-low avraK,. i" prtHluction for the year.s lD27-:li5. ‘■vent was plan, lorial in imai y of .September 14. ^ The -‘^nialle.vt crop since 1SS:5 was the P»iniarily as an informal gather-! Accepting the challenge of Presi- Shealy the latter part. The mvoca-'hett and be reelected for one term of the proceeds of which will be used to mg and an opportunity for fellowship. , Roosevelt who endorsiKl Law- tion was made by J. Leroy Burns'of his own. Then he will be ready to! erect new buildings, additions to pr»s- i.iUD.OOO bales pioduced in ' " ‘ " who this week started on their hi- he said, has serve<l many years inlpi’H bonds will he submitted annual trek seeking the suffrage of public office and he thinks that some-j flt?^ of the district the voters. The meeting was held in'one else is entitled to honors in ,the | .According to an advert meeting was held in'one else is eniiiieu to nonors in ,ine| .-xcconiing to an advertise the f'lorida Street school auaiiorium county. Mr. Davis suteii that all he today’s paper, by the trustees of the t,alcs*, with James L. Browming pre.siding'''’'iints is to complete the present unex- during the first part and Lfr. F. K. pi^ed term of the late Thos. W. Ben 1 ti Quali' l^^ack, agricultural at the Hob Noh, on tl ^ highway, at the in ^ I of theM-luh. stment in pr,Hiuction in ID.X, and 101,000 . There was no' district, giving legal notice of the lec tion, it is proposed to issue the bond? ent buildings, and to buy needinl Laurens. 'Step down and out. It is not humanly j The prwlommating topic among the house candidates was. old age pen-1on recording of papers in the of- sions, practically all of them being in ^*oe, since the volume of business js, school building, and W. R .An- ami>unt is the estimated acreage favor of adequate prov made for the aged and infirm of them, however, called cial session of the legislature handle the problem now that pay-1 House of Representatives ments to beneficiaries have been re-' Joe P. Terry, resident of the Clinton C. W’, .Anderson, pre.sident of thei club, presiiled and welcomed thej ^ B'^*‘Ller, for the sena- iMluipment for the t'linton schools. The forwa’sTTi'ssumes that l.L’lHl.OOo'introduced by mem-| nomination and urged the defeat The election will be held in the acres will Ih> harvested this fall, which invited them. j of George, the senator today called on in' . K.of the state to “.select their ntatives, free from domi- control of executives.” said the issue now involved According to opinion of R. E. Babb, last year and the average of l.BKrt.OtK), operation of the plan' was fretnlom of suffrage and contend- county attorney, furnished to the •fre» harve.sted during the years^ . wl that without freedom of suffrage, . , , . . 1O0- of the government .s soil improvement , program by planting crops that will dtxed. In othar sections of the state Mills, stated that the textile/industry! trustees, the legal requirt>ments for 1D27-1D,’U). there have been demands made on the of the county needs a representative, voting in the eKvtion are ms follows: j The indicate*! yield is 255 pounds . ... . rtil't f iB. 'i if governor to call a special session of' in the legislature. He feels that “In order to vote the person offer- ** c**mpared with 28D in lD37j ^ <5ame time ^dng paid for it by the legislature. knows the needs.of the working peo-h^, ^o yote must oroduce a reristra. ^31 average f,>r the ten-year pe-^JJ; Hrfl.srjxpla^^^^ the The meeting was devoid of fire- pie, and will fight for them. Has tion certificate from the county hoard works but two of the candidates for'worked in grocery stores and millH for reelection who are present members'20 years. Is in favor of old-age pen- of roKistiation i5»o.-d aft'or tho 1st , a'lv.noomont of tho crop day of January, 1D38, and at least 30 is about usual, hut weevil infestation /pasture improvement move being in stituted in the state and several farm- of the house, Messrs. Milam and sion of $30 a month. He statcnl the|,|jjy^ prior to the holding of the elec- con'Paratively heavy with the pos ^ Wasson, became somewhat vehement monej’ for old-age pensions has beenj^j,,,, jj^ niust also make proof of nay- considerable loss from this weather .should prov** favorable for democracy cannot exist. “The issue is whether the people of this state or any sovereign state are capable of electing and choos- * ling'their own seiwants, and wheth- the in answer to^another house candidate, appropriated but doesn’t know where for the yeir L. A. Austell, who, in a previous it ha.s gone. Thinks teachers should' asses.sed against him. pay meeting, berated them for not staying get adequate pay, and is for good at the Jefferson hotel while attending roads, schools and lower taxes. He sessions of the in Columbia. i.