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f ■ / 7 T '•i THE CERONICLB Strhrcs To B« • Clooa Now»> paper, Coapleto,'’)4cwB7, mad suable. , • / If Too Doa’t Road THE CHRONICLE Yon Don’t Got The Newa. 1 VOLUME XXXVIII CLINTON, S. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1938 NUMBER 18 HOUSE VOTES TO C. P. FuUer Drowns 1 LEGALIZE bets! ^ SaJuda River! SUNDAY IS MOTHERS DAY Lower i Measure Opposed By ijower i Branch Favoring Pari-Mutuel F Betting On Horse and Dogj" Races To Raise Revenue. Ex tra Pay Voted. Presbyterian College Student Loses Life When Storm Cap sizes Boat. Funeral At Mount- ville Sunday. Many friends from the colleg^e stu-j dent IMy and faculty attended the fu-1 Columbia,‘May 3. — The house ofl^ieral sei-vices in MounUnlle Sunday representatives voted to lefralize pari- afternoon for Calvin P. Fuller, mem- mutuel betting: on horse and dog races, Junror class, who wm in counties desiring it tonight in a drowne<l late Saturday afternoon m surprise move which followed closely ^ on adoption of “extra pay” for legis-1 be attempted ito swim to shore after a violent rain storm had capsized the boat from; lators and a reaffirmation of oppo sition to a state property levy. . „ , ,, which he and Several companions had! All three propoMls were approved; dent. The other men in the Ixiat reached the shore after the storm had | as amendments to a bill to make de ficiency appropriations for the pres ent fiscal year. The measure, ^‘ised by the senate, will go to a free conference committee if the senate re fuses to agree *to house changes. One of the companions with Fuller; at the time the boat was capsizinl said j that soon after the accident he heanl Roprosentotive tt inter of Berkeley ^ offered the ra«nK amendment whieh shore and that hel “ ’ -Wrted OUT as^htr-t^ • This ereate. a new aonrce of reve- ^ nue without hurting anybody, saia^|^^ Fulk'r’'i compnninn law him -lAiirteT. t , ta e carej Jnw'n and he falleil to come up. I of any poasibe deficit next year | body • wax found early Sunday! The amendment under which a ^ South Carolina racing commission would be ereateil would allow a conn-. twentv-Iwo, re-i ty or school district to vote on the elementary eilneatioii in! question of nllowinsr horse and aradnatinK from hiph! racinp upon petition of a third of the,,^^^, coming to P. C. * 1 C* ■ 1 tHITLER'GIVEN Fnd^^^turday: GREAT OVATION Annual Event To Be Staged On, ~ Johnson Field. Eight Colleges | ^«»*inan Dictator Enter Competition. With Pomp and Glory Remi niscent of Caesar. Ceremony Gorgeouti Event In Size and Scope. Universally accepted as the symbol of/ideallic motherhood is this PorlVii'fT~»f M/rthi.r painti»H hy .TnmoB McNeill Whistler, first Souths Carolina’s 1938 track season' will reach its climax Friday as the! state intercollegiate track and field, meet is i;un off here beneath the, floodlights of Presbyterian college’s Pome, May 3. Benito Mussolini 'Johnson field. welcomiMl A^olf'Hitler to Rome to- I The varsity preliminaries and the| night with 7a dramatic display of ; freshman meet will bo held on Friday * .u . tv ! ,. friendslrff) between the two Fa'^cist i Clemson, Carolina, Furman, Ers- I kine, Wofford, NewlxM i'y, The Citadel,' The, nation greettsl the German I ami Presbyterian college will enter i fuehrer with gorgeou.s ceremony ri- teams in the meet, with the (..lemson ^ those of the <lays of Caeiar I'l'igers defending the title which they] I are holding for the third consecutive' i . . . " i 1 While the individual performances i I in track ami field ovcuits this year', have not Ik'cmi i)artic’ularly outstaml- I ing. the state meet gives indication lof being one of the most interesting i Citadel, and J’resbyterian college are lall presenting teams of comparatively ' strength,—and—Furman ha»- « in size, .