->l ’ PAGE EIGHT Nobody’s Business By Gee McGee Then ^ Back yonder in 19 and 20, the n*an said, “Yes, I am looking for a nice farm with a little house thereon paint- eo white with green blinds and a well of good water on the back porch, and it must have a pasture and plenty of wood. I am willing to pay a fair price for something like that. It i.5 getting time for me to buy myself a hom6.” him to read the 44th chapter of Mel- chisadek. Now Today the man said: “Sure, I am in tW market for a nice automobile. I A Santa Claus Letter flat rock, s. C. dec the 18, 1929. mr. sandy claws, north pole, n. y. deer old sandy claws: i am a little man only 62 yr. old and | finished the first grade, then i ha|d to go to work, so i thought i would lite you a few lines to tell you what to fetch me and my little fnends. i have been a good feller ever since last yr. when you come and i still have some of the segars left yet. want something to get about in, and, naturally prefer a long wheel base and 4-wheel brakes, and my favorite color is light blue trimmed in grey,' but of course the car I buy must be equipped with everything needful. 1 am willing to pay all the money 1 have in the bank now, and will bind myself and my wife and my yonng- uns for the balance and will pay it if we live. It is getting about time fm* us to trade in our old lizzie that we , swapped our farm for a year or so sandy claws, plese bring mo a pr. of beef Sikales what wont w-ay so heavy and a beef knife and a sign to hang on my beef waggin which itads as followers: “mike Clark, rfj.—his beet waggin.” it costs nearly to get this sign painted here since the war, so you can help me a right smart ..y getting this stuff up for me. ago. Cotton I.,etter New York, Dec. 19.—Liverpool came in 22 points lower than due in sym pathy with Suez Canal 6s, lyut as Crude oil showed a slight gain^in New York, March contracts were hedged in Bombay at 17.88, but Southern sell ing soon offset the weather that pre vailed in Texas last night and imme diately thereafter, some realizing took place; that is—the bulls realized that they were busted. The Federal Re serve and other reserves have been used to scotch in the stock market, and Solomon and all his glory are now trying to figure out who lost the $47,000,000.00 that the suckers got loose from recently in order that the coffers of the wealthy might be swol len to excess. Anyway and anyhow, we still think limberger cheese will continue strong»^ : deer old s.tndy, my little wife has do«e fairly well enduring the present yr. considering of her roomy-tism andsoforth which has kept me up a good manny nights with linnyment, so fetch her a big black shawl to wear over her shoulders so’s i can get my overcoat when i want to go anny wheres and allso bring along a coffee pot and a box of face powder and a pr. of hoses, silk, if possible. oh, yes, sandy: plese be sura to fetch me a big mushtash cup for but termilk ansoforth, and how about a box of tobacker (browns mule) with a package of snuff for both of us? and remember a beef knife with a long blade is the kind i want, .so if you fetch along a knife with a §hort blade, you might as well throw It back into yore sled and drive on. i have 2 of them kind. Chicken Dressing The new evening dresses for the fair sex are made in the following manner: First, Tie a string around her waist. Second, Hank about 1 yard of something flimsy in front thereof and let the same swing loose to the knees. Third, Hank about 2 yards of something also flimsy at the back and let it drag the ground. Fourth, Spread something more flimsy than ever slightly over the chest. Fifth, Dust her back with talcum powders, ' paint her cheeks, marshmallow her nose, and there she is: ready for any thing or anybody. If a good model of one of these “evening gowns” is de sired, just grab the first scare-crow you see. i want you to f^ch gee niegee a book which will teech him how to vite the truth insted of lies ansoforth, and allso a nice nake tie would make him look better, as the 1 i give him about 5 yr. hence has wore out, but^he don’t seem to know it. if it aint too much trubbull, bring him a pr, of sox with out green in them, the pr. he has been using for several months have lost they shape and folks will no he is green without the sox being that col or. It Won’t Be Long Now j Bishop Cannon must be about thru i bishop-ping by now. He did not have' enough of his kind of religion to ap-1 predate the fact that A1 Smith’s re-! ligion was good enough for him. I! have never seen any of our