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FI- -4jf BEGINS NEW WORK. The Rev. R. 0. Lee, Ph. D., Assnmes New Orleans Putorate. The New Orleans Times-Picayune of Saturday prints the following news item relative to the arrival in that city of the Rev. R. G. Lee, Ph. D., soil of Mr. and - Mrs. D. A. Lee of Fort Mill, who assumed the pastorate Sunday morning of the First Baptist church of New Orleans: 44The Rev. Robert G. Lee, Ph. D., accompanied by his wife and little daughter? will arrive this morning from South Carolina to assume the pastorate here tomor^ row of the First Baptist church, St. Charles avenue and DelaI chaise street. Committees of men and women of the church will met the party on arrival of the Louisville & Nashville train at 9:35 o'clock and escort thein to the parsonage, 1225 Peniston street. A formal reception will be given Dr. Lee and family. 44Dr. Lee comes to the New Orleans pastorate with a record of v service al)#ve the ordinary. Comparatively young, he has had a varied experience in educational Nv.and church work with gratifying results. The pastorate here will be his third. In a letter to the Kev. B. Champlin. acting pastor of the First Baptist church here, - Dr. Lee speaks enthusiastically of his new field: 4 "I am glad to know,' he says, 4 that I am to be a citizen of that great city. I give my hand to ^Khe savings ban YORK COUNTY'S . H THUS - HE SAVINGS DEI YOUR LOGICAL SOUR HflB PROMPT PERSONAL ALL ITEMS. H W R MFAfSliM VI V* HIMIVIUUII B E. W. SPRINGS j GEORGE FISH H W. B. MEACHAM _ A GOOD BANK ' -1 r ?&-# ^Sr- . - i* B&. H | 1 toil .1 tt M l Il2Q|| 1 ?\m I \ m9 Hr I P*m 1a jK ^f K&. 7' .' gfrafl g jtf,-. ' ??W.,1\\I1l ^ ^ v 1 x any enterprise that would make the ideals of Christianity eome to majestic coronation in our great city. My feet are ready for going to- hovel or palace, if. by doing so, I .can inspire and help the people to enthrone Christ in such manner that He will enunciate Himself within the precincts of their own personality. 44 'For - my church, 1 hope to put in operation any and every plan that will enable the church 10 live up to the fulness of its possibilities. 1 shall endeavor to leud the church in such a way that it will, in the years just ahead, be one of the greatest churches of the South. Our best inustvbe Our average and our av erage must be our best." Much Cotton Signed Up. More than two and one-half million bales of cotton have been signed into State marketing associations by 150,000 farmers in the South during the last . two years, according to a review compiled by L. F. McKay, director of information of the American Cotton Growers association, with headquarters in Dallas, Texas. The marketing plans of the association. it is claimed, will eliminate many of the evils in the present system of selling. Father Time may move slowly, J but nothing moves more surely. Coal miners seem to be able to take longer vacations than most of us. IK OF FORT MILLH| OLDEST BANK hh r ami 'ARTMENTS ICE OF INFORMATION. |^H ATTENTION GIVEN HH Vice-President. HHH Vice-President. 9|H Cashier. SjflR TO BANK ON re paint i you can find a cheaper II )]n? A* ?? I? *?' .?? vi ucucr paint Here's the offer: I |A1NT half your haeae WW* Devoe Lead I and Zinc Palm; Palm the otter half h iny mhm pikrt you cbooofe l^H 9*woa doean't take fearer pJlowa and I t tea money. ? will make no charge H Devon Mvoe doeant wear a year ar two or three I ralotmr?longer ate barter we wll H i yoti eneagh Devoe to da the Job over. I w half Devon, la three yearo the lead* I lei' half vrih ha hwpf for atom point. I h Devee etifl eotutd X. wOU nva yoa enoogh far the whale -I roe Products are tf^aooeeded and proven. bad by the IPS yearn* lepnliaee of the I i * ** I LYTLE DRUG CO. . . I Fort MiU S.C 'fit* Drug I . .naroETinu ? I TO PATHE PHI I m YOU W I. y LIKE New PATHE | RECORDS ? For better rest ? .1 _r Isiccp on one or our celebrated ...... "WHITE I Felt Ma I Young & O. JC GOODTH Groceries, Market, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. | Young, Wol I Funeral Dli Emba MOTOR EC Day Phones 144 and I FORT MILL. :: The man who lhrn on the square never figures in one of those eternal triangles. Ton have noticed, or course, that big men often do small W ? * t (s. o.) mm ?:?* ssritaBassaaa-aa INOGRAPH anH (Wll > UIIU UliLII U on Sale j veral Shipments I :W CHAIRS Parlor, Hall and | tig Room recently | ived. | i i /STAR"' I ittresses | fc Wolfe 1 )3STES INP.S TA F.AT 5 fe & Parks < > rectors and i! timers JUIPMENT \! o' 134; Night Phone 34 \ \ SOUTH CAROLINA \ I READ THE TIMES BVB&Y WZXK* FOR HOME NEWS - \ The First Tri FORT Mil Authorized to < Administrator. rin? in any other fiducii Writes Fire, Life, - dent insurance and insurance. Negotiates real e amount and for Represents the Land Bank of tl Atlantic Joint Stoc several large insu i j ?.-i 1 r auu uiuci icirgc i which have money Owned by the S First National Bank the Directors of th< J. L. SPRATT, President S. E. LIGON, | i CULP BR 0 < > < > ii Undertakers ai < > (> < | We have, put in < > i> fins and Caskets eral Supplies in th 1 ther rear of our st !; Hearse. < : i PHONZ 4 * t 4 Always' You will always fi: r*. .1 - r i otore the freshest thing, in GROCEF We are in busines get rich in a day,; and' are satisfied profit. BRADFQl % HAM. STREET JOB PRI AT THE'TIMES OFF1C % >? ; * ??1 . * .% !? >3 \ ist Company 3. C.' act as Executor, irdian, Trustee, or ary capacity. , Health and Acciall other kinds of state loans in any y term. First Joint Stock le Carolinas, the k Land Bank and irance companies inancial concerns to loan. tockholders of the : and managed by at bank. T. B. SPRATT, w r? r? -? v lee ^resident Sec. & Treas. 1 ' '. ' . OTHERS I nd Embalmers ] a supply of Cof- | i .* *-? i and other fun- j> < > e building just to < < > tore, also a Motor i: < > i > < < > < NO. 15. " "* ' 11 < < Hie Best nd in stock at this and best of everyk li-? n 11 s not expecting to i week or a month ' with a modest RD & CO. : . . PHONE 113 INTING E - - PHONE 112 i