«cope and grariTleur. -The natural l..atin buoyancy of the Italian p(H>pIe was siiurred by Fascist prodding and Rome turned out almost to a man to see the glory of Hitler’s coming.— — ^ Underneath, a deep umlercurrent of uneasiness has run through Italy since Hitler absorlHMl Austria. Tonight there was an atmosphere of polite shown at the Royal Academy in 1872 and now hanging in the Louvre. j,e,.ioi,Hly ri'ckone<l| of Italians—of qui^ifie<l voters. .•this year he attendwl The Citadel, in Ojficer.s Are Elected and Delegates Named To state Meet The commission would be composed,,p U. he was an j , -i.. .v, t., , j o. . I.A. oi vAaauii, WjijIp „f Elected State Executive Commit »r of tn#» iiinior • f'Vio 1-^rn flff of three monibers appointed by the 1 eovernor. A three per cent Ux would.^ sericeant in the R.O.T.C., be Idt-ied on total eontributione to alli^^ ^ pari-mutuel pools and a 15 per cent ,dvanco<l corps on a payi COUNH CONVENTION FAVORS RULE 32 AND WAGES-HOUR BILL , „ a half in pr^paraition for this big oc-|‘’“.^ guardiHl all-day journey of 400 ‘t. R. ti,,. s,.hedule, divided into ittofftniin snlit niinuti's, indicates that the ra- * ) in an imita- I ten expressfsi in recent days—was Widter Johnson, athletic director^'Y martial at Pre.shyterian college, who ha.s had,l>omp charge of every stsite track meet ever' , Y ‘il- the apiKunted hour the run l.v South Carolina colleges, has j «i'<^tator s spc^cial tram rolled been working for over a month and'!"**' the station. It (mdrnl a tnumphal ommitteeman^P^'t minuti's, indicates that the ra \\14U 4 -4' n 1 »• n 1 • j- n I I» . pidity and skill with ivhioh the meet \>itnout Opposition. Resolution To Retain Binding Rule Passed ,.u„ y,variy.will be continuod Ithis week. tax on admissions.. M’inter estimated to new’smen the Overwhelmingly. Meeting a Harmonious Event. basi.s Monday, He had been serving , ^ . . . *rrxn !voluntaHly on a non-pay status. He ‘ *“?>• wa* . plcue of Alpha Kappa Pi, na- 000 to $600,000 to the state annually., „„ oampus. ^prosentalive Britt, of York, who| .'‘•V’-1’**“ *"'■ ’^7 ^7.1"*'' ’ the Preebyterian chureh oondueted hy Past year, airaiu offered the amend-p as.sisted by Dr. Dudley Jones of this city, and Rev. J. H. Bynl of the Baptist church. Active pallt>earer.s were: Joe Mont gomery, Bill Ligon, Arthur M’hite of men for $10 additional for each legis lative day beyond the 40-day consti tutional term. 'The hotiae took no action on Gover nor Olln U. Johnxton’e veto <rf ^«| ^.runburg, J. L. Culp, John Bonner two-mill property levy earned m theirTj „ii general appropriation bill but it did fmor an amendment to the deficiency bill by Represjcntatives McCasIan, [and Joe Hollis of the college student body. The honorary escort consisted of Joha SimTtWfit, Fdllor Mtt- Grant, Bennett OuxU to at^ul.te that there • ahall not be levied any,^,,,^ furniahed by the eol- mlllace whataoever for state f>urpoa.