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'" NEWS ABOUT PEOPLE. Miss Belle Stribling of Richland visited friends in Fort Mill dnring the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Link of ^ Laurens visited relatives in Fort Mill during the last week-end. The Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Mc Dr. C. B. Alexander of Knox villlo, Tenn., who practiced medi' cine in Fort Mill about 20 year:, ugo, was the guest of L. A. Harris during the past week. Capt. F. M. Mack, superintendent of the Fort Mill school, returned home Tuesday, after atUndiug i'6r several weeks the summer school at the University of South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Parks announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Annie Parks, to J. II. S. Pearson of Spartanburg the marriage to take place at the home in Fort Mill August -15. Miss Alexandra Mack of Decatur, Ga., is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Ardrey. Miss Maek is a daughter of the late Dr. Al exander Mack, who practiced medicine in Fort Mill about 3C years ago. Col. and Mrs. William Banks of Columbia are spending the day in Fort Mill as guests at tjie home of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Belk. Col Banks is ah old Fort Mill boy and bus many friends here who are always pleased to welcome him to town. Maj. .Tames I). Fulp of Abbe ville returned to his home Tiies day after spending several day? in Fort Mill as a guest of his mother, Mrs. A. O. Jones. Foi several weeks Maj. Fulp has beer teaching in" the summer school al the University' of South Carolina pf . TAX EXTENSION. JW / ~ % # # Notice is hereby given that th< time for the payment of State ant county taxes has been extendei to June 1, 1922, with a penalty of 3 per eent for March, 5 pel cent for April; 6 per cent for Ma: and 8 per cent plus costs of treas urer from June 1, when exce.u tions will go into the hands of th( sueriii. II. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. HHBSiij i:"-* { ? __ k Good Di There are over 12,000 dm that because of the deper ehandise and service to th tributors of NYAL PROD places the interest of the action, and the service rer plete until the customer i When you have a prepcrip Lees of Chatham, Va., were guests this week of Dr. aiul Mrs. J. 13. Ellott. W. 0. Griffin has returned to Fort Mill from a vacation he recently spent in Sumter and other h ' places." Mrs. A. L. Ott and her daughter, Miss Thehna Ott, are visiting relatives at North, Orangeburg county. Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Meacliam have as their guest for several weeks Miss Margaret Spratt of Columbia. Miss. Lana Parks is with a party of her Rock Hill friends at summer resorts in the mountains of western North Carolina. Miss Esther Meacham has returned to her home in Fort Mill, after spending several weeks at the summer school at Furman university, Greenville. Marshall Coleman and Miss Bettie Cook, both of thevBe!air community in Lancaster county, were married Monday afternoon by Magistrate .J. li. 1 laile. Mr. and Mrs. George Fish, Miss Lucy Fish and Miss Dorothy Bergstrom Saturday motored to IJendersonville, N. C., where they spent the week-end Miss Julia Armstrong and Miss Bernice Mills have returned to Fort Mill after attending for tinlast six weeks a sum miner school in Asheviile, N. C. Steam Pressing Club The Enormous Volume of Our Business is Strong Evidence of Our Ability to Clean, Press and Repair Clothing so thoroughly that those who try us TRY AGAIN You ought to become fully informed regarding our Hoffman sanitary method of pressing clothes. S.iitnoKt* vou tell us vou are in* ? ?r i %f ? terested, thaPs all?we'll call. ROGERS' BARBER SHOP Phone 28 11' you contemplate buying a Piano, Phonograph or New Home Sowing Machine it will pay you well to get li. ). Mas^ev's prices md get posted.FOll SALE?I have one hundred bushels ol' good sound white Corn in shuck. Price reasonable. Alexander Earlier. -It 8 A Tonic K jji For Women k & "I was hardly able to drag, 1 2 ki was so weakened," writes Mr*. Va FT W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. [T Pj "The doctor treated me for about rj IV! two months, still 1 didn't pet W J M any better. 1 had a large fam- M | Mi ily and felt 1 surely must do |M QQ something to enable mc to take UL fj. care of my little ones. 1 had Lj nn heard of PY iCARDUll m The Woman's Tonic g a] "I decided to try it," con- yt tlnucs Mrs. Ksy ... "I took Fj eight bottles in all ... I re \ % gained my strength and have W > Ms liad no more trouble with wo- |M manly weakness. 