^^aid he is opposed to a sales trx since The camiMiign party swung into ac-,it will add a burJen on the working, elt'ction. Personi not tion .Motnlay morning when they ap- people. He said a safes tax bill naost j f^,,. payment of ^11 tax are peared at Centerpoint. .Monday night likely would be introduced at the ncxtjp„{^ rcijuire*! to make such prind of they spoke af Clinton .Mills. Tuesday session of the legislature an»l that payment. He must be a resulent of ers, incluiiiiig C. \V. Stone ami Jaekj*’ natuie and character of our Davis, Sr., suggeste*! that farm *^”"***''^*'*’^ it.'>elf <iemnnds that the ami ad-h’^*^**^*' exercise the right to chooso 'their own representatives in all pub- • r—a^-fivitv nii'iit to put til** plan across in this’*'‘‘ able more than 30 days prior to the s.*cti..n. The Lions club agr.*.**! to act ‘ "ant to v«)te for whom- election, and he must have pai«l the kVi :* . 'W. *i,\ nu tliuni f*>r hi inging the group.jdease . he asked tfio .sanies l*>ast 30 day.s prior to the ' Vlh r W ? “•"« « conimitt.*e was ap- y‘'‘' «ant him to exe.- “ Imiiii*. I else independent. e.>nseious.(5od-fear- night they appeareil at Giildville,! will fight vigorously against it. He M’cilnesday morning at Cross ^ Hill, is also opposed to extra pay for legis- Wedpesday night at Lydia Milfs, Thisllators and will oppose any move to morning they will speak at Hickory add to it at the end of the session. Tavern and tonight at Watts Mills. When he paid his entry fee, he stated, The Friday morning meeting at Pop- he knew the salary of the office wa.s lar Springs will close the official ac-lonly $4U0 a session, and that is all tivities of the party for the week. he expects to be paid. However, he UnoppoKcd Candidates Lead said, if the extra pay bill is passed, J. Leroy Burns, unopposed candi- he will accept the money. He i.s not date for reelection as county superin-1 bridled by any one, he said, except the tendent of education, was the first iworkmg peopia and will look after speaker. He stated that his record is their intere-sts, but will not neglect open to the public. Said he made only other matters. Mr. Terry sai*l hej one promise to the voters four yt*ars won’t wait four or five vieeks, until ago and that was to perform the du-’people are on the verge of starvation,] ties of the office in an efficient man- to come to their relief, but will see- ner. Will always be helpful, loyal and that assistance is brought immediate courteous to the people of the county, ly when net*<led. He referred to the D. Roy Simpson, who is without differences in the work-relief pay opposition in the race for reelection .scale b**tween the North and the as treasurer, expressed apjireciation South. I’WA laLor, he said, is worth thf district. The following p«^rsons are liable for the payment of p«»Il tax: .All males lH'tw*‘en the age* of twenty- (me and sixty years, except those in capable of earning a support from be *.«}ii»iii«- ui t-aiiiiiiK a iivm ur- „11 ■, i,,,. ...u..-,. : .. *1... *•. navis, .ir., toul ol plans lor; inK maim«lorJrj,motj«^^r cause. j- staitinfr Ihc Uurens county hniscj he dttmeil taxable polls. j ^ , {show by the ( linton Lions club andi Many New Horses IjHT acre were pro*liK-e»l. ■ The Unitinl States comiition is re- 1 ported at 78 per cent, of n«)rnial and, with the exception of 1D37, is the For Clinton Show>j.r'*-A:A>•’ i‘- Eniry Blank.s Reveal “Horse Population” of County Increas ing .\t Rapid Rate. since 1D13. In 1D37 the August 1 con dition was 81 p«*r cent ami the t«*n- year averag** (1D27-3«D <»D per cent. congress. Referring to I*resident Roosevelt’s by the Clinton Lions club andi®*^**^ on his allegience to demc^racy, asked the attendance an<l supiKirt of ^*‘‘‘***f® indictment which at- the group. i tacks my loyalty to the party and m/ A steak supper was served by the; **’^®*^*^ _|aml n*) hill «)f particulars has been ap- presaed their appreciation for invi tioiis extemleii t*i attend the affair. Radio Director Takes Up Work Welfare Department I That the nunih<*r of horses in I,iau- rens county has increas***! at a rapul irate in the jiast year is revealed hy the return of entry blanks f*>r the an- Ncw Dcptirtmcnt Head at ( (ll- . , * • 1 u u V' .u • nual ljiur<*n.s county horse .