MOTHER OF THANKSGIVING DAY How Sarah Josepha Hale Succeeded in Establishing the National Holiday at a Uniform Time BETTER THAn WHISKEY FOR' COLDS AND FLU New Elixir, Galled Aspiron- al, Medicated With Latest Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by Euro pean and American Army Surgeons to Cut Short a Cold ahd Prevent Compli cations. Every Druggist in U. S. In structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Count er If Relief Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. The sensation of the _year in the tra«le is Aspironai, the two- nniiute cold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the labora tories; tested, approved and most onthusiastTcaTry ^TfTTrrlsed by " tlift high- 1 est authorities, and proclaimed by the com moo- pt-oplc ns ten—tTmerni? quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rye, or any other cold and cough remedy they have ever tried. All drug stores are now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so all you have to do to get rid of that cold is to step into the nearest drug store, hand the clerk half a dollar for a bottle of Aspironai and tell him to aorve you two teaspoonfuls with four teaspoon fills of water in a glass. With your watch in your hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you cannot feel your cold fading away like a draam within the time limit. Don’t be bash ful. for all druggists invite you and expect you to try it. Everybody’s MRS. SARAH JOSEPHA HALE, ‘THE MOTHER OF THANKSGIVING” I T WAS a patriotic and philan thropic widow who gave us our national Thanksgiving day and Philadelphia, Liberty’s old cradle, was naturally the home of the enter prise.) This heroine, who in the Hall of Fame deserves a place amongst the country’s mothers, was Sarah Josepha Hale, an editor whose Ladies’ Maga zine and Godey’s Lady’s Book gave unto our grandmammas the latest styles In^oops and pantalettes. . When Mrs. Hale got down to work on the Thanksgiving problem that Item on Uncle Sam’s calendar was badly muddled, bnt finally, with the aid of President Lincoln, she brought order out of chaos. Let us first see how the complications came about: Hot, Turkeylese Thanksgiving. Turkeyless and hot was our first na tional Thanksgiving day, appointed by ■Cingressr.amioagh' held midsummer anotherr a week later. tioing it. V\ hen your cold or cough is re lieved, take the remainder of the bottle home to Vour wife and babies, for Aspironai is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most agreeable cold and cough-remedy for infants and children.—Adv.) -v- J. B. FRONTIS JEWELER CLINTON, S. C. “ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY COLO! ‘Thatf* Dr. King’* New Dis covery for fifty years a cold-breaker 1 * N OTHING but sustained quality and unfailing effectiveness can arouse such enthusiasm. Noth ing but sure relief from stubborn old colds and onrushing new ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King’s New Discovery the nationally popular and standard remedy it is today. Fifty years old and always reliable. ~ ' fo Good for the whole family. A bottle In the medicine cabinet means a short lived cold or cough. 60c. and $1.20. All druggists. Give It a trial. Regular Bowels Is Health Bowels that move spasmodically— free one day and stubborn the next— should be healthfully regulated by Dr. King’s New Life Pills. In this way you keep the impurities of waste mat ter from circulating through the sys tem by cleansing the bowels thorough ly and promoting the proper flow of bile. Mild, comfortable, yet always relia ble. Dr. King’s New Life Pills work with precision without the constipation results of violent purgatives. usual at all olent pi druggis ts. —July 20, 1775—It set the Thursday precedent, rellgionsly followed during the past two generations, although not Immediately respected, for the sec ond national Thanksgiving day oc curred Friday, May 17, 1776. Two years later Wednesday was the day, hot after Washington took control of affairs Thursday was preferred. The nation’s first official thanks pro moters were committees, usually of three, appointed by the continental congress In the days before we h«d a proclamation recommending to the governors of the that a desig nated date be observed as a day of national thanksgiving and prayer. These committees appear to have been members of congress, except In 1778, when the two chaplains of congress were directed to prepare the draft, Washington helped to promote the nation’s thanks on two notable occa sions before he became president—the first being during his desolate winter at Valley Forge, when he directed that his army on December 18, 1777, the date appointed by congress, “remain In its present quarters and that the chaplains perform divine service^jelth their several corps and brigades,” Picturesque Maytime Feast. A more festive program was ar ranged by the general the following spring, when he ordered his troops to observe May 7, 1878, as a day of thanksgiving for the aid given by France to the patriotic cause. Hap pily, his “orderly book” outlining in great detail the ceremony to be ob served has been preserved. “Upon a signal given the whole army will huzza ‘Long live the king of France,’ ” he directs. This huzza was then to be followed by the booming of cannon, a general discharge of mus ketry. another hUzza, “Long live the European powers!” then more cannon, more musketry fire and a final huzza, “The American States!” Two years of onr history saw two Thanksgiving days eacli, and both were wartime years. In 1776, May 17 and December 