V , v ‘ •■■1 V ' ’ - ' ,x ’ . • •*••• _•. •-..» • %, ' • * * SPECIAL NOTICES. * * . , ■ .. -♦ FOR SALE-'-I have 20 <;ooava straight salary of of $.t).00 per week lor man or woman with a rig to intreduce Eureka PouF trv Mixture. Six months contract. Eureka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis.. 111. Notice—I have made a famous Man tle Hoard known as Annie Ia?w. a built oC Roman skills of Italy. A- bout cbmplet<‘d and will be ready for the gublic’s ins|KM‘.tion within a few davs. Moses Dillard. Eggs for Hatching—Shepard s straitr, S. C. Comb Ancpna Eggs, $2. and $2.d0 per setting of If). One line cock just received from Shepard. C. C. Bailey, Clinton, S. C. Wanted—Cirls to o|»erate electric power sewing machines making over alls. flood pay and steady employ ment. Pay while you learn. Drafts Refo, Chester, S. C. 10 IRISH CAUSE CARDINAL GIBBONS PRESENTS RESOLUTIONS TO BE LAID BEFORE CONFERENCE. (1,250,000 QUICKLY RAISED Delegates From Many States, Repr©* — sentng Irish Or^nnirations, Crowd Philadelphia Academy of Music. An Antipodean Mr. Blunderby. An old veteran who was for a long time curator of a college In Australia was noted for his malapropisras. One flay he was summoned by two students from different, ends of the corridor. The double summons exasperated him. “Gentlemen!" he Oxelaimed. “I reallj cannot be unlquitous."—Boston Tran script. Philadelphia—A resolution present ed by Cardinal Gibbons for the peace congress to apply to Ireland the doc trine o! national self-determination, and that a declaration of principles demanding that if any. league of na tions be created, all features which may infringe on the traditional Am erican policy, including the Monroe doctrine, shall be eliminated, were adopted unanimously at the closing session of the convention of the Irish race.in America. In support of the movement to firing freedom to Ireland the conven tion pledged to raise within six months one million dollars, but before Justice Daniel F. Cohalan, of the New York supreme court, chqirmaiL-Qf- the convention, completed the calling of a list of states and cities, more t^ian $1,- 25.0,000 had been pledged to the cause. Delegates from many states, repre senting a large number of Irish or ganizations, crowded the Academy of Music when Cardinal Gibbons in a few word, presented the resolution railing for the right of Ireland to se- H'rt its form of government: • Ap-" plause swept the crowd as the car dinal slowly read the paper. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there Is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the Wood, im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength- ( ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then | throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 6t»c perbotjle. .J KILLED AT GREAT EXCITEMENT PREVAILS AMONG THE PEOPLE IN THE STREETS OF MUNICH. DEPUTIES ARE PANIC STRICKEN Shots Wounding Minister Fired From Gallery of Building Where First Landgtag Was Being Held. Copenhagen.—Kurt Eisner, the Ba» varian premier, w^s shot and killed by Lieut. Count Arco Valley, as Eis ner was on his way from the, foreign ministry in Munich to the diet, says a Munich dispatch. The shooting oc curred in the Prannerstrasse, and death resulted from two shots fired from behind his head.'x / Eisner’s body was carried into the foreign ministry where it lies in th* porter's lodge. ' Soon after the shooting the judicial and police authorities arrived to in vestigate the assassination. There was great excitement in the streets of the city. The dieL which was holding its first gessiem, adjourned indefinitely. Munich.—Herr Auer, Bavarian min ister of the interior, has been shot. The shooting took place during a session of the l&ndtag, while Auer was alluding to the assassination of Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian premier. Auer fell wounded in the left side and Deputy Osel was killed and two other officials seriously wounded. The shots 'were fired from the pub lic gallery and caused a panic among the deputies. The diet building now 'is being guarded by the military. PREMIER CLEMENCEAU NOW CONSIDERED OUT OF DANGER Paris.—M. Clesieneeau spent a short time in hts garden! He had luncheon at middav and his appetite was good. After luncheon he rested for a while and then received Gen- eral Petain at 4. o'clock. Dr. Florant, whose name headed to day’s morning bulletin, is M. Clemen- ceau's personal physetan. Dr. Flor ant recently had one of his lags am putated. His visit to the premier was the first time he -had been out since the operation. When leaving M. Clemenceau’s resdence, Dr. Florant declared that, with his intimate knowledge of the premier’s tempera ment, he considered M. Clemenceau’s condition excellent. “I ^consider M. Clemenceau out of danger,” he said. ‘‘As for the ex tracting of the bullet, this need not be thought of, at least for the pres ent.” -r is the time to order Fertilisers ‘ ' ' '■> . * *•< • V « _ ‘, : * if you want them. r / ORDER 7 • s TRADE MARK! REGISTERED. — F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va., Baltimore, Md;, Toledo, O., Charlotte, N. C., Columbia, S. C., Spartanburg, S. C., Atlanta, Ga., Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala. Goods on store in our warehouse on G. N.&L. R.R. For Sale by CRAWFORD CLAPP, Salesman. LAGGING COMMITTEE WORK HASTENED BY CONFERENCE Dear AmyF** New furniture demands new rugs. When you go to buy your rugs it makes lots of difference where you go to buy them. I always leave the selec-** tion to people who^know what dolors will harmon ize with my furniture, and what kind will give long Wear and always keep their bright colors. - Always your friend, Lou. P. S. Neither I nor my friends have ever been disappointed in the rugs We bought from -Simps on Fur; Company “THE HOME MAKERS" V'**’>«*[ INSURANCE % r /> All Kinds-Properly " ' , *> Written. See Me. W. C. BAILEY, Clintpn, S. C. Paris.—The committee of the peace conference is very anxious that the work of the commissions should be hurried as much as possible. Their labors, as was anticipated, have been very protracted, the league of nations commission being so far the only one which has accomplished itl task. It is likely steps will be taken to impress upon the commissions the necessity of speeding up their labors wUh a view to arriving at a conclu- sioa before the return of Mr. Wilson. The task of the special commissions on the claims of the various naUonalr itles has been on the whole more easy. IJkfl i TWENTY THOUSAND SOLDIERS OH THEIR WAY FROM FRANCE .Washington.—The departure from France of 700 officers and 20,000 men of the army on seven vessels, includ ing the battleship Michigan and ernls- er Rochester, was announced by the war department. The ships are due at Atlantic ports between Febru ary 25 and March 5. Included among the men are the first units of fhe 27th (New York national guard) di-vi sion to start for home. MUNICH POLICE STATION STORMED BY 8PARTACAN8 Copenhagen—Spartacan forces in Munich stormed the police station and arrested (he chief of police and several other persons, according to reports from Berlin. The government forces later attacked the spartacans and early in the evening had recap tured all public buildings. Several soldiers were wounded in the fighting. Sailors who formed the spartacan garrisons surrendered. CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN OVERSUBSCRIBED . • ’ , \ Washington—The last offering of $6b0,000,0Q|)LxeFiifleates of indej)ted- ireiT^was oversubscribed by $20,578.-