The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, February 13, 1919, Image 4

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i t r . " • \ ' * - , ' • ^ • • . . * ^ • * 4 (SUfromrk PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ; chronicle PUBLISHING CO. .. Wilson W. Harris, Editor. WANTED. “ Wanted: One thousand individ uals imbued with a modern spirit of municipal progress. ^ “ Wanted: Individuals who feel that individual success depends on the general advancement of thocl The Chronicle will consign to the waste basket all communications where the name of the writer is not signed thereto. Entered at The Clinton Post Office as community. matter of the Second Class._ “Wanted: A complete : jo>utsting of partisan spirit, destructive jeal ousies and weak confidence. ' ‘ WantedA cemented citizen- « „ - , ship, a broad, altruistic spirit ^ " ~ men who can give as well as take. The Chronicle seeks the oo-opera-' i t ... . . ,, tlon of its subscribers and readers— Wanted: r.very man to take the publishers will at all times appre- somo interest in the welfare and ciafe wise suggestions and kindly ad- . , ' r . • . r i Ce , i upbuilding or the community. “Wanted: ..Criticisms without The Chronicle Is not responsible for the sting .of illwill. and a propa- any unsolicited manuscript which is' . . . _' , .. _ not plainly marked with thie name and -anda of promotion witnoifi ail Oy- address of the, sender and accompanied crdose of self-interest, by stamps for return. x Wanted: Above all. else. Make all remittances to THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CC; , Clinton, S. C. ciiil Campaign, and an effort will be made to organize a Suiiday school. Thhcwill be a union sehool and all families in the neighborhood are cordially invited to be present, W. S. Bean. / city Ordinance. At a special meeting of City Council called by the Mayor Monday night, Feb ruary 10th, the following ordinance was passed in compliance with request from /Local Board of Health: - ABBEVILLE-GREENWOOD . * MUTUAL MAKES FIXE SHOWING. A pageadvertisement in. this is sue of The Chronicle shows that, the Abbeville-j-Greenwood Mutual In surance Association has made a re markable increase in business dur ing the past seven months. The comparative statement shows an in crease of more than a million dol lars during the time, the total amount carried on February'1st be ing $4,268,300. The Association is a member of the National Assoeia- unahimity of piirpose and a wfibl» [ tion t)f Mtrttml Insuranbe a> ooU$4- ^some, universal spirit of co-opera,- t ‘ r; ^ f° r muney loaned. The com- = The State>bf South Carolina, County fo Laurens, .. Town of Clinton. CLINTON. S. C, FEB., 13 1919 j co pi ion. wlin feel that .progress de pends upon Them and ^not upon somebody else; eifutens who_ will say. Miet us do* insfeiHl of ‘Whv , pany now operates in 10 counties. A number of attra<'tive cottages that can l>e irnted at reasonable tiguies in one of the town’s most pressing needs just now. s Have some respect for your neighbors’ yards and flower gar dens! Keep your chickens at home vhere they belong ~~ don’t they do.' X, “Wanted: Men. without mohey. to feel that their influence'is'fv as necessary as is that of any oth er man; and men with money who have the confidence in our citi zenship. resources, and future 1 prospects to invest at home. “Wanted: Each of us to'refuse » to listen to the whine of the pessi- hu't. and to of>en--(mr,.£ars to the BUSINESS COMPETITION. It is a true old saving. “Corn- song of the optimist.’ The above is running over with optimism. Our town needs an- OSEs BEST FOR Fill Intlueii and Grippe. Like Ordinary Colds Require Calotabs, the Perfect- ed CalomcCThat Is Free From Nau* sea and Banger of Salivation. Physicians and druggists claim that the great epidemic of influenza has LEYER INTRODUCES conclusively demonstrated that the quickest cure for a cold and the best preventive of influenza and pneumonia is to keen the live ractive so that the An Ordinance Relating to the Public Health. ‘ Whereas, the keeping of hogs in the Town of Clinton, except as is hereafter provided, is detrimental to the health of the community; Now, therefore. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Towd of Clinton;' Section One. That ott-mul after the adoption of thU ordinance, -it shall be unlawful fpr any person, firm or corpora tion to keep live hogs or pigs in the Town of CJinton during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September; provided, however, this ordinance shall not prevent regular li censed slaughter houses, conducted uijder the rules and regulations of.the Town Board of Health of the Town of Clinton, from keeping hogs for slaughter for a period of not more than five days previous to slaughter and not less than fiviv hundred yardA from the residence of the person residing nearest the place qf keeping, Section Two. Any person convicted of a violation ,of this ordinance shall be mfmshett by a fine of not more than fifty dollars and not less than two ddt- Done and ratified by the Town Coun cil of the Town of Clinton in Council assembled this the 10th day of Febru ary, A. D. 1019, and the corporate seal the Town, of Clinton.dHFo**to»»ftfoiwL r J. R. COPELAND, DORCAS MASON, Mayor. Clerk and Treasurer. Every one will notice the Council has extended the time for getting the hogs out of town to - March 31st. So please, everybody, act accordingly and avoid trouble. BILLION DOLLAR BILL Washington. Feb. S.—Chairman Lev- digestive organs mffy beTn-parfert dition. For this purpose Calotabs, the., .. tI . w new nausealess calomel that is freed ^ ^ ouse a." IICU U u re appropnat- pet iti":: is tire 1 iIV of tPildeX ThW , . • . i , , . .... , swers to thest* want flas awtul- ;s no donbt that competition make:-: 1 i r i I — business, ami at the same timei-' * ai ' makes tlm merehant ask for only : —■— - — ■ , - ’ a h^itimatc r'rofif upon the line A NEW STORE FOR LAUREXX l "' b "S'™-* i '"" *>1-- .'O' » rn. Aii ;:.!v, nis,in nnlny's pn- JS from the sickening and salivating ef- •l, re son in< ss hrr We heard a ma at; 1 ' 1 n u. iodividnai or Inis- p^r announces thai the Wharton fear competition. Clothing Company of-Greenwo:*! i > y • nee tnat he v. ill open a store in Laurens March dy in to^'n ihf, i s f Thp Wharton Brothers handling ni< l im ( xeeni himself. It a.wCIe , urens county men.-sons of stru-k us as pi dnubt if this « 1 nae'k del ineterrl . : .. h:.\ :,, 'd no ( Mr.'AV. II. Wharton of Waterloo. A da case, it would number <tf Vears a go Mr. Cjharlev beghi- to real: ,t very thing v,il . v on wdl -■ a. b'l !it: 1 re:t; in mam eas-- ttottate pi'ieoad vie, . ^ necessity w.ith O. B. .Simmons, as salesman. • Dii i‘s v. .‘v. lind His brother. Joe 1*. Whart-on is now •d ThT uau grow- j n F^ipce but expects to return to nii-tl11ids, -4he firm at a^oa-rly date. ^ Air, able- bodied men be- ! ra.Ia, and p. .lenkins will .hove cha.rscptiip tween theages o{ jg an< | fects, is the most thorough and depend able, as well as the most agreeable laxative. Calotabs have the special advantage of not making the patient sick and weak, as they are free from the nau- seatingy cmd griptrig qualRies and d<^ not upset the dig? tion and appetite. ime with a swallow of water—that’s all. No salts, no nau sea. nbr the slightest Interference with your eating, pie?' ire, or work. Next morning your co 1 d has vanished, your liver is active, and you are feeling tine with a hearty appetite for breakfarr. For your protection. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed package'- price thirty-five cents. Sold by - all druggists and your money bark if you ■Ladv.) •" AX consume?, c. Wharton w?ys uumiwiwl with W. a! ''' not - la ' 1 you ROtthem * ——4ii-gJ.iligii.aru]—cy—\.y. 4-i.n jc C-onvpaev, rind iat('i‘ thnt NOTICE Time for paying Street Tax expires on March 1st. Tic in an> ring <*xtor- nr . w store at Laurens. j.” its g'wK and ser-, CARD OF THANKS. t ] • it- Uiisi- - AW wislrAo th if ik eafih . nTT ev- M''•s 'Mi n d iM.jinfl honest basis,. ery one of—our re latives, friends. is'vr;'} -v,'!" '• !* v, luo re ;eived, ff neiulfl'tv and phy urians f.o r their T or <! * V ; ff a" •< c.i.iM'ti’ion; • But ivany nets of kirul ness nm ! lore tl);)’. cihip' t ) -that .resorts to. durimr the il’nes a ml death of our <'Ul •. • 4 .1 mfi. rhnr.fl work, ;iml dear Tinsbar..l ami fatJior, v ’ \vo sr l ,r r aIShrifriL to keep ^&ortTnmk- thfisc win t sejit tlu. \ mam' till* otllO.' f» ■11 o'v foretting? busi- floral offerings. * is th?* k i.:oi rh U Uui’U ;uul is Mrs. E. Li*e U tts amiEmnih'. ilcrpn)’:'nyi'!}* A euMomer j»ovs i — into ,;i stoi- u ami has an article, -OFF TO M ARKET. . —- R:ivc.l at tv •() doITars 4ucl then steps Air. ami KrZ K. J.—Adaii •. Miss 50 must pay. Miss Dorcas Mason. . City kV « Notice of Dissolution Noiife \< In rebv giv, ;i that the linn I). IC’ Tribble ComnaTi\T (*oni- afi'ujjd the corner fl) compare iGcrCmde Hipp. and S. W. Sumerel, fitier's with another concern, and here lia& the article priced at one dollar ami ifmcty-five cents. This is thF kind of competition that hurts, find.js rotten to the core. • We believe in a legitimate profit in -even' line of Imsiness. The feh low th,it can’t get business with- < '’t ov^-e flitting had lietter go at sonic tiling else. Tin firm that gives clean cdmf*o-. f it ion and emphasizes quality of goods father than price slashing, is t!" -firm- thiit-iK deserving of suc cess • and is sure to' get business. ]") O been dissolved by imitiml -eonseut. ALlu; business hvi'etofore eonducUsl by ns lias been sold to~ 1). E. Tribble Companv, a-eorpomtioh. All parties indebted to the undersigned will ijuike payment to the ’said Dv E. Tribble Compapy, who will conduct the busi ness heneeforth. < ” 1). E. Tribble. E. B. Slmm. of Adair & Sumerel, Clinton’s new exclusive ladies store, left Monday evening for Baltimore. New York and Philadelphia to buy spring goods' for their new concern*. The proprietors hope to open for busi- A Tonic Laxative ness about March tin* first am] will that will remove the bile from the Liver cleanse the System THOROUGHLY without uriping carry a stock composed entirely of ladies furnishings with all the nice ties belonging to a ladies shop. 11 o’clock if the weather is .good. Uor Urn time h<‘ing it may not, hut; F^^hyteiy wishes to have i’i tic long run it will most assured- P^ns made for the March Finan- ly win- oat. Good^elean, eompeti- ti‘ n -h old serve as a, stimulus to busi’oss. The price-cutter hurts bim-eT far mare than thei fellow he stir-k»-s it. The inerchaut that lias one priee to all and sticks to 'fi ••nttihg for no individual or >:et i o*’ T>cqj)le, U to Ik gdmired. He is deserving and. is sure to prosper in -bis line of hmdnrss., F'i' after all, there ri no need ■ l - fitting price? a genernl rule |*eopb> d ‘ rnind pading fVt 'anything when they , realize that they my getting value received for the-h- monew'. Anyway, biriinoss tkal-wou have tp (ut prices to ob tain. is hun’HyFwyrJh having after 1 coif have secured it. or disturbing the stomach is truly a Perfect Lax* ative. * LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN Is the name of a Reliable and Perfect Laxative - • . * which soon relieves Sick Headache, Dizziness, In*. r - v-i i . v-. ( ,, TI . T -,ifTT 1 dilation. Stomach Trouble, Gas and Piles caused 1)1 M A\ .S ( RKLK (III R ( 11.! by a Torpid Liver and Constipation. Always use a . c ‘i . Reliable Laxative in the treatment of Colds,Crip Next Sunil:iv, the 16th mst.,.ser- aod i Ilflu£ j 12a _, - - , i cf'ja Will lit-b! 