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JW*/ " . ' j V | * # 1 V NEWS ABOUT TOWN. fl t Mr. and Mrs. John S. Potts rj spent the last week-end with rel- s atives in Sanford, N. C. I Mts. Meacham Thrower and ^ her sons of York are visiting at e _ the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Lytle for a few days. t Walter Patterson of the Pleas- s ant Vall#?v PAmnmnitv ununt eral duys recently in Washington Mrs. Alice Stougli and her y children of Cornelius, N. C., are ^ guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. n JSpratt. v Mrs. Mary Ardrey left Tuesday morning for a visit of several c days at the home of her son, F. t E. Ardrey, in Aiken. I Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Branson of \ Canton, N. C., motored to Fort \ Mill Sunday and spent the day ( at the home of L. A. Harris, x. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimbrell c of Charlotte, N. C., were weekend guests of Mr. Kirabrell's pa^rents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). G. Kimbrell. near town. * Mrs. .J. \V. H. Dyehes and her children, Eva Dell Dyehes and u Raymond ami Kenneth Dyehes. c are visiting Mrs. Dyehes* father, s C A. Gregory, at Clover, Va. c The family of Dr. W. G. Moore f a day or two ago moved from s Lancaster to Fort Mill .and is * now occupying the McMurray ' residence in Whiteville park. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Merritt and ! Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Ferguson motored to Asheville, N. C'., last ^ Wednesday for a stay, of a few days in the mountains *of North Carolina. Arthitr C. Lytle, mayor of Fort Mill, left yesterday morning for j( Columbia to spend two or three days with the Fort Mill military companies, which are now at * Cniup Jackson taking part in the i a n ' i n uiiuuui t'licuiiipuiem 01 me uoin i infantry. National Guard. L, Joel A. Epps of Tampa, Fla., Uj arrived in Fort Mill a few days u ago for a visit at the home of his v father, lion, S. H. Epps, in the Gold Hill community. Another guest of Mr. Epps is his brother, o John Newt Epps, who moved 'b f.oin this section to Florida about v "35 years ago. a Charles II. Bradford of Fort t Mill was one of 15 successful up- jj plicants who stood the cxainina- d tion in Florence last Thursday c before the State board of examiners for license to practice phar- t macy in South Carolina^ Fill jeu t. ^ other applicants failed 011 the ex- ^ . aniination. Dr. Bradford is a re- ^ cent graduate of the Medical r College of South Carolina. e Among the visitors to Fort Mill c this week was Sheriff Fred E. i Quinn, who spent several hours in town Tuesday afternoon on t official business. While here Slier- s iff Quinn stated that his office ex- i pected to be unusually busy for t severui wectcs loiiowing inc ursi j of September, when rax execti- s tions amounting to several thou- t sand dollars will be turned over t to him by the county treasurer for collection. i A number of young people of 1 the upper section of Fort Mill j were entertained a few evenings t ago at a party given by Mrs. t Hratton Epps at her home in the i Flint Hill section in honor of Miss 1 Lillie Epps of Lumberton, N..C., i Miss Margaret Caldwell of Ches- i ter and Miss Beatrice Parks of t Fort Mill. The hostess, assisted * by Miss Roman ice Epps, served refreshments. 1 Camp will be broken Saturday < by the 118th infantry at Camp 1 Jackson, Columbia, and* the two 1 ? ? ? ?? *??? ? ><H 0 1 * * *> * O , Mr. FARMER: ? * i; to call on us if 1 ? ] ; ; buying a first clas I BUGGY 01 : and are interestec ? r or both at a low ] I POTTS S(i ' . - !?. ? * - ~ ' ( m ^ort Mill companies are expected o return home Supday morning. Phere has been practically no ickness among the Fort Mill toys since the encampment bejan two weeks ago and all are ixpected to return home in good tealth. This year, as last year, xcessjve rains have interfered oinewliat with the success of the ncarapment. Up to this time few loads of iome raised watermelons have >een brought into Fort Mill from learby farms, but within the next veek or ten days the supply is xpected to be much larger. Two >f the largest melon growers of he community are J. F. Lee and loyce Hen net t. Mr. Lee said esterday that his melons were >t ginning to ripen, but that he lid hot expect his best ones to c ready for the market for sev ral days yet. Has Good Half Year. The semi-annual inventory of he Fort Mill Cooperative associ ixion was completed a lew days go and at a meeting of the board if directors Thursday evening a emi-annual dividend of 5 peloid wus declared. The business f the association for the first ix months of the year was shown >y the report of the manager, E. >. Parks, to he entirely satisfacoi v. The officers of the associaion are: George Fish, president; ). P. Brown, vice president, and 'has. W. Kason, secretary and 1 easurer. Mrs. C. B. Merritt Dead. Mrs. Mamie Lee Merritt, wife >f Chas. B. Merritt, died at her iome in the