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-7 'Vu> :jw- y g?S?E? " ' ' NEWS ABOUT TOWN. I Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lee are spending the week at Hiddeuite, N j C. Kenneth Young, 18-year-old-sou of?j. T. Yoijng, has been ill for several days, but his condition is ' now much improved. Misses Rosa McLeod of Cainden and Mary Moore Beuuett of Lancaster are guests'at the home of Dr. W. C. Moore. W. F. Patterson and H. F. Patterson of the Barberville section of Lancastef county spent sever. al days last week at Hiddeuite, N. C. Miss Eva Pauline McGowan and Willie V. Howell, both of Charlotte, N. C., were married Wednesrlnv :if(i>riwtnn hv^Mm/is. trute J. R. Haile. Mrs. T. A. Mills and her daughters, Misses Margerie, Tillie and Alice Mills, and her sons, tfack and Keber Mills, returned a few days ago from a trip to the mountains of North Carolina. . Mr. and Mrs. *J. L. Oates and their daughters, Misses Nora and Kdith Oates, are spending a fortnight on a visit,to relatives ami friends in New Bedford, Mass., where 'they, formerly lived. Port Mill men who have been drawn to serve 011 the petit jury at the September term of court for .York county are J. II. Patter son, S. A. Lee, N. L. Carothers, R. P. Harris and P. M. Mack. i R. L. Weeks, official appraiser of the Federal Land batik, Columbia, visited Port Mill during the tpast week to appraise lands JIM Clll'liriU' 4Vll? Innni! nil den the federal farm loan act. The Times is in receipt of an interesting communication from the i Pleusunt Valley section of Lancaster county which it cannot use because the writer neglected to sign his name to it. The full session of the Fort Mill graded school will open on Tuesdays September 5, according to a statement made a day or two agotby F. M. Mack, The teaching corps for the session numbers 17. Webb Heath was convicted in the recorder's court of Fort Mill Monday afternoon of disorderly conduct and was given a fine of ' $50 or thirty days. His attorney, w ? u?i. u:i. ? . it ii noun ui nuciv 11111. j^a > notice of appeal to the higher court. J.'Walker Lynn, former Fort Mill<police officer was a visitor in town Sunday; Mr. Lynn is now' living in Charlotte, N. C. He has bceni in ill heaiih for some time, but'8aid while here that he expected to be ablq. to return to his work withiu a few days. Dr. H. F. Alexader and his family of KnoXYille, Tenn., arc expected to arrive in Fort Mill the latter paft of the week to spend several days with L. A. Harris and other friends here. Dr. Alexander practiced "medicine in this community about 20 years ago and is pleasant/' remembered by many Fort Mill people. The delagates from Eli Bailes post No. 43, American Legion, left Fort Mill yesterday morning by automobile for Florence to attend the anuual convention of the mate .legionaires, now in session. It was expected that the convention would be attended by several hundred former service men and that many matters of interest to them would be considered. The delegates from Eli Bailes post in attendance upon the convention are: T. B. Spratt, J'\ M. Mack, Brice D. Gulp, \V. S. Belk, William Ardrey and W. H. Martin. Goodr Br There are over 12,000 drug that became of the depend chandise and service to the trflratnm nf KVAT. panmi ~. places the interest of the c notion, and the service rend . plete until the customer is When you have a prescripti it to a good drug store?o strength drugs, and compou lay your physician. Tou an * druf store service at Kyal Ji one in fort Mill, an* it is ^ ^ W.C.MOORE. corner 01 poslotlice, Kort Mill, at 7:30 A. M.; returning, leaves Rock Hill 2:20 P. M. Can haul six passengers. Could not make the rate so low were it not for the fact that 1 go to Rock llill each day anyway. B. M. LEE. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. Notice is hereby given that al. persons indebted to the estate oi Mrs. Sallie A. Nivens, deceased, to make payment to the undersiged administrator; and all persons having claims against the said estate to file their claims with tlie undersigned. J. A. TATE. Admr. of the Estate of Sallie A. Nivens, Deceased. y Qaptr E. W. Springs to Many. Announcement has - just been made by Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Ley of Springfield, Mass., of the engagement of their daughter, Frances, to Capt. Elliott White Springs of Tort Mill, the marriage to take place early in October. Miss Ley is a member of a prominent old Massachusetts family, is cultured anil brilliant, a graduate of Smith college ami has spent much of her time abroad, it was in Europe last year that she and Capt. Springs Imnutno u/i/iili) mf nil vvvuu*^ bv\juuiuivui ('apt. Springs moved to Fort Mill from Lancaster some months ago, after having the old White home in the outskirts of town remodeled for his residence and to which he will bring his bride. He is a son of Col. Leroy Springs of Lancaster and a grandson ol the