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/ TBB CHRONICLB StriTcs B* ft Ckftft N( »Mcr. C—NftVfty,' Clttttnn - ^ / i If Ton Don’t Roa^ THE CHRONICLB Too Don’t Got Tlio Nowt. VOLUME xxxvm CLINTON, S. C., THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1938 NUMBER 20 SCHOOL YEAR iKiwamam Ho.t« 0n)S FRIDAY' To Senior Classes Crippled Girl With Outstanding Record To Receive High School Diploma Monday Baptists Oppose LEWIS CIO'S Orpkuui^ aMl High School Boy Baccalaureate Sermi Ob Sub-, Seniors Are Robot Guests of day and Graduatins Exercises I ciuh. Special PropraBts Given. Monday EveniBR. Presbyte-j ^ _ o m. 1 Tl>^ boy members of the Thornwell nai) Speakers UB Pn^n^Bm. orphans^ and Clinton high school Sixty-Tno In Senior Class. rraduatinr classes were honor iruests " of the Clinton Kiwanis dub at their The 1937-38 session of the Clinton reetdar meeting last Thursday evo- city schools will come to a dose Fri- nine presided over by Prescient R. E.' day. Fenruson. For a number of years The commencement profrram prop-'the boy eradumtes of the two classes! er will be ushered in next Sunday have met with the Kiwanians for,' oveninjf at eieht o'clock when the siwh a meetinir under the direction of baccalaureate sermon before the the vocatH>nal gruidance committee, irraduating class of the high school A special musical program was| will be preached in the First Pred>y- presented by a group from the Tram- terian church by its pastor. Dr. D. J. ing school under the direction of Mrs.- Woods. .\s has been the custom for A\ illiam Bro«.dis i>wens, and by the a long perkni of years, this will be glee club from the Joanna schools,! a union service in which the churches GokiviUe, under the leadership <^f| of the city will xmite. ,Mrs. ^omaine Smith. Little Mar-| The graduating exercises will be garet/ Caldwell of the Joanna club held on Monday evening at eight saniy several s^vectums and steored* a o’clock in The 1Rbri«la Svre^ with the au«iiehce-a^'Wif^ evT- auditorium. Dr. R, C. I,^mg, pastor denced by the enthusiastic applause <'f the First Presbyterian church of receix'cd. Greenw'ood. will deliver the literary aiidress, after which diptomas will be presented to the graduates by W. C. Oxley.* chairman of the board ol trustees. The valedictorian ami salutatori^ seUettni for their scholastic recr will be .Margaret Brice ami lA*uise Jacobs. Music will be furnished/by the high schmd gW club. The guest speaker for the evening C. K. Wright, superintendent of ^the Laurens city sdKwls, In a most thoughtful and practical manner he discussevl traditkma! and pn'gressive education, and the function of high school to take can* of every stu- d»‘ftt of every rasmtal b vel. There mast be enthusiasm- and persover- encr' in the student, Ik* -aid. if guid- Officers of the class are: Elizabeth ance programs arx* to be helpful. BarTn*s, pn*sident; Jack Roper, vice- Such program^ arc u-eless, he atbit.*<i. president; t'athenne Bryson, secre- aiib^s there :s first the detemiina- tary-treasurer. tion in the* student to achieve. The following girls and bt>ys cvm- ^ iH«. th,- Kr.du.yn* .-uss: Maybanlc Out For Governor .\nnie Rogv*rs Bailey, Elizabeth Barnes, Margaret* Brice, Catherine Brj'son. Bessie t'auley. AUiene Copi*- land, Eleanor Copeland, Harrietxe ■ 1.' I tvii JO- .V • ». Mavor of iBarlgst(»n Savs thi I>avis, Kmuv Dillard. i*usie Dominick.,.. • • Miriam I>onnan. FJizabeth Falls.! Meallk of Stato MuiB Bc De Catherine Finney. Elizabeth Graluim, vclopcd. Edith Henderson. Evelyn Henry. Frances Horttui. Frances Jackson. Regimented U. S. Concern Expressed By Whole Southern Convention At Pres- Jones, ent Trend. — TRAIL BEHIND Rcihmond, May 14.—^^The Southern Baptist convention unanimously adopted today a resolution of its so cial service commission condemning governmental “regimentation” or cen- Earl Go Into Lead In Pennsylvania Race. Boss Far ley’s Move To Split Party Apparently Ineffective. Philadelphia, May) 17.