|, g es” for the next fiscal year. DELEGATES The following are the delegates named in Monday's county con vention to the state Democratic convention to be held in Columbia on May 18; Delcfatea: M’m. A. Moorhead, J. W Milam. J. H. Roland, Mias Frances Roper, A. H. Hughes, C. L. Milam, II. D. (tray and R. C. WasBon. • Alternatea: C. A. Cromer, E. D. Easterby, Dr. J. W. Reason, J. la. BrMming, B. B. Ukt. J. H. Hol combe, Geo. T. Cook and J. H. Nance. lion marble .station built especially for the fuehrer’s welcome. Ten minutes before Hitler’s train arrived, a train of empty coache.s 'pulled down the line t<p make certain convention got/dowm to hu.siness. j IflClllUrittl L^iXy j the tracks were clear and .safe. J. L. Browning, Ulinton, put in the i UnifornuNl Gerihan ixilice,'escorteft"-^^' 'nomination of K. T. VV'ilsdn a.s the ; aO DoCl V CU alMiiit the station by Fascist officers,. • nominee for re-election a.s county , - ♦“—~ i were told the identities of all non- ichaii-man. No othtvr jmnies were, of-^ I rogram Announced ror May j u„ifoi „K‘d persons within the station fensl an<l Mr. Wilson was electe<l hy acclamation. The next husineiw being the elec tion of a vice-chairman, which the chair rule<l had to be a woman, C. E. i Tollison proposed the name of Mrs. J. L. Browning of Clinton. Mr. Wilson lOlh By U. I). C. Chapter At area. Confederate Monument. King Vittorio Emanuelc and Pre- ,, . , m 1 I niier Mussolini stocnl together on the Memorial Day, Tuesday, May Itlth, ,, , . f iplatform beneath a griat swastika will be observtHl by the Stephen I>. , . , , , , .... , ... 'outlined in colortsl neon lights. Mus- Ihh* chapter, UniUsi Ihoightens of the| . . . ..... ,, ' ... . , solini wore on his militia comoral i i t onfederacy, with appropriate exer- Lauren*, May 2. — Special to The Ithe uniform of a P, C. advanced corps! C'>«">Kl<'--'rhe Uurona County Dem- ••I an. vepr sorry we have some peo-ii^^t, blew ••taps" just before thei""^!'', convention, which met in the pie in this house who do not earn their'. nrnnounrtwl The house .Monday morning in an pyr^t sairwhen members quick-|“^^^^ ^Tbuf^eT^tZ' ^ of expe^Uncy over a predicted ly moved to table his extra PaY| uniform of a senior cadet in and tumble fight over Rule 32, amendmenL ithe-Reserve Officers’ Training, corps,‘^P <^*P‘‘«^tions (Earlier this session the a.ssembly,^ graduatedcompleted its program in an at nominated Miss Frances Roper, I cordially daughter of the Rev. J. C. Roper, invited. Metho<list minister and prominent! the sixth and sev^ prohibitionist of Clinton. The conven-T^th grades of Honda street school tion was in a flurry fpr a mimient students will as- mosphere of peace and harmony wide- increased the mileage expense ^ lieutenant next year. His neat- mem^rs by providing ^y for weekly military bearing as an offi- ‘Y commented on by many present, round-tnps betrween h<^e and thej^^^. ^ gentleman were especially A total of 192 out of 352 delegates capital rather than a single trip : an.swered to their names. Twelve clubs J* previously). i services were attended by one I were not represented at all, as fol- 1of the largest assemblages of sorrow-• lows: Daniel’s Store, (Jray’s, Joneh’ said,_Britt, old boy, go U> •'Jjd f^^ijing friends and relatives ever gath-| Store, Lanford, Merna, Mt. Olive, your nioney and^I m going to do it, ^ funeral in .Mountville. TheiOwings, Poplar .Springs, Renno, .Shady Britt, told the house. Tlorah* offerings were profuse and'Orove, Tip Top and Woodville. Boys, Im fj' bvautiful, giviuK mute testimony to Rule 32 got an overwhelming en- pay in your pockets last year and with affection in which the your help 1 m going to do it again. g „„ ^,,<1, T^e this extrd pay back to your <j« is sutvived hFliis Wife, put it in her lap and say darl ing, this is all for you.’ You deserv’e this money if you schools at Roebuck; and two led against the are square with your people, Brift ^ L. Fuller, and^and the chair iC. Morton Fuller, of Atlanta. said. dorsement from the convehHbh~afrdid a resolution by Wm. A. Moorhead, textile executive of Goldville, endors- mother, Mrs. Effie W. Fuller; a twin | ing the wages and hours bill now in 'sister, Miss Caroline Fuller, teacher j congress. Not a single voice was rais- iMoorhead resolution announced its accep- McFaddin of Clarendon, jaid he be-i His untimely death came as a shock lievcd adjournment could have come ^ 15 or 20 day. ago had some mem- ^ her. not believed that sooner or later ,u,pe„ded Monday they could iret extra pay. , morning out of respect to Fuller, who member's lieutenyt in ••B^’ company. | against the rule, falM to [hf'ras'’t7e^KVr^ ‘"iScott’s Ncw Storc * I J. W. iMilam, delegate from the tance as unanimous. ' Former .Senator Carroll D. Nance, who introduced the resolution at the Cross Hill prwinct meeting to repeal or amend Rule 3r 'ind who was ex pected to stage a fight in Monday’s uniform the order of the (Jerman eagle wheih Hitler had conferred up on him. Hitler appeare<l in the doorway of hi.s coach clad in a Nazi khaki uni wMc Mr, Brewi,ing went out into thet-’m'd" «t thr monument on the s,|uarel, audienee to confe7 with Mrs. Brown-j♦"""wing pisigram will be i.leurTfF; honuiary corimral of the ing who was sitting in the rear of [ . , , , . Faiscist militia—an award from Mu.s- the hall. Returning fr(mi the confer-, school hand. September. .Mr. Browning announcid hi.s| ^Y high sch^ool glee club.^ ^ , Trumpets of the honor guard of the enoe, - „ wife’s desire to have her name with-i ’ The (rates of Time Swing drawn a* a candidate, Mr. Tollison 1 hy Jean Ciopeland. agrwd to the withdrawal and Missi Music by the band. ‘ Roper was electeil by acclamation, i i.' ^ong by glee club. ^ 1 J’ I ... .. . u Kiovvers,” Wide Savoia Gredadiers souiuh-il a fanfare. A band swung into “Deutschland Uls'r Alles.’’ .Mu.ssolini’s Musketeers, with death's heads <»n their turbans, [dri-w daggers. committeiTTian was gone into, Mr. I ”'7'"^"“'"’ „ . u., ii- i Nazi guest rei-eived wann Wilson read a letter from Dr. Dudley ,,, ...:n *u.. handshakes from the king and Mus Jones, of Clinton, ext*cutive commit- iBefore the election of an executive' “.Scatter the Willingham. Elizabeth! ('. Roper will conclude the program. teeman for the past year, in which Dr. Jones requested that he be aIlowe<i to “step ashle" on account of his health. Mr. Wilson paid a tribute to Dr. Jones’ work as executive commit teeman and on his motion the secre tary was instructed to write him a letter of appreciation for his out- stamling work. Dr. Jones’ name not being before Betty Spratt Wins Short Story Event solini before the king raised his arm to indicate the dirtn-tion of march. Hitler fell into step beside him and together the king and the grim man who rose from humble beginning.s to l<*a<l a natitm of 7r),(HM),0{M> stitxie Betty .Spratt, <laughter of .Mr. and ,jown 3(81 yards of n*d carpet. Mrs. John Spratt of this city, won; jj i^ft the station alone and first place in the short story writing!^otorwl to his office, contest conducted last Fri<lay at thej Outside the station brass helmeted l^state university by the South Caro-j Ja^cers were drawn uj) in a huge the convention for re-election, Joe F'. high school league. Miss Spratt semi-circle, their blue pennants flut- ' is an honor graduate this month at | jp the chilly night breeze. Clinton high school. Smith, delegate from the • I^aurens club, offered the name of R. W. Wade, of Glinton whom hi- dvxcribvd ax oneiyAX DEADLINE IS with the ability and courage to do, his duty well.” Mr. Wade’s