University of South Carolina Libraries
"JUBWB - ASOOZ XOW2C? ?Mb* Don* Orier uu<t ItnvJcne p?nibk of Charlotte were guests Suulotte ware guests tola weak 'vt m. ATb. Elleu L.naon of PhilaUaiiiht> Pa., .a ViSttics ker uruther,. Patri^. Rtdgers, in iiliL -Hon. Wyatt A}ken, former con, gvesbman for several years -loai dio Atrueville district; spent Monday in toil Mill o'u business. . ^ II l.|tQ , v.? - gcio^* fvcwwi v ?? Miiv v* utar army, who is stationed at l or. Uuirancas, F?a.? is sjuiu. weeks with reiuuvei in Fort Mill township. Although the open season tor partridge shooting ? ax boui.i Curu.tuu doe* not begin until Thanksgiving day, November if, The T lines is -a formed that hunters already are afield killing the buus in this aecrun. The congregation of the Fort Mill Baptist church Tuesday morning presented Dr. J. W. H. Dycnoa WuU a new Ford sedan in appreciation oi his services as pastor of the churcn for the last several years. . Lauks Phillips of Rock Hill, lino* tyc -bpperator, who has accepted a place with the Charlotte Observer, after returning seme time ago from th<i Union Printers' home at Colorado Springs, Colo., was a visitor in Ion Mill Monday. A large crowd was present at the Fort Mlii Baptist Sunday school lus; Sunday morning for the "forget-McNot'" 'services 111 houor of the Worn) wur soldiers. A special program waj rendered, including a. iaik by inu pastor, Dr. J. \>. H. Dyches. L. W. Boykin of Bo/Kin, Kershaw county, was in Port Mill townsii.^ this weipe appraising lands tor tut fredcruh Laud banu at Columa.u which are being ottered as securny lor ioaus sought by farmers of this conimunitv under Mia fadanil fui-m loan act. A negro employed in the construction Qf the York-Mecklenburg bridge across the Catawba river Home from Fort Mill, accidentally fell lrom the structure into the river last Thursduy and was drowned- His body was broiight to the local undertaking establishment of Young, Wolfe & Parks and. prepared for burial. Robert C. Potts of Fort Mill, law student at Washington and Lee uni. versity, Lexingtn. Va-, wsb recently appointed p member of the freshman council of the university which is in * charge of assimilating first year men. This year, as last year, he is also playing on the powerful football teftm of the university. Many farmers of the Fort Mill cr-mmunlty and of the upper section 30 C for CC <! *, ! C 1_ 3 . - t jQuaai goo a, duc it ' than (he.price we are off< ; SHOES, SWEATERS, ; GOODS, GROCERIES, < {; When you put your will never regret it. Trj REMEMBER ONLY 38 ! f CHRISTMAS. :: THE CAS . !; RH< ! I S. A; LEE and T. * 4 ? HUT k"" Always You will always f ;' C?. ? ? e l . iJiuie ine rresnest > thing in GRGCEI ^ We are in busine get rich in a day, and_ are satisfied . eWADFfl *11 */'' ' V?i'''' J* " ' ?\:-v ' B caster county have boon bwiy l r fields during the lait fort- j3 "Up couoa etaiwj pre- '3 Pf.ratciy iu coiuu^lms ilie w.i wee-J-s vil next, year. xu ^ l~?# ( lu whicn oettou wiit ifown Itui ]M' 11 small grain is balg sown. :? In a communication t j' Tho TtaieJ, { t Umtea Slates senate; ,v I*. u?u. ?. > he has a quanu^v o?. Vtidtie an^l Howe* seeu whicn ue w.n cO t pleuaea to lurward to c.tizena ot ta.j c community Wuj Vtu inaiCe | f tiOU to hull fy^ thorn, addressing hiai | 1 at room Senate O.tice Lu..u.u0, | < , ^^, . Li w a^uiugiou, u \j. i ne uisu u oi the seed will take place In a few weeks. ' Neither the tort .Mill City liosp.ta. '? ' ambulance uor thj uurry-up wagon ; 1 of the local pulloe ji-paiimout?agrees- j] in.* that Uiofv au vea.cies?i w?a c: i.t-J into service *uesda> us a ! 1 result ox accidents ot omission or , * ctotm.. mou uKMtleni. u toe g.iier_l , ' e.tvliuu he.a huib luiq. ua... 