—Candidates supported by f'lO leader John L tralization” that would “limit or behind in early returns to- bridge human fretMloni, civil or reli-i^’^r^ from Pennsylvania primary voting that climaxtsi a bitter faction al row w’hich split the state’s New Deal forces. ! Giffonl Pinchot, gious.' The resolution was part of a re port delivered by Dr. Arthur J. Bar ton, Wilmington, N. C., commission' who sought the chairman, which said that: In our poinion no thoughtful, in- Republican gubernatorial nomination a third time at 72, conceded defeat tettigent, patriotic citizen can look retunis piled up an increasing with unconcern uiwin the trend of I **'^*'If**^ f‘*r superior court Judge Ar- I affairs in our government. Already i James. Pfnehot telegraphed: I we have gone a long way toward* **l congratulate you on your vic- a regimentation and toward a cen-lfory.” ' ^IraUzation 4>£-power whicir -would] * In \Tio' Demwratic gubernatorial j rob" the American people of their j fight, Pittsburgli’s (’harles Alvin fundamental fretHlom.” j Jones, backtsl by the Democratic state tHht'r commission resolutions ap- committee, hnl nO-sujiported Thom- jimveil reafjfirmeii tion’s advocacy of |H)schI government chuix'hes or ognized the the denomina- prohibition; op- subsidies to their institutions; prineiple of c as Kennedy by 1511,380 to 101,251 on the basis of ix*turns from 1,703 of Pennsylvania’s 8,075 eh'ction districts. rt*c-! Independent ('harles J. Mnrgiotti had ,13<). -i I'lmto by .Nlrhols REBECCA SPBAKK Hebecca Speake, daughter of .Mr.| .\lniost daily she is seen on tlie . xt It x> » T. Siieake, of this'streets, being pusheii by sisters and ,, J is one of thirty-eight gtrls who friends and is always bright ami Louise Jacobs, Helen King. Margaret.*^ Thursday annouiK^ h>Siwill receive diplomas at the gradual-:happy, with a sweet smile and kind Little, Nelle Loftis. Ruth Monts, Mil-1 ^t^nw into the gubernato^l race ■ jjjj, exercises of Clinton high school, wonis for everyone she meets, dred Roberts. Edith Robinson. I*.| pi^ise of a “vig^us 1 .Monday evening. In the high sehmil Rebecca - has vinia Ross, Ludie Nell Scott, Frances' «» «y knowledge of thej Rebecca, who is a favorite with'made an outsUnding record. She {bargaining by lalnir and urged'arbi-j Governor George 11. Marie, running '(ration for .s»>ttlement of imlustrial I on the .*;talt‘ conimiKee ticket with ilispute.s; approveil child labor legi.s-; Jones, jump’ni into a long lead —11>3,- ! lation by staU*s but opjiostxl the childNWil) to 152,135 in |)recincts -over ; labor amendment to the Unitinl States! Mayor S. Davis Wilson of Philailel- Icimstitution, and t*ondemiu*<l the na-'phia who ran on the' Kennedy ticket, 'tional lottery promised in congress. 4 Returns from <li>tri(is gave t Tbe enTTvrmtioTl’iiricntiment agaiiust j J utige James 271.8(18 to 11 (5,1)87 for Ijhe intij-denominational movement,{ former Governor Pinchot. ^manifesU'd the opening day by adop-| When Pinchot, twice governor of tioti of a resolution strongly opposing, Pennsylvania, conc(“dt*<l defeat, he jOrganie union, was expressisi anew in' was trailing James 7(5,]!)() to 117,038 reji'ction by an overwhedming vole of v*)te.s on returns from 1*29 of the a r«*solulion calling for stu<ly of the .state’s 8,075 prcrincts. “brotherhood of ehurches” proposed* .Silver-hairt*<l Senator James J, by the inter4lenominational gath(*ring (I'lnbller .Ijni) Davis, after trailing at Utrecht, JIuIIaiuL - jSUite Senator G. Watson Owlett on ' I first returns for the Republican sena- of Simpson, Rebecca Speake. Betty state.** Spratt, MUdred Stewart, Doris Suber.j “South Carolina kas a wealth Myrtle Trammell. Marie Weif. opportaakieu and Wier, Maxine Wood, Qa Wright, Inez “ the 3»-year-4ild Charleston Young; ' executive said. "They can be devei- young and old alike, was stricken hopes this fall to enter Presbyterian with infantile paralysis in July, 1934, college where she will take a com- and since that time has been confilied. mercial course. to a rolling chair. For seven and one-! When inquiry was maile yesterday . . . I half months in 1935 she was a patient by The Chronicle of Principal W. R. Floyd Abrams. Tbmnas Baldwin,is. la action;j.t the Warm Springs, Ga., saniU- Anderson of the high .school pertain- Dillard Boland. William Buford, Wil-^dr^ must be sunatituted for words, jj-junj where she was greatly benefit- ing to RelH*cca and her work, Mr. Ham Campbell, Paul Cobh, Harold Maybank s ynouncement came acquirt*d much valuable Anderson replit*d: Crowe, Fred Cunningham, John Hen- *be Chylrston «<Hmty ^mo- knowledge to help care for herself, ’’^Rebecca Speake, one of Patton To Stay ■ torial nomination, moved int<» a .slight , lead with 1,571 di.stricts h(*ard from. At Laurens Presbyterian Congregation Re fuses To Concur In Resigna tion of Pastor. Laurens, May 15.