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.-.'V, . ; . > " ' ' ' '' * . I v^Lour A ? __ THE 1 the Fordson in,? F.O.B. PET Save II money 11 | on every acre || plowed? HI with the || V Fordson ||j| 1 S 111 tools | H wfoor to six - * r- -r- ? - I times? I with the r l| Fordson II Cut your hours ^ II in the field III over half? l| with m I I the Ford son J ||j| Giro yourself It tal II "dty-1"" ' engi' || you can with tract I -fi*? to s IL Ford,on Jill inglj X. gST Tha1 confidence built on tion. There are 170, e in use?wnerever re done Fcrdson is si^ If you are not using a 1 The working ability of plant is cutting farming every kind of work c or from the belt Ask us for all the detai i Heath M \ FORT Ml] ! V Young, Wo! - < ' ' : Funeral Dl i 11 Em to MOTOR E< ;; ' Day Phones X44 am :: ' FORT MILL. - - | M i '-UIK 1 mi' j.ii-1.. .I1 The engine of the forty-five - hundred type which turned "over in a head-on collision near Carharrt, three miles south of Fort ;;>Vif * * - ? - / . . . * Vails that keep their "newly painted" foot Cashable Walls! I Vails that hold the charm of cokr id retain their freshness for years ith the help of soap, water and ra?. uch are walls finished wy h Devoe elour Finish, (a flat oil paint.) he soft, flat tints, in which this product manufactured, are always artistic, A nding an enriching background to le furnishings, and an air of gocd tste and dignity to the room, ievoe Velour Finish can be atmlied r n ny interior wall or ceiling. ' H evoe Products are time-tested and H oven r-backed by the 168 years' H cperience of the oldest paint man* H Factunng concern in the U. S. H ounded 1754. H jlYTLE DRUG CO. I Fort Mill. S. 0. . I The Drug I Isoiv UNIVERSAL TRACTOR rhis Value . rlas Never ? Been Duplicated ces something besides rieering to furnish a :or like the Fordson ell at this astonishr low price. t something is owner permanent, satisfac000 Fordson tractors >wer Farming is being ving superior service. fordson now, start right. ' this remarkable power costs in half in nlmnat lone, at the draw bar l Is?call, write or phone* \ otor Co. X LL, S. C. j Ife & Parks i > rectors and !i timers UIPMENT II i 34; Night Phone 34 I - SOUTH CAROLINA | eaaoaoeaaeaooaaoae Mill, last Thursday morning, is still lying beside the track with no apparent effort being made to move it. ' A* . . . * - ' ..5 ti * A "V ; .. , " V. < Jfi v tt 4* , v ^ ' ?. . r TO FORT MILL s Av * 4 ^ \\ / A V*^-k J *~ i vv c ai c uc new shipments Goods from manufacturers, newest and mc styles. A size and j 1 occasion * | Young & ?. ' * ? ? % - ? i -A-_ O- oro I GOODTHI Groceries, Market, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. . II EAT ELECTRIK "The Battel If for no other reason, Elec Better Bread" because it is retaining the natural flavor it from your grocer and "TASTE THE D1 ELECTRIK MAI! "R. A. Wilson, Prop. The boll weevil undoubtedly has done serious damage to the , cotton in the Fort Mill section j this year and the best that can now be hoped for, according to a numberof farmers who have re-, ecntly expressed an opinion on the subject to The Times, is a lit- tie more than half a crop. \>er.' " *T': -Hv.rtv '-. V ;??; * * ' ' . A . - * .*' j * ' # - jr. * (s. q-)Tng8 --lily receiving x c nn i. X ot 1 raveling U the foremost | in , the very 0 >st serviceable | style for every * fesL 0 : Wolfe I * jstiejs s . NGS TO EAT 4 4 MATT) RRP1A n I r Bread" trik-Maid would be "The electrically baked, thereby of the ingredients. Order TFE&EHOX" D BAKE SHOP BOCK HOL, 8. C. > v v J READ THE TIMES MVKKY VOX FOR HOME NEWS \ ;? v^' ? }?~ .. ;.v. ^ t;. '5:. . - i; r- ' ' ' V 'Sr ^s' *'h -* , x fie.1 " v, ' . * *" ' \ " . \ W$t Jfwtft Jl T. B. SPRATT J. L. SPRATT, vice president OS. BARBER, vice president ! The First Natior a consistent record < service to this comn rmf nlnnu 4l u\/t mwiivy l\" till/ resources, but to tl resources multiplie .its credit with the Bank, with its cc through all other le ?not alone in the g perity and expansi period of deflation t First Nati( i 1 IT?J iL _ Ct. v/pci aicu unucr inc oil United States Trade \ And save your cas! are worth 10 cenl 100 Lbs. S. R. 1 50 Lbs. S. R. I 24 Lbs. 5. K. I * Come early, as \ barrels at this pri gust 17th. - WASH DAY SPECIAL: < four 10-cent bars of Octaf B. C. FEE PHON Alwaysr You .will always fii Store the freshest ? thing in GROCER We are in businesj get rich in a day, a and are satisfied profit. BttHUrUl HAM STREET JOB PRI at the Times offic ? f, N ' -t , xVv jtat* IV \ 4 V % ? r attonal IBank , president W. T. BARRON, cashier 5. A. LIGON, asst. cashier tal Bank points to \ )f helpful banking uunity extent of its own lie extent of those d by the power of Federal Reserve ^respondents and isritiniate ehaniifds* O ~ "* ;ood times of prosoil but also in the md depression. >nal Bank ict Supervision of the Government Vith Us h Coupons. They :s on the dollar. Flour - $2.00 "lour - 1.00 Flour - .50 ve have only 30 ce, effective AuOn Mondays we will sell;on Soap for 25 cents. [GUSON E 29 ^ rhe Best id in stock at this and best of everyIES. s not expecting to i week or a month with a modest / - ?D & CO. PHONE 113 INTINQ E. - - PHONE 112