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* FARM LOAM PERVERSION. (Continued from Page 1.) sitting in Washington, remote from farms and farmers, entirely in sympathy with high finanoe and the party in power, to dic* tate the loan and all other policies of the farmers' banks. knt if* tLiu ?w\t nnAiiirli it v I llltl 1* V? V ?? VI VUVU^ll v/l usurpation ami centralization, the bureau virtually proposes to <Jo away with the national farm loan associations which Congress designated as the foundation of - the system. As the law stuiuls, a prospective borrower must join his local national farm loan association and have his application for a loan approved by that association, each member of which thereby becomes sponsor and to a certain extent indorsee of his mortgage note. As it passes each loan, tiie association takes additional stock in its land bank to the extent of 5 per cent of the loan, and borrowing member takes stock in the association to the same extent. Thus the asso- 1 ciatious are tlie sole stockholders of the banks. The farm loan bureau now proposes that it shall be empowered to make loans directly to borrowers and also that associations may 'be voluntarily liquidated. . Taken together, these two pro- ' visions mean that the further formation of associations will be el is- , con raged and that eventually they will be eliminated. The banks will then be composed of non-voting individual stockholders ajid borrowers and there will be no cooperative organi/.ations. The placing of loans will then become permanently a matter of discretion by the .management of the bureau controlled bank. That is. of course, the situtaiou at present under the temporary organizations. Thus the plan of Con gross to provide tor cooperative financing of their needs by associations'of fanners absolutely independent of outside control will be nullified. The determination of local Joans will pass from a local cooperative body to a distinct bank controlled from Washington, even though the fanners own all the stock in the banks? ** they already own 85 per cent ? and are responsible for all the loans. There may be something in n name, but we have a friend named Crook who is one of the straightest men we ever knew. Delightf Differen What more can be said? Th< lightful?our line of Toilet C I TOILET WATERS, EXTRA SACHETS, ROUGES, COMI FOOD. Your favorites are among th and sell them. *^V ' . ' LYTLE D BIG BAR< Second Har We are offering \ ces on a number i steads, Washstai bles, Oil Stoves, e - * v B. C. FEF T w* * - I * % NOTICE To Land Owners and Their Agents in York County to Clean Out Their 8treama. ? Whereas under an amendment to the Constitution of this State ratified and approved February 18, 1905, the General Assembly of this State was authorized to make and enqct local and special laws concerning drainage, and Whereas in order to preserve the health of the people and in order to enable them to raise crops upon their bottom lands it is absolutely necessary to remove all trash, rafts and obstructions from the running streams of watei, and Whereas a local drainage law was enacted in the year 1014 for York County, therefore all lanu owners and their agents in York County are hereby notified that it is their duty under the law of the land 011 or before the loth day of August now next ensuing to remove from the running streams of water flowing through their lands all trash, trees, rafts, timber, snags .and overhanging limbs, and all other obejcts that obstuct the natural flow of the water, and, by running streams is meant the running stream of a drainage district as well as all other creeks. You will receive notices from your Township Commissioners requiring you to do this work. The law specifies that the notices are to be sent out between the 1st day of July and the 10th day of July, but authorizes the County Commissioners to extend the time in eases of necessity and on account of the lateness of the season, these notices are mailed out so as to give the land owners the opportunity to do this work when the work in their crops is complete, ami at any rate not later than the middle of August. If the land owner or his agent neglects to do this work within the time specified, then upon that fact being reported to the County Commissioners it becomes the diity of the County Commissioners to have the work done at the expense of the lain! owner, and if the land owner refuses to pay the expense of cleaning out his stream it is made the duty of County Commissioner* to sell the land or as much thereof as is necessarv to pay this expense. HUGH G. BROWN. Supervisor of York County I * ully t }y are different?they arede reations CT8, PACE POWDERS, 'ACTS, DREAM AND SKIN em. It is a pleasure I RUG CO. Store i * jAINS IN id Furniture jnusuallv low nri 0 ? -- g of Bureaus, Bedids, Chairs, Talc. tGUSON IE 29 " V- ' *- i *- ; -??* > - .' ; i-v, : - .3 fHK fOET MILL | Is Your I Comforl SThe average, man s a day, one-third his Of course he oughl 0 fortable bed to slee A Realizing this, we n of beds at all times jt Some are higher p x but all are good va A we are asking for t A Our stock of other x sities also is' large, II pared to furnish yo Q or with just what y Nothing adds mor a cleanliness and atl * home, especially d i Si than nice floor mai y We have a variety < fi all moderately prio ?! to inspect them. I Young 6 ^K=i>|i = itl' = >?X3>Wg>WC>t?C .A.. o. JC /1AA1V mTTI liUUDMJ Groceries, Market, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. EAT ELECTRIK "The Bette If for no other reason, Ele< Better Bread" because it is retaining the natural flavor it from your grocer and "TASTE THE D ELECTRIK MAI R. A. Wilson, Prop. READ THE TIMES I BVSBY WUK FOR HOME NEWS J (8.0.) TIMES vt * r?3? ? Bed ho Kln5 LU UlV/i { spends eight hours s life. in bed. t to have a comspiin. carry a big stock 5. ; ? riced than others, lues at the prices hem. household necesand we are preur home complete rou need, e to the comfort, tractiveness of the iring the summer, > tting. ! of pretty patterns, I ed, and invite you : | fc Wolfe I I iISTES INGS TO EA1 : MAID BREAD r Bread" ctrik-Maid would be "The electrically baked, thereby of the ingredients. Order HTERENCE" D BAKE SHOP ? ROCK HILL, R. C. Times are changing. Bill co lectors have got so now that the go prowling around at almost an time of the month. Looks as if those stories c boose ships might be intended t promote ocean travel. ^ ,1 "Mi *L*. I A Cordial j | The United State* posits its funds wi the State of Soutl posited here. We I pository for the fun 1 The Town of Fort counts here. We 1 J District and handle J But? J what wc are j J. the fact that M j TWO THOU5: 5 .people of this e< i satisfied custo J strong, growi J Bank. J We cordially invite 1 and find out the ki \ vice these friends i yours are getting h First Natii I Operated Under the Sti ] United States If - V > V * ? V v v v ^ V V Vv j| Young,Wol 11 Funeral Dii 1| Emba 0 1 MOTOR E(, x i * A ?> w \ Day Phones 144 and ^ it FORT MILL. ~ < Always' 1 You will always fi Store the freshest thing in GROCEF We are in busines get rich in a day, < and 'are satisfied profit. l BRADFOl I 11 a ? f omifc nAiJ. aiKbLi MORE NEW We received another shipme HAM?pretty patterns, arsoi 9 v THE CAS y , PHO o S. A. LEE and T. ? v *- I ..; ? - _ * * x . W t i i invitation % * Government dcith us. Funds of i Carolina are deare an active dells of York county. Mill carries its acFinance the School its funds. >roudest of is I ORE THAN >ANI) of the onnnnnity are iinorc af I invi u \ 11 1 ^ ng National others to come in nd of hanking serand neighbors of ere. anal Bank rict Supervision of the Government fe & Parks J rectors and I. Imers t IUIPMENT | 34; Night Phone 34 SOUTH CAROLINA | rhe Best nd in stock at this and best of everyUES. s not expecting to i week or a month with a. modest RD & CO. PHONE 113 r GINGHAM at this week of New GINGrted. HSTORE NE8 F. LYTLE, Mgrs. - V ' # ' / jv j* *