—At a congrega tional meeting Sunday of the First Presbyterian church, non-concurrence More than 200 of the districts re ported ('arly wire in Philadelphia, the state’s first city. Ix^ss than 100 of them w<*re in the almost e<iually pop ulous Allegheny county which in cludes industrial Pittsburgh. Ixing before closing time, a.s state wide balmy weather encouraged a heavy turn-out among the 4,000,000 ry Davenport. Archie Dixon. James <^™tic conxxrntMa and the Charlecton hAirr, Morton Hamm. Billy Johnson, council both had gone on record Otho Johnson. Richard Johnson, Har- unanimously requesting him to offer oW Lawson. Marion Lawaon. Sam ,^»>c the governorship. McCrary, Joe McMillan. Jack Roper.r The maytw. pointing out that the .Fxiwin Stewart. William Terrv, Rob- uW Charleston political bitterness has was voted in connection with th<* re.s ignation of the pa.stor, the Rev. h. D-jeii^fTble voters, there were accusa- Patton, who earlier^ in the fuonth j irregularities — fiarticularly of the out-i^“‘^ submitted his resignation to R<*publicans in l*hiladelphia. Since stricken, however, Shi;^ spends standing seniors-of this year’s gradu-[ ses.sion. Tcnlay s meeting, Elsewhere balloting was marki'd l»y most of the time in her chair, thoi^h ating class, |M»s.s<*sses unusual charm fu consider the matter. ert Tompkinson, Henry Young. ' vanished, said that '"as Bush River School Closes This Week she can walk a little with the aid of land personality, .She is always happy crutches, and cheerful, and is very popular Due to her, Rebecca was with all of the pupils. She is lovt*d forced for a period of two years to by adl of th«* teachers and any task 'give up her school work. Two years assignwi her is always undertaken ■ believe I canunite tW pwple of this>|^^ re-entere<i high school as a and pix*partHl in an excellent manner. until September 1. *^* ^*^*, member of the tenth grade and ranks She ranks at the very top of her to consider the matter, was presidtHl over by J. W. Todd as mode rator. In*quence of the action of the church, Mr. Patton withdrew his resignation for the present, which, the us- interests. among the top students in this year’s class, with an average for the year Septe .Mr. Patton came to the Ijaurena church i»aHtorat<* from Acworth, Ga., He said a sUle executive must I graduating class. Though unable to of 97. This is one of the high(*st | LJ‘*^25, afttsr a service of l ,|,alIot.s. what most officials terme<l ual” difficulties. Victor Blanc, representing ('harles J. Margiotti, indeiM'rulent ,candidate for the iVmocratic^ gube'rnatorial nomination, .said nearly 14,000 in Philadelphia w’ho change<l th<*ir regis tration from Rejiubliean to Democrat to vote for Margiotti were refused The commencement exetvis^ the Bush River school will begin Sun be in a positkm to deal with the na- walk, her health is perfect, and she yearly averages ever attain(*d in the adminislration, as he has been ,.||rely ever misses a day from school. CJinton high 8eho<»l.” wktlA naAwuup aa# f^la^r>lmrtaxaa while mayor of Charleston. .Agricul tural. iadustriaL and commercial day nmming. May 22^ Rev. Kari prxKcperity. encouragement of labor W. Kinard of tolumbia will preach honest capital must be among the commencement sermon. "The ser- the chief policies of the governor’s vices will begin at 11:15. There ^il* office, he added, be an expression contest Monday eve- ^ __ ning. May 23. beginning at 8:30. T\e . m •• graduating exercises will take pl^ iN^W AlWMl MACMT Tuesday evening. May 24, beginning: ^ m ^ m at 8:30. Fred WerU wBl driiver the| OOH^ PCNT salutatory. Munson Buford will read- ♦ the