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ppgr NXWS ABOUT TDWMJesse Harris of High Point, N. , C., is spending several days in Fort Mill with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harris. Miss Lana Parks, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. S. W. Parks, has resumed her duties as a teacher in the Book Hill high school. Mrs. S. W. Merritt has returned to her home in Fort Mill, after a visit to relatives in Gastonia, N C. ^ Dr. R. E. Parks of Lynchburg, Va.,' spent several days during the past week with iiis brother. K. S. Parks, and other relatives in Fort Mill. Miss Mary Bouknight, daughter or the Kev. \v. \K. Houknignt ana Mrs. Bopkuight, left Tuesday for Columbia to enter Columbia college, the Methodist woman's college of the State. , Miss Anuie Mae Alford of Fori Mill, who graduated last spring from the Union high school with the honors of her class, left a few adys ago for Union county to teach during the fall and winter months. In An automobile accident near the home of Senator S. E. Bailes in Lancaster county Wednesday afternoon, Paul Potts, sou of Mr. and Mrs. I). O. Potts, had his face badly lacerated and Stroud Elms, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elms, received less serious hurts. A special program will be. rendered at the Fort Mill Ba prist church next Sunday morning at 9:45 a. m., when "Promotion duy" and State Missio.i day" will be observed. An invitation is extended the general public to be present for the exercises. Word was received in Fort MillJ a few days ago of the reccnr1 death in Tampa, Fla., of Benjamin E. Doster. former Pleasain Valley, citizen who moved from that community to Florida several years ago. Mr. Doster was a J son of-the late Jeff P. Dosser and \ was about 50 years old. Three white men were fined 1 $15 each Tuesday by Recorder Ott for operating punch boards in violation of a town ordinance. The cases against the men were! worked up by Night Officer J. O. : Hammond, who also turned up I two negroes during the past week for carrying concealed weapons. The "negroes were fined $20 each. I "Pftends of B. E. Patterson, for-' mer mayor of Fort Mill, who has1 made his home in Columbus, Gu., J for the last two years, will learn ' with interest of his marriuge in | that city last Friday night to Miss Daisy Culpeper. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are expected in Fort Mill later in the fall for a visit at the home of his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. If. Patterson. Assurance is said to have been given Col. X. B. Spratt, chairman * of the- Fort, Mill township bond commission, by W. W. Miller, county engineer, who has charge of the maintenance of York county roads under the State highway urpaimirui, U1UT. U LOrCC Will DC put to work at once on the road between Fort Mill and the Catawba river bridge. The road is in bad condition and has needed reparing tor a long time. According to a dispatch from Washington to the Charlotte Observer, Democrats of Pineville are ia the' limelight. Lester Downs.! Democrat, has outdistanced all camera for' the-Pineville postmas-1 lertMitp witn a record of 89.60. j while that of his Republican op- i . ponent, S. M. Raggett, is but 68 Copies of warrants charging Bag| Sweaters! it < J We with to call your a ; ; i < ! we have already receive* X Sweaters for ladies', miatea I / thiMA VAIi ear :ti r:?i i.i jf w?? mil ?iuu vuc iau . all prices are very reasonc We want you to "come \ whether you are ready t I ?ur? we can give you gooc i * I r l^fNEjfiyR L raw 3. A. LEG and T. 1 V >.r1tw V ' * f . ig^jpa iei>i iheeaooeoooeos' gett with possessing and transporting liquor have been filed against him, according to the story from Washington. Cotton picking is*now general throughout this section of the' State and since the season opened a few days ago 175-bales of new cotton have beqp sold on the Fort Mill market. While the year's crop undoubtedly will be short, a number of farmers are of the .opinion that the forecast of half a crop for this section is too low. Today the best price offered for the staple 011 the Fort Mill market was 21 1-2 cents. The Fort Mill township road commission is practically out of business for the bulance of the year, according to a statement which is said to have reached here from the county treasurer's office savintr that funds for work on the roads of the township for the current year are exhausted. The law under which the commission opera'tes does-jiot authorize h to borrow money in anticipation of funds to be derived later from taxation and if the report from the couty treasurer's ortiee is correct there will be no more work on the roads of the township for several months. Apes Detect Counterfeit. Keeping monkeys of various kinds as pets is one of the hobbies of the people of Siaiu. Due 10 their 4ilosc association with human beings, these creatures hecome