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•J If ■ A //. [ i (4 r THE CHRONICLE StrlTcs To Be • Clean Newa* paper. Complete, Neway, and Rdiable. J \. “II ^ If Ton Don’t Read THE CHRONICLB Ton Don’t Get The Newt. VOLUME XXXVIII CLINTON, S. C., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1938 NUMBER 27 TRIO CONTINUESj^^^ Meet Death jRoosevelt Dedicates ^Stone Attends | TILT FOR senate! During Holidays Monument To Peace, Credit^Meeting: Candidates Questioned As To > Roosevelt Telling People How Road Victims Lead List; Drown- ings Second. Only Three Meet Death From Fireworks. 150.000 Throng Hears President Head of l^cal Production Credit To Cast Votes. Johimton Si-: j , ^ .... '■I I The 72 hours of the Independen At Gettysburg. Civil War Vet-: erans In Last Reunion. lent On Dabbling. nee I Gettysburg, Pa., July 3. President! Association Brings Back Ex cellent Report From Blowing Rock Meet. Per Capita Debt 'SOUTH GIVEN Of U. S. U J285.70: anno D VTIH/' Treasury Shotv* the Average- ^ ^ Has Had Rise of $4.07 Sinee: l’re.sideiit Roosevelt Says Sec- , I 'RooseiVit, <t.-dicati'nK a monument tol St. Matthew'S, July 5.^ The three ‘ pesrons in e ni American “peace etemaP’where thou- Lndidates for the United States sen-r ..u., fought and died <5 j'ears ago. One Year Ago. Washington, July 2.—The treasury ^ . .ft'P'^rted today that the public debt Over a quarter of a million Amen-i i'ost> in the past year to an average of lion Seen As No. 1 Economic Problem. Pictured As Unbal ancing Entire Nation. ' candidates for the United States sen-f contrast to the Fourth of July'^"*’* farmers secured their short-term] $283 70 for every man, womah and Ro'yseveKXHl*^a'g^^^^ of oite onened the fourth week of their' / ^ T *! , '^“‘yisaid tonight “We are near to win-'crt‘dit lu^eds through Production f^e nation. J “ !* ^ iwuthern- ate openeo tne lounn wecK oi tneir qther days—when hospitals were' • „.» ■ a. » ... ' t>u- .n. .,1. tociay to begin a survey of mefth- county-to-county campaign here Tues-'fijied with fireworks victims — only L «^er conflict as fundamen- ,t a.vsiHMations year, according to Thts wms $1.0( .nore than improve Southern economic day with renewed vigor, repeating' ^^j-ee persons ^thttwoghout the nation President of the Clinton ’conditious - which he describe as their nlefiires and attacks on onoon- i ii .j u Tv i The struggle, he told a throng esti- „ , final figunes on the go\(Mium'nt .s v i • T their pledges and attacks on oppon kilkHl by that ' niattHl at 150,000 is “fought not glint ^assocuit.on, who,fi,cal year, which ended Thursday, u! T- ' . K ♦ r n c -41, *^^"*** aji^ieals to rea^n rotunuHi from, a conference of . night, showe^i the debt totaknl $37,-' . __ nrr Tt ami-4uatice-on » thousand fron^ PNhlucti(>n--CT^ rHriv^.--W.7tttrttT5:T5:-ThT^ was ^71^^ unimlahce Lynchburg, . , j S ®*lsiH‘king to save for our common coun- tors held at Blowimr Rwk N C more than the total a year ago. In-i'” whole, due to thi.s center . for anting Uvat I think talities w^^ 141 drownmgs Twenty opportunity and sivurity for citi- terest payments on the obl^ation^^e South.” he said IS nght for my st^e and nation and jiei^ons kilknl themselvt*s and 2. more ^ society." to figures pivsentfsi 280,713'to those at a meeting call- 100 per cent against those things that were shot by other persons, mainlyj ^..^^ched out tj^ ^^tone .said, “the ^ nearly a seventh of all the govern-1 National Economic council. 'for' miles across the mlling battle- PriHluction ( rtslit associations in| ’s expenses. I know are against my state and na-|by accident. tion. I Trains killed 18 and the remaining j UnitiHl Columbia, July 5. — .Accidents and presulent borixiwtHl a phrase or -wiUi erwiit—from the immortal ad.lress by which .Abraham Lincoln 1034 the 550 associations in the Unit- and intimate to our free pe4>ple how —”■ itwo to vote?” ' 'violence in .'