class history and Ida Mae Craven j The new .Ahna Mater of Presbyte- will deliver the valcdictwry. Mr.jrian coUege was formally presented George D. Broam will make Uw eom- j to the studmt hody at ’Tuesday’s mencement address. The piddk is chapel hoar at srhkh time the band cordially invited to attend all exer- pla;^ the marie and the words were FIRST AND LAST CHURCHES NEAR HERE MERGED tion, not only of the Prx‘»byterian church meml)ership, but by friends Little River-Dominick ConRreKations Opened New Church Sun-;and other churches of the city. 17 years there. Previously he had. Election officials, he charged, held his first pa.storate at Marion, “wouldn’t fin<l” their registration Ala., for a p<*riod of eight ytars. ' cards. Announcement of his. decision to; ^ remain with the church here was re- ceive<l with expres-sions of gratifica- Atlanta Friends Visit Orphanage day With Dedicatory Services and Attendance. Little’]Hi^gisg|p|>i TO BE HOST River Church Once Voted To Send Missionaries To Greenville. A large congregation was present. byterian school in this state. People Sunday for the dedication services of came from far and wide to camp 7Hth session of the general a.ssembly | lanta’business'manf ree'enU^^ W. I). Beatio, hi.s si.sler, Mi.'^s Nel- j lie Beatie, and Eva Richard.s "TO PRESBYTERIANS iand I^evonia Davidson of Atlanta, ♦ I were week-end guest.s of the Thorn- Meridian, Miss., May 14.—'Prepa-jwell orphanage family, ration.^ were made tonight foa- thej Mr. Beatie, who is a prominent At- the new and modem building of Lit-' around the church for weeks at the Ge River - Dominick Presbyterian time while the pastor performed the church. of the Presbyterian church in the | fmhatantial gift to the ori>hanage for UniUnl States which will meet injtbc erection of the new Gwrgia- cnes. suBg by the Harris Gray, The following are memhers of the Jr., of Greenwood, Miss., a member senior class: Martae Bedenbaugh. of the student body. Mimson Bofoid, Sara Bithxis Kiag' The words of the new song follow Boyd, Ida BCae Craven. Ekuse Ep-i R^Diam Epthig. Jeaaette Booa-I er, Lucy Longihofe, Junior Johnston,! Wilson Johnson. Norris Merchant, Prank Motes. Pauline Price, Gladys^ Shenly, Fred M'erts, Mildred Slier-i lin, and Anna Lee Woodward. j — ^ school tether as well as j Mississippi for the first Gme in 36 Beatie home as a memorial to his The morning sermon was delivered * pre^her. Among the many | ye^rs. inother, the late .Mrs. Mary I.. Beatie. by the pastor, the Rev. C. J. Mat-• *®^,*^*’**^*’'S>' ^ found in the) Quetstions affecting the 483,300 We aalute thee, Presbyterian, Noble college of oar faith. With oar hearts and witfi our aoulatC thews, using as his theme, “The 5®^*^ minutes of Little River was 3^504 churches will be Lord’s House.” insUnce when the church members Ljigeussed May 19-24 by 330 commis- T'he dedicatory sermon which be- xive $50 to sponsor a mis-1 from 16 Southern atatea. gan at 2:30 was preached by the Rev.i*i®*mnf Aojthe “Village of Greenville.^i .0|.. Henry H. Sweeits, Louisville, He came over for the week-end to 'see the building for the fii'st time and expressed himself as highly pleas^ with its style" of architecture and ar rangement. The cottage is occupied Laurma MTe love thee, sing thy pemise. To thee we pledge nor honor/ And raiae our theuae, fiddity. All tupreaae. our Ahaa Mater, Long Bve our loyalty. A. Calcote, pastor of Avelcigh no churches | j^y,, will preside until *a moderator j by eighteen small boys ranging • , m ^ ^ m ^ ^ A ^4 ^ A e ft ft ftKft M ™ ft*.