'l^J |< passed as* as a knit- .' tmg pui ty tuiiiyu- ju' Ot one old maul. J1 jO' iiie t&u rcg.steieci hurt .Mill town- j1 - ch.p \omrs ouiy Z6 thawed enough |1 latere. I lu U.t uscl.on to go u mo i' polls and v Ae- Alt these voted the j tegular Democratic ticket, to ?.h.eti < there wus no opposition. 1 y Not In many years has the upper ^ 'jsev t.jn of South Carolniu had inomj^ ' j lcottl weather, lor outdoor work than 1 ' that of the last six weeks. One tanner of the Fort .Mill community iv 1 marked a day or two ago that this < section liud not experienced a similar ? full since 1881. The weather, has been j 1 no mild that.-iu numerous hU3iircss | 1 houses of the tcwu and perhaps ui ^ ' some homes f.rea hate not yet been kindled and at at least one groce., ' j store fresh tomatoes, just gathered, are being off or* d for sule. A ligm frost, noticeable hi low places, has , i been observed on one or two morn- , ings, since the falT season began, but i i the fir?t killing frost is yet to appear. Defies Hull Weevil. That cotton can be grown In 1-ex' ington under boll weevil conditions 1 has been proved satisfactorily to our 1 mind, says the - Lexington Dispatch- ' News. Mr. John T. Kaminer this 1 year grew u bale ot cotton to the acre on an me lana piuniea wnn me ' use of calcium arsenate and molasses. The editor saw Mr. Kaminer's furm some time ago and the field nt that time was white with cotton. Now Mr. Kaminer states that on ten acres planted he made ten bales of an average weight of close to 500 pounds of lint. , | ^ ' In Norway there is a law requiring girls to learn how to cook before they I marry. Unfortunately everybody can't i live" in Norway. > S ? * t *< * **9 ENTS 1 >TTON I I doesn't sound any better iring our "STAR BRAND" t UNDERWEAR, DRY \ etc., money in good goods, you S r it once. - f MORE SHOPPING DAYS TII.L tiH STORE 1 >NE 8 4 / r . F. LYTLE, Mgrs. _ t ; * * t ? 444 3-44 4d I 'V The Best ind in stock at this and best of every*IES. * 39 uui expecting to a week or a month 1 with a modest , WD & CO. I PHONE 113 1 " 1-! ^ealsK desired. .Apply to Ar* T.\ F. drier. Headquarter* ttt*r ?eir &% $***tut C.ardfc. Tags, Tinsel Cord, Tt*~ Paper, Ribbons, Boxes, etc. The 'ash Store. WANTED?Jo rent or share crop wo horse xaiiu or place as (arm iverseer daring 1913.- Have own itock and will finance self. Have lad eight. years' experience as tarni iverseet. J. H- Nivens, phone S8-B. t i, Fort -Mill S. C. AUCTMXs SALE of Mules,ov. s ind Farm Implements. 1 will oLer 'or sale at auction on Friday, November 24, 1922, at 10 a- in., on Col. P. B. Spratt's place, near town, two mules, one horse mule eight years jUl, and mare mule, also eight yours jld. home raised und both in go id condition; two cows, one lull Jersey, jtlier beef .type; and faroi implements. including plow stocks, bows, middle buitoE hoes, and two sets ol Sears. E- M. Criuai. REMEMBER; Shoes. Clothing, Lilies' Ready.-to-NVear, Notions, Millinery. Dry Good*. and Corns' Furniixe Ings at great savings at Thomas Dry Goods Store- "Shop at home anil snve the difference."' MUMMER FQE SALE-Fine j?k, o'sli and guiu lumber, sawed ;iiy length or any s.ze. Sue ?J. 1' Moore or \\ . 1?. Moke, t ori Mill J A LION DAK 1- ORT MILD BA1 TIS1 ? - CHURCH Preaching every Sunday morning At 11 o'clock; preaching every firsl And third Sunday night; Sunday School at 10 A. M. every Sunday. A special invitation is extended to all visitors in town to come. Don't i'ail to see the new Fall GSoods at Massey's and note especially the new prices, which art uImuyh the lowest. f ? GOOD TH Groceries, Mnrkuft, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. v. ' 1' * X "A Fine Job" WAS THE OWNER'S VERD1C1 wb?