^luth Carolina claimiNi at • , -1 ..f .V 1 o .V Wn lives during the holiday ... , , , , , , Smith, m r..ply, said I think Sou^! report, i„dicat„l la,« nieht..?!'' -■f";''' "•"'■‘'.v. Carolinian, are host qualify to olart, Four drown,al. automobile mishap, I'resident Kmiseve t d.alicateil h„ their own senators and congressmen, . .v,.,..,. ... T,'^‘<^‘»dry t4» the wisdom and the hu- adding "1 don't think vou have niueh , -w a t , ’ ^ t n I l inanity of the hoaK of .Mirahniii l.iii. I'vonl which has hern niaiie hy regard for a nntn so wAppod up in a «>•' kilhai hy a - Clinton assiK-iiition. Since this asso- coat tail or who made an attempt at’ _ . _.v f tv . .4, » f The athlress was the signal to touch which .s»‘rves Newberry ami assault to bt* governor.” l-i. .4 , ^ 1 * - "r 'i*^**! ?' ‘*ff ** desigiunl to burn “forever” counties, began oiH-rations Di'claring that personalities rather i^T 4v,,**i„v,lv r,f s:*^\**'*^ ii* *** m/i”* ^ .'^ymU)! of the friemlship that macie .{,(>(>8 an “viul issues” were raised by his' ^ 'J^'xirn l>ay. ivk«r »w*tw4...n the st«ieH f*"' i\ ioU\\ of $1,032,457 ami has than “vital issues” were raised by opponents. Governor Olin Johnsttm and State Senator tklgar .\. Hrown when a fishing U>at «>vertumed. I , ,, OA 1 Brewington. 30, was fatally of Barnwell Smith aaid for 30 yraiw ovorturnisl on the proplo of thi., auto have roclrotidl^^^ highwiay m-ar Cimton. me and here after 30 years come of .Augusta, Ga., who was drowmsl , ... , " charirtsl off orilv S5'K» It will glow from a bix>nze urn atop on oinj It is an unhalanc(‘ that can and 'might he righUnl, for the sake of the the public I ^outh and the nation. purpose is closer to my heart is moment than that which caus- to call you to Washington. These liabilities, officials! That purpose is to obtain a staU'- ' 1'TT'o' r**.* * Tioi-"**' iMOT*^ i explained were in the form of guar-T’^'**^ iH'rhaps 1 shouhl say a re- •M'" or'' whil *in t'rr'^th'v 1 ’ i ant«*es as to princiiwil and inU'rest today — of the oco- .. .. .. \hih 1.3f thej mmie loans,^,^^ outsUmiing obligations of the| """''<^' <^<'nditions of the South, a pic- Kect>nslruction Finance corporation, | ^*****’ Nouth in relaition to tin? the Home Owners’ T/>an corporatA>n,! '’ fuuntry, in order that we and other fi^ieral corjM) rat ions. niay do something aliout it; in order ’rh(‘ inci(‘ase in the public debt dur- uiay not only earry forwaixl ing the yc'iir rc'snltc'd from gov'om-1 ''’‘.u’k that has Ikhmi l)»‘gun Tliwani ment boritiwing to mei't a deficit—rthe reluihilitation of the South, but Itlu* eighth in a row, hut the smallest "f sueh wink may I since th»‘ ilepression began. In mil- '’** expamh'd in tin* dirtK’tions that ’ions of dollai-s ((KKt.tMK) omitted), presentation shall indicate.” totaling $28t>,2<)t),r)21 Mr. Stone said he was pixnid of the made hy the a limestone monument, towering 40' The 1>4 nssex-iation'; in 'trirt, whieh eoniprio-s the this dis-' state.s of here an* the figures on the govern- Lftwell .NEC diivctor. , ment’s fimim^'s for the last two yi'ars suiiplied delegates with government , , . . , Hubert Coleman, 28, of I'amplico, wlong ihcv ami some of them My I.uoiberton, S. feet alnive historie Oak Hill. , ^ R4*calling that immortal words as North ( andina. South < .ii«>lina,(ieoi unofficial estimat«*s for the yearjilata on economic iesouie»s, .soil, wa- well a. "immorul deiil," had crrotml km and Honda. i-‘ml Mr. iMw, Iter, population. Uixal.le w,.allh. edu- I'm the aleeping senator. „. i„.«.„tly, apparently, when e sLa 4M e rue conw their vehicles crashwl head-on be- and not the thing, that have Georgetown ami Myrtle K.wch. garbled.' aiHiut hi, reconl aikling Strickland, rd, wa, ,hot any man who will distort the tni^ ^, in Dar- ^r Hitical purpoaea „ not fit to;|,^^__ ^ „ _ . , o ■ V .. Williams said a man who gave his Pointing at John.ton, Smith „ „„„er IJoyd. 49. aurrender- “her.'