^ft ft ft ■ 1 I - ft »ft I Presbyterian church of Newberry •"F denomination in Greenville. j jg selected to succeed Dr. C. Clay and chairman of the committee oni Among those serving as pastors of {Lilly, Winston-Salem, N. C. Home Missions for South Carolina LitGe River years ago was Dr. Darby 1 ahvlll^ *11 ISoJVIl® Jvl \ft>^N>JllIlgl AailWtr aVJVtri yVmLMo WKw WA4 A/l • 1 ^ J^VA 11 T * # Ipresbjrtery. Taking part on the pro- Pulton, now executive secretary of; and^llen Levi of \ To Hear Watkina Air Mail Week Observed Here Laurens, May 14 of the closing exercises of the Lau rens city erbods has been aanouneed , ^ by Supt. C. K. Wright, bcgiiming ^ P®^**™* with the annual senaea Sunday eve-:. . . ftift*. M.y raVr-u., Igram were: Dr. D. J. W’oods, of this the foreign mission board of I city, the Rev. E. S. Jones of Gold-! So|ithem Presbyterian church. !ville, and Messrs, John V. Clary and' From 1907 until 1932, this old |J. N. Beard of Newberry. j church which had been of such ser-l I Between the morning and after-• vice to people in this community and noon services picnic dinner was throughout the state, suffered a lapse, served on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. No regular services were held at the May 1^-21 has been designated by H. L. Todd near the church. church and no minister was called. ^artaaent as Nation- Little River was organized in 1762 Services at irregular intervals were with the local ofHce and a building erected in the upper conducted by students from Presby- Postmast- part of Newberry county on a plot, of terian college, Clinton. The Presby- I given wide pub- land granted to the church by the terians of that section gradually and has prepared king of England. *1310 building was drifted into churches of other de- i Charlotte, were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Brimm. by_^ Rev. J. ... , ~ Bc'ty to the B«k*^iii^'^M«n»toy*ewes^4^* special envelope depicting Clinton moved later from this site four miles nominations and in 1932, the Preidiy-, T - Wank WotAinsL attmev And- ** “ edncntUMial center vrhich may away to where it now stands in tery of South Carolina ordered Lit-i ‘ -ji „|,^,nrfmrn‘ ^ calling at the ofHce. Laurens county. However, Little tie River church dissolved. However,! in the anditorinm. '“Lsc the air mail, it coats only 3 River church still owns the original'in 1933, the church was revived as an ! Til* of the l^iiTena** *** slogan, 'plot of land granted by the Eng- outpost Sunday school by the Rev.; irmnd lamest in dte ^ Hsh king. On this site is the his-.C. A. Calcote of Newberry and the! ^ Mbs wins GOLD KET jtorical old burying ground. EHder.Rev. C. J. Matthews, assisted by' high school’s bistcary. Eleanor Crawford Fleming will be Jack JCitherspoon, a from Williams, who was killed in the bat-'members of Aveleigh Presbyterian first honor graduate, with second imnor going to^ Chester War^ Mid- 5 ,don, Jr. Thomas F. Cc»|riek vriD re-’^ « ceive honorable mention. fraternity. the gold key giveq tie of King’s Mountain and General church of Newberty. For two years college clmpter Griffin. Colonel Simpaon, and other,these two pastors, assisted by mem- adentifk notables of Revolutionary days were bers of their own churches, took a vrho has'^buried in this cemetery. Former Gov-' profound interest in this project and Mr. and Mrs, W. S, Home of Ware nMnto Shoals, ^lent Sunday with their par-jawnid wRl he unta, Mr. and Mta. B, I- achieve-, emor Simpson of South Carolina and|gradually put the church “back on The!his famdy vrere. among Hie early its feet.” In 1934 the outpost Sun- the eon-1 members of the Little River. day school was organized once more I* This church housed the first Prea- fContinued on page aix) DRIVE CAREFULLY SAVE A LIFE! So Far This Year There Have Been 3 FATALITIES from AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS in LAURENS -COUNTY Let's Strive To Make 1938 a Safe Year On the Highways. This date last year, 'L affo from seven headed by Miss matron. to twelve, and Janie Stewart in is as Summer School Opens June 6th The Presbyterian college summer school will open on Monday, June 6th, according to an announcement by ' Hugh Holman, secretary, to run for !six full weeks. Members of the faculty will be: Hugh Holman, Dr. Mi. G. Woodworth, Prrf. H. E. Sturgeon, Dr. H. E. Spen cer, Dr; A. E. Spencer, Prof. Kenneth ! Baker, ami Dr.- C. E. Hamrick. Hurricane School Closes Friday I The public is cordially invited to attend the closing exercises of the Hurricane school, near here, on Fri day evening at 7:45. The grammar grade students will present a play entitl^, *H5raduation at Pumpkin Hill ’’Sch^l.” A Mother Gooae playlet will be- given by the <hildren of the primary department, 1: n X J