F [ ~y ^•'{"^f-’r**^'"’ ** "I'wjr » SJ PAGE EIGHT V-- 1 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE. CUNTON, 8. C. TB^RSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1920 More and More Gilds Treated Externally Dftiitnd for VicIls V apoRub Pioneer ci '*No Dosing’* Method, Grows At Amazing Rate A generation ago, v/hen Vicks VapoRub was originated, the idea of treating colds without “dosing” was almost imheard of. Today, more and more colds are treated exter nally, and the whole trend of medi cal practice is away from needless “dosing.” Mothers ecpecially appreciate Vicks, because it checks colds with out risk of upsetting children’s deli cate stomachs. Just, rubbed on, Vicks acts through the s!:in like a plaster; and,at the same time i". gives off medicated vapors which are in haled direct to the inflamed' air- ‘ passages Year after year the demand for Vicks has grown until it is now the family standby for colds—adults’ as well as children’s—in more than 60 countriea A short time ago the famous Vick slogan “17 Million Jars Used Yearly,” was raised to “21 Million” to keep step with the ever-increas ing demand. Again the figure;^ have been outgrown, as there are now “Over 26 Million Jars Used Yearly," in the United States alone. * • : i SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Rev. Samael D. Price, D. D., Associate General Secretary of tke World’s Sunday School Association. International Sunday School Lesson for November 3 ■RESPECT FOR RIGHTFUL AUTHORITY Mark 12:13-17; Romans 13:1-14; I Peter 2:13-17 World’s temperance Sunday is the the things that are Caesar’s, and unto I Sunday just before election day. and PENSION NOTICE In order to get the increased" pen sion allowance, all widows must re port by the 9th day of November, to the probate judge, giving their name, name of husband, date of marriage, date of husband’s death. If not able to come to office, 'send one of family or a friend, or write. 0. G. Thompson, 10-3l-2t * Probate Judge. was fixed at that time in order that further information on this moral is sue might have an effect in casting' votes. All reforms come after a long process of teaching. The world became free from slavery by just such a pro cess. The topics that are followed dur God the things that are God’s.” The Bible stands for the full recog- nitioiTof the authority of the govern ment. Since constant benefits come from Caesar it is in order to pay their share of the tax which makes these advantages possible. Paul and Peter give the same principles in their writ ings. Paul’s life was saved when he ing this quarter show how practicaf is j “I appeal unto Caesar.” No the Bible. Religion, to be effective, j government can be maintained when must deal with the everyday affairs in i citizens do as they please about which we live. I obeying the laws of that land, or de- The setting for the selection fromic'^e which ones they will accept. Mark is a thrilling one, and just the ^ Crime is a serious cost to ta^giay- kind that a novelist can make much of. Jesus was teaching in Jerusalem and His work was almost over. He was probably the most hated man in the community. Many also hated each oth er, but their feeling against Jesus was so great that they i forgot their differ- ers. Even slight study will reveal that those who “render unto God the things that are God’s” are the least expense to the state. Law-breakers are the most expensive citizens. Some day the community as a whole will refuse to pay the charges of those who deliber- Death Claims Lee Starnes Laurens, Oct. 26.—Jesse Lee Starnes, 26, died at the home of his father, Lee Starnes, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock after having been in failing health for several years. Funeral ser vices. were held at tlie house Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock and interment took place in the city cemetery at 6 o’clock, the services being conducted by the Rev. W. D. Spinx, pastor of the First Baptist church. Besides his parents, Lee Starnes and Mrs. Nannie Cox Starnes, he is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Broadus Starnes of Clin ton, Lawrence, Claude Lee, Chalmers, J. L. and William Starnes of Laurens, Misses Birdie Starnes, a nurse in the Roper hospital at Charleston, Carrie, Grace and Loda Mae Starnes of Lau rens. Clinton Water Is Of Good Quality ences in order to make common cause ately break the law. Law does not against Him. Thus the Pharisees and make lawlessness, it merely reveals it. Herodians pooled their interests in trying to entrap the Teacher with catch questions. The one which they thought would “get” him was about paying tribute to the Roman govern ment. The answer was by means of an illustration as He asked for a denari us. All eyes were on Him and the coin as He held it up and inquired “Whose image?” The reply turned the laugh on the hecklers: “Render unto Caesar Bladder, Irritation The chemist labels alcohol as a poi son. The public knows it as a producer of crime. It is very costly in dollars, morals and life itself. The best way of reaching the solution, aside from pnaintaining apd enforcing the exist ing laws, is to be more active in the .teaching process that the growing youth in every generation tnay learn the facts early and let alcohol alone, as they would avoid any other poison. If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, causes Bumjng or Itching Sensation, Backache or Leg Pains, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Tdst. Don’t give up. Get Cystex today at any drug store. Put it to the test. See for yourself what it does. Money back if It doesn’t bring quick im provement, and satisfy you com pletely. Try Cystex today. Only 60a The following report on an analysis of a sample of water from the local water department has been received from the state board of health. It was signed by Dr. F. L. Pprker, chemist and bacteriologist. Part per million' Color 5.00 Clorine 7.00 Free ammonia 0.01 Albuminoid ammonia 0.01 Nitrogen as nitrites 0.00 Nitrogen as nitrates 0.00 Total solids 46.00 Bacterial analysis—negative. Remarks: Analyses indicate water to be of good quality and free from contamination. A