highly intelligent. Oik; of the most remarkable things thai these monkeys can do is to test money. In Siam counterfeit is more plentiful than in amy other country in the world. As a consequence, the lot of the merchant is a difficult one. They have, however, surmount d the trouble to a latere extent by making us*' of apes to test the coins. Sitting by tile side of each merchant is to be seen a solemn faced ape. Every piece of money handed to its master isv. at once given to the ape. The animal tests lite coin with his teeth. If it is. good, he throws it into the money box; if it be .bad, he flings it to the ground. ' The strange part about the business is that 110 white person has yet been able to discover how the apes tell the good money from the l>Hd. The merchants politely refuse to explain how the creatures are trained to carry v>ut this useful office. The only sure thing about the affair is that the apes never make a mistake. Trial by Ordeal in Africa. Judgment by lot, similar in CniVlt tn DAmo A# ~ ?-1 1 ? ? ? ? M|J?I| |U nuiuc U1 I 1IC urucnis pi'ill'ticed iii Europe in the middle ages, ill exist among some peoples of Central and West Africa recording to the -story of Duguld Campbell, the great Canadian explorer. In West Africa any person suspected of ail offense has for a certain time to swim in waters infested with crocodiles. If be comes out of the ordeal without injury?and this rarely hap-, pens?he is pronouneed innocent. In Central Africa the accused person has to smoke an enormous pipe filled tvith tobacco ami red peppers. If he succeeds in amok wig ilie contents ot the pipe without Rpitting once?ami this, tc\o, happens rarely?he is freed of alV suspicion. Some people'who insist 011 giv-! ing the devil his due are bashful j when it comes to contributing to the church. Sweaters! I ... - ttentionto the fact that } I a good part of our fall | i, boys and men. Among 4 est colors and styles, and t ible this year. | and look over our line 4 0 buy or not, as we feel t 1 values for your money. 4 . r H STORE tE6 P. LYTLE, Mgrs. r; ; ?se?s??s?ssse,fsssssse?etss1 l.V w * V "* - s 1 ' Heavy Hauling in China. Laborers in America who think they have a hard life should see Chinese coolies at work, says a fwriter in Asia Magazine. Imagine j wheeling a barrow with a 400 or | i 500 pound load for hundreds of \ miles over roads difficult to travel even on horseback. Usually there are two men af a barrow. The^on^ at the handles, by means of a strap over his shdulders, takes much of the weight from his arms, leaving his hands more o?* less free to guide and balance the load : the one in front drags it forward with a 10 foot rope. Panting and straining, with*the sweat streaming from their half naked bodies: pulling through foot deep yellow dust; lifting over rocks and dragging up hills; at night gulping a bowl of soup or macaroni, and half dead -with fatigue, falling asleep on the ground in the inn courtyard with the pigs, chickens and mules?so they live, day after day, year in and year out. with nothing else to look forward to. Alt this fos about 18 cents a day in American money. - * [. .If you contemplate buying a Piano, Phonograph or New Home Sewing Machine it will pay you well to get L. .1. Massev's prices and get .posted. FORT MILL, S. C. GENERAL INFORMATION. J CITY GOVERNMENT. I A. C. LYTLE . Mayor I \ C. S. LINK Clerk f A. 1>. ()TT_. .. Police Juitge I J N. M. McMANUS Chief of Police I DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ^ No. 31 Southbound 7:5&a. m. V I No. 4 Northbound 8:M) a. m. I No. 113 Southbound.. 11:2l u. m i No. 114 Northbound.. 11:6B a. in. i 1 No. 5 Southbound 5:33 p. m. <' No. 32 Northbound 6:38 p. in. , ' MAILS CLOSE. For train No. 31 7:30 a. iru I 1 For train No. 32 6:10 p. m. For train No. 5 5:10 p. in. 1 For train No. 4 r^.8:10 a. in. \ Note ?No mail is dispatched on i 1 trains Sunday afternoons. . POSTOFFICE HOURS. f Failv 7:45 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. \ Sunday 7:45 to 9:30 a. in. I S. W. PARKS, Postmaster. (l "A Fine Job" vV AS TIIK OWNER'S VERDICT when he first looked at his newly puintcd cart SINCE TllIjlN we have done many good jobs .and ire hoping to do more. We use lie REST and most enduring 'aints. Oils. Varnishes, applied by Skilled Painters who are masers of their craft, and return our old ear looking like n NEW ONE. JOHNSON'S PAIshop J AH. A. JOHNSON, Maniiker. \iito Painters." Body and Top Builders ROCK HILL, S. C. *? * - I Fine!" I "I was pale and thin, hardly sp ^ able to go," says Mrs. Bessie ^ ^ Bearden, of Central, S. C. "I m> would suffer, when I stood on fiey my feet, with bearing-down ^ pains in my sidesand the lovter ^ (|p part of my body. 1 did notrest well anc^tidn't want anything W to eat. 7ly color was bad ana 5*? <|p I felt miserable. A friend of & /r@\ mine told me of < ^ ininnml fliHItUUIg 1 The Woman's Tonic 1 ? and 1 then remembered my ? tfgft mother used to take it .Alter @ M the first bottle I was better. 