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--- * . THE FORT MILL TIMES Thursdays?Democratic. W. -R. Bradford, Editor and Publisher. ^ % _____ The Times Invites contributions on ^Ive subjects, but does not agree to publish in?? c, man jw wvrui un any iuujvvi. Ths right Is reserved to "edit every commuoloation submitted for publication. _ On application to the publisher, udve: Using rates are made known to those Interested. Telephone, locai and long distance, No. 112. Entered at the postonice at Fort Mill, 8. C., as mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 It took the pe.ople of Georgia less than two years to tire of Governor Thos. W. Hardwiek. In the Democratic primary a fewdays ago he Was beaten for another term by former Attorney General* Clifford Walker. The Times does .not know whether Hardwiek has made a good governor or not. His frieiuls say that he has; his opponents say that he has not. However that may be, his opponents outnumber his friends and their judgraen. found effective expression at the ballot box. The singular thing to many is that llayding was ever elected governor, especially since his election followed so closely.upon his defeat for reelection to the United States senate, which was brought about, it was stated ll A. T 1 1 at uie lime, uy nis 11011-support of the government iu the World war. He was classed us antiWilson and aiiti-everything else - tending to promote the success ol the country's cause in the war. Uc made common cause with . Tom Watsou iu fighting the Wil ,m son administration. and the two got the ear of so many people in Georgia that Hnrdwick landed the governorship while Watson v/as corraling l'or himself a seat in the United States senate. Watson was the stronger of the two and did much to elect Hardwick. This year Watson turned upon Hardwick because, one is led to believe from press reports, the governor is not in sympathy witn the Ku Klu* Klau, while the-senator is uuilerstooil to be friendly to the organization and resented Hurdwick's opposition to it. That may or may not have been th" cause of the break between the .former political buddies, but whatever the cause, there is nothing surprising in it. It would have been surprising, however, had Hardwick succeeded in holding the friendship of Watson, who insists upon having his way in everything and who has little time for th P irtMIl U'hn <Uuu?Konu I with him. Wntsou entered 'the United States senate with a great blare of trumpets and led many people to expect wonderful things of him. These people are now undeceived, since he has fallendown on the job. Watson is a man ^of outstanding ability in many respects, but in one important respect at least he is as weak as -circus lemonade?he is disgustingly self-opinionated, as may be learned by reading the articles he writes about himself in his weekly paper. Of course, it is more important that achoo^ boys learn all about forward passes, end runs and all that sort of thing than it is that they take advantage of the opportunity the taxpayers have pro, Tided for them to learn the English language, history, mathematisc, geography and the other trivia 1 subjects taUght *n^e i V ' k - y ' ; * * * / election this fall of Democratic .senators in the North and West will not press the League of Nations as an issue in the campaign. The decision is a wise one. for the League of Nations is as dead in this country as a smoked herring?which isn't saying that the League of Natious was not a commendable scheme to promote world peace, but is simply stating a fact recognized by all informed people. It would be inexcusable folly for the Democrat* is party to tie itself to a dead issue such as the League of Nations, and the sooner the party gets entirely away from it the better the party will fare in the sections of the country where i there is a chance of regaining' power. And along with the tln'ow- j nig overboard of the League of' Nations there ought to be a gen- j eral awakening among the Demo- | erats of the coimtrv i<? 