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4 ^ T 1 "• r r ^ •• . UJj.aW-. IIIUJIMPJWP / / IL THE CHRONICLE StiiTes To Be m Cleui Nowo* paper. Complete, Newiiy, and ReBaUe. / (Ute Olltnton (Hifrnnirlr If Too Dont Read THE CHRONICLE Too Doo*t Get Tim Newa. mn VOLUME xxxvm CLINTON, S. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST'11, 193S^. NUMBER 32 CAMPAIGN TO I Law Enforcement OPEN MONDAYi ^ow Major bsue Initial Guns To Be Fired At Center Point In Morning and In State Contest Two-Thirds Rule Is Boosted Anew Pickens, Augr. 9-—Law enforcement Clinton Mills At Night. To drew the attention of candidates for' governor here today as they spoke toj 1,500 citizens gathered from over the| Northern Support May Arise To Keep Roosevelt From Anoth er Term As President. Laymen Dispute 3,000 Spartans NEW HIGH MARK Union Statement Hear Aspirants \ ENROLLMENT Group Objects To Assertion Uni fication Opposition Is Dying Out In the South. To U.S. Senate: Washington, Aug. 6.—proposal to( Columbia, Aug. i.—.A .slatewido ex I Spartanburg, Aug. !♦. — Candidates| 1 for the Uniteil States senate and for| ‘congress from the Fourth South Car ' ecutive meeting of Methodists oppos-1 olina district today addresse<l 3,000 Unpurged Lists Show 422,935 Names On Books With Poll Above 300,000 Seen In Pri mary of August 30. Columbia, Aug. 0.—Democratic en rollment in South Carolina reached a Visit Clinton Tuesday Morn- ^ ing, Goldville At Night. of Pickens county. , ' , restore the two-thirds rule in the 1P<6 ^ ^ unifVation of the church re- voters in a campaign meeting on the . _ , , WyndhamManning, of Sumter, and; solved today that a recent statement lawn of the Spartanburg county court The Laurens county political | Seville Bennett, of Bennettsville, who rallying point for anti-administration by Ili.<hop John M. Moore was “al-,bouse. v,- u i paign as mapped by the have criticized alleged lawlessness in; Democrats if President Roosevelt togi'ther inapplicable and erroneous”. Senator Ellison D. Smith, the firsti .‘1*^ tway when the unpurgtnl TOmmittee, will get under way nert Charleston at recent, stands for a third term. .ryganling ratification of the union. ',of the senatorial candidates to speak,! . * counties showed a Monday morning , 15th, wi meetings of the campaign, today con-!*^ . ■ , ^ i-.- • • ' 'I'bc group objected to a statement continued his defeiise of hi.< if'cord of —>0. Center Point, in Waterloo township.ior rigid en‘force-1 politicians is Years in the .senate which has been Lane L IRmner. state Dt*mocratic providing the forum for the the criminal statutes., jalready calculating the chances of Junaluska, N. C.. on July 30 to the under fire during the campaign by7‘‘<^retary, said that the actual total gun at 10 o’clock. The night meeting^ .Manning said the “issue of this winnirig enough Northern support in effect that “the opposition to the un- his opi>onents, Go\-\*rnor Olin 1), John-! Probably would be slightly lower than will be at the Clinton Cotton Mills. as I have said time and 1040 tosrt'stbre the rule, which once b>n raise.! at several points in the .ston and State Stmator Edgar Brown.■"fbat figure after the county Demo- Thirty candidates have qualified for jg whether or not the laws shall ’ “Solid South” an effective' practically died out and He donounciHl as lies rumors which ;^ratio organizations eliminated illegal the three house seats and nine'coun-j be rigidly enforced with regrard to alD ty offices, in addition to 22 aspirantsi^^j^^amnities and classes of our people power in party councils. the last congress against some of the union is seen . for ten magisterial offices. [from Caesar’s Head to Charleston; The candidates will come to