PLEA Sold by Sadler-Owens Pharmacy -COAL- CROWN BLOCK AND EGG Prompt Service. Prices Right. J.M.PnTS Phone 57 We Deliver We sell the famous Buck coal and wood ranges and the Florence oil cooks. If you need some thing to cook with, see us. PRATHER-SIMPSON , FURNITURE CO. My portrait of Col. Charles Lind bergh, hanging on the wall, looks at me very earnestly this morning, I think, with a sort of urge in the calm features, to be careful what I say. The daily newspaper has gprown to be my very dependable friend; I find much that is comforting, edifying, even inspiring; but it calls Col Lind bergh “Lindy.” And, it keeps that up with a persistence that is benumbing! I wonder if newspapers in that day called President George Washington “Washy?” Or Lincoln “Linky?” I be lieve they did not. They ignored rag pickers’ lingo, bowery slush, cotton- field ninnyisms. To apply “Smitty” to a hero of the comic strip is permissi ble; but to refer to a great American hero as “Lindy” is unworthy of Amer ican journalism. Maybe great western newspapers in dulge this silly piece of business with the idea that it is an endearing term I can imagine Jone’s wife calling.liup “Jonesey,” or Brown’s partner saying “Browney,” but it hardly goes in re fined society. “Lindy” is to me, a slap in the face of intelligent Americans; Lindbergh does not need this sort of mushing sentiment. “Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh” is a name at once in spiring—of which America is proud. I But, “Lindy!!” Baby-talk is all right in its place— for babies. It is perfectly all right and proper in the park, when the moon is ! waning—to one’s own umpsy-dumpsy. j But for the great American headline it j is too cheap, shallow—it’s becoming idiotic! American journalism has out- igrown alley-rat parlance; it should I pause and take a good look at itself in I the mirror of public opinion. I There is always a possibility that I jam wrong; it may be that, chopping off three letters of a name, saves sev eral thousand dollars annually to the linotype—I hadn’t figured that—sprint ing “Lindy” a million times! Coffee Sponge Dissolve 2 tablespoons lemon-flavor ed gelatin in 1-3 cup boiling water and add to 2 cups strong black coffee, boiling hot; then add 2-3 cup sugar. When cool and beginning to thicken, beat with rotary egg beater imtil quite stiff. Add whites of 3 eggs, beaten stiff, or 1 1-2 cups stiff whipped cream, apd^continue beating until mix ture wfl hold its shape. Tom into mold, chil thoroughly, remove and serve with thin cream. THEY ARE SURE COMING With each successive season one looks forward to visits of the various tented aggregations that travel the country for the amusement of the peo ple and no show is ever more heartily welcome than the HONEST BILL AND MOON BROS. TRAINED ANI MALS SHOWS. They have made a reputation for themselves by giving the people a good, high class enter- jtainment which appeals to all as in- I teresting, amusing and instructive. Everybody loves horses and ponies, more especially does this apply to the^ ladies who, with the little ones, are the most loyal patrons. They are as sured of the highest form of enter- jtainment, free from everything at all I calculated to offend the most sensi- jtive. “Cupid,” the highest educated pony in the world, together with many prancing ponies in military drills and I marches, are especially pleasing to [the little ones. Will exhibit at Goldville, Friday, Nov. 1st Clinton, Saturday2nd Two performances daily at 2 and 8 P. M. Don’t fail to see the big free street parade at noon and free outside exhibitions on show grounds at one H. D. HENRY F. M. BOLAND H. D.'Henry & Company INSURANCE STOCKS - BONDS - REAL ESTATE LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR SALE One six-room house, corner Ferguson and Owens Street. One large lot on Calvert Avenue. JOHN D. DAVIS Phone 141 Clinton, S. C. ALL PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY UCENSED PHARMACISTS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED PROMPTLY SADLER-OWENS PHARMACY “At Union Station” Phones 377 and 400 Phones 377 and 400 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHRONICLE and seven P. M. Piccadilly Salad Peel and cut a large orange in dice; add sufficient chopped celery to make 1 cup "and set on ice until wanted. Halve large pexran meats, using 2 cups nuts to the amount of fruit given. Mix, arrange on crisp lettuce and top with whipped cream mayonnaise. Garnish with strips of pimiento. Notice for Payment of City Taxes Notice is hereby given that Town Taxes for the Town of Clinton, will be due and collectable between October 15th and November 16th, for the year 1929. The Tax Books will be opened for the collection of taxes at the Office of the Town Clerk bn October 1st, and will re main open each day thereafter, Sunday excepted, up to and through November 15th. A penalty of fifteen (15%) per cent, will accrue on all taxes not pai4 on or before FYiday, November 16th. The levy for current fiscal yeaf Is forty (40) mills; fifteen (15) mills for current operating expenses and twenty-five (25) mills for interest and sinking fund on various Bond Issues outstanding. The foregoing notice is given pursuant to Ordinance passed by the Town Council, September 2, 1929. D. a HEUSTESS, Dated Sept. 12,1929. ' Town Clerk. i VS^ait for the Best! Only Big One Coming-Honest Bill & Moon Bros. Trained Wild Animals CIRCUS and WILD WEST CLINT 0 N At 2 and 8 P. M Rain or Shine Saturday Nov. 125 People, 50 Horses and Shetland Ponies, 4 Camels, 2 baby Camels, Two Larg est Dromedaries in U. S. A. Today With Any Circus. Herd of Elephants. See Jap, 85-year-old elephant, four tons and a half for the kiddies to ride. Hyeans, Ti gers, Leopards, 14 Lions from different parts of the world. See three young t lions just a few days old. Pretty circus girls, riding / acts, performing bears, po nies, mules, goats, wire walkers, jugglers, leapers, ^ aerialists Funny cloMms. SEE BIG FREE STREET PARADE AT NOON. Illllllllllll SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS DAY only- children ADULTS PLUS STATE TAX V • ••••••• 25« 50c At 2 and 8 P. M. Rain or Shine Friday, Nov. Xr *r ii'