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1/ '* 'JHr ee==" ' mOBBBB . NEWS ABOUT TOWN. ,- Paul Mack of Decatur," Ga., is a guest of relatives in Fort Mill, t Miss Ova Reagan of Bridgeport, Ala., is a guest of Misses Ruth i and Esther Meacham. John Broadnax of Greensboro, N. C., was a guest during the last week of his brother, J. B. Broadnax. Mrs. Manly S. Young of Concord, N. 0., visited her mother, Mrs. Alice Harris, during the last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stephens of XT /I uiiuiuciiuu, v werr gut'BiB this week of Mrs. Stephens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barber. Mrs. Minnie T. Carothers and her daughter. Miss Louise Carothers, of Lancaster were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Potts. The Rev. J. \V. IT. Dyches will leave Saturday for Dillon county, where he will be engaged next week in a meeting with the Rev. A Finch at Bermuda Baptist church. 1 At the annual meeting of the Smith Carolina department of the American Legion in Florence lasC Wednesday, Col. T. B. Spratt of Fort Mill was elected as the organization's member of the national executive committee. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Massey and their children of Eustis, Flu., are visiting relatives in Fort Mill. They were accompanied to Fort Mill by Mrs. M. 1). Frost of Jacksonville, Fla., who is also visiting relatives in the community. II.. II ? - T.l i. viiutci \ iitiii* lui'int'F j1 on Mill citizen, who has mad" His homo in Anderson for the last 18 years and is now an R. P. D. carrier for the post office in that city, has been spending several days with relatives and friends in the Fort Mill community. J. J. Bailes and his family are preparing to move from Fori Mill to Eustis, Fin., where he expects to engage in business. Mr. Hailes and his family are valued residents of the town and many will regret to learn that they are giving up their home here. A reunion of tlie Smith-Windell families was held on August 23 at the home of <\B. Smith in lower Mecklenburg county. Forty people, most of them members of the two families, gathered to celebrate the event. A splendid dinnei was served under the trees .'n the yard at Mr. Smith's home. The Rev. Dr. R. G. Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lee of Fort j Mill, Sunday preached his last ( sermon as pastor of the First > Baptist church of Chester, pre-! paratory to moving to New Or1 ?I ? 1 ji'iiiiH, wnere ne win assume with- J in the next few days the pastorate of the First Baptist church. The Fort Mill gruded school ? ' . will open Tuesday morning, Sep- i tciuber 5, for the fall session, i F. M. Mack, superintendent, says j it is important that all pupils be' present on the opening day, so that there will he no delay in getting down to work. Few changes v have been mude in the adoption of text books. -Dunlap & Dunlap, Rock Hill at-! torneys, today at noon hid in at ; public auction for $11,505 the stock of goods of the Patterson Dry Goods company of Fort Mill, bankrupt. It was stated that they were acting for E. R. Patterson, fnrma>< ????? *1.? ? .w wv. unun ill 1111- UlISlllfNN, I and 'that Mr. Patterson expects to ( reopen the Rtoro by the end of j the present week. ^ A vancancy has oecnfred in the Port Mill township roa<} com mission by the resignation of 8. J. . , Bailes, who expects to move to tGood Dn There are over 12,000 drug that because of the depends chandise and service to the tributors of NYAL PEODUC * places the interest of the cu action, and the service rende plate until the onstomer is ? When yon have a prescripts it to . good drog .toH^n strength drags, aodcompoui by yonr physician. Ton are . * '< drag store eervioe at Hyal I is one in Fort mil, and it is^ [ W.C.MOORE. fwS** " A- w\ vr.; ;-^v, % Eustis. Fla., within the next few day8. Mr. Bailee' successor on the commission will be selected by the county legislative delegation at once and the name of the new member forwarded to Governor Harvey for appointment. W. T. Parks of Fort Mill received a wire message Monday afternoon calling him to Spartantauburg to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. W. R. Gregg, who died at her home in, that city Monday morning, following an illness of several' weeks. Mrs. Gregg was 24 years old and was the mother of four children. The burial was in Union Tuesday. Dr. H. F. Alexander, who had bten the guest of L. A. Harris for several