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I"*' iHfl II I i n I lM^iiin Fergufilrtaa Patterson of LancasB. W. Bradford ha* been ill the greater part of the week at hie home L. on Tom *Hall street, suffering from an attack Bf influenza. , The annual banquet of the Men's Bible class of the Fort Mill Baptist church will be held this ctroutug in ?'"> p*".""" t... ii *i.~ "*? -~i. rr<v" %uw W?VWU U??A ab bUV vuvi vu. u? banquet will be served by the Ladies society of the church. Among the targe number of Fori Mill people who are ill with colds 01 influenza is the Rev. R. H. Viser partor of the ForL Mill Presby eriat church, who is confined to his roon: at the Presbyterian church. An entertainment will be given in the high school auditorium Moudas evening by pupils of the school and an invitation is extended the publk to be present. The new stage scenery, recently purchased, will be used t> l- the first time at the entertainment. Scores of Fort Mttll people have found it necessary to remain Intoors at their homes during the last week on account of severe colds or influenza. Most of the cases of influenza have been mild in form, but both the local physicians have answered mans c;lis on account of the prevalence of the disease. The congregation of the Fort Mill Claptlst church a few days age pounded their pastor, the Rev. Dr.,J. W. H Dyches, leaving at lih home a large quantity of substantial groceries ai o table delicacies, for which Dr, Dyches expressed the thanks of himself and his family. kanv Knpt Mill n?nnU n?n ?Slc m _ - yvV|T?? UtU VUIC week attending the sessions ot the South Carolina Baptist association, which met Tuesday in annual convention at the First L'aptist church in t R?ck Hill. The program of the conviction called for adjournment tonight. At the session last night it VbR decided to hold the 11)23 convention in Columbia. The Fort Mill Baptist church has arranged u "Gift Sunday" for Connie Maxwell orphanage to be held on December 17. Everyone who utte ds the Sunday school on that day Is invited to* contribute something to the orphans. Those who do not find it convenient to attend the Sunday school when the collection is t; ken. are Invited to' send their gifts to S. A. Lee at the Cash store. Both the mills of the Fort Mill Mi nufacturing company were again closed Tuesday on account of low water in the Catawba river curtailing f amount of electrio power the Southern Power company has recentMM ll < > * * 1111 MU o I huvo brought to :: YOUNG TENNESSEE :: SECOND HAND MULE! 11 sale at close prices at th W. A. HL * > V> i! v. FI I FLORIDA i 65C I i; Other Choice Fr [ tu itia Mriof the Uet week hTw Piedmont Miction of South. Carolina and North Carolina, but not snougk to apprsctaby affect the stage ot the w ter in the river. t Country egg* have almost disappeared from the Fort Mill grocery stores and other places in town where eggs are usually offered for | e.v!?. Practically all the eggs now being offered. *or sale in r'ort mill 1 '.r" of the cold storage variety, most | rf which are shipped in from point! in East Tennessee. The retail price ot these eggs is 40 cents per dozen, wMle the price ot the few country ' eggs that are offered for sale from time to time 1b 50 cents per dozen. ' Two hundred men and boys last 1 St. nday afternoon attended the meeting of the Fort. Mill Evangelistic clut 1 at the .Majestic theater. The Sunday r nftoptinnn aorvinoo ? hn.iia **.11 I bo a feature of the club's work. "II ' was gratifying to us to note the pres of a number of m^n who are eelI dum seen at any of the churches ol ' the town," said a member of the club following the meeting Igst Sunday af> ternoon. "We welcome these men to i ov.r meetings," he continued, "and ^ they will co: le every Sunday." The Rev. E. Z. James and the Rev. 1 F. L*. Qlennan, former pastors of St ' Jol n's Methodist church, Fort Milt who are now members of the Lower 1 South Carolina Methodist conference were assigued Sunday night by t'ish' op Collins Denny, presiding at the ' annual meeting of the Lower confer' once In session in Marion, to Little 1 Rock and Barnwell churches, respec1 ti'ely, for 1923. Another former pas' tor of St. John'a* church, the Rev. J. C. Chandler, was placed on the s< perannuated list at the meeting of 1 conference. The Chester News of last Tuesday quotes Dr. W. Gill Wylie of New York city as saying, after he had reccutly made the trip to Chester in his automobile, that the worst dtretch of public road he encounter .in miles was in - upper Fort 'Mill to\ nship, between the North Caroli. nu