Barberville section f Lancaster county yesterday lorning, following a long illness. Irs. Merritt was 38 years old and ias the mother of several cliilren. She was a member of llarison Methodist church, where lie funeral was held this morning t 10 o'clock. The interment ;as in Harrison churchyard. Never before has the number f strikers in the United States ten so large as at present. Adices to the department of labor t Washington indicate that more hat 1 million. men are idle at the iresent time on account of the lifferences between labor and apital. Reduction of the regular ann> o the strength of 125,000 enlistd men, provided for by Congress in the current army appro iriutiou bill, already is in progess. The coast artillery, medical orps and various other staff orps are beginning to dwindle n size, with recruiting shut oft. A blow on the head from a hiig's weapon has restored the ight in one eye of Charles .Stunners of Williamsport, Pa. The bug stole $28 from Summers' >orket, and now. the victim is eeking the thug to pay him $22. 0 make a total of $50 for the resoration of his sight. The Ku Klux Klan has abanloned Lanier university, at Atanta, and will sell or lease tin* noperty as soon as possible, all eachers having bene notified that heir services are no longer required. This statement was made Col. W. E. Thompson, perso ml representative of the Klan's mperial wizard, in Raleigh, N. C.. 1 few days ago. FOR RENT ? One desirable T-room dwelling on half acre lot m Tom Ilall street opposite Presbyterian church. Apply to Alex Barber. *? (> * 1 * ' * * * I We invite you j; pou contemplate ;; IS v\ <> WAGON J < \ !? 1 in securing one ii price. ' 1PPLY CO. i i t I } : . ANNOUNCEMENTS. < FOR CONGRESS \ 1 hereby announce that I am a ( candidate in the Democratic primaries of South Carolina for the nnminotinn fn>" n# ' wwm?mm%?vu &VA V OVUVU1 If C V* | the Fifth Congressional District for the 68tli Congress, and I take j this opportunity to thank the peo- ^ pie of the District for their loyal support in the past and to ""Bay that 1 shall endeavor to deserve their support and confidence in the* future. W. F. STEVENSON. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR 1 am a camlidate lor reelection < as ('ountv Supervisor, subect to < the approval of the Democratic < purtv in the primary. x 1 HUGH W. BROWN. ] ~ I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the choice of the vot? rs ^ in the Democratic primary elcc- ' tion. S. E. LATHAM. 1 , At the solicitation of voters of [ practically all sections of York county, i have decided to announce myself as a candidate for | nomination for the office of county supervisor of York Coantv, ' subject to the approval of the oters in the primary election. If nominated 1 pledge myself to give the taxpayers an etlicient, economical business administration. JOHN F. GORDON. ' FOR COUNTY TKE-VSl'IUiR. Tin; Times is authorized to ann ounce Mrs. LUCIA EWART 1 QU1NN as a candidate for Treasurer ,of York County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself as a . candidate for Treasurer of York , County, according to the rules of I lie Democratic primary. Win. A. DOUGLAS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York 1 County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters 1 in the primary election. ARTHUR T. HART. 1 am a candidate for the office ( of Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary ( election. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby unnounce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. W. D. THOMASSON. I am u candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation oX tjie Democratic voters in the primary election. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of York 1 County, subject to the recommen- ? dation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. *1). L. SH1EDER. 1 I am a candidate for Treasurer ' of York County, subject to the j recommendation of the Democrat- 1 ic voters in the primary election. 1 JOHN R. LOGAN. 1 I am a candidate for Treasurer ' o? York County, subject to the 1 /\p !? A 1 tj>l>iuiui ui i ui- unnun;iiu: vol* era in the Primary Elect ioit< ERNEST W. GUY. i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 hereby announce myself us a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the 'voters in the Democratic primary^ E. W. PURSLEY. I am a candidate for renomination in the Democratic primary for the House of Representatives and will be grateful to the voters of the county for such support as they feel I am worthy of. W. R. BRADFORD. At the .request of numerous tax payers, who are interested in lower taxes, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. PORTER B. KENNEDY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. J. L. SPRATT. I hereby announce myself'a can. didate for the House of Repre| scntatives, subject to the action of the voters of York Couhty in the Democratic Primary. W. C. TALLY. JUDGE OF PROBATE To the Voters of