'it 1 fi k clmrifli 'it LAX-I OS WITH Pt.PSTN ia a LiQtdd Digestive \U(S \MU pi miu ai Tnl^ mu n ai Tonk . Laxative cxce | lcnt !a it9 egcct on the; bill approved e appropriat ing one billion dollars to maintain the government’s guarantee for the 1918 and 1919^wheat crops. It would con fer powers for purchase and sale of wheat and i..;ar, to'control trading in wheat and licensing millers, elevators art', dealers, besides - extending gov- -cri nent control of imports and ex po ' u p to December 31, 1920. Foot . ili Star Wins Cross. ''ontfcoin >ry, Ala., Feb. 8.—Lieut. Hr.'grove Vandegraff. of Tuscaloosa, fbo*'iall star of the University of Ala bama, a few days ago, and now con nect J w.C.: an American regimen' in France, h;^; been awarded the French f’roix do Guerre for distinguished ser- • y •• 4 Ladies’ New Spring -to - ' ice, Thi^s information iias Jiei n otfi- cially received 'y his fa»>ier. Judge A. S. Vandegraff. who has a:;.o learn ed that his son In? been leconmiended three times (or the Amcrie.m dLrin- uiished cross. System, both ns a tonic end ns « laxative. It is Just as good for Children as for Adults. Pleasant to take. Chi dren like it. G2c. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medicine Co.. St. Lou's, Ma, manufacturers of Grove's Tasteless chill Tcdc. This Newspaper Thai’s why it would Jml profitable for you to advertue in it If joo <wcnt a job If yept 'Wdnt tp hire somebody If yoa svarti to sett something If yoa nvant to buy something If yoa want to rent your boose If yoa want to sett yoar house If yoa want to sett yoar farm If yoa want to bay property If there is anything that yoa want the quickest and best way to supply that want is by placing an advertisement in this paper + *••• - * . SESSSSEb ' " ~ The results will surprise and please you NOW ARRIVING DAILY Visit this store, for the approaching Season’s Newest Style Creations. W e have now: NEW SUITS NEW CAPES NEW DRESSES NEW PETTICOATS * / Come in and See Them See our.splendid assortment of new I aces^in Ciiiny. Round Thread, Met arTd Baby Irish. Price from 5c to 25c yard. Spring French iliiighrams in Plaids and Stripes. Price 75c yard. New Kabeco Linene—makes pretty Spring dresses and middie suits. All colors. Price 50c yard. Ladies—We can promise for you this coming season the SMARTEST and NEWEST in Milli- and Ready-to-Wear and you 4 .... Ksestv that we will make the PRICE right. “BEST B. L. Ki Telephone Number 45 ♦ MM fa Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fail* to cun; Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plica. *0Itching. Blind. u Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you caa restful sleep after the first application. Price a _ — get Price 60c. THE FAMOUS Dixie Portable Drag Saw “The Saw With the Clutch” ■ u Si- ■ No need to ever stop - your*^ngine to stop the saw. There is a positive dutch ^eontrorl- " ing] the movement j>f the saw blade,—A husky 4 h. p. motor can be used lor any other purpose about the farm. A pulley is supplied with each outfit without additional cost for belt work, such as pumping water, •‘-threshing peas, pulling rti'ills. etc.' See the Dixie—they are wonders. Write, phone or wire for territory. Deal ers wanted. ’ 1 - v Ellis Motor Company Clinton, Distributors for the Southeast South Carolina •J The Clinton Chronicle—SJ.50 a year. P3 1 ! ' 110.11105 AND PASTES . for black,white, tan, and ox-blood (dark bi