. the man ao ^lively wmpped ^ ^ up m the coat tail he can t see which way Roosevelt is going.” He said he had “not seen any signs” of his (Smith's) “not being ■with Roosevelt.” “God made me a man before South Carolina made me a senator,” Smith said. “I am just as much of a man Ymr ending .Iune30 IL'i'ps. .Spixl^r. l)«.f. I'.t37 5.2'.»4 8,105 2,811 1038 0,212 7,700 l.,'i25 I 1030 5,.‘.00 8,.5tM) 3,000 Deducting tin* “iKiokkeeping irenient from a shrine of patriotism” here, Mr.' ^luve inaile 217,<i02 loan.s for a total R«H>sevelt said the fullm‘ss of Lincoln <'f $70,882,815 since they l).*gan oi..*r- in stature ami the fumlamental con-1**^'*’^’ have ehargtHl off tuily flict foix'nl u|M>n tin* Civil war presi- *''*<uit $.>0,lK)0. dent “inviU* us ever to turn to him Attemling the conL-renei* also were for help.” !•'• McCi'ackin ami .lack H. Davis, “For,” the presi«lent said, “the is-i^''-» directors, anil Rex l.^nfoixl, j,j,.ht r«*ti sue which h<* re.stattsl on this spot 7,*) |''‘d®0'-D'easurer, of the t 1 inton ®'*'‘*^*j^.^ditures, to (d>tain years ago will U* the conrtinuing is.'viatiori. I R(M).sevelt calls a “layman’s” figure, _ _ »ue before this nation so long ®s ^ • rvi ' <leficit in the year Just ended Rob'G.bii.iirK.'ifYhctcr. drowned!;""''“ f"' '* '“t" Iwaj. Cununiiigs 1 o in Cwuwb. river when . W over.""""’’"' - r-’*"/ '‘7'" ’•'"'1 A JLI J* turned. ; changing condition, of e«h gen..r- SUCCeCd HardlDg Four were hurt in. crash .VPelier IP'"'""""* *"•' pi*opl« s good. “The task a.%sumes different fcMpes <nfferent times. jHimetimes the but none auffeml fatal injuriea. j *' . i At Charleston, county police report-1 ed two men drowned at FxJisto Island. * Mtv • _ !»• J _i i throat to popular government comes i Their names were given a.s tNoodward . , .• ij- —I.. — 1 sometimes in the realm of a Mnator a. any Fxlwwrd,. 21, and Kiod .Scott, 24, both"""" president is in the realm of a chief R*venel Ebhie Ialoy«l, 20, wa-s killed by a tram near laike Chy. INdice Chief W. L. Drice shmI that Floyd was sitting on the tracks and iirobably fell asleep. Constance Fine, Iwo.year-ohl tlaugh- I executive.” Brown said “I’m as good a Demo crat as ever live<l in South Carolina” and that he stood high in the nation al administration circle#, but “I’m not coming here as a coat tail sw'inger, a 100 per center. I am here offering my services as a senator in the Unit ed States congress and asking you to Change Made In R. O. T. C. Staff At College. Capt. Ferguson Transferred Here. political interests, from economic ii»terests, .sometimes: Alexander H. Cummings, as-'I Jiureiis, calhxl attention yestenlay to we have to laiat off all of tht*m professor of military science , the fact tliat enrollment for th«* D«‘iii- 'anil tactics at l*i»*shyterian collegi* <K*i-atie primary is going Lirward at a “But the challenge is always the yvar, has Ikh'Ii pi-onioUxl to pi4)- .slow pace aixl urgeil all th4is4- \\'ho -same wheth<*r 4*ach generation fac-^**’''^”' niilitary scierwe aiul tactics, wish to vtrte this summer to «*riroll at ing Its own circumstances can' sum-1 the vacancy h*fl by the trans- the earliest opp4.i tunity. mon the practU'al ilevotion to attain .Major Floyd < . Maiding to thi cation and h<‘alth. Debt' .Mcllctt cxplaimsi that the dch*gat<*s 30,425 were iK’iiig giv4>n an opportunity fx> 37,165 aecept it, change, or dis<-ard i-ntirely, 3'.t,00ojthe rejiorts. He added, how«*ver, that en-'the delegates apparently ha<i agn*4*«l ex-1 with th** factual 4lata for the most what President part. The text of the presi<lent’s letter: “No purfKise is closer to my heart jwas $1,4.51>,248,100, compart‘4l with'at this moment than that which caus- I $2,707,347,110 in the previous annum.led me to call you to Washington. That ^ ^ [ puriMFse is to obtain a .statement—or, DAminrIft X/rkfAl** perhaps, I shouhl say a restat4>ment AXCllllllUB V Uif:rs tcMlay—of the economic con-li- F*rit*ollffVlAtlF^Nouth, a picture of