nomina-' tion was seconded by several dele- • I^aurens county citizens who have Within the semi-circle rank after rank of Fascist youth, uniformed Na- 1 ' zi resident.s of Italy and Carabinieri MOVED TO JUNE 1 „„ Thirty mounted Kings’ Guards rat- gates and he wa.s elected by acclama-i p^t paid their 1937 taxes were given Tied their .sabres in salute as «l( r fueh- tion. Delegatea to June 1st to do so without increased ^L*niergt*(l from the station, 'penalty with the passage of a joint; The next order of business being' resblulTbh by the general assembly j Rill On XmirtR Clinton precinct, introduced the reso-i^^^ introduction of resolutions Messrs, jast week. The penalty of three per To' 111 JuilOtiution pledging the convention’s fealty!-''^''®"’ Moorhead introduced their cent was extendi^ to that date. | Qacrn^^fl Rl/ InVinftfnn 1j a ^ 1 i»A lat 11 f a 1 t*tfka./lYr r£*_ 1 mi T : l .1 .li: A »-.fl 1C I aA AO A to the rule and instructing the dele-j'■^^^•utions already referred to. There-j The original deailline was April 15,| Announcement has been made by [gates to the state convention from T^P®”* seventeen names were offered it was extended to April 30th. Un- “Pope, of Newberry, said, “extra pay is unconstitutional,” While Berry 1 of Orangeburg, said he “lost money”! ^^T^e'^^use^^refu^^^^^^^to 47 the,^^® Scott-Burr Stores corporation erf'this county to fight and vote for eight places on'’paid accounts will go into execution' motion of Foster of Greenville to u- That they hope to open their j retention. In a speech which lasted! The I.aurens county delegation to the'June 1st when the penalty will be in-] ble Britt’s motion. The amendment ^ *Tore in Clinton by! for about a quarter of an hour, he j*^Te convention. 'creased to 7 percent, was then adopted by an oral vote. ^ twenty-year lease haaj pleaded for the retention of the rule, Duncan Workman, student at Clem- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan. W. J. Ballots had already been distribut-* Tbp *nti mill levv amendment pro-signed by the concern for thecas a means of maintaining white su-i®^ The election when J. H. Nance, a a\. v«k^ r,re™ of deb^to I building, just completod by the Bei-iprentocy in the sUU. The rule, heicrexx Hill deli-gate, prepoe^ that W.'ren coB^e, "Pent the »rek-end with “Let’s take it off. Settle this thing^^Y interests on North Broad itreet. jsaid, had been of “unaccountable ser- A. Moorhead, the first nominee on the his mother, Mrs. Nene Workman, and anA Kp /lonp with it ” nleaded Man-' A. G. Sublett, a native of Kentucky,, vice in holding together the white men ii*t, be elected by acclamation in view Otow^f M^rlblre »f tlio new .tort, and of South CreliW - . |of th" tl>«t hU wage, and hourx “Let’s take it off and let the con-'*“* already arrived in the city to A. R. Cobb, delegate from the Ly-!*‘®solution had been adopted by the .poMPTwapc bp wbat thev may” said'^^'npi^Te preparations for the formal[dia Mill club, was the only speaker;convention and that he was the ob- ^IT^f “• .opening. jagainat the rule. “The rule haa been viou, man to lay it before the xtate Crant of Chester said “if H is noli-i Dther stores operated by Scott’s in'tlseful,” he said, “but now is the time convention. Mr. Nance’s inotion was tips it’* mifl-htv irood Dolitics ” to re- state are in Greer and Laurens. if^Iook forward and not backward. If favorably received and Moorhead movp tbp Ipw ' ~ ^ .r~~i'anybody wants to vote the Republi- Vi^®® elected by acclamation, “I think CHin Johnston did the' I can ticket, let them do it. I-et’s