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':>v gP / THE FORT MILL TIMES Thursdn y s?Democratic. "W. It. Bradford. Editor and Publisher. The Times Invite* contributions on live subjects, but does not agree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. The right in reserved to edit every communication subtnltted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, loom and long distance. No. 1]2. I _J : . Kntered ut the postottlce at Fort Mill. S. C.i an mall matter of the second class THURSDAY, AUGUST, 3 1922. , ^ 11 Patty" Arbuckle is now n guest in the magnificent home he formerly owned in Los Angeles. His manager owns the place. All the money that Arbuckle has made since his fatal booze party last "September was a small sum for writing a scenario, lie is now directing an obscure actor while waiting for Will llays to let him come baelc in the movies. The way of the transgressor is hard and most people will agree thai it ought to be. Notwithstanding the talk about the poisonous liquor that the bootleggers and blind tigers are sell ing, the doctors report that then are four-fifths fewer deaths in Mow \ nl'l; nit v tliuii in fli** nlii saloon days. The same ratio holds good throughout the country. New York police add thu. arrests for drunkenness now arc / ore-third less than in 191 il. The national situation is similar. Bu still there are people who claim that there is more drunkenness now than ever before. Oeorge Curmaek, one of the purty whose gold strike openen up the Klondike, has just died in Vancouver. The telegraph wire, announced his death in just 2^ words. We are too busy hunting gold in our own way to pa> much attention to t'urmack i. death. With the perspective oi time, we now see that the Yukon gold rush did not amount to much after all; but it led to the industrial and commercial open iug up of the far north, whosi timber, coal, fish, meat and gram will be its real gold, and in that respect the gold rush was a vers big thing. All England is tulking abou. the feat of Thomus Hamilton oi Sundudy. 11c built a house ah by himself. ?The building, 50 bv _ 100 feet, will be used for a mov ing picture theater. Hamilton /l.,~ !.?*: -n a uug uiu luuiiuaiiuiin, iuiu an tnc v % brick, put oil the roof, installed all the fixtures aud put 011 al the finishing touches, withoui help of any kind. He was on tin job not quite two years. Euglisi people think Hamilton did a bit thing. But Americans will thinl ho did a foolish thing. An Anler iecu would huve hired half ft do/ en men to help him and the jol would have been completed in j couple of months and by thi time he would have been collect ing rent for more than 18 month* A third of the farm laud ii Sweden now uses electricity fo power. Farmers over there ar beginning to make inquiric about electric propelled plow ?nd harrows. Many of them us "" s' electric^ saws ^ to vcut their fin woou ami plumber, some eve '* ^ dm)# ^>ow ^Tiffr plant* Bat many Swedin jw^i?-^tmerel \ NOTICE ???? ^4 NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the fork County Democratic Executive Committee neid this July 31st, 1922, the folic wing amounts were fixed for various offices, to wit: fiouse of itepreseuiatives, $25; County iSup^visor, $*U; 'treasurer, $40; Auditor, $oO; Frobale Judge, $40; Superintendent of Education, t>oo ; County Commissioners, $15 ; Magistrates: Bethel Township, $lo; Bethesda, $10; Broad Kiver, $10; Bullock Creek, $lu; Cataw- ' oa, $25; Ebenezer, $15; King's Mountain, $17.50; Fort Mill, *$15; Vork, $20; Township Supervisors, $5. 'Ihe foregoing assessments must j oe paiu to euner me ^uairiuaii or Secretary of the Committee on or before 12. o'clock noon oL j ruseday, August 8th, 1922, and , pledges must be signed and filed ! at the same time. The following 1 schedule for campaign meetings in~the County was also adopted,' to wit: McConnellsville ? Wednesday, August 9th. I Ogden?Thursday, August 10. 'I Kock liill?Saturday, August j 12th. ~ Fort Mill?Wednesday, August ! 