York Couhty: |" At the solicitation of friends, I am a candidate for the office of Judge of Probate. I am qualified to discharge the duties of the ' I ' ? office. I will appreciate your rapport of my candidacy. I will abide the result of the primary flection. G. P. SMITH. I am a candidate for Probate Judge of York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Being a young man, I am naturally subject to inquiry as to character, standing, habits and capacity, and where my fellow citizens are satisfied with the re suit of such inquiry, I will appreciate their support. Respectfully, RALPH II. CAIN. Sharon, S. C. < I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Probate Judge of York bounty, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic Primary. J. L. HOUSTON. .. If you contemplate buying a Piano. Phonograph or New Home Sewing Machine it will pay you well to got L. .1. Massey's prices and get posted. FOR SALE?I have one hundred bushels of good sound white Porn in shuck. Price reasonable. Alexander Barber. 4t TAX EXTENSION. . Notice is hereby given that the time for the payment of State and county taxes has been extended to June 1, 1922, with a penalty of 3 per cent for March, 5 per cent for April. t> per cent for May Mild 8 per cent plus costs of treasurer from June 1, when executions will go into the bauds of the dieriff. II 1C VV1T, Ak. 11 * J k Lij Treasurer of York County. WE WANT TO KNOW YOU AND WANT YOU TO. KNOW US The best way for you to become agreeably * acquainted with us is to let us clean, repair and press your clothes. One trial will convince you that our mutual business acquaintanceship will be worth while. ROGERS' BARBER SHOP Phone 28 Work Called For and Delivered Servant Girl Wouldn't Go in Oellar, fearing Rats. Mrs. Tepper, Plainfield, N. J. - I 1 A..? mij'h, ivuiH were so uau ui out cellar the servant girl wouldn't go there. Bought some RATSNAP and it cleaned "all the rats out." RAT-SNAP destroys rats and mice. Absolutely prevents odors. Comes in cake form, no mixing. Cats or dogs won't touch it Three sizes, 35e, G5e, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. and Moore's Drug Store. SOUR STOMACH MESTION IhWi Black-Draagkt Highly Irr?if ctcd by iTinim Croctr for TrodkUs totokiag froa Torpid Lhrff. last Nash rills. Tens.? Ths sfflo- . Isaej of Thedford's Black-Draught, ths genuine, herb, Htst medietas, la Touched for by Mr. W. N. Paraoms, g Croeer of this city. -It U without Ssnkt ill* W 1I**? don't boiler# I could got along without It I toko It for sour stomach, hood* ache, bod Urer, Indigestion, end oil other troublee that ore the result of i torpid llror. 1 hero known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend It to every one. I won't go to bed with* not It In the house. It win do all It elates to do. I cant any enough for It* Jinny other men and women through* not the country hare found Black* Draught Just as Mr Parsons describee ?valuable In regulating the liver to Me normal fmqtlmii. and In oieeneliii the bowels el tonpurltlea Thodford's Black-Dmnght ttvor modi dm is the orlglaal and onl^ genuine, dteept no Imitations or substitute* 4. Alma M| la TftUlwrt M ' -A J ' *i ' ' Good Dn Thftra aro nv?r 000 rfnior ? that because of the dependal chandise and service to the ] tributors of NYAL PRODUC1 places the interest of the cut action, and the service rendei plete until the customer is e When you have a prescriptioi it to a good drug store?one strength drugs, and compoum by your physician. You are drug store service at Nyal ( is one in Fort Mill, and it is? MOORE'S DF W. C. MOORE. F i I CULP BRi 1 : Undertakers ai t I We have put in i fins and Caskets | eral Supplies in th< | ther rear of our st | Hearse. | PHONE / Why Do the CI Community Look Happy? Because They E | Bread Daily. ! Ask Your Grccei BOCK HILL ST We Have Recently Mad ifon in the Price of Our I UUt' L . [ . L l > " | New Groc We have opened i |! in the Storeroom |> by R. F. Gricr ii )' Building and solid || the public. || - Our stock is fresl 11 offer the lowest pri || Groceries can be so p Armstron: SI PHON JOB PRI AT THE TIMES OFFIC -.^ * ' ' ' J * : : ' ^ I ig Stores itores in the United States ale character of their meraublic were selected as disTS. Each of these stores itomer first in every transited is not considered comntirely satisfied, i to be filled be sure to take > that will use only pure, full d it in the manner prescribed assured of uniformly good Quality Drug Stores. There UJG STORE 'h, G., Manager OTHERS I & t id Embalmers ? W i supply of Cof < ? and other Fun- | s building just to ore, also a Motor | I NO. 15. I '*> I < tiildren of This So Healthy and 1 //?X 1 W L,at "Kock Hill i r For It. | EAM BAKERY e a Substantial ReducJread. i I '?? ery Store 1 4 ? i Grocery Business + formerly occupied I 1 the Town Hall I V t the patronage of | I ' j i and clean and we | ces at which good | Id. | g & Hope | * e u i ' . 1 J -3 INTING E - - PHONE 112 . .. r* *iw / ."v; IpSP^l i