1 have ten Uh y children and am able to do all TJ my housework and a lot out- nr H doors ... 1 can sure recommeudCardul." M I Hj Take Cardui today. It may P ; M be lust what yoii need. M pv At all druggists. p Servant Girl Wouldn't Go in Cellar, fearing Rats. i Mrs. Topper. Plain field, N. J \ 's?ys, "R;*ts were so bad in oui . cellar the servant girl wouldn't go there. Bought some KAT ^NAP and it cleaned ail the rat* tout." RAT-SNAP destroys rat; i j and mice. Absolutely prevent! odors. Comes in cake form, n< mixing. Cats oh dogs won't toucl f it Three sizes, 85c, 65c, $1.25 p Sold by Lytic Drug Co. ant l' Moore's Drug Store. FOR RENT ? One desirabl e 7-room dwelling ou half acre lo on Tom Hall street opposite Prea bvterian church. Apply to Al?: Barber. *ug Stores ig stores iii the United States idable character of their merte public were selected as disU0T8. Each of thrfso stores customer first in every transidered is not considered ooms entirely satisfied, tion to be filled be sure to take one that Will use only pure, fyll rand \t in the mfuraer prescribed ure assured , of uniformly good il Quality Drug Stores. There \ r. _ v SB* - JSrt ANNOUMCamWPB. FOR CONGRESS 1 hereby announce that I am a candidate in the Democratic primaries of South Carolina for the i nomination for Representative of! the Fifth Congressional District for the 68th Congress, and I take this opportunity to thank the people of.the District for their loyal support in the past and to say that 1 shall endeavor to deserve their support and confidence in the future. W. F.* STEVENSON, FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR < I am a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. \ THOS. \V. BOYD. 1 am a candidate for reelection as County Supervisor, subect to the approval of the Democratic party in the primary. HUGH \V. BROWN. 1 hereby announce myself ua a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the choice of the voters in the Democratic primary election. S. E. LATHAM. At the solicitation of voters of practically all sections of York county, 1 have decided to announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of county supervisor of York County, subject to the approval of the olers in the primary election, if nominated 1 pledge myself to give itie taxpayers an efficient, economical business udministratiou. JOHN F. GORDON. FOR COUNTY TKFASURFK. The Times is authorized to announce Mrs. LUCIA EWART QU1NN as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the action of the voters in the 1 )emocrat ic primary. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, according to the rules ot die Democratic primary. Win. A. DOUGLAS. 1 hereby announce myself a? a I i'-... 'I' -e i v iuiuiuuic iur i rrusiiit;!' 01 1 urs County, subject to the recommendation of the. Democratic voter* iu tlie primary election. ARTHUR T. HART. 1 am a candidate for the oilice of Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself a a a andidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recoiniuenI dation of the Democratic voters I l the primary election, i W. D. TIIOM AStSOM * 1 iim a candidate for Treasurer oi' York County, subject toJJie recommendation of the Deitkif.f'atie voters in ihe primary election. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Wf 1 hereby announce myself, a andidate for Treasurer of Yc^rk County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters :n the primary election. *D. L. SHIEDER. I am a candidate for Treasurer ??f York County, subject to the tcconnucndation of tl>e Democratic voters in tile primary election. JOHN R. LOGAN, I am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the ipproval of the Democratic voters in the Primary Election. J ERNEST W. GUY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 I hereby announce myself as i candidate for reelection to Uu House of Representatives, sub ? ject to the action of the vjter in the Democratic primary. E. W. PURSLEY. I am a candidate for renoinina tion in the Democratic primarj for the House of Representative and will be grateful to the voter of the county for such support a they feel I am worthy of. W. R. BRADFORD. ...? ai me request or numerous iu. payers, who arc interested ii lower taxes, I hereby announo myself a candidate for the Rous of Representatives, subject to th rules and regulations of the Den oeratic party. r PORTER B. KENNEDY. I hereby announce myself'', candidate for the Rouse of Rep resentatives, subject to the rule of the Democratic party. - J. L. SPRArTTv I hereby announoe -myself seat Ldidate for the Reuse of 'Bepr< ? aeatativee, snbjeot to the a*tip > ? * J+s y. 2 Hp , <J K ' i ** , ' , % N ^ t ? V ?y ,' '-Or- " . ,1 ! \ ^V'*: : ,r - --. . ? i " J How U Became J IN 1903, driving tl car, Barney Oldfi career ol victor earned him the tit Driver of The Wor come the tire weakni racing difficult and studied tires?specif supervised construct Today, Barney Ol as the "Master Starting with the cr carried the "099" or seconds, - Oldfield ? 