•^how t<» Ik* IcRC Arrives In (ity lo BeRin for the support received four years as much here as'^in Northerni . , , , . r 11 /-r . V • \ ft ■ <• . i ■ ■ t c *4- stag*.**! pt Johnson fiehl. riint->n. on IfUlies. ago. The financial affairs of the states, and is in favor of putting' , , . - . , ^ countj*, he said, are in excellent con- wages between the sections on anj of >.nnrMvin*« fJftv iw* Thatcher, newly a|)poml ditiun eral years, he said, has not had to “It is nothing but broad general com'lushtns."' G*<>rge said he thought Mr. Roo«e- v*'lt had “like all human b«‘ings, some CIO receiviMl misinformation,” and 1 SiyS vMJL added that “all men in high places aro ^ som*-tim**s giv«*n misinformation for .A total »»f $1''.D25.11'l was paid out th«* purpose of advaneing those who through the welfare d**pai tnnnt in fuiiii'h that iiifoi mat ion." I.aur4‘ns county *Uiring the month of George assert***! that the disupprov- .July, .Mrs. .M«il>* l Little, county <iir**c- al *tf his r****lt*cti*tn I y the Committeo tor, annoiine***! last we**k. Of that for liulustrial Organization and l/.i- amount th** ag**d, «l**pen*lent chihlreii l*‘»r’.s Non I'artisaii Lague weio H** attack***! tin* w**«*k arriv***! in (’lint*in seiiting a i***lueti**n *>f ap|ir*ixiniat**ly ‘ lO as "c*)mmunis(ic.’' O'*. . /• 41. 4 1 I i Uf approximately fifty horses to be , > i, . -a . a. . ..* i c * The county for the past sev- ecjual liasis. i „ i•'<1 dir**ctor of ra*li*» at l‘r**shvt**nan and blind r**c**i\A*«l $«».lll*.(2, r**pr**- l>ailges of Iniimr. , . , , 4 u I 4 t> I *1' I 4 4 4 ent**red, m«*mr>er.s of the committee „ • • ' years, he sui*l, has not had to Robert Wasson, incumbent, stat-, . ^ i. r * c** leg* I i- .• I L 4 u I 4i_ state, about J.") have never hef*»rt* l*een .. , ..,1111., . .. borrow money for operating exjieiises. ed that he serve<l three years as ® jp an*l of that nunil*er alniut tn-gan preparat*»ry w*)rk on his t.> per cent as r*)mpur*-*i to that of He sani h** ha«l vot<d against tlit* Clerk of Court sehooUeacher before entering legisla-l^ horses purchased during *the department, which will have the Jim**. judicial n-form ami i*^oiganizatioii Victor R. Fleming, of Laurtins, said tive service. He is now in business >nl“ indicates the rapidly d*»ulde functions of teaching radio ami Tin* n***Hly un*mpl«yei| in l-iuia ns hills of th** ailmiiii.'tration, fiist b**- he had had a youthful ambition to the Hickory Tavern c*>mmunity, interest in horses among H> Presbyterian college e**iiM(y r**ceiv.*.l $12,517.11, .Mrs. Lit- eau.s** t.he su|»rem«* court is th.s .serve the county in the office of clerk said, and is a graduate of county iH*ople and augurs ^^e preparing and pre- tl.* said, a.hling that m.tst of these "guaiantee of our liberty," ami tho of court and asked the people to help rian college. He thanke*! the voters j success of the show next eU*ctrieal transci ijdions ha*l been discontinii***! .in** to r**orgaiiizatioii ni* asiir** wouhl hav** him achieve that ambition. He is a for their support two years ago whenj^.^^^ j. jto the ra<li*» stations of the area. |th** ie*»pei>ing, of ('linton ami Lydia “aholishe.l the civil .*;*'rvic** commis- Uurens county boy, he said, a gradu- he was elected to the house on thej features added Thatcher is well .pialified for 'mills at Glinton. ate of Clemson college, and has taught first ballot, and considered it a vote I shtming of ® master’s .le- four years in the Laurens schools. He of confidence. He had endeavored, he! h.irses in luiirs and harness Columbia university, has 'ion. has prepared himself to carry out the said, to live and work so as not to committee in charge will ’^■***'*‘ sjieech at Princeton duties of the office, he said, and prom-1 have that confidence misplaced. He c„nstr’u<*t a regulatmn riding ring on “"'''ersity, has done work in dramatic ised efficiency and to those has always been interested in educa-' ^y^^ animals pr«>ducti<.n in New Y..rk ( ity, an*l for who use its facilities. No book com- tion, he said, and served on education' a.lvantaee since most of pany, he said, would have a monop- committees in the legislature, assisted ‘ ' oly on the business of the office, but in lengthening .state-supported .school will put it on a competitive basis in term to eight months, an«l increasing order to save money for the taxpay-^and adjusting teachers’ pay. He thinks era. fhe rental school book system can C. A. Power recounted his former'be easily worked into a free textlniok Th* I "1 want t*) make it |k i f*‘« tly plain 'that if I go hack t** Wa>hiMgtoii t 'will not vot«* t*> pa*k th** .supremo I court, 1 will n«»t v*>t** fur jir**si*lential control *»f a va.