*n lu? first looked at his no\vl> painted car,* SINCE THEN \v< have done many, good jobs and are hoping to do more. We use the BEST and most enduring Paints, Oils, Varnishes, applied by Skilled Painters \vho are mas ters of their craft> antf return: your old car looking like a NE"W ONE. JOHHSOn PA,SHOI \JAS. A. JOIIWON,. Manager. Auto Painters. Body and Top Butldeii ROCK HILL, S. C. .'V i. 111 L?LL- 1 ... ? il^'l ^l? FORT MILL, S. C. 8ENERAL INFORMATION. * > CITY GOVERNMENT. A. C. LYTLE Mayor ' C. S. .LINK .....Clerk A. Lc OTT. Police Jpdge DEPARTURE QF TRAINS. . NO. 31 Southbound 7:55 a. m. No. 4 Northbound 8:30 a. m. No. 118 Southbound.. 11:21 a. m. No. 114 Northbound.. 11:55 a. m. J I no. o boauibound p. in. No.- 32 Northbound 6;38 p. m. ! MAILS CLOSE. For train No. m. For train No. 32 ...6:10 p. m. %For train No. 6 ..5:10 p. m.. For train No. 4 8:10 a, m. Note?No mail ia dispatched on trains Sunday afternoons. POSTOFFfCE HOURS. Daily 7:46 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. j Sunday -.7:46 to, 9:30 a. m. S. W. PARKS, Postmaster. i \ ^ Mechanical perfect I | stxuction assures a 1: j X a greater realisati J ^ can be obtained fix regardless of price < | Hp; Without qualificati J kf finest automobile tl 'I -I ^ turing skill can dev ; ji... Heatl - - * * 1 * 33STES INGS TO EAT I t I : u Frequent C ! s Headaches I J Jfl "I suffered with chronic Ht constipation that would bring on M ' M Y.ery aevere headaches/' says U i XI Mrs. Stephen H. Kincer, of IT r fj f?; Jj P*iv. Cripple Creek, Va. M M I tried different medicines and Uf XI did not get relief. The head- IT r% achej became very frequent I M ? Thedford's m BLACK-DRAUGHT i kj and took it for a headache, and ^ ' xl to? reUef was very quick, and IV 11 m it was so long before I had Mb ) I tJ another headache. Now I just Lj > Wi keep the Black-Draught, and m don*t let myself gel in that M 3 condition." C I XI ThedhfoTs Black-Draught IT M (purely vegetable) has been M i bfll round to relieve constipation. |M ' XI and by stimulating the action of IT f fV the Uver, when it?torpid, helps M 1 to drive many poisons out of l X) 7our yttem* Biliousness. (T ; fV indigestion, headache, - and M ' 4J similar troubles are often y t Tl relieved in this way. It Is the IT I f% natural way. Be naturall Try H <w| Black-Draught |y I S Sold everywhere. UL ' Many a IocaWfolomon has lost his ; reputation by agreeing to talk in 1 'public. The Turks are cruel, but they have I not been ualng poison gas, observes i an exchange. Instead, they have tnat .been busy alHtlng their rictlms' I throat to see ^ blood .pout. gggggs I II 7 ion in Lincoln con' ^ ^ ligherdegree of safety, < v 4 ion of comfort, than >m other motor cars or claims. KO*C Tc on, the Lincoln is the ? lat superior manufao ^ elop. ti Motor Com] EFIF BEGINNING 1 11UVCUJ LASTING T GREAT FALI SAI Come to See Us In Rocl EFIfi ttOCK HILL, ; * < ' - 1 ' I I n IFIt's Drug It's Patei It's a Prt It's Toile It's Rubt It's Righl You Anythinj Class Dri MOORE'S DI in r> iiAAor ? | ?f? v. " ' i.-i?* M Maybe tbe reason married men banf better health than bachelors i>s s because th?g^ haven't time to be ill. 1 *" - fekiSi'.. - , ' ,' > v.", A-r.< .. LNN IVheel I Tie Phaeton W 800 I. DETROIT L :n Body Type# t jany | ] ID'S rHURSDAY, iber 9 . <:'~ EN DAYS L BARGAIN LE V? % \\r\ v_._ a ? ff iicii i uu Are v Hill V'- & ; ID'S South Carolina % s, lit Medicines, ascription, t Articles, ter Goods, t Prices Want I found in a First ig Store?get it at , UJG STORE 3h, G., Manager ? ?i_ JIJIX-lil.L .JL .11 I IN Jill HI Tho experts who have figured out . i living wage probably would kick ike steers if they had to live on it. V. i ' . " *