presidents use much of their religion in the man agement of affairs governmental. Some men can have just any kind of: faith and be reasonable and sensible I at the same time. Bro. Cannon would ; do well to stick to his knittin’ from I now on, and it is possible that old Vir ginia can make out her ballots with out his advice. We respectfully advise and fetch gee megee’s uncle joe a big feather bed and a feather piller to match and some good whittlin sticks and allso a sofy piller would come in handy for him to use on the coart- house benches where he loafs anso forth, and if his aunt minervy knoweJ how to use a good shotgun in the mod em female way. i would ask you to fetch her 1 of them, but i will leave that to you, as she is a good woman, but married befoar she thot. come in my house by the back way as the house in front of mine is not where i livej so look out for my beef waggin: if in dout, rite or- foam befoar you get there so’s we can be a sleep. yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The regpilar annual meeting of stockholders of the Commercial Bank of Clinton, S. C., will be held Tues day, January 14, 1930, at 4:30 o’clock p. m., in the office of the Bank, to elect directors for ensuing year, and to transact such business as may come before the meeitng. l-2-3tc H. D. Henry, President. Reduced Charges Announced The charge for installing extension tele phones in this city has been reduced to BUSINESS EXTENSION S1.50 RESIDENCE EXTENSION $1.00 This substantial reduction in the instal lation charge will enable many people to enjoy this modern convenience. Extension telephone service is now one of the cheapest of all home comforts. The monthly rate amounts to only a few cents a day and is well within the means of practically every family. Extension telephone service is an ideal Christmas present for the entire family, and the reduced installation charge makes it a household economy. Call the business office now to .insure prompt installation. SOlJTHERBr PELL TELEPHOMB and Tele^aph Company THE CLINTON CHRONICLE. CLINTON. S. C. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19.1929 j • / 7 - 9 MUSGROVE ST. CLINTON, S. C. We’re Off to a Flying Start! ‘‘little Jim” \yhite Eagle Pedal Plane “Little Jim” Monoplane *11081 all boys are intefest-d In aviation these days, and will want one of these goc^-looking Steel Monoplanes . . . 22’/^ inches long; wing-sprea^ 22}^ inches. A pull toy. 98c ‘Daredevil Flyer” Circles tlxt Tower . A fasc:::.illrg r.ierhanital toy ; . . the aeroplane circles the lower anj turns somersaults ia the ai*-. 10 inches high. $8 .90 Speed, dash, strength . . . this is the pedal plane for up-and-doing^ air-minded boys! Ball bearing construction, ad justable seat and heavy rubber tires. Length 44 inches. 27 incher from dp to dpi Men’s Fine Sport Handkerchiefs 49c Bex of 2! Packed in a colorful Girist- mas box, these two good- looking handkerchiefs make an <';:cellent. discriminating gift I "Coney Island” A Mechanical Toy With Lots of Thrills! Wind it up . . . and the air planes swirl around and ’round ... and the roller coaster car swoops up and down the curves I Of heavy meUl, 18j4 inches long. 6^ inches wide^ inches high. 89c They Add Thai Smart Look Bridge Lamps $9.90 AH lamps are wired through tubular anns''and standards f with excellent quality parchment paper shades to match A Qift for the Young Man A Boy s Gift Give Him a Sturdy Slip-Over Sweater Big, generously cut. hand made ties' in assorted stripes, iigures and checks. A large number of smart fabrics iron: wluch to choose. Expertly knitted of worsted and rayon in new patterns of blending colors. V, crew and round necks. Outstanding val ues, at— H.49 and ^1.98 All Ready for A PartyJ 15-piece Aluminum Percolator Set How parties will flourish where Santa brings one of thesff handsome coffee percolator sets . . , with four plates, foui; cups, four saucers, a sugar, a creamer and a percolator. The polished finish will delight every girl’s heart 1 And our price is only.... They Walk When You Puli Theml Wood . Action Toys Elephants and alligator^ parrots and other gay-col ored enameled animals that paddle along in such a life like manner. Children Love Thtm mid TheYre Only 23c and 39c Coasting Is Great Sport in a “ Penco •Pfiico Flyer” steel wagrn* are of de luxe construction to withstand the kind of hard play that boys give them. Box length 31H inches, width 1354 . Inches, height inches . . . 10-inch steel disc wheels wTth* 1-inch tires, balloon type. A wonderful wagon for j $4*98 A \ )