the V-ri Lailll X/lIlllClll. relation to the of the that we may 4I0 tanburg, wa.s in a at a local hospital from chest ami iri- , . * .1- L- ternal injuries as result of being elect me on a record of public achieve- ... ^ .u-.. * struck by an autumobiU* on the street 'I’o avoid congestion and d*‘lay at <1 for thi' Mua*’D‘i'i"a.ster corps, jwcoixling to an the last moment, he urgjsl city voters ment. “If my only qualification is that I’m a friend of the presklenl, then I’m unfit to represent you in the state senate or the U. S. .senate.” He urged “don’t elect a man who says his only qualification for the U. senate is that he walked out when a Negro was praying. ter of .Mr ami .Mrs. W. ,M. F'ine, Spar- , , . , , ^and retain tm* g<MM crixicai comiiiion , . numlx-r which this irovem- vvc».k t4) enroll at once as fh lay may mvm of wa, Tmm;rTo ,''V WiHian. 1'. Javol,,, i,,vo„v,mu,.,o vylaaly von.-vno.l. ensure" | Mr. Wilson again |N)inte<l out that N<»t since the fiatricidal slaughter of assistant pnife.s^m this y.-ar is the year f..r ctmiph t.* re in front of her home. Roper To Hpad Lakeside Club on thw ground July 3, 1863, had Get- military science ami tactics will be enrollment ami that th^^se who do not tv.Jinp»r KiM.n rri.w/is siu-h ax tlwise <'aptain liOwrence J. F'ergu- put their names on the IxKiks again I’urS Wfor. ai;,rthv pro,i* »•'"■ '*’"" '"I tranaforr.-,! (kt.- in thi. can„..t votv. 'derrt-hearing his words from motule August fnmi Fort Benjamin HarriS4,n, , Indiana. Uaptain Ferguson is a na- LJAars live of W’est Virginia. He enten*d the *^*'^”***'^*“'^ * lC;a.I O Cecil P. Roper, of lAurens, was ; elected president of tbe Laikeside If Senator Smith, Brown said,^was country club at a meeting of the new willing to work with Negro delegates: board of directors held the put week arYny as a s<*cond lieutenant from tjie loudspeakers. F'or this moment the state and fi'd- oral gxivernments planned for years. ; . And into thi.s renewal of ptace v'ows 1 R**serve corps in 1J27. ^ went almost $1,300,000 in public fund* Hording, who has already re- and the enthusiasm of the pitifully ('..untv Chairman IL T. Wils..,,, of ‘•'’^'>'7* in or.ler that we may si.m.'thing ab.iut it; in or.ler that we may not only carry forward the work that has t).*eM begun towar.l the n*- habilitation of th.* .S.)uth, but tliat the program ..f such woik may be eV- ].and.*.l in th.* that this n. \v pres.-ntation shall imlicat.*. ‘‘.My intimat.* iiA. r<*st in all tiiat conc'rn.s th.* isouth is, I b.*li,*v.', kii.iwn to all .)f you, i.ut tlii' inter -st is far more than a s(*ntim.'ntal at tachment b.>rn .)f a it.nsi.leral.l.* i.*-i- , derice in y.tUr S4*cti.)ri an.J of cl.).se js'r- sonaJ frien.lship for so Tiiany of y<>ur p.*.)|.l.‘. It pr.K-.*.'ds ev.n m.»r.* fnmi ' my feeling ..f resia.nsibility t.iwanl I the wh..le nation. It is my cnviction I that the .South presents right now the nation’s No. 1 ecormmic problem—the nation’s probhmi, not merely the South’s. F'or we have an <*<s)nomic un- Four Candidates' in the convention, have walked out.” Speaking to the then . I wouldn’t I at the club on the Clinton-Laurens: small band of survivors at the re- I highway. Hugh L. Eichelbenger, of'union. “fanners” in his Clinton, was elected vice-president,! Facing the monument were some Calhoun county audience. Brown said' and Cul Davie, of Laurens, secretary, “every time you get a dollar in bepe-1 Alison Lee, secretary for the paat two fits, the whwt and com farmer in years, declined re-election. Kansas and Iowa gets five dollars.” j Resolutions were SKlopted thanking J , . . - , , , 1 The usual Fourth of July barbecue )»alance in the nation as a whole, due ro.vvd hi, tr.».fvr ordvr,. had uaa.-!,,,,, „ MountvUlv wa, at-ju, thi, very condition of the .South. ual success as commamlant of the col-, ten<le<l Monday by a large crowd. “It is an unbalance that can an.l h^e unit this year. It r^eived the^ Candidates who spoke .hiring the'mu.'