11 were both designated, while in 1863 Lincoln designated Thursday, August 6, as a special Thanksgiving day In advance of the autumnal feast of the last Thursday in November. The summer holiday was a special thanksgiving for victory, as had been, in fact, the only national Thanksgiving day In 1862. > From Madison’s time to Lincoln’s there were no national thanksgivings proclaimed by presidents, although the festival was observed annually In New England and In New York, as also in tlie scattered Episcopal congregations, whose Book of Common Prayer since 1789 has designated the first Thursday in each November for giving thanks In the churches unless civil authority should designate another date for this purpose. Greatest of Festivals. la New England, where It had been an- .Institution since 1621, Thanksgiv ing flay ontinued all the w ille to out rank even Christmas as a festival of joy, feasting and family reunion. On becoming governor of New York John Jay endeavored to establish It In that state as an annual Institution, but his political enemies branded his proclamation as an attempt to stir up religious prejudice in his favor and he made no further attempts. Governor Clinton, however, renewed the effort and was successful, but New York’s Thanksgiving did not coincide with New England’s, which, until the middle of the last century, occurred a week later than the Empire state’s. Searching old newspaper files we learn how Thanksgiving was celebrated In these times. I found the other day a statement that in 1858 10,000 people after eating one Thanksgiving dinner In New York city, had gone to their early homes in New England to enjoy Thanksgiving soon ttoal, though tocat, institution tn most of-the western states, which had been oon became an an- I, liiatliulH Grace for Thanksgiving UOR laughter and the love of * friends. We thank Thee, For sorrows that Thy wisdom sends, We thank Thee, For Thy most kindly graciousness, For peace, dear peace, for plente ousness. For all these blessings we possess, We thank Thee, Lord. settled largely by New Yorkers and New Englanders, but the South was tardy In adopting the Idea. Although Governor Johnson of Vii> glnia designated Thanksgiving day In 1853, hls successor, Governor Wise, when requested to do so, publicly de clined oh the' ground that he had he authority fo Interfere In the religious matters of the people. Meanwhile, In Philadelphia, Mrs. Hale was wielding her facile pen In a zealous crusade to have Thanksgiving day established as a national festival and observed upon a uniform date throughout the country. For 20 years she persisted In this agitation, not only through the columns of the two maga zines which she edited, but In letters which she wrote to all the presidents and governors. By agreeing to establish the prece dent of proclaiming the holiday on the last Thursday of each November, Lin coln at last crowned her tireless effort! with success, and no president has failed to emulate hls example — So Sarah Josepha Hale may be tlghb fully termed the mother of our annual nation-wide festival of Thanksgiving —John Elfreth Watkins In Utica Sat urday Globe. ENOUGH. Three Years of Test on Every Kind of Road Men famous for their success in the great automobile industry, men experienced in the design and building of the finest cars, are the men who conceived and developed and are now manufacturing in large numbers the new Cleveland Six. Their skill and, sincerity are built into this car. The Cleveland Six, new to the general public but tested for nearly three years in the shops and laboratory and on the road, and built now in the most modem of automobile plants, brings power and comfort and beauty of design at a price others have not approached. We want you to get acquainted - with the Cleveland Six. We want you to know what a car it is. We want you to realize, to convince yourself; before you order a new car, what unusual value in power, comfort, beauty, endurance and economy this car offers. Five Passenger Touring Gar $1383 Three Passenger Roadster $1385 (F. O. B. Factory.) ELLIS-HATTON MOTOR CO. CLINTON, S. C. CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO > “I kin iHcu work, bulldogs, or 8hot- guns, but when dey springs tolkey on me 14 tines a day—Wow t" If 1 .'.Wv IS ’ ' ; I. 1 li-ii* 1 ,\.i| •„ . . Itlii!] to meet your taste! Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of the ordinary—A-fiavor and smoothness never before attained. To best realize their qual ity compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will win you at once—it is so new and unusual. That’s what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives youl You’ll prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! r * As you smoke Camels, you’ll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un- ii, pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you’ll be delighted to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! Take Camels at any angle—they surely supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced. They're a cigarette revelation! You do not miss coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camels quality! 18 cents a package C.meJa mrm maid mvmrywhmrm in mcimntificmlly mmmtod pmck- agem of 20 c gmretina or ten pfekagee (200 cigarettem) In a glasmine-paper-covered carton. We mfrongly recommand this carton for the home or office eapply or when you travel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wintton-Salem, N. C. -\y Renew your Subscription Today and / get a chance at the Free &40.00. I > %