10th. Forest Hill?Friday, August i 16th. Clover?Saturday, August 19th liethany?Tuesday, August 22. Hickory Grove ? Wednesday, . August 23rd. Blairsville ? Thursdav, August 241 h. York?Saturday, August 2uth. The following managers of elec- j lions and polling places for the i various precincts were fixed for | she first Primary election to be! in Id Tuesday, August 29ih, 1922:' Aragon Polling Place ? Joe Howe's Store; Managers, T. O. Blackburn, K. M. Sutton, It. C. MeFadden. Bethel ? Ford's Store; II. E. j Sifford, II. K. Davis, \V. L. Adams; Clerk, Mrs. II. C. Barnett. Bethany?Mctjill Bros'. Store; J. N. Pursley, W. B. McClill, Lee jettys. Blairsville ? Blairsville School iloust'* S. L. Hlnir (E.Medur iiii, 1*. S. Kussell. buliovk < reek?P. B. Ckiode's Stoic; E. X. Lunkhead; L. L. Dowdle, T. K. Blair. Catawba?Simpson Store; "VV. H^Spuncer, 11. Al. Lineberger, T. E. Pat toil. Cannon Mill?Odd Fellows' ilall; Preston S. Tliomasson, Robert F. Lee, Wrn. K, Chambers. Clover?Town Hall or Presbyterian Church; Fred 11. Jackson, B. A. Jackson, Sam J. Matthews. Fort MilL-Town llall; \V. M. \\ ilson, A. L. Parks, Fred Nims, Jr. Forest Hill?Forest Hill School House; W. P. Boyd; 1). F. Whisjnant, F. L. Beard. Kbenezer ? Matthews' Store ; B. M. Anderson, J. L. Currence, ). M. Taylor. Filbert?Land's Mill; F. C. Walker, J. Boy Ferguson, W. W. Jackson. Hickory drove?Office of 11. L. A. Smith; J. K. Allison, J. 11. , Hood, Jet. Smith. Hopewell ? Hopewell School ' House; J. W. Srnarr, B. R. Jones, V. D. Howell, i Lesslie?Lcsslie School House; i J. F. .Shillinglaw, J. T. Spencer, . l). G. Lesslie. ( McConnellsville? Store Building of McConuell; J. A. llarshaw, ' C. C. Moore, James M. Lindsay. c Mitchell's Store ? At Mitch ell's Store; 11. F. Rcid, J. E. ('aid. well, Thos. Mitchell. j Newport?Jackson's Store;Jim Faris, Frank Glenn, George Mar11 tin. 8 New Zion?New Zion School - House; A. E. Burns, N. F. Robin ?. son, E. B. McCarter. Ogden?Ogden School House; F i, II. Simpson, 1. S. Kidd, H. Millei r Dnnlap. r* Rock Hill No. 1?City Hall e Hiram Hutchinson, Paul Work ,s man, E. G. Nunn. a Rock Hill No. 2?City Hall e James N. Benton, Jno. W. Mill ir.g, Robt. 11. Mobley. Rock Hill No. 3?Arcade-Vic " toria School House; D. Ij. Moss :t C N. Stutts, J? B. Porter, d Rock Hill No. 4?RI T. Fewel >r & Co., West Main Street; J. P ,e Gulp, Thorn Neely Ralph Arm ' strong. Si Santiago?A. M. MeGill's Store " A C. "White, J. E. Bigger, R. 41 Be Brown. y JHrug Storey ? is* jv. THE FORT HULI John DfRc attributes bis success always made die otl proposition d<#n in That's what the merchants of ? Their advertisements spfeak for the And what they put dawn in bL back of. Thev want vour business. Th tabon to do business with them. That's why they advertise, and th her shopping nowadays until sh< and posted herself on prices. Is there an easier or better way i It only requires a few minute . advertisements. The Boy Scout's motto is "Be F # That's what every housewife sh market > Read the advertisements and y times the cost of the subscriptic save many dollars to add to you Reading advertisements in this Try it for a month aid check i I th .? .1 r? i r 11 lhats anotner rvocKeieuer ma? the dollars will take care of then There are hundreds of pennies advertisements in this paper evei Quinii, \V. W. Whiteside*. Tirzali?Smith's Store; W. T. Dates, Walter Shillinglu\f, .J. A. Campbell. York No. 1 ?-Court I lOuse; K. M. Dixon, R. L. Wilkerson, II. C. .Smith; \v. ii. Keller. Cldrk. York No. 2?City Hull; It. T. Beam guard. .1. C. Parrott, it. .J. Maekorell. Beersheba ? Bersheeba School House; W. A. Carroll, J. L. licmpheill, Hugh ?). Love. Polls will open at 8 A. M. and close at 4 P. M. All clubs which have an enrollment of ^over 50 must use the Australian Ballot System in the said election, and rules governing same must be obtained from tlie t-huirunin snare tary or managers of election. In. order to vote at the sail primary, all voters must have been regularly enrolled on th ? club rolls ot' their respective precincts. JOHN A. MARION, County Chairman. Attest? * J. II. SAYE, Secretary. i HEADACHES CAN BE CURED BY PROPERLY FITTED GLASSES Although you may s^ perfectly, both neur and far, ia it not possible that you are using up Nerve Force to do so? We have furnished Glasses in a great maney just such cases with beneficial results, Our rooms are equipped with all the latest improved instruments and appliances known to the science of Optics. n ccJJKkit' ^ Optomotrifta and Opticians . Izard Building Ground Floor Hampton Street ROCK HILL - S. C. { Wear one pair Humming Bird . Silk Hose and you will always call for them. They last longer i and look better. $1.50 at Mas: sey's. I *. ' Haw a Xfm* ->.