Clinton' whether or not organized crime as it city on Tuesday maming, the 16th, 1 has been shown to exist in Columbia I president’s key legislative proposals. | for their speakin^r^ifement. The and Charleston shall be allowed toi uvo-third rule. scrapp,^i meeting will begkp at^ o clock and spread over the state. ' will be held at n^rida l^treet school. enforcement that almost everywhere a beautiful he said were being ciixulateti about^’^^*’’^’'*- I acceptance and gracious loyalty to the; him—one that he did not vote forj The enrollment was considerably This same gnmp forminl a bloc in'action of the church in ratifying the Tresident RiMisevelt and the other that higher than the 11*34 figure of 375,- he had said that 50'cents a day was, TOG. That year the vote totaled 297,- * Secretary G. G. Pike said the group enough for a laboring man in South'370. iCarolina to live on. j “Qn the same basis, we may expect That this statement is altogether; invade Gold- At night the pa ville. The itinerary as arranged for the county follows Center Point, Monday morning, August 15. Clinton Cotton Mills, Monday night, August 15. Clinton City, Tuesday morning, August 16. Goldville, Tuesday night, August 16. Cross Hill, Wednesday morning, August 17. Lydia Cotton Mills, Wednesday nig^, August 17. Hickory Tavern, Thursday morning August 18. Watts Mills, Thursday night, Aug ust 18. Poplar Springs, Friday morning. eau over me ;• jqo., Roosevelt was nom- • ‘T' Jl"' "'7 —- Smith said that he was the only'the vote in the primary this year to While I am on the subject of law;. ^ ‘ oamliHatreonU win erroneous with re-, farmer in the senate, and that he had | be well over 300,000,” Bonner said, orcement, I want it made unmis-jL ’ . nrestlentil? nomination church'the endorsement of every respt^ctable largest single nrecinct w-as the takably cle;r that I recognize as; labor organization. city Lx at«eornot’ J's„„,hh.d m^«..h.n..hw of L son. wero exiled. The swiTd Ur^- jto organize, his right to strike, his delegates and thus could with- 7 V ** t ^ard One at Columbia with sacred right to work, so long as hel^ A, 7"”^. * ; ‘ opposition dying out or falling vancement of the Colored People have L 093 stays within the law Those rights are'”°^ j noniinatiop from anyone >^jinto a state of exhaustion or inactivi- blacklisted me and Jimmy Byrnes ’ nu„;__ -„i-,1 swys wiinin rne Jaw irwM ngnis ^^jthout the rule, which of.U„ .. v n 1a i! Basing his calculations on the pop- the legal and vested property of the *"**.“'jty, as Bishop Moore’s report would (Senator James F. Byrnes) and I ’ ». n-* ine lepi ana vesxea properxy oi threw Democratic conventions into it i* ini.rA»ina. ♦K-r.t tVAm tK- •• census. Bon- individual, and are no longer ques- j^^dlock for weeks at a time, all? steadily as.thank them for the compliment, tht declared that one out of every tioned hy tho.. .ble to ke^ up with pow,r ’ .J. .. four person,, in .South C.rulin. „„ the times. «« ! which it was handleil and the lack of pie majority has the pow „ - choose the party’s candidate. But I want to make it perfectly 1 - ,, , dear, so that there can never be anyj anti-Roosevelt forces couW mut- any voice by the membership in its mistake where I sUnd, that I con-!7>: > majority in favor of the two-[ furtherance or adoption, sider the sit-down strike a.s beine en-^*'’*'^* regulation in 1940, they would! “That a statewide organization of elusive and undemocratic manner in Referring to charges that he is an tagonistic to the New Deal, Smith as- .serttnl that he had voted for 80 per cent of the New IK*al legislation. He reiterated accu.sations made enrolled. I believe we have a larger per- Icentage of the total eligible citizens of voting age enrolletl