1 L* t vciupeu nis ianiuus which covered 500 i eight miles an h< change. In three years Ol won every importan ican speedways. T1 W i 1 1 JUDGE OF PROBATE To the Voters of York County: a a. it i: a - *: r r * i ai ilie Houciuiuoii ui lrjwius, i um a candidate for the office of Judge of Probate. 1 am qualified to discharge the duties of the office. I will appreciate your support of my candidacy. 1 will abide the result of the primary election. G. P. SMITH. I am a candidate for Probate Judge of Yorl$ County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Being a young man, 1 am naturally subject to inquiry as to character, standing, habits and capacity, aud where my fellow citizens are satisfied with the result of such inquiry, 1 will appreciate their support. Respectfully, RALPH H. CAIN. Sharon, S. C. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Probate Judge of York County/ subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic Primary. J. L. HOUSTON. MAGISTRATE I am a candidate for reappointment as Magistrate of Fort Mill ownship, subject to the recom mendation of the Democratic voi ten in the primary election. If . reappointed, I will continue to serve the people to the best of my ability. J. R. HAILE. I am a candidate for Magistrate of Fort Mill Township, subi ject to the rules of the Demo? cratic party, and will thank those . who favor me with their support < in the primary election. E. S. PARKS. SUPT. OF EDUCATION * 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the 8 office of Superintendent of Education for York County, subject S ? * ? I M _ to tne action 01 tne voters in me - Democratic primary. JOHN E. CARROLL. i " AUDITOR e I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of -Auditor of York County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. BBOADUS M. LOVE, a ?. J" FIVE DOLLARS REWARD? For loot black hound ;-one-third right -ear tprn off and wart in right eye. Finder please return i- to E. L Bailee, Route I, Fori V MJ& a. C. B Tbio^m the time of year^when Biii i * "' '1 B i v*. 1 - tie Master ] Master Tire le "999" racing American tires ield started his first place in th ies that later They have wo le of "Master tivc years in Id." To over- ^apolis Sweepst ssses that made Oldiields have dangerous he Rccords and ied r erials? lon The Wichiu dence of Oldfie dneia is k.. i ... ? .. n , ,, tnc?when a s Tire Builoer. _OR udc tires which crcd 34 525 T1 le mile in sixty, winter roadsgradually de- <ested bX thc 1 Cords?a set of miles at eighty- See your de our without a these rugged t field has dev< through a life dfield tires have experience. T t race on Amer- convince you ley are the only Most Trustwc fOUNG & WOLF I Why Do the ! Community Lot i Happy? Because They Dailv. i Ask Your Grc< j ROCK HILL: I Wc Have Recently IV 5 Jlon in the Price of Oi 1. Delight Differe: What more can be g&id? lightful?our line of i JL VII^l 1 > I I TOILET WATERS, EX' SACHETS, ROUGES. C< FOOD. Yonr favorites are amonf and sell them. i 1 LYTLE 77k? JJg JOB PF AT THE TIMES OFI J " 'V' \ . ? \ m % " \ / V. 4 L, -l Driver Builder that have ever taken e French Grand Prix, n for three consecuthe 600-mile Indiauakes. So far in 1922, lowered four World's :ven track records. i Test Run gave evild superiority in tourct of four Cords coves over rutted, frozen, ?a performance atVlayor of Wichita. aler and get a set of ires that Barney Oldeloped and perfected :time of practical the 'heir performance will that thej' are "The >rthy Tires Built." E .>?* u?a?< <? Children of This ok So Healthy and Eat "Rock Hill" ler For It. STEAM BAKERY lad a a Substantial Reducur Bread. f ? , .j* iullv I nt They are different?they are daCreations rRAOTSl FACE POWDERS, IMPACTS, CREAM AND SKIN X them. It is a pleasure to show DRUG CO. j " gCCtC& StoF0 * __ A IINTING . i '* : * vICE . . PHONE 112