* W?*ivyvu f vw.?vniu ?iu UJ Rata?Farmers Heed. ' | Dr. Vf. H. Butler says, "I us< I HAT-SNAP around my hospital 5 ; every three months, whether ] '. see rats or not. It does the wdrl | ?RAT-SNAP gets them everj ; | time. I recommend it to every - body having rats." Don't wai until there is a brood of rats, ac - immediately you see the first one > Three siees, 35c,. 65c, $1.^5. Sol< by Lytic Drug Co. and Moore 'i * Drug Store. NOTICE OF BALK. The undersigned will sell al ; the household and kitchen furn >. iture and some tools belonging t the estate of Sallie A. Nivens, de ;. ceased, at the late home of th 1. deceased ^on Tuesday,August^ ^ J922, (1 o cl^ck^ ^ '"y *'r "* ' ' . (8. 0.) TIMES 1 I -U Mr'* ^? i ickefeller to the fact that he her fellow put his Bldck and White. this town are doing (or you. unselves in black and white, ack and white they stand eir advertisements are an invie wise housekeeper never does ; has read the advertisements saving money? s of vour time to scan the * Vepared.** ould be when she goes out to ou will not alone save many >n to this paper, but you will r bank account paper is profitable reading, up the pennies you will save, tim: "Save your pennies and i selves." i to be saved by reading the y issue. Exports Painting Ail Automobile We make it look like a NEW CAlt, especially when it has been rubbed down and sandpapered and the finest quality of coach paint and varnish has been used. When we paint a car in any desired color it looks like new and the paint will last indefinitely. It will also protect it and you get protection and beauty combined when it is painted by Tnnvcnv'c paint UUUilUUll I) SHOP JAS. A. JOHNSON, Manager- r. Auto Painters. Body and Top Builder* ROCK HILL, S. C. THE QL Is governed to a from which it is many people cor Everything we s merit. Long ex tancrht lis now tr ers get the ben< why they remaii Fort Mi I ANN< ' To The E i I \ We are equippe and any kind oi V ?m mm m 9 and cordially II * i I We carry Ffani H and we can mar I Rock Hi * rsii THE UNIVEM . li J II . v I I J LJ Atten | FordOi nurtc IiLta almn * v/? vi ^/ui III\V nimvj j | worth while, are counl I parts are manufacture i i highest possible rate I grades of steel used ai the same high quali treated alloy steels formulas for the mar UINE FORD PART Don't be misled ?Insist uj PARTS made by the Fori so doing you will get frc more wear from them, e lowest possible cost?the 50% OF GENUIN1 RETAIL FOR LESS A _1. ? D mK lor raru When your Ford car, or 1 attention, call on us. For i erly equipped, employ cor use Genuine Ford and repair work: Heath M FORT MIL fAUTY OF great extent by the qi s made. That is oni ne here for their flour ell in foodstuffs is of 1 :perience in the groc > judge and how to bi ;fit. And that, we i 11 customers of ours fi II Cooperative E. S. PARKS, Manager. 3UNCE1 tuildinor Publir. nf d to make quick delii : Building material ri rite your inquiries. ting, Flooring, Ceiling, lement, Moldings, La lufacture anything in "ft '! * ill Lumber ( AL CAR ^ j! if ion II aality of the flour e reason why so ? the same order of ery business has ay. Our customnight remark, is rom year to year. e Store WENT Fort Mill r v i irenes or Lumoer ght at your* door Siding, Shingles, - '+ the, Doors, Sash, Millwork. Company ROCK HILL, S. C. wners! ist everything else terfeited. Imitation d to SELL at the of profit and the re consequently not ty, specially heatspecified in Ford tufacture of GEN'S. x>n GENUINE FORD d Motor Company. By >m 35 to 100 per cent ind you will pay the same everywhere. 5 FORD PARTS THAN 10c EACH ) Price List Fordson tractor needs remember we are propnpetent mechanics, and Fordson parts in all 1 otor Co. .L, S. C. RPR AH