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% A Quality Drug Store 1 The purchase of drugs and medicines j is an important item in one's life. ) mu' -i- .i. ^.1 ?* i ! \ xms uriig store uiereiore maxes n a point to keep its stock up to the high- j est standard of quality. " I W e carry a full line of the famous 11 / N YAL'S REMEDIES and the choicest stock of TOILET ARTICLES. MOORE'S DRUG STORE I W. C. MOORE. Ph. G? Manager f. j | New Grocery Store (i 1 I I w P lisivo rtnpiuul a fii'nnnrr 1*. I CI tiocc 1 I I ? ji * %? T ^ M. 9 V-* 1 \.# W W A y -A~J* A A 13 A II V O O J || in the Storeroom formerly occupied | i || by R. F. Grier in the Town Hall 1 <| Building and solict the patronage of * \ j| the public. ? J || Our stock is fresh and clean and we | || offer the lowest prices at which good | j Groceries can he sold. , I ii 11 i Armstrong & Hope I j PHONE 11 $ \ i: I ?4 I ( : 1 BIG BARGAINS IN j Second Hand Furniture i 4 v 1 We are offering unusually low pri- j ces on a number of Bureaus, Bed- I steads, Washstands, Chairs, Tables, Oil Stoves, etc. B. C. FERGUSON PHONE 29 t n ? _ Soda Fountain x ' SERVICE t&L I : .t v ' . , I , la not only giving you what you order, REAL SODA i SERVICE makes a study of cleanliness and purity to en- 1 sure your having the beat drink or sundae procurable. ; OUR FOUNTAIN is cleaned and inspected daily to ensure that cleanliness so necessary to palatable foods. As to ingredients, we use only the purest, freshest cream and the famous LIGGETT FRUITS and SYRUPS, than which there are none better. And at that, our prices are moderate. ... - 'n ...f ' ' 1 * . "" Hp If.;' LYTLEJ3RUG CO. toFWNT^G| )< ? V ./ * ~~.. 7 ~~ Is Your Bed Comfortable? il iThe average man spends eight hours f a day, one-third his life, in bed. ? Of course he ought to; have a com- * } fortable bed to sleep ift. Q ) Realizing this, we carry a big stock ft ^ of beds at all times. ? | Some are higher priced than others, * I but all are good values at the prices x ] we are asking for them. ft j Our stock of other household neces- ft S sities also is large, and we are pre- x i pared to furnish vour home comnlete x , ^ - - -- J r~?? * j or with just what you need. 0 ] Nothing adds more to the comfort, (j j cleanliness and attractiveness of the A ( home, especially during the summer, ( ] than nice floor matting. V | We have a variety of pretty patterns, 0 !aii moderately priced, and invite you i to inspect them. v | Young & Wolfe | A.. O- JOISTES GOOD THINGS TO EAT Marliot Produce. Ptione Fourteen. ' I ? y I "l_~* EAT ELECTRIK MAID BREAD "The Better Breed" If for no other reason, Electrik-Maid would be "The Better Bread" because it .is electrically baked, thereby retaining the natural flavor of the ingredients. Order it from your grocer and "TASTE THE DIFFERENCE" ELECTRIK MAID BAKE SHOP R. A. Wilson, Prop. ROCK HILL, 8. C. * , 0 . Don't blame the Turks for evHEAD THE TIMES erything?Turkish cigarettes are - made in this country of tobacco EVERY WEEK grown in American fields. 'Another good thing about proFOR HOME NEWS ^*n<loeU ? ^ J ^ M , d IMTHT* V m . ry* \ j v *?? " v . v* - . * ** > * M5=^-E?B ; \ The Road Tn Hcinninaco Is made, smoother by a substantial Savings Account. Money isn't everything, but it certainly helps over the rought spots in life. The inborn feeling of satisfaction and contentment that accompanies a growing Savings Account can only be appreciated by the man or woman who has one. Open your account here am] build for happiness. We offer every facility for safety, convenience, accommodation and courtesy, and pay 4 percent compounded quarterly. First National Bank ' Operated Under the Strict Supervision of the United States Government Young, Wolfe & Parks j | Funeral Directors and | | Embalmers 1 i| MOTOR EQUIPMENT | \l Day Phones 144 and 34; Night Phone 34 ? ;t FORT MILL. - - - SOUTH CAROLINA t Always The Best You will always find in stock at this Store the freshest and best of everything in GROCERIES. We are in business not expecting to get rich in a day, a week or a month and "are satisfied with a modest profit. BRADFORD & CO. HAL!. STREET - 1 - PHONE 113 1 t s NEW SHIPMENT CAPS New patterns Bine Serge and Fancy Caps for Men and \ Boys. Prices 60c and $1.25. Real values at this price. THE CASH STORE PHONES S. A. LGE and T. F. LYTLE, Mgn, * f