V ; TBUHHUIAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1929 • '*r T' ,**, 'rr''.7: -■ THE CiJNTON CHIt09mXE, XXimO C. PA< SOCIETY EVEI^TS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Mrs. Larry B. Dillard, Society Editor. Telephone 154 MRS. BAILST HONORS FRIENDS On Wednesday Mrs. W. J. Bailey en tertained a few friends at a luncheon. J[?utto^’« birthday on Sunday a In the afternoon bridge was enjoyed by the following: Mesdames'^ Wade ^>erry, J. F. Jacobs^ Sr., Thomas Ja cobs, Wm. Bailey Owens, Clair Hays .and Reese Young. CHICORA CLUB WITH MISS YOUNG t*he next meeting of the Chicora club has been changed from Feb. 9th at the home of Mrs. Felder Smith, to the afternoon of February 28th, at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Miss Eliza beth Young on South Broad street. All alumnae of Chicora college and of the college for women also are requested to b? present. THIRTEEN CLUB WITH MRS. JACOBS On Thursday Mrs. Thomas Jacobs entertained the Thirteen club and had ^y-gnestsr Raymond Pitts, Horace Payne, H. M. Wilkes, Pringle Copeland, Reese Young, W. P. J^obs and Wm. Bailey Owens. A salad cqur^ and tea were served. — > . FAMILY GATHERS “ ON FATHER’S BIRTHDAY Mrs. B. M. Dutton had in honor of fodf ’donrsA dinner. The color scheme of pink and white was carried out. The centerpiece was a large pink and white cake surrounded with garlands of gtaen. On each side of the cake crys tal candelabra held pink lighted can dles. Qnly the immediate family was proeent, these being: 'Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson and family of Monroe, N. Mr; and Mrs. V. D. Ramseur and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Poe and son of Greenville, Shannon, L. B., and Eddie Simpson of Chester, Miss Frah- .:es and Braxton Dutton. cakes, candies, rad fr^t. Attractive lollipops were given u sonvenirs to the following children: Caroline, ard Jennie Lee Young, Bernice Ellis. Car- son Neighborar Evelyn Neighbors, Evelyn Booaer, Evelyn Pitts, Harold Pitts, Davit Workman, Sterling Pitts, Celeste and Jack Arrington, Jean Lay- ton, Sarah McCrary, Frances I..ee Pitts, Elizabeth Blalock, Walker and Jack Reeder, Alice Slater, Lillian Speakehmd Ame Young. JUNIOR MUSIC CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Junior Music club met ndth Louise and Elliott Jacobs on Saturday afternoon. The following contributed numbers.* William Moorhead, Frances Bailey, Erhline Copeland, Evelyn Mc Crary, Sara Speake, Mary Lawson, Carrie Mae Phillips, Elizabeth Hams, Joyce Pitts, Katherine Graham, Billy Owens, Louise Jacobs, Thurston Giles, ThAd Johnson, Vivian Parks Adair, Patricia Giles, Nhncy Young. Delight ful refreshments were served. “What are you children all dressing up for this morning?” asked Mrs. Rabbit, when she peeked into the chil dren’s room. ‘ “Why, Mother dear, this is iindoln’a birthday. Have you forgotten? I am surprised!” answered Bobbie. ‘Excuse me,” said Mrs. Rabbit. “You see, I ha<'e.so many things to ffiink of that I forget, while you chil dren have only your school.” . The bell in the Rabbitville school house was still ringing as the bun nies scampered out of the house all dresAed np in their Svpday