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? * ALIEN BLOC BUST. 1 The aterapt of the alien bloc to br?ak down the few American - - immigration restriction laws has not stopped. The method merely has been changed, says the Dear- ^ born Independent. j For years the favorite method of fighting proper immigration safeguards was a resort to tearful "pleas put up on behalf oMhe '"oppressed and persecuted of foreign lands." Uncle Sam, be- 1 ? * -il ( ing a person or large syinpamy and ready trust, was long looked ! upon as au easy victim for this 1 cajolery. But u number of things ' have happened during the last few years which have taught the United States that its sympathy has not always been well placed . and its trust has sometimes been abused. The passage of the 3 per cent law, restricting alien immigration, brought loud wails on behalf of the "persecuted of other lands." But for the first time in American history it failed of its effect, and Congress this year strengthened instead oi weaseiied the law. Whereupon the alien bloe promptly abandoned its sentimental attitude and sought ? new weapon of offense. That weapon, the existence of which is just becoming widely apparent, is a more insidiously dangerous one than the worn-out wail of former years. To wield this weapon, the alien bloe has ready at hand New York newspapers, always pliant, and chain newspapers anil magazines which cater to group disaffections and anti-American propaganda. fauvc nan rnaenn mitnf* ilVlllll t IVCII n liv/l * V unvii v ???? into the propaganda of these interests for opening wide again the doors of the country for alien undesirables. The tears have bien found ineffectual; the reasoning does not exist. The editors and writers of these pro-alien publications instead have adopted the expedient of assuming that 'the mistake of enacting immigration laws already has beeu proved and the only thing to do now is to hurry and repeal them. "The immigration restriction . ^ laws, which, it is conceded, have gone too far?reads a typical ...expression in this latest type of propaganda. The only person who has done the conceding in the particular example cited is the particular editor who has i ^ t. _ __ i i. _ 2 1 ^ done inis writing, ana who ieeis permitted to set forth his momentary policy in terms of axioms. The theory behind this propaganda is that children, if caught early enough, may be convinced that two and two make three? provided that the statement is pounded into their memory sufficiently often, and also provided that 110 concrete examples are sel before their eyes to controvert the statement. Authors of this type of propaganda feel?and perhaps they an right?that those who read theii assertions are incapuble of reus * soiling, and so with coinmeiidabk charity they furnish the conclu sion, ready made, with no bother some logic attached. Ridiculous us this alien propa ganda may seem, -there# is no de nying its powerful effect. It be hooves persons concerned' witl the continued protection of th< American standards to be on tin alert, * Many a political boom hu ended in a dull thud. The man who hasn't plenty o push doesn't need any pull. BIG BAF t Second Ha 1 A We are offering ' . ces on a numbei steads, Washsfc I bK oa Stove., % NOTICE Po Land Owners and Their Agents in York County to Clean Out Their Streams. Whereas under an amendment ;o the Constitution of this State 'utified and approved February LS, 1905, the General Assembly of his State was authorized to make j a. i i i I....... iua enaei iucui anu specini i?wo joneeruing drainage, and Whereas in order to preserve the health of the people and in >rder to enable them to raise jrops upon their bottom lands it is absolutely necessary to remove nil trash, rafts and obstructions from the running streams of watei, and Whereas a local drainage law was enacted in.the year 1914 for York County, therefore all laiui owners and their agents in York County are hereby notified that it is their duty under the law of the land oh or before the 15th day of August now next