make' Jack H. Davis, Clinton delegate, krrelte^ thirS in bis RaCaKaII Thi® a fre; country.” Then mov«i that since J. W. Milam greatest ng Y] D&S6DAII 1^C6 ^j,e vote on the measure was was the logical man to carry the res- taken, a considerable group of dele-jolution on Rule 32 before the state j gates sitting in the immediate vicinity I convention that he, tJoo, should be May of Aiken j when he vetoed this, said. Leppard of Chesterfield said •ev-1 erybody knows this thing (the amend-j roent) is going to pats and the free.Carolina .... conference committee will put it (the ^ Presbj’terian levy) back in.” jErskine .... Crews of Richland contended that*Qemson the. levy was necessary to provide purman for textile labor relief. — iThe Citadel The anti-mill age amendment was'^ . approved by an 84 to 21 roll call. Also approved were amendments to pay $900 to .R. A. Mears for work as secretary of the special legislative committee on rural electrification and to approprlats |600 for eiqienses of the coomtoskm on the sestjukenten- nial of the U. S. constttotion.' Standing Through Saturday ’ 1 u 1 *• "tv ^ Won Lost Pct.'cf Mr. 'Cobb constituted the major elected by acclamat^n. This motion goo body of delegates voting against the Provailed and Mr. Milam was elected. j.yjg j In quick succession seven other del-^ The meeting was called to order by'eSrates were elected by acclamatiim County Chairman R. T. Wilson. Pray-.^or various reasons, as follows: Sena- er was offered by the Rev. W. A.! Tor C. A. Cromer, nominated by J. L., Baldwin, delegate from the Hickory Browning; J. H. Roland nominated by. Tavern club. 0. L, Long was elected C. E. Tollison; Miss Frances Roper, j tt'mporary president by acclamation and Allie Lee Secretary in the same manner. After the roll call and the report of the credentials committee, composed of Dr. W. T. Pace, B. E 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 5 5 5 4 6 6 7 .583 .555 .500' .500 .350 Newberry 3 Menu For Remainder of Week P. C. at Furman. TRACK Friday and Saturday — State meet at Clinton. \ Borgee and Sam Leaman, appointed,^nan by the chair, the temporary orgaqi- kation was made permanent and the nominated by the Rev. L. C. LaMotte; A. H. Hughes, by J. P. Terry^ Repre-1 sentative C. L. Milam by B. H. Boyd;' H. D. Gray, by J H. Brown; Repreaen-i tative R. C.' Wasson, by W. L Frce- When the chair .announced that one (Continued on page two) DRIVE CAREFULLY SAVE A UFE! So Far This Year There Have Been / 3 ij-i FATALITIES from AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS in LAURENS COUNTY LeCs Strive To Make 1988 a Safe Year On the Highways. TUa date last year, 1. (^ilumbia, April 29. — Governor Olin Johnston late Friday night sign ed a bill increa.sing the limitations on trucks in South (’arolina from 20,000 pounds and 90 inches in width to 40,000 pounds and 90 inches. The governor .«igne<l the measure 50 minutes before the expiration of the three-day periiwl in which he is al lowed to approve or veto a bill before it automatically bwonies law. Monts Again To Head Schools 1 W. E. Monts has been elected sup$*r- j intendent of the city .schools for the 'year 1938-39, it w'as learned, yester- i day from 'a member of the ‘board of .trustee.^. Mr. .Monts, who came here j from W'ashington, Ga., is now com- ipleting his third year a.s head of ^he schools. Delegation Votes For Elxtra Pay On a roll call vote Tuesday by* which tbe house of representatives voted for extra money. Representatives Huff, Milam and Wasson of tb'S county, were recorded as voting lor tbe proposal.