.t be right.*.!, for the .‘.ake of the h|*he,t ^bte rating ■n_the_.nn_u«l,„ j„h„,ton|South and of the nation. who aimed at muakel and cannon on “iTny in»|Wtion. and last summer I Wannamakcr of the the very plot—Oak Hill, at Devil's Den, at Bloody Angle, in Pickett’s famed charge. Ha aakl Smith had failed to give j the retiring secretary and Supt.! Noting these, the president said the reason, although Brown said he 1 Frank Templeton for their services!that “men who wore the blue and men had raised the question at each speak-; during the year. i who wore the gray are here to^eiheT,! two caplunsi the general '“PI state campaign parties, fonFrossman at the troininsr camp at fort ^lol-!c Heyward Hahon of the Fourth dis- Ian, Alabama, for^e Mv^th time in the fifteen times that it has been of' fered ville, his opix.nent. ing. He aloo said he •had asked Smith | In order to provide a wider dlversi- to explain why persons on relief werejty of entertainment, the board autti- psiid 75 cents in this state to approxi-. orized the entertainment committee mately $5.50 in Pennsylvania. I to expend at least $150 during the “You can’t hem up Ed Smith. He coming year on a program of dances won’t tell you whether he’s for Roose velt or against him. He’s for Ed Smith,” Brown said. IVy the question as to whether the The new board, elected at the an nual stockibolders’ meeting last Wed nesday night, is composed of Presi dent Soper, Vice-President Ekhelber- president should interfere in primary ger and the following: H. D. Gray, campaigns, Brown answered that he did not announce his candidacy from “the steps of the White House,” and that he thought the selection of a senator was for “the Democratic vot ers of South Carolina” to decide. Tte governor failed to mention the ques tion in his speech. Johnston said “Exigar Brown is not worrying me in the race.” The main issue, the governor said. R. T. Wilson, L. C. Barksdale, B, A.•der one flag now.” a fragment spared by time. “They are brought here by the memories of old divided loyalties, but they meet here in united loyalty to a united cause which the unfolding years have made it easier to see,” he said. “All of them we honor, not asking uirder which flag they fought then— thankful that they stand together un- Dukea, all of Laurens, and R €. Ad4ir of Clinton. Joanna Employees - Given Vacation The Joanna Cotton Mills at Gold- ville, are closed do'trh this week to! give their several hundred employees j ^ The first of the series of evening a week’s vacation. W. A. Moorhead, l union Mr. Roosevelt saitU that Lincoln, commander-in-chief in war, “wanted above all things to be commander-in- chief of the new peace.” ■ ■■ ——l.l I ■ - — Union Service At A. R. P. Church County Peaches ^ing Shipped County Farmers Receive $191,877 rru V r T 4 C<iunty Ag.*nt C. B. Cannon said The shipment of laiurens county si „ , u , * , J ... , Monday that 2,861 con.servation bene- peach crop got under way this week. onn nn inu.. 4V.;. amounting to $191,877.20 I had been received and distributed to j Ijaurens county farmers. The full The crop this year, growers state, is about two w^ks earlier then usual. County Agent C, B. Cannon has es-, * j r # *u- 4 - J -1. ? u/\ * fui I .^ amount due farmers of this county, timated that from 80 to In) oarl'oads u „ •. • *1 *041/4; nn/. , he said, is approximately $250',0(K), . ,, . , ’ f . I leaving from 600 to 700 checks yet to that the fruit is well matured and in , ” • ^ * j- * ^1. v be received for distribution through his office. will be moved during the season that the fruit is w excellent condition. Dickert Offers For Re-election J. L. Dickert, well known farmer nounces his candidacy in today’s pa-^ per for re-election as magistrate ofj manager of the mUl, sUted yesterday!which tl» churches of the city will township at Mountville, in 4 1 _ 1 •*_ 1 11*_ •_ VM %x»i watA aavAo tSAlrl Vtir^i^oXT OVOninor I * ' serv'ices for the summer in i was whether a person friendly or un friendly to the administration was to "R.p^b i^^t^.nd^e.;^'- IfrtenA, will be intarerted to know ivepuojicmns ana enemies 01 eommunkrv with full with Rev. C. Bynum Betts, pastor of|.,_. . ■ .rr - r 4.v_ administration, .he sakL <fesired; .. . '.u- * r-.