as Democrats borders of South Carolina. I do not want to be elected to any president. {plans to take definite and concerted senate. The Barnwell man accusisl the Some of the politicians considering,action to bloclc by verj’ means possible senator of voting against Roosevelt’s, four years ago. Their combined de- August 24. Woodville, Wednesday night, Aug ust 24. office through any misunderstanding anti-third-term tactics said today that|—legal, withholding of financial sup-i |n*licies more than the Republicans! port and otherwise — the consumnia- »lid. Smith refused when President . _ Im** of tl*** Pl®o m this state looking Roosevelt asked him to write an agri- South Carolina if I did not make myljo^ity of the convention would vote to to the saving of our .Methodist EpiS-’|cultural bill that wouhl have put position clear beyond a shadow of a I renominate the president. icopal Church, South.” farmers of August 7- \jL'.u.i„AEaa., nuArnincr '<’f my positiou, and 1 would not boiit might be |>ossible to obtain _ ,— ^ ^'1 frank with the laboring people ofijority for the rule even though a ma- the .South on an eijual ba- 25. V .1-^ Ti - io« doubt on this matter of vital impor-| The rule would appeal, they pre-' '***” ^ ^ ’ tance to all the people of the stale.” | dieted, to the South, to delegations | ’ Ronnatt /•r.ntiniKwt Vii« niAn fnr law ann*’ ! Dr. S. J. S Pike .-aid over 100 nieiiilH‘rs at-;sis with farmers of the .North and Laurens Cotton Mills, Thursday night, August 25. Laurens Court House, Friday morn ing, August 2<lk— - Jones Store, Friday night, .August j West lnH'ause Summers of t'ameron, is president’s re he was mad over the Bennett continued his plea for law^supporting “favorite son” candidates, enforcement, criticized conditions in and to delegates who would like to | P*'^**'***"' ^f «*;Kan5*atioii and B. assistant si^cretary of agriculture Charleston and took a hefty verbal' oppose the president without voting ^1* Boyd of CliiUon, vice-prt*sident. litrown charged, swing at Manning when he declared, I directly against him. > I • Brown declared his unqualified sup ^Tn alfmy 1(T yeari ffi t^e legislature! Thive politicians decTincsl 16 ^ F ft A nf* I^*L of South Carolina I have never voted , quoted by name until, they said, the » Wl ^ ito permit horse rticing and pari-mu-' president had di.sclo-je*! his intentions The Candidates :tuel betting, as did the candidate here, definitely. of Representatives: Robertago,' Mr. Roosevelt’s best known state- C. Wasson, S. J. Hunt, C. L. Milam, .y^p great law enforcement candidate • ment on the question thus far was W. T. Bolt, Phil D. Huff, J. P. ( oe) yy^j^ ra^e.’’ imade at a Democratic bam|uet on Bennett also said that he had never;.March 4, 1937, when he said: “voted in all those 10 years to legal- “My great ambition on January 20, ize the sale of liquor in South Caro- p.i41, is to turn over this desk and lina. 1 am a total abstainer,” he said, chair in the White House to my sue 11,988,000 Bales Johnston d«‘fen<ied his administra tion as governor, declaring, that every d«‘partment and every institution of Terry, \\\ R. Richey, Jr., C. Brooks, L. A. Austell. Supt. of Education: J. Leroy Burns. Treasurer: D. R. Simpson. Auditor: S. R. Dorroh, M. A. Wil- (loal Had Keen Set Between and 11 Million. Condition the state was in belter shape than when he t«H>k office. . 7S Referring to critici>ni of his now I*er Cent, Washington, Aug. 8.—The nient of agriculture forecast to Washington t«> see the president, Johnston .said: “I am Franklin D. depart- R<iosevelt's friend, and he is Olin 1). a 1938 .lohnston's friend. 