11?t\n?? .hut Wood row Wilson is no Ion-*! ger the leader of tlie party and ' hut the best thing to do is to discontinue consulting him about j party policies. Wilson has had nis day. Few people now care ?vhat he thinks ot this or that public matter. Perhaps he means \\ell when he undertakes to tell lut people their duty as he did in lulling lor the defeat in the recent Missouri primary of Senator James A. lieed, with the result .Hat lieed was renominated, as he hould have been, but the number of people who believe thai he means well is greatly exceeded i?v those who ure convinced that iii; is often actuated by spite and Jtids greater concern 111 trying to get even with some one who has cot gulped down "my policies" liiin liu iimiu in ... ? ? *..? ai\ V4W O 111 11 JiltQ IU JirOIIlillt? Jie success of t he party. The senatorial committee does well to .jeep the League of Nations in the juckground. ' '< About the only thing that can oe said for the cigarette is that a .nuu can't whistle with one in his no'uth. SPECIAL NOTICE- We have received one lot of Toy i and invite the children, to come in and took them over. Move e'lmiinr in i ?oon. The Cash Store. SECU S Merchan & 4 Pinetfille io. ?. to Vice-Prei A. I Q H . 61. J3. Meacham. R. J. Downs. ^3 /*. 61. McGinn. ftifl EAT ELECTRIK "Ae Bettei If for no other reason, Elec Better Bread" because it. is retaining the natural flavor - it from your groeer and "TASTE THE DI ELECTRIK MAU H. A. W. ^ < i i " i r . * ' THE FORT MILL 1 , m REAP % We beg to i -lArill Pr>? VY in ui Liit; 1 ai closed for sev< and that the c will be please* cern and th^ r Preparatory we are offerir house. Those Women's App We extend MUTU A J* % NOTICE. . ? Notice is hereby given 4M*t tV-rtifieate No. 32 of the l|0rt Mill Ginning Company, issued to .hio. A. Kell for three -shares of stock, and Certificate No. 48 of, tin Fort Mill Ginning Company, j issued to A. 1*. Spratt for tfcvo | shares of stock, and Certificate, No. 43 issued to .1. W. Hall fori three shares of stock have Leen J lost and that application has bpen made to the said -Company to issue new Certificates replacing! those above described. ?]. B. MILLS, President. '. * 1 _ ?? -.?--j " Riry Farmer ?ank |Bfl \eacham ee Miller * ffl pow/js m' n tv ' , Miller _ 1 A. A. Downs. . Robinson. B; E3HIIIHBHHBW j ? ?' . T| MAID BREAD - B*s*d" trik-Maid would be "The V v electrically baked, thereby \ ? of the ingredient8. Order o 81 rre&2N0E" > BAKE SHOP > ROCK RIIX. S. C.- ? ? (8. 0.) TIMES J *. \ IYF0I announce to the terson Dry-Good ?ral wppIcs arp n loors of the old d to serve both lew friends we e to opening our ig, extremely low i desiring barga >arel, including S you a cordial im i drT E. It. FATTEN I ' - THE QU Is governed to a $ from which it is . many people com Everything we se merit. Long ex{ taught us how to ers get the bene! why they remain Fort Mil * *... x I a \r\rr X A. X ^ -L ^ To The Bi We are equipped and any kind of and cordially invil Y We carry Framii Lime, Plaster, Ce and we can manu Rock Hil Phone 615 A Georgia woman has been conieted of murder, but the interring item was unintentionally mitted from the social items hout-women in the daily papers. An exchange says the newspa- * bin make as much- ado over the 1 terriage of a movie star as if " icy expected it to be a perma- | mx affair. _ ] RSER public that the st Is Store, whose dc tow the property store are-again the friends of the xpect to make.. new Fall and V r prices on every ins in all sorts c hoes, will find the citation to pay us GOODS ; CrkXT TKM lunuu^r ALITY OF jreat extent by the q made. That is on ie here for their floui 11 in foodstuffs is of >erience in the groc iudge and how to bi fit. And that, we ) customers of ours f 1 Cooperativ< E. S. PARKS, Manager. >UNCE] lilding Public of J. to make quick delh Building < material ri te your inquiries. lg, Flooring, Ceiling, ment, Moldings, Lai facture anvthimr in 1 ^ o 1 Lumber ( Oakland Avenue How a Noted Vet. Oeta Bid of Bite .Farmer! Heed. j Dr. H. H. Butter says, "I jnse RAT-SNAP around my hospitals every three months, ewhethfer Isee rata or not. It does the vrork -BAT-SNAP gets them Avery time. I recommend * it to jfevery?ody having rata.'*- Don't wait intil there h a bipod of r ata, act' s-vir * .. . - -v. . \f f* * ^ .jiv** w -J , ,, :uL .vV V- . bUKMatf . VICE J ock and good >ors had been of this store, open and we 2 former conWinter Stocks, article in the / >f Men's and jm here, a visit. STORE BREAD ualityof the floury e reason why so r. the same order of :ery business has . . uy. Our custommight remark, is rom year to year. % e Store j : ME NT I Fort Mill ireries of Lumber ght at your door Siding, Shingles, the,* Doors, Sash, Millwork. * .. i fr ' Company I ROCK HILL, S. C. I r immediately you see the first one. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. and Moore's Drag Store. Wear one pair Humming Bird Silk Hoae and you will call for them. They last loagtir and look better. $1.50 at Mat *y>. A / - - ?