days, returned Monday to his home in Knoxville, Tenn. llr. Alexander practiced medicine in Fort Mill 20-odd years ago. He had not been a visitor here for the last 14 years, but said before leaviirg for his home Monday that he would not again wait so long pelore coming back io see his old friends. W. R. Bradford, editor of the Fort Mill Times, announces that unless his present plans miscarry .1 will enter the race for the Democratic nomination for Congress in the Fifth congressional district two years hence. Mr. Bradford was nominated in the Democratic primary Tuesday for his fifth consecutive term in. the j State house of representatives, of which he is the oldest member in point of service. By the election Tuesday of W. 11. Bradford and J. L. Spratt to the house of representatives, York county will bo represented in the General Assembly by two Fort Mill men for the first time in many years. Tn the '80s the lute Oapt. B. 11. Massev and "W. II. Stewart, both of Fort Mill, were members of the house at the same time, but so far as cap be learned this" Is the only instanee I in which two members of the i county's legislative delegation bad been chosen simultaneously from Fort Mill. Ford to Close Plants. One hundred and five thousand employes of the Ford Motor company throughout the country will be without jobs on Septeinher lt>, the date on which Ford has ordered his plants to discontinue work, on account of what be G't'iued the excessive price he was asked to pay for coal and steel. Mr. Ford declared he had not tlie remotest idea when the plants would reopen. IiT connection with the order closing the plunts it was stated that the norinai consumption of coal in the Ford industries was tt.800 tons daily aud officials said it would be impossible to do more than keep the furnaces and ovens warm. Cotton Mills Close. The Lancaster cotton mills at Lancaster and the Arkwright mills at Spartanburg were forced 1o shut down Monday us a result of the coal shortage, according to a statement made ye.sterday by .1 W. Arrington. State fuel purchasing agent for South Carolina cotton mills. The trouble with the fellow who starts at he top is that he usually winds up at the bottom. NOTICE ?We will possibly have some space for rent in our potato bouse. All persons wishing to rent space will see me at once, so we can figure 011 how many crates we will need. . No potatoes will be stored except in crates. L. M. MASSEY. ug Stores stores in the United States ,ble character of their merpublib were selected as dis)TS. Each of these stores istoxner first in every transred is not considered com* _ . entirely satisfied, n to be filled be sure to take e that will use only pure, full id it in the manner prescribed assured of uniformly good Quality Drug Stores. There ftUG STORE Pb. G., Manager ^v " ^ * ' zs2ssssss?-~~-^mBaam'mrm-*mrss oteam r ressmgumD The Enormous Volume of Our Business is Strong Evidence of Our Ability to Clean, Press and Repair Clothing so thoroughly that thoseiwho try us TRY AGAIN You ought to become fully informed regarding our Hoffman sanitary method of pressing clothes. i Suppose yon tell us you are interested, that's all?we'll call. * it \ . ROGERS' BARBER SHOP Phone 28 | FORT MILL, S. C. ( GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. A. C. LYTLE .... Mayor C. S. LINK Cletk l A. L. OTP... Police Judge N. M. McM ANUS Chief of Police DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ' * No. 31 Southboutid 7:f?5 u. m. ' 1 No. 4 Northbound 8:^0 a. m. 1 No. 113 Southbound..11:21 a. m i No. 114 Northbound..11:5B a. m. i C CA.aLUA..nJ c.oo _ ? aivi u ouuuiuuuiiu u;oO p. III. 1 No. 32 Northbound 6:88 p. m. 1 MAILS CLOSE. For train No. 31 7:30 a.' m. For train No. 32 6:10 p. m. For train No. 5 ..5:10 p. m. For train No. 4 ....8:10 a. m. 1 Note?No mail is dispatched on | i trains Sunday afternoons. POSTOFFICE HOURS. Daily 7:45 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Sundav 7:45 to 9:30 a. m. S. W. PARKS, Postmaster. | Notice to Creditors and Debtors. Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate at Mrs. Sallie A. Nivens, deceased, to make payment to the uridersiged administrator; and all persons having claims against the said estate to file their claims with the undersigned. J. A. TATE, Admr. of the Estate of Sallie A. Nivens, Deceased. nnxi v un v> Xiinjc?n is. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR I am a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the choice o4" the Democratic voters hi the primary election. TIIOS. W. BOYD. 1 am a candidate for reelection, as County Supervisor, subect to ihe approval of the Democratic party in the primary. HUGH W. BROWjN. ' FOR COUNTY TKKASCRlClt. The Times is authorized to announce Mrs. LUCIA EWART yUlNN as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself |as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic vbters i the primary election. W. D. THOMASSON. .) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I herebv annoimee mvnolf aa o candidate for reelection to* the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. E. W. PURSIJEY. JUDGE OF PROBATE To the Voters of York County: At the solicitation of friends, 1 am a candidate for the office of Judge of Probate. I am qualified to discharge the duties of the office. I will appreciate your support of my candidacy. I will abide the result of the primary election. G. P. SMITH. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Probate Judge of York County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic Primary. J. L. HOUSTON. 1 I If you contemplate buying a Piano, Phonograph or New Home Sowing Machine it will pay you well to get L. J. Massey's pricea and get posted. ! FURNITURE FOR SALE^ Preparatory to leaving Fort'Mill I am offering for aale a lot of household and kitehen furniture at bargain prices. J. J. BAHJ8S. ; 1 .a ' h , , v * '* " 1 - . ?. I Indus F< n 1\_ome and tee 1 aaving advanta CHAI >? FORD I Charlotl and Si NO CI Exhibition op< manufacturers MAKE YOUR , FREE! I TAK I YOUR I 1 HEATI TAX EXTENSION. Notice is "hereby given" that the time for the payment of State and county taxes has been extended to June 1, 1922, with a penalty of 3 per cent, for March, 5 per A f A r* _ ?* l"rni ior vvprii, o per ceni ior May and 8 per cent plus costs of treasurer from June 1, when executions will go into the hands of the sheriff. II. K. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. FOR RENT ? One desirable 7-room dwelling 011 half acre lot on.Tom Hall street opposite Presbyterian church. Apply to Alex Barber. fn Illicit H "I was weak aid run-down," Kf relates Mrs. Bala Burnett, of ^ Dal ton, Ga. "I was thin and K last felt tired, all the than 9 I didn't rest WelL 1 wasn't M enrer hungry. I knew, by U this, I needed a tonic, and H as there Is none better than? K CARDUll Tin Woman's Tonic | . . I began using Cards!,** V nsntlnuje Mrs. Burnett. jp "After xny first bottle, I slept Yd better and ate better, t took H i four bettke. Mow I'm well, I I teal just -fine* eat and sleep, m ! *ua n nor ua I MTI W I Onrdd Is Us iMBt tonic srsr IS H nafitt ** ; B 9 ten ten! OMdml Jwt u k jfl Mvb. Bvrastt'tld. It tenli W The man who is afraid of bis boss usually has oauae for it. VT , # BIG DAYS?3 trial Exhib r ' * TRACTOR n actual'operation the many time get of the Industrial Tractor?The TO BE HELD AT ILOTTE, EPTEMBER 6-7-8 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF MOTOR COIV ;e Branch, and its 330 Dealers in 1 outh Carolina and Southern Virgii 1ARGE FOR ADMIS! ;n daily fiom 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. i from all over the country will ha ARRANGEMENTS - TODAY *IG STREET PARADE iAND CONCERTS lADIO ENTERTAINMENTS ilGHT SEEING TOURS E YOUR FAM -RIENDS WILL BE T 1 MOTOR COM | SCHOOL SI f. TABLETS PENCILS Ci t ERASERS SCHOOL HI Z SHARPENERS PENI 2 PENCIL BOXES S< 2 " STRAPS LUNC | THE CASH I PHONE J 1 S. A. LEE and T. F. ] + # $ v*>-+<?>+^>+ ?? i ?' | CULP ? > I Undertakers and * I; We have put in a i fins and Caskets ai | eral Supplies in the l I ther rear of our stor< : Hearse. * > 11 PHONE NO. <* ?St MS #*+???? ? ?> ? .>* it ii FLEISHER'S KNIT * f Pretty assortment of this ya 26 Gen , Come now and get wl j THE CASH t S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTLE, M*i ./ ' ?. V." 4v i- '. v^aie .Sri 5 k y t ,T*-r>?" ssssssssbssss ition I and money .1 FORDSON. N. C. I f PANY I North ] lia SB 5ION I Many big jH ve exhibits. MB TO ATTEND I EREEI [ILY 1 HERE I PANY 1 ^ IPDI ICC I / JL JL LjILMJ 4 OMPOSITION BOOKS | ttVES PENCIL CIL HOLDERS J 3HOOL BOf K J H BOXES ; STORE 8 LYTLE, Mgrs. - | . + -* ?> ? v* THERS j _ . . J tmbalmers supply of Cof- | id other Fun- ; < > >uilding just to j e, also a Motor : / < I A | ^ 15. . o < i A# * ' < > TING YARNS j; < rn, fancy colors, ball ; ts if hat you want. STORE nsgers - Phone 8 V - / < < ??eee?tete?e???e?>e?se' I