line and the Steel Creek *oad at , n-iladelphia Methodist church. This I s* ietch of road, which runs through . the Gold Hill community, is a part of , the north and south highway menti'U ed in the Ste\v:irt rnnil loir an i ctidlng to members of the Port Mill township bond commission, wuu express the hope that it will some day bo repaired by tho county. % * * And there is always plenty of room on Easy street for those who work herd enough to get thereSome of the ex-service men who i are a little b't ashamed of the bonus call it "adjusted compensation." ft \ i f LES' Part Will o Pi?? T.m* MIJLES and some *OOOD 1 9 which I am offering for i o old Mills Stables. * INSUCKER ] i NE ORANGES < 1 PECK < ? < i uit for the Christ- I olid&ys. : * . i - < tor HERS I NO. IB. ' ' < i t j. _^^^ w : ' .- w - ' IS ALMO! 1 AND WE ARE HERE / I ]\ LINE OF TOYS,'FRUf ! [ Christmas line of goods, age, and assure you proraf J; duriug the Holidayr ush. to \ * Only 14 More Shopping D.\ysj : ]! f THE CAS : i I PHOl 1 O S. A. LEE and T. ? { J - ? i ?.1 ?; I A-'^' GOOD TH1 (Jraccrlos, Market, Conntrj I'nKluif. v I'Iiomp Fourteen. ? . sr- -> \, . -' .fa * <# fTanm~ uln H rr ws f fit foot-bail business, rj Caf 114 ffifll ^FPvTi KQT THE SAVINGS BAI A GOOD BANK I 0 ) # 'V i ' _ . "v i ^ 11 i ? CARD OF THANKS. ! We wish to thank our many friends J and neighbors for the kindness shown > iia during the short illness, and \ oei?ta of our darling little son. Paul L?e We also want to thank Dr. Et liott. May God bless each of you. > I Mr. onMr? T r> urtr enw ??>> A . V. ?T A UOV/.I. ""card of thanks. We wish to express our apprecia' tion to our many friends and r vgh bors for the kindness shown our > daughter and sister, Mrs. Nannie Crayton, during her illness and at ; her death. ? Mrs. J. W. McEJaHANEY & SONS. *i Don't fail to attend the big Shoe \ Kale now going on at Massey's. 20 > to 60 per cent discount to CASH cus| t' > ; * ? ? TAKEN UP?Several months ago , on my farm south of Port Mill, young J Jersey heifer which 1 wish the owner t to reclaim after paying expenses. I | also have for sale a splendid Jersey cow with calf ten days old. Boyce t Bennett. ? It \ LAUNDRY NOTICE?I wish taU?V ? form the public that after next Tues\ day I will not make another shipment, | of (Laundry from Fort Mill until afi ter Christmas. R. F. Grier. 1 e??a?????m????mmrnm J "CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD GAU; E'AOB PLANTS now ready for dellv ? ery. Stroag, healthy plants, fl.50 \ thousand; 600 for 76c. A. H. Helms,' ?. 1, Oaeaoll, 8. c. AH Santa CUus Imi irrtved and a# ft the past St years made headquarters; *k Massey's, where yoe will (tad| btautiful gifts that last at lowest ^ ^ ^ ^ W li u wji , 1 5T HERE ALREADY WITH A BIG !| rS, etc. and the* usual |; We invite your patron- < > >t and courteous attention \ Call No 8. [Till Christmas. Shop early. J | < H STORE I NE 8 | F. LYTLE, Mgrs. ? t ' 1 ' ?? - * 'f i * | >3STE!S INGS TO EAT ?? - . '' . kwins alike bailies and n with you. * KK OF FORT MILL TO MJUNK ON !- ' " I w^h I H Ml tare taken Cardtd for ran- D down, worn-out condition, M aw immune and tlnrplf iwm, I. and I was weak, too," says H Bfl Ms*. SUvie Bates, of Jenaiafs. 11 vmuu "varaoi ma me pm ton ? of good?to much that I tare It I to my daughter. She com- U ptaiaed of a soreness in her sides to back. She look toe bottles ol bCARDUI 8 I The Womaa's Toric I HaMUscoaatrywaM'tMt*, I H it oMde it htrd for m. -i H 'tint htlpwl givt dm thfi abanffli <lO0O?iaddoaqr??iN I ?~ t' X v^SaK" ., Constructive Force V ' * \ ~ * . - . . ' li Money in the bank makes "a man feel INDEPENDENT and enables him, when he has saved enough of it, to buy into a BUSINESS. I The man who attouds to business, and saves some money of his own earnings, is the kind of a man that owners of large enterprises are looking for to intrest in their business. No man-can afford NOT to bank i and save a part of what he makes. We will welcome your account. First National Bank Operated Under the Strict Supervision of the I ^^ United States Government 1 FRUITS, NtjTS CANDIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS B. C. FERGUSON Our Motto: QUICK SERWCE : A J 1 1 ' J , ^ IFIt's Drugs, It's Patent Medicines, It's a Prescription, It's Toilet Article's, a It's Rubber Goods, It's Right Prices You Want, Anything found ina First Class Drug Store---get it at MOORE'S DRUG STORE W. C. MOORE. Ph. a, Manager ' I II II ! JOB PRINTING , _ * * > ?' V AT THE TIMES OFFICE - - PHONE 112 FORT MILL - - South Carolina 7i ? >. *.' ' ''->3. ** " *r-. ' *** A / , . ' - * '-W ,