1 ^ w began to fleshen up and I re- V gained my strength and good, ? ^ healthy color. 1 am feeling fine. X V I took twelve bottles (of Cardul) 9 A aadhaven'thadtMtcltrouble ? ' ? ^Thousamfc ot ofter womra ? Iku.ugLi ?^11 ?. . * - .. . x orougm reitei wnerv ouxr v m medicines had failed. @ ? "r,Stof?sSi?Meiiu; S w meats, take utfaui. it is-a x A woman's medicine. It may-m A s I'jst what you need. ' Z jf At your druggist's or dealer**. ' V v T * Vr,; v * ? - '{3 % ; y v Jf. * ? ? >'?\n U. , * ( == % ' ' 1 1 i.S El uressj a ALS( ladie; We extend a sp Fort Mill commu " in Rock Hill. r* 1 * g urird : i Ml % r A Carolina Newspaper ft Gives to its readers the w off the wires, fairly and accu Associated Press, greatest ne\ sal Service report and Newspt A paper produced by an-o of Carolina people and seek* market news, social news, fra features for the benefit an Sunday comics. A Few of the many features that i LOTTE OBSERVER the ideal i Carolinas are: Editorial* by able writers. The only complete Fraternal Ordei in the South. ^ Weakly Article* by Frank H. Sin greatest authority on international \ Weekly Bible Talk* by America's William Jennings Bryan. Foward Observation Poet--A we World War, by Cale Burgess. Weekly Book Reeiew*, by Willia sett. President of Whitsett Institut Tke History of the South'* Famou E. Harman. Potash and Perlmutter, a weekly s "Glass. A department of Radio News, edi best authorities on the subject. Tke Woman's Page, section c household hints and recipes /or the Subscription I By Mail Send Subscriptions to the Circ IK OUB FACTORY OH THE PREMISES While You Wait We design, make and furnish ,for your individual eye needs i any kind, style or shape lens known in the optical wftrld. We Are Specialists in Eye Heeds For Glasses SvatSxtmiiiMt AImum ;* Broken Lenses Duplicated r Optometrist* and Optirisna ls?*d BoiMIn* GmMMwr . Hampton Street BOCHKrHXLL frO, * * * * -' . j&X riRD NEW FALL ES,COAT r>/4 CTTTTC liU A c } EVERYTHIN( >' READ WEAR ecial invitation to th nity to come to see u t Eient. ROCK HILLTS. C. -I? 1 ?l?l I ^arlotte 0b: or Carolina People?Construct orthwhile news of the Carolinas. tl irately reported by its corps of .spt vk gathering agency in the world, s aper Enterprise Association. rpranization that keeps constantly ii i to Kive?tnem just wnat tney wc iternal order news and views, and r d entertainment of the whole f make THE CHAR- One Minute Inter lewspaper of the ions and exchanges < Pithy Paragraphs, l Prizes are offered i r Section published submitted by the su londa, the world's Soci'X* of tho C politics. . " 80C'al event* of the Creat Commoner, The most comple published in the sta ekly story of th<* _ J 3 A Colord Comic m Thornton Whit- dai,y com,c featu v "Bringing Up Father Song., by H?nry Fiction, Scientific > A Church Directoi tory by Montague Real Eatate page, et< Special attention ted by the world'a Section, the object o and promote the ii ontaining general social interests of housewife. Carolina. Daily and Sunday Daily Only Sunday Only ulation Department. THE CHARLOTTE . ? rtr - : Good Dn There ere over 12,000 drug that because of the depends chandlse and service to the tribntoro of NY.tL' PBODUC places the intere ft ef the cv action, and the stterioe rendc plete until the customer if < When you have a fcsuscriptic it to a good drug dcrt?on stresigth diUgt, an<T i?pom by your physician. ?T?u are drug stove service Miff Hyal is one*in, Port mil, juad if isMOORE'S Dl j W, . MOOKL 'S 1\ ' SUITS I. > 11 1 IN Y-TOPJ . ' A" ie people of the s when they are Store Sr 1 EB A4? Live, Clean and Reliable Lie nation and the world, hot >cial correspoi^dents and the upplemented by the Univeri mind the needs and desires mt in general news, sports, lumerous special articles and amily, including daily and viewa, u page containing expressof views of the subscribers. n page full of laughs and chuckles. L I r A. I !A.AI 1 1_ - cacn uuy lor me wiuiesi sayings bscribers. nrolinaa, a section featuring the two Carolinas. te and detailed report of Sports te. Section ' on Sunday and several res, including the well-known " by George McManus. Vritinga, and other feature articles, ry, weekly Sunday school lessons, c. is called to the Mado-in-Caroli?' f which is to encourage, advance, ndustrial, commercial, civic, and XT 4k O Sk t?iic oi?iry ui iiuriu aiiu ouuvn 1 Mo. 3 Mm. 6 Mo*. J Vfc 75 $2.25 . $4.50 $9.00 .65 1.75 3.50 7.00 40 l.OO l.TP 3.50 OBSERVER, Chorlotto, N. C.^ ^ i ???????oOb? ug Stores stores in the United State* lj tble character of their mer public were selected as disJTS. Each of these stores istomer first in erery transired is not considered com- 1 mtirely satisfied. n to be fffled be sure to telle te that will use only pure, fall id it in the manner prescribed^ . assured of uniformly gdc* . Quality Drug Stores. There / RUG STORE Ph. G., M??|ir