Late Capt. S. E. White of Fort Mill, whose only daughter was "Capt. Springs' mother. Capt. Springs is a graduate of Culver Military Institute and of Princeton university. He is a veteran of the World war, in which he rendered distinguished service in the aviation corps. ? The Rev. Baxter McLendon ("Cyclone Mack") has written a communication to the press of South Carolina defending the puidoniHg record of .Cole L. Biease and otherwise speaking kindy of the former governor. * ANNOUNCEMENT. Effective at once 1 have begun Taxi Service Fort. Mill to Rock Hill every day except Sunday al following rates: dO cents per person, which is practically the same rate as railroad fare. Car leaves Steam PressingClub iVhe Enormous Volume of Our Business is Strong Evidence of Our Ability to Clean, Press" ami Repair Clothing so thoroughly that those who* try us TRY AGAIN You ought to become fully in form'ed regarding our Hoffman sanitary method of pressing clothes. j Suppose you tell us you are interested, that's all?we'll call. ROGERS' BARBER SHOP Phone 28 ' If you contoiuplate buying a Piano, Phonograph or New Home Sewing Machine it will pay you well to get L. J. Massey's prices iiud get posted. ug-'Stores stores in the United States able character of their merpublic were selected as disOTS. Evrti of these stores nstomer - first in every translered is not considered oomentirely satisfied. 4a V. ?11AJ w. A- A-*_ uu kU UV 11UCU ire SHTV to UIK6 lie that will use only pure, full nd it in the manner prescribed b assured of uniformly good Quality Drag Stores. Them RUG STORE 1 Ph. G., MuMgar * ' * **n * ANHOUKOMIMfTi. FOR CONGRESS 1 hereby announce that I am a candidate in the Democratic pri-, maries of South Carolina for the nomination for Representative of the Fifth Congressional District for the 68th Congress, and I take this opportunity to thank the people of the District for their loyal support in the past and to say that 1 shall endeavor to deserve their support and confidence in the future. W. F. STEVENSON. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR 1 am a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. TilOS. W. BOYD. I am a candidate for reelection as Couniy Supervisor, subect to the approval of the Democratic party in the primary. HUGH \V. BROWN. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the choice of the voters in the Democratic primary election. J. E. LATHAM. At the solicitation of voters of practically all sections of York county, 1 have decided to announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of eoun-fc , y supervisor of York County, subject to the approval of the oters in the primary election. If tominated 1 pledge myself to give | tie taxpayers -*an efficient, ecoI uomical business administration. JOHN 1?\ GORDON. FOR COUNTY TKUASUltKll. The Timet* is authorized to announce Mrs. LUCIA EWART <jUlNN aa_a candidate for Treasurer of Vork County, subject to he action of the* voters in the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself as a .'undidate for Treasurer of Vork .'ounty, according to the rules of he Democratic primary. Wm. A. DOUGLAS. 1 hereby announce myself as a undidate for Treasurer of York 'ounty, subject to the reconnnen':i1Imii n f" (In. lliimnii?ii(i>i m- . .Vf?. \? I ll\ M - < I I I \ /\ I ll I I \ ? VIVI P isi the primary election. ARTHUR T. HART. I am a candidate for the office jf Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary "lection. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself us a j iulidutc for Treasurer of ^ ork -ounty, subject to the reeommenlation of the Democratic voters r the primary election. W. D. THOMASSON. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the /( commendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. I hereby announce myself a andidutc for Treasurer of York ai uu.ii.y, miiijci t iu me rt;cuiinnuii(ation of the Democratic voters i the primary election. D. L. SHIEQER. I am a*candidate for Treasurer "f York County, subject to the tccominendation of thq Democratic voters in the primary election. JOJIN R. LOGAN. I am a candidate for Treasurer >f York County, subject to the ipproval of the Democratic voters in the Primary Election. ERNEST W. GUY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 hereby unnounce myself as a candidate for reelection ta the House ~ of Representatives, -subject to the action'of the voters in the Democratic primary. E. W. PURSLEY. I am a candidate for reiiouiination in the Democratic primary for the House of Representatives and will be grateful to the voters of the county for such .support as they feel J"am worthy of. W. R. BRADFORD. At the request of numerous tax payers, who are interested in lower taxes, i hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the niles and regulations of the Democratic party. PORTE# B. KENNEDY. I hereby announce myself a* candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the' rules o? the Democratic party. , ^ J, ?. SBRAfT* I hereby announce myself ^.candidate for the Hopse of Representatives, subject to the action of the voters of York County in the Democratic Primary. W. C. TAltDY. ' W:, * ' >.p U " f % -a I " 'I ? I | TAX EXTENSION. Notice is hereby gived that the | time for the payment of State and county taxes has been extended to June 1, 1922, with a penalty of 3 per cent for March, 5 per cent for April^.6 per cent for May and 8 per cent plus -costs of treasurer froih June 1, when executions will go into the hands of ihc j sheriff. I ; # H. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. " FOR KENT ? One desirable 7-rooni dwelling on half acre lot on Tom Hall street opposite Presbyterian church. Apply to Alex Harber. CARDiii HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Waa Sick Far Tkrea Years, Suffering Pain, Nerreaa" and Depressed?Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala.?Mrs. C. If. Stegall, l?r near here, recently related the fob "lowing Interesting account of her recovery: "I was in a weakened condition. I was sick three years In bed. suffering a p-eat deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried very thing I heard of, and a number o! doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. 1 couldn't eat. and slept poorly. I belldve It I hadn't beard of and taken Cardul I would have died. 1 bought U bottles, after a neighbor told me | what it did for ber. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and etrohg. I haven't had any trouble since ... I sure can testify to the good that Cardul did me. *1 don't think there la a better tonlo made and I believe it saved my life." for over 40 years, thousands of wo men bare, used Crrdul Bucceeefully, In the treatment of man? womanly ailments. If yon Buffer as .these women did take Cftdul. It may help you, too. Al all druolsta. M JUDGE OF PROBATE To the Voters of York County: At the solicitation of friends, 1 .am a candidate for the office of Judge of Probate. I am qualified to discharge the duties of the office. I will appreciate your support of my candidacy. I will abide the result of the primary election. G. P. SMITH. * I am a candidate for Probale Judge of York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Being a young man, 1 am,, naturally subject to inquiry as ro character, standing, habits p.ud capacity, and where my fellow ititiaano ut?o IciPi1 k '^1- - ? vikixvuo aic nanniicu TCsuU of such inquiry, I will, appreciate their support. Respectfully, RALPH II. CAIN.' Sharon, S. C. .< ' I hereby auuounce myself n I candidate for reelection to the ! office of Probate Judge of Yoyk | County, subject, to the action of [the voters in the Democratic j Primary. J. L. HOUSTON. MAGISTRATE 1 am a candidate for reappointment as Magistrate of Fort Mill township, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. If reappointed, I will continue to serve the people to the best of my ability. J. R. HAILE. I am a candidate for Magistrate of Fort Mill Township, subject to the rules of the Dernocrttic party, and will thank those who favor me with their support in the primary election. E. S. PARKS. SUPT. OF EDUCATION I hereby announce myself .a candidate for reelection to the offlea of Superintendent of Education for York County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. JOHN E. CARROLL.. AUDITOR I hereby announce myself % arididate for reelection to ^the office of Auditor of York County, subject to the action of the Votetis in the Democratic primary. BROADUS M. LOVE. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. T hereby announce myself as a cjttdkl&te for the office of County I Commissioner, subject^ to the recominendatiou of the Democratic vol era in the primary election. ,J. W? gHPJJNCBiAW. Brcrybody seems to be willing lb-help mind" the coal mine bu? ? . f * ? > I ' . . . V-r Straw Ticking, g i . 25c ys !' Good Grade Feati oe~ ?? JC New Gingham in ( Come and see thes > THE CASH . _ PHONE I S. A. LEE and T. F. 1 I I CULP > I Undertakers and t i We have put in a f . t fins and Caskets a I * eral Supplies in the 1 I ther rear of our stoi t Hearse. t U *| PHONE NO !; Why Do the-Chil [ Community Look S I Happy? Because They Ea Bread Daily. Ask Your Grccer 1 ROCK HILL STE/ I We Have Recently Made i i)on In the Price of Our Bre t ^ pi *rn \ w v m vi IrKUH am TURNIP PACK AGE A | LYT.LE Dl Sssst if . ; , , t !' / ' nil,!..! mnmum ",m ' ... - ; SMftii The V * ' v ? * - / ^ . . / <y '' - /'# - / '*-*' *?% A ^ ^ ? " * ? ood quality, ird . p4.. her Ticking, 0 Ird N *very week.. new patterns. STORE 3 L.YTLE, M?rs. + THERS | I Embalmers I -1supply of Cof- | nd other Fun- ? building just to I e, also a Motor | I. 15. f l J ' *. ?.Vf Idren of This o Healthy and t "Rock Hill" For It. IM BAKERY i Substantia! Reducrad. ; - s [PMENT SEED ND BULK j u ?fic cn ILStar, " r ' rrtirt , Times, $1.50 \'