-t army of f.deral em-* pl.iyees by one admini trator, and [ city union .service next .Sun-1 will not v*.te f*.r any arUi-lynchitig un- Union Service At Presbyterian ♦ k44.v, ko,.4. 1 .an erlensiv** forum program in Huf-i ..... - - .j4j ^ falo, N. Y’., which ha«J as an import- e\ening will he held at the hirst bju <tr f*»r anv «tth*r hill that i? W tK ‘nt phase of its w*.rk the presenta- '’••‘••‘‘Kvterian church. The pulpit-will consiituti*.nal.” G**oge sai.l. vailinir it is exni‘cted that the show nationally known radi.i ‘►^TUpi***! by the Rev. \\. N. I^ong, Ge«)rge (le.scrib***! hini'^elf a.s a lil)- this>^*ar will brTh^ biffin program. “The Buffalo Town Mvvting, of the eral “wilhin the limits of the Anieii- , , , , , perience of the Glinton years of service in the clerk’s office, ‘ system and will work toward that end. ^f the event. the probate judge’s office and as post- He said he is in favor of the ol«l-age|‘ master at l^aurt-ns, saying that he has pension plan as now followed in the a record that is probably unexcelled state, but that it can b<* improved.] in .South Carolina. He .said he was Has al&o worked for progres.sive labor | always prompt in rt‘Cording papers legislation. Is interested in county, in the clerk’s office. Books of the affairs and has worked to make the] Uons club. of the .Air.’ May Lower The In ad<iitinn to his t»*aching *luti*-s, Mr. Thatch*-r will writ**, direct, and produce *lramatic radio sketches which will he elwtncally tran.scribed in the rp Q I _ (college’s newl^ ***juipi»ed radio re. 1 SIX PfftCKCtS cording studio.'^The.'^e pntgrams will ^ -i»e dramatic presentations of setcial office, he stated, were in perfect con- county offices more efficient in their Senator Harrison Says That »nd economic prohhms <»f the .South, dition when his term ended. He said operation and service rendered, and Bu.siness Trends Will Decide ^ presented over all the he also served with the .same effi- will continue to lend his efforts along ‘ ‘ ' stations of the .slate, ciency in the office of probate judge that line. The state, he said, is facing Issue. ^ , and the post office. He said hb is a deficit for next year. He is in fa-' Washington, Aug. 1.5. — .Senator 001116 DUllclingf now offering the same type of service vor of reducing the appropriation bill jjarri.son (D-.MLss) >aid today that * , /\££ if elected to the clerk’s office. Here- rather than adding new taxes. Thc^^j^j,^ ^ pn-’i-up in busi- 111 utSlte Ull called .^is interest in and service to s^tq, he said, is not obligated to before congress meets it might ♦ veterans of the Civil, Spanish and nish a college ^ucation to chi'dren nf ^ necessary to lower income tax ex- Washington. .Aug. 13. Approxi- World wars, all given freely without the state, and is in favor of reduc:ng^j.j^pjjQpj, increase the levies in mately (•y2 dwelling units were con- charge. Said he was recently elected appropriations to state educational midde brackct.s. structed in urban areas of South an honorary member of the J. J. Me. stitutions. Mr, Wasson also wouid Harrison is chairman of the senate Carolina during the first half of 1D3H, Swaig camp of Spanish-American war divert part of the revenue from the fj^gnee committee. .Art upturn in according to estimate.