- Smith’s reelection. ■„ ers ■wno nave oeen in me emDiovroeni 1 *-• The services will be continued Sun- saio, oesirea ^ ^ work- the Associate Reformc^ Presbyterian j * _4*i -11 e™ who have been in the employment j (church, as the speaker; ,1.0 V..,^11, M a textile mui « . ... — boy, Johnston reviewed his record and'’^. * one-year pe eveninir at the Associate Reform-* —;ii- ♦ii.-er,. Thc plant will resume operation on-6ay evening at uie A.ssociate neiorm- "‘'rt Monday "<1 Prrobyterian church with R^.| changed, but not for 30 ye^rs have —2,^ 1N. Long of the First Baptist church, LZ conditions changed on the farms.” .occupying the pulpit. He said he used his veto power ■ twice to eliminate the five mill prop-1 ABANDON TRAINS erty levT this year and related howj » the state’s financial position had im-l Raleigh, N. C., July 5.—The Sea- proved since he became governor. {board Airiine asked the utilities com- DUNLAP IS NAMED ^In 1934 they told you if you elect mission today for permission to du- that little cotton mill boy governor eontiatte two passenger trains be- (Continoed on page six) tween Ifonroe and Abbeville, S. C. Thornwell Dunlap of this city, has been appointed by the Kiwanis dis trict governor to a Kiwanis club com mittee to sponsor an agricultural pro gram in the Carolinaa. ' f Two Mills Here To Start Moi^ay The Clinton and Lydia Cotton Mills will resume operations next Monday ^ morning on a full time .schedule for^ the week, it was learned yesterday from W. J. Bailey, presideat of the mills. The two plants have been idle for the past twelve weeks. DRIVE CAREFULLY SAVE A LIFE! 4 DEATHS from AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS in LAURENS COUNTY 1938^ Let’s Strive To Make This a Safe Year On the Hifi^hways. This date last year, 2. “Without going into ■Che-long his tory of how this situation came to be —the long and ironic history of the despoiling of this truly American ■se'’- tion of the country’s populaton—.suf fice it for the immediate purpose to get a ckar p<*rspective of the that is firesented to us. That task em braces the wa.sted or negleote<i re sources of land and water, the abu-ses suffered by the soil, the need Lvr cheap fertilizer an<l cheap power; the problems presented 'by the population itself-T* population still holding the- great heritages of Kings Mountain and .Shiloh — the problems presented by the South’s capital resources and the absentee ownership of those re sources, and problems growing out of the new industrial era and, again, oif absentee ownership of the new imlus- tries. There is the problem of labor ami employment in the South and the re lated problem of protecting w’omen and children in this field. There is the problem of farm ownership, of j which farm tenantry is a part, and of I farm income. There are questions of taxation, of education, of housing and jof hi*alth. ! “.More and more definitely in recent year.-' those in the South who have , .sought selfishly to evaluate the ele- : ments constitirting the general prob-_ ; lorn, have come to agree on certain 1 basic factors. I have asked Mr. Mel-* lett to present for your consideration a statement of these factors as pre pared by various departments of the government. I ask you to consider this statement critically, in the light of your own general or specific knowl- en^/ in order that it may be made representative of the South’s own beat thought and that it may be presented to congress and the public as such. “I had hoped to attend your meet- (Continued on page six) / \