ensuing to remove from the running streams of water flowing through their lands all trash, trees, rafts, timber, snags and overhanging limbs, and *all other obejets that obstgct the naturul flow of "the water, and, by running streams is meant the running stream of a drainage district as well as all other creeks. You will receive notices from your Township Commissioners requiring you to do this work. The law specifies that the notices are to be sent out between the 1st clay of July ami the 10th day of July, but authorizes the County Commissioners to extend the time in cases of necessity and on account of the lateness of the season these notices are mailed out so as to give the land owners the opportunity to do this work when the work in their crops is complete, and at any rate not later than the middle of August. If the land owner or his agent neglects to do this work within the time specified, then upon that fact being reported to ihe County Commissioners it beeomes the duty of the County Commissioners to have the work done at the expense of the land owner, and if the land owner refuses to pay the expense of cleaning out his stream it is made the duty of County Commissioners to sell the land or as much thereof as is necessary to pav this expense. HUGH G. BROWN. Supervisor of York County WHAT DID BUICK DO i AUGUST 1st P s City Motor Co f Op. Pottoffice, ROCK HILL, S.< (GAINS IN ind Furniture ; unusually low prir of Bureaus, Beds m ands, tnairs, iaetc. RGUSON ONE 29 ^ CT? fOET MIX (f I Is Your 1 1 Comfort A The average man sp ? a day, one-third his s Of course he ought y fortable bed to sleep ft Realizing this, we c a of beds at all times. * Some are higher pri y but all are good vali ft we are asking for tfi A Our stock of other 1 x sities also is large, | pared to furnish you 0 or with just what y< ft Nothing adds more ft cleanliness and atti ? home, especially du y than nice floor matl 0 We have a variety c ft all moderately price X to inseert flipm. -j ? r I Young & ? -A_- O. JO GOOD THI Groceries, Market, Country Produce. , Plioue Fourteen. V J I I ! ! 535 _ EAT ELECTRIK "The Bette If for 110 other reason, El* v .Better Bread" because it is retaining the natural flavor it from your grocer and "TASTE THE D ELECTRIK MAI R.. A. WUaoa, Prop. READ THE TIMES ,V ^ ^ ^ " -V*" "" w" ^lr ^ r- V w-cT> . k. L0.)TIME8 5ted I able? f >ends eight hours R life, in bed. ? to have a com- * > in. Q eirry a big stock (j iced than others, * lies at the V tern. fl rousehold neces- ft and we are pre- X ir home complete * >u need. ' 0 to the comfort, ft activeness of the ft ring the summer, ( "lnrr W L 4... >f pretty patterns, 0 d, and invite you I ; fc Wolfe j t OSTES 1NGS TO EAT 1 K # : MAID BREAD it Brwd" ctrik-Maid would be "The electrically baked, thereby of the ingredients. Order irrBRKNOE" D BAKE SHOP hock mix, 8. c. ^ *' ?ife : 'i'r~Te ' .V j ?y i ??J " Timet are dhftaging. Bill collectors have jot 00 now that they go prowlmg around at almost any % ? % THE REA Not what you g inheritance, not wh in life, but what yo effort is what will successful. Wha t to better your co are you saving? A for future needs b; ings account HER First Nati< Operated Under the Str United States j Young, Woll I Funeral Dii Emba MOTOll EC Day Phones 144 and FORT MILL. Always' * / You will always fi Store the freshest thing in GROCEF We are in busines get rich in a day, and "are satisfied profit. BRADFO HALL STREET I CUPS.SAUC I Plain white and ment just receiv . * ,?i wT'Tt - Sy Z *"1 i ' ^ ?I %jV - aVv +^Z xi". * / w :et by chance or \ iat you start with u gain by honest make you truly * are you doing nrlitinn? WKat AAV?A?.A\/AA f ? AAM V ccumulate funds y starting a savE?NOW. % >nal Bank ict Supervision of the Government fe & Parks j rectors and I Imers I iUlPMENT 1 34; Night Phone 34 ? SOUTH CAROLINA | <s> The Best ind in stock at this and best of everyWES. >s not expecting to a week or a month with a modest r RD & CO. - - PHONE 113 mmm??wm?mm?Mmm?MM I ????h ERS, PLATES ' / gold band. Ship* r T ? xyju ^ kL 4wfchK^3rnfTdfc':