1 a«lvt»cate the New Davis, C. son. Clerk of Court: John D. A. Power, V’ic R. Fleming. _ ______ Judge of Probate: J. Hewlette Was-^j ^jjy permit such a thing to be Cole L. Blease promised his audi-; cessor, whoever he may be, with the <‘''®P 11.988.00<» bales t.xlay Deal program ence that “if the legislature vot^s a^assurance that I am at the same limei*^ first estimate this season. I sales tax when I am governor, you' turning over to him as president a loan rest assured that 1 will veto it.'nation intact.” son, Ross I). Young. Supervisor: A. Rhett Martin, J. Warren Crane, Joe R. Adair, Wm. J. (Bill) Henry. put on the people of my state.” Blease scored the practice of voting extra pay for members of the general assenvbly, said (hat he would not; County (Commissioner: (two to I “stand for any such unconstitutional . elected): John H. W’harton, L. "’ practice.” Stoddard, C. Bryan Holland, J Ben Hunter. John Hughes Coopt'r pledged en The department’s crop rept»rting national administration, and said he lioard reported the condition of the made mr speeches for Roo>evelt in crop on August 1 was 78 per cent of 193G, hut “walke«l out on the conven- normal, indicating a yield of 217.9jtion and did not vote for him.” pounds of lint cotton jur acre. “Ed Smith never changed his prin- The estimated pnnluction this year'eipU-s in 30 years,” Johnston declared, icomjtareil with a record cn»p of 18,- “He voted against women’s suffrage. ;94G,(MMi hales produci’tl last year. The Hf htiil has the same principles.” I.aurens, .Aug. 8.—Donald Murphy, new farm program goal was set at; The talks of the congressional can- four, son of Mr. and Mrs. E<lwar<l h<*tween 10,000,000 and 11,0**0,000 didutes were devoid of fireworks. Child Is Victim Of Pistol Shot forcement of all laws and said that Mu'*phy, of East .Main street. die<l at l«les for this year. B Powers. Game Warden: Sydney .A. lx?e, A.Ijjq community or group of people * local hospital tonight of a pistol Jacks, J. D. W. Watts, N. Dunk 1 permitted to stand above bullet wound he received when play- i (Continued on page s:x) •Magist rates ^ liBurens township: R. M. Broivnlee, 1 A. Homer Moor*. Sullivan township: .Archie C. Hry'^on, the first c«»ngressionaI can. Fred Hellam.s, D. Ow- To<ld ings, W. Knight. Waterldo: H. C. Sims, Carl Y. Cul bertson. Cross Hill: J. B. Pinson, L. E. Mar- The board estimated 2*'J.347,(KM) ,li,Jate to speak, askt^l eli’Ctioii on the acres would be harveste<l this year, I»flsis of his training an<l hi' ejlTht ing with a gun early this aftenHxm. comftared with 34,471,009 acres for y« ars’ experience in the >tute h*gisla- Donald and his sister, Joan, two, harve-t on .August 1, 19.'I7. This esti- tiire. He sketched his career as a and a brother, Edward, Jr., six, found mate was substantially below the 1938 farm l>oy, cotton mill worker, lawyer a pistol in a c^r parkeij 3n a m igh- allotment of 27,.527,<K*0 acres. and h gi-^lator. hor’s yard. They iM’gan playing with Ginnings pric»r to .August 1 thi- ('ongressman Mahon hrarnied false the gun, according to Edward, and year totaled 158,11.") liales, conipareil rumors which he said had been cir- presently the weapon di>«*harge<l, the with 142,983 hales ginned prior to culatnl that he ha<l voted for th«‘ Two New Events Planned For bullet passing through I Donald's chest. .August 1, 1937, the board reporteil. ' anti-lynching bill. He asked for re- Third Annual Presentation Bv The child Ls survived by his parents Pnnluction forecasts by states: |election because he said he had in- an<f the brother and sister. The body Acre was taken to Moreland. Ga., for. State t'ondilion Yield Plans Go Forward For Horse Show Clinton Lions. Missouri .... N. <'arolina ' S. Carolina tin, H. M. Turner, J. H. Bryson, J. W’. RoPP’ ^ I Plans are nearing completion for burial. _ Scuffletown: W. P. Abercrombie, Ihirtf annual Laurens D. Davis, E. C. Wingo. {county horse show in Clinton on Fri- 1 RLACHLS IN iHl^RvH Jacks: A. I. Dixon. jday night, August 26. The show will, FIRST TIAIE IN oO YE.ARS Georgia Hunter at Clinton: C. H. McCrary., staged on Johnson field where ade-j ♦ Horida Hunter at Mountville. J. L. Dick-jqy^yg lighting facilities are available.’ I.aurens, Aug. 6.—The Rev. L. M. Tennessee ert. iThe event, as in former years, wdll Rop<*r, D.D., I.aurens county native, ’Alabama 91 GK 25.5 Speak At Presbyterian j — - , _ in lormer years, Dial^: Z. C. Vaughn, R. A. Hellams, sponsored by the Clinton Lions'now of Jers**y City, N. J., here on hjs Mississippi W. H. Henderson. iclub. annual visit to friend.s and relatives, Voungs: J. H. Abercrombie. j Two new features will be added had the distinction of preaching Sun- Lxiuisiana ... this year, the riding of saddle horses, day in the same church he had de~ Oklahoma .. . Pa**’« a"d driving horses hitched to livered his first sermon 50 years ago Texas •fUllCe ILF iJlJCaJK buggies or carts. It is not generally «t the age of 18. Rabun Creek Bap- United SUtes known, but there are a number of list church, one of the importa^it rural _ ^ ^ ~ ^ • horses in the latter class with ex- churches of the county, was the scene I |jQ||g 1 O CJltCTtAlll cellent e<|uipment in the county and ot the interesting and unusual com-i « C* •J "occudI^ *Sunday »>'« expected to memorative service, marking as it did ^ rSUTIllCrS rflClAy G. Woodworth attention. .oO years in the ministry. j ♦ ! All entries will be confined to ani-l Twenty-six individuals who had; Xhe Clinton Lions club will hold its 74 79 76 77 81 78 80 79 78 380 240 255 214 1.52 2GO 220 'flu“Ticf in congre-s that no new man Production could have and on the ha.-i."* of his 312.0(KI record a.'< representative of the dis- 453,(KH) irict for the la-t two years.- - 6!* 1.(810 ^ • 939,(8*0, pr(k;kam AT KENND ( hfrch ' 28,000 " ♦ 4.39,0(t0 -A .special childivn’s day program crease was slightly over 1,000. I'he enrollment by counties conr- pai'fsi with 1934 follows: County 1934 193H .Abbeville 5,817 6,110 .Aiken 11,046 12,964 .Allendale 2,012 2,120 .Ander.son v 17,014 19,.599 Bamberg 3,8 (1 'dMlB Harnwell 4.073 4,735 Reaufort •2,145 2.650* Berkeley 3.’2S7 3.7«12 Calhoun 1.9.31 2,D73 <'hurle.'-Lon 21.7o5 25^97 Cherokee 9,998 10,494 Chester 6.071 G.'o’wt Chesterfield .. . 9,110 9,938 Clarendon 3.»ls 1 1.156, Colleton I'F'I 5.9'*5 Darlington s.sii lO.f'll Dillon 5.3 7S ,5. Dorchester .. . 1 l._’>9 Edgefield .Ll.sJ 3.1'*1 Fairfield 4.1."kI 4.135 Florence? 13,i:w l,i,;*87 Georgetown 3,375 4.160 Greenville 27,118 3:t.76*;t GreenwiMMl 1,511 8,(*ll Hampton 3,220 3,9**4 Hurry 12.010 14.**17 Jasper 1.619 1.9 IT Kershaw 7.218 7. .82 r.anca.ster 7,436 9,2'.*1* i.AL’UEN.S 11.269 11.6.99 Lee 1.2'.*0 ."•.*•’.2 L< xington .*,•220 10,679 .Marion 5.1 :> .Marlboro *’.,312' 7.** 16 •Me* ormick 1.S31 1,76*3 NewlK’ii y s.v'5 9,>'l ()conee •’..737 S.515 Orongeburg 9.>2.'* 11.1**1 I’ickt ns FJ.72I 12.'28 Richland 21.625 •4 t ' »•* Saluda 4.301 4.N25 .Spaitanbui g 2“, 1.) 33,0 4 1 Sumter 5,761 5.117 I’nion s.<*'‘«2 9.021 Williamshurg 5..52I 6., 11 •; . 