-- of the bureau veterans. He praised the work being gasoline tax, now given wholly to said, probably would in- of labor .statistics, done by the three institutions of the j highway department, to assist crease government revenues so that This figure compares with a total city—Thomwell orphanage, Presby-Tavor of homestead exemption. Stat- revisions would be unnecessary. of 914 dwelling units for the same terian college and the State Training‘ed that he Mas been criticized for; Harri.son add^ in an interview that slate during the first half of 1937, School. He stated that he will give meeting general appropriations. Is in believed there would be no ne- In the urban areas of the United his full time to the office and render not living at the Jefferson hotel when q£ r(;vi8ing the undistributed States approximately one percent the best service of which he is cap-/in Columbia attending sessions of the more dwelling units were provided able. Ilepslature. Refuses to stay in ^(“unless we have not removed the in- during the first half of the current John D. Davis, incumbent, stated'place where he will be surrounded ^ hardships that we he- year than during the corresponding with a cordial invitation exttn*!***! all can constitution.” <<.ngr**gatioris to unit** in th** s**rvice., **i h«*lieve in the lih**ja constit ution Ford Calls 24,000 Persons To Work Detroit. Aug. 15.—The Co., which halt*‘*l operation.s a fort night ago. call***! approximately 21,- 000 workj-r-: hack today as i»roducti*>n was r«*siinietl on the comiiany’.s 1938 )nt>*iels. The company eniphiys ‘'.5.(»(mi wh**n operations are «in a full time basis. , interpre tation of th** constitution hut 1 do n*it b»'!i**v** in ovirwriting its char, explicit ainl well *l*-fin'*.l •.einis. *'I do not helong to the .-cliool of liheralisiii that stands r*ady to dis- 1 M 4 regar*! *'Vei v principh* of g(>\ci iini nt rord .Motor , . ' , . 1 e merely l)*‘eaus** that principle of gov- that he appreciated his appointment by liquor. Decried what he stated j jjgyg^j ^g Qf K to the office and has tried t« he fair in service rendered since he assumed the office. The work of the office, he said, has more than doubled in re cent years, and this has prevented his getting oMt and mingling with and shaking hands with the people. He stated he felt the people would pre fer that he look after the duties of the office rather than neglect them by making an intensive campaign. The office, he said, is being ran jnat was the unfair criticism of another] candidate. a C L. 1 L. A. Austell stated that he came' wXAOOlS to the county six years ago. If np ^ q - « elected he will be the representative | 1 O V/p6Il 1 of all the people. There should be an' ♦ investigation of the county demon-' The Clinton city schools will open'season received at The Chronicle of- stration office, he said. Tliere is much their 1938-39 session on Thursday, fice was brought in by Charlie Hollis 1937 period. The pronounced gains were shown in New York City where a new building code went into effect last January. FIRST COTTON BOLL i The first open I cotton boll of the dissatisfaction among farmers, since September Ist. . from the J. A. Bailey farm near here, some are allowed to plant only 2Vk acres to the plow, while others are (Continued on page seven) The Thornwell orphanage adMxds | known as the Byrd place. The boll was will enter upon their new year’s work {picked from one fo his fine fields on on August 30th. \ I Friday morning, August 12th. ] DRIVE CAREFULLY ' SAVE A LIFE! 6 ,DEATHS from ai;to4Mobile ' ACCIDENTS in LAURENS COUNTY 1938 Let's Strive To Make This a Safe Year On the Highways. This date last year, 4. ernim-ut is unpopular. "I want it unil'i'suioii that 'Jio D*’m<>cra‘if pa;fy i- nut a oiu'-iuail party.” G**org<- 'ai'i In* iliallcngcd tho.'*! who hri! g to Am* i' a "aliini im thoiis’’ ari'i ;tiat h* stood witli th**-.Xmcrivuu Ffih'ia’ion ol' I.ajoi a' tin* *>rgan./.i- tiofi o.*' til** Arnei icari w n kirigrnan. The 'onator said pH '-ui** ha<l 1 * a brouglit on him to \0;** on ci-rtadi^, admini-tration m'*asurt*s against in'! convi*.lions but that if ht* “suiTcn*i**i- «‘d hi-s opiiii*»n to om* man ht* must surri-ndt r it to another.” I “B** not di<turb*'*l by f«**l«*val fuiuU Cuming into G**orgia. If you men ar d w*»nT**n will go into this fight as G* <>rS^ gians have gone into battle.** whero great issues are invoK-ed, those on relief and those who hold federal of- r fice will dcmon.strate ageiii the kind of blood flowing in their veins. “I .serve notice now you can not buy George,” he said and said ho iw 1: *1 “(li-ag into the spotlight every attempt to buy a single Georgia man I or woman.” * ^ ' Ge<»rge said the challenge to him jby President R*>osevelt yras chal lenge to all the people of (Jeo^ia, not to him as an i^fvidual. “Free government depends on ex ercise of the free ballot.” V 'I* X \