5’ork 10.T96 11.199 j Totals 37.5.7.M’ 422.9:5.5 245 245 170 170 217.9 998,(88) will be presented at the Renno Meth-, 1,438,0*8) church next .Sunday morning at 1,247 0(8) 11 o’chn-k to which the public is in-i 63L00() vited. | 648,000 -Roginning in the evening at 8:1.5, a' Candidates Speak Here On Friday 'The congressional candidates f 0111 3,425,000 protracted meeting will start at the' the Fourth district. <•. Heyward ^a- 11,988,000 church to be led by the pastor. Rev ' .... . .. r. ' ! E. S. Jones. The pulpit of the First Presbyte rian church was morning by Dr. M ^mda'v^TMrntoe^^will^^ i^^i^arge^of Laurens county. The commit- heard thb boy preacher’s initial ser'innnual “fanner night" meeting Fri- Dr Dudley Jones also of the college charge has already mailed out n^on were among the large gathering evening at 7:30 at the Hob Nob, and a former nastor of the chureh! blanks and indications point to of worshippers present at the old on the Clinton-Laurens highway. The Out of town fruest ministers will oc- * heavy return, since interest in the home church to join with Doctor Ro- nieeting will begin at 7:30. cupy the pulpit the last two Sunday’s *how is steadily mounting. ;Pcr in celebrating his golden anaiver-j Invitations have been extended to of the month. * The pastor of the There are eleven events or classes in the ministry. |a number of farmers from over the *lnire)i.Dr.I).J. Wood., worn of the,^ ,' L— l«uiity generally to be *oe,ts of the eity on a eacation .Uy with relative.^ 1- Draft brood mare, (under h.I-lgCy COA PttMn|M I'l'*- (".,•■*<<■‘>0". ««•> member has in Virginia. {ter). m. ^XoVlao nj,e privilege of inviting one or more ^ 2. (Children’s horsemanship (16 yrs. I I ^ Pa ifFJtH he his guest or guests for . I • Q • I and under). V/O 1 ajfft Vll the evening. Indications ^int to a' ^fUOn idOrVlCC I S. Ladies’ horsemanship (above 16 ♦ 'wide acceptance of invitations and a M 1* a, lyc**’*)* I Washington, Aug. 9. — The 60-odd goodly .company is expected to be ^^lul tSADuSlSi 4. Saddle brood mares (under hal- agencies in the government’s execu- present ror the meeting Friday. i ♦ Iter). jtive branch had 857,520 persons onj lliis is an annual affair on the part The city union service next Sunday | 5. Three-gaited saddle hones. > the' pa3rroll during June. jof Clinton Lions to create good will !• » evening will be held at the First Bap-; tiat ehurrii The ,pulpit will be-oocu- irfed by Dr. J. C. Roper, pastor <rf North ft’cad Street Methodist diurch, wiUi a eoriUal invitation extended all congregations to unite in the aerviee 6. Pair of saddle horses. 7. Plantation walking horses^ This number, the civil service com- and enable members to meet and min- raission said today, was 16AI4 larger jgle with leaders in agriculture in the 8. Driving horses (buggy or cart).{than in May, and carried total pay cfjcounty. Heretofore the meetings have 9. Five-gaited saddle horses. 10. Grand champion (under halter.) IL Lancing tournament. 1128,071,062. Not induded legislative or judicial essployeea, nor members of the nation’s armed forces. proved to be a source of pleasure both to members of Uie dub and their DRIVE CAREFLXLY . SAVE A UFE! 6 DEATHS from AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS in LAURENS COUNTY 1838 Let's Strive To Make This a Safe Year On the Hisrhways. This date last year, 4. hon, incumbent, and Jos^qih R. B:y- ' son, both of (»rcenvi!le, will come to (Clinton Friday morning at 10:30 for {a speaking engagement. The meeting .through the courtesy of the manage ment, will be held in the Casino the atre with the public invited,,-At 7:30 'in the evening the candidates will .speak at Goldville, and on .August '23rd in the court hou-se at' Laurens. Congressman Mahon is completing his first tw’o-year term as a successor to the late (Congressman J. J. Mc- Swain. New Cross Anchor Road Now Opra j The new’ly paved Clinton-Cross .An chor highway is now open to the pub lic and traffic from here to Spartan- Iburg is being routed over this road. iThe paved road will eliminate seven miles from the old route by Wood- jruff,. Enoree and Luurens, 44 milea, j while the, new way from Spartaidrarg I by Pauline, Cron Anchor and on into I Clinton is only 37 miles. i ^ ^ \ 4^. h6yh V A Al ^