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v "- ' % g , " "" NEWS ABOUT TOWN. Leon Ligon of Denmark and Jack Ligon of Shelby, N. C., were guests this week of their uncle, L. A. Harris. Mrs. R. F. Grier returned to her home in Fort Mill this week after a visit of several days to rela- j ' tives in Albemarle, N. C. j if /-v r? t* a v. e * i.. ?f < inn*, u. r. nca iii, luruieriy ui | Midland, N. C\, is now making j her, home with lifer brother, Hon. j 0. W. Potts, in Pleasant Valley. The Rev. W. M. Gordon, with j his family, from Conway spent . several days last week visiting relatives in the Gold Hill coin- 1 m unity. \ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goodsou ' and their children of Allendale I are visiting at the home of Mrs. j Goodson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j C. F. Rodgers. Mrs. J. T. McGregor and her j children of Iiuntsville, Ala., are j guests of Mrs. McGregor's sister. Mrs. W. L. Boyd, and other relatives in Fort Mill. W. T. Barron, cashier of the vFir8t National bank of hurt Mill, left this morning for Florence to attend today and tomorrow a i btate convention of fanners. Officers of the Pleasant Valley Baptist Sunday school have arranged for a Sunday school institute to be held ut that church on August 13 to lt>. M iss Madeline Kelly ol Pelzer and Miss Klizabeth Small 01 Heath Springs are guests for the w efek ot Miss Martha Dvches a. the Baptist pastorium. Mrs. Jesse 1*. Timmerman anu her children have returned their home at '1 Ten ton, Edgefie?v? county, alter a two weeks' visi. to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bennett. Charles 11. Steele of Rock Riu and Miss Annie Wutts of UoUisboro, N. C., were married in the ' study of the Baptist pastoriutn ' Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. .J. < W. 11. Dyches. < A. L. Parks, J. D. Vaughn, T. , A. Mills, S. II. Sutton and the ( Rev. J. W. 11. Dyches attended a , meeting of King's Mountain district council, Junior O. U. A. M.. in Clover last Thursday evening. * The annual picnic of the Fori Mill Baptist church and Sunday school will be given on the churcn grounds next Tuesday afternoon at 7 o'clock. The children will assemble- at 5 o'clock for the < games incident to the picnic. Evangelistic services will Ik held at Pleusant Valley Baptis. . church, beginning the second ( Sunday in Augusi/ and coutinu i ing through the week. The Rev. A. Finch of Kemper, former pas tor of the Fort Mill Baptist ( church, will assist the the pastor ' the Rev. J. \V. 11. Dyches, m tin meeting. ^ Mrs. J. W. Wilie and iier son ( of Ureensboro, N. C., Miss Louisv > McMurray of Washington, D. C. I and Dr. and Mrs. Clarence MeMurruy of Fernandina! Fla.. arc ill Fort Mill ior the marring. ( next Monday afternoon at o'clock of Mtsa Esther McMurra> to Edward J. Ahent of Greens- boro, N. C. The Kev. K. Q. Lee, pastor o* t K|,v_ the hirst Baptist church of Flies- J ter, who recently conducted a t succesful meeting at- the Fort t Mill Baptist church, announced MJpv to his congregation Sunday morn- t ing that he hud decided to ascepi a call to the pastorate of the Fir* * Baptist church of New Orleans which was extended him a few weeks ago. L. A. llarris, E. S. Parks and ? :\t W. B. Ardrey, recently appointed appraisers of the Patterson Dry B?5j|Lv * Gods company, have been busy for several days taking an inven- s tory of the stock. They expect to ^ complete the work before the end of the week and will then ? * report to the trustee, C. S." Link, ? who will in turn report to the c ^ referee in bankruptcy for York t ^ iv county, following which a meet- ( H ?ng of the creditors will be held SL 1 v.. to consider bids for the sale of ' t the.stock. 1 W. L. llall, father of Sergt. * Thomas L. Hall, gallant Port Mill 1 Ip ^^. soldier who lost his life in the atm tack of the 30th division on tlie i l^odenburg line on October 8, ^recently was presented Italian war cross and f * ' "" > Why Do the CI Community Look Haoov? m' ~ Because They E Bread Daily. Ask Your Grocer DfWI/ Ull I CTI nuoiv niLL OIK We Have Recently Made tion in the Price of Our B 4. * t GULP BRt * * a ? : Undertakers an We have put in a fins and Caskets i eral Supplies in the ther rear of our stc Hearse. | PHONE K ? STATEMENT ' }f ihr condition of the Savings Dank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the close of business June 30, li*22. RESOURCES. 01 ' n: ?tinn or.* /?i ^ ^uuua en in i/i^vuu 11 in ... .f ivu,ouu.iM DverUral'la 768.82 11 iunds and Stocks owned by t! bank 6,050.00 f, furniture and Fixtures 4,595.32 .i Due from banks and bankers, 8,040.52 Currency ; 4,G40.oo P Silver and otbt r minor coin.. 370.37 si Total $125,915.67 [! LIABILITIES. 11 Capital Stock paid in $25,000.00 Surplus fund. 12,000.00 Jndivided prolits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,482.81 ndivirlual deposits subject to check $ 87,349.10 . . Cashier's checks.. 83.70 87,432.86 ' ToUl $125,915.67 P? State of South Curolinu, County of York. S. S. Before me came W. B. Meacharn, t.a ireBident of the above named bank, jc vho, being duly sworn, says that the jj ibove and foregoing statement is a rue condition of said bank, as shown >y the books ot said bank. W. B. MEACHAM. p, Sworn to and. subscribed before me his 10th day of July, 1922. ' W. B. MEACHAM, Jr., ?< Correct Attest: Notary Public, in S. L. MEACHAM. i u W. B. MEACHAM, Jr. Directors y GEORGE FISH, ) St ' V( n< (ervant Girl Wouldn't Go in tl Cellar, fearing Bats. ' u Mrs. Tepper. Plainfield, N. J. ays, "Rats were so bad in our ellar the servant girl wouldn't ;o there. Bought some RAT- n( >NAP and it cleaned all the rats Q >ut." RAT-SNAP destroys rats U] ind mice. Absolutely prevents jj dors. Comes in cake form, no / nixing. Cats or dogs wou't touch t Three sizes. 35c. 65c, $1.25. told by Lytle Drug Co. and tl ifoore's Drug Store. TAX EXTENSION. ? C Notice is hereby given that the imo for the payment of State and i? onnty taxes has beeu extended o dune 1, 1922, with a penalty >f 3 per cent for March, 5 per oi ent for April. 6 per cent for May je ffid 8 per cent plus costs of treaa- D iwr from June 1, when execu- el ions will go into the hands of the heriff. H. E. NEIL, ci Treasurer of York County. C '-v -r W& ^ ^ . > * ' ? i ; . v V * . * %* v ** *>* m I I lildren of This So Healthy and at "Rock HilT For It. :am bakery ) a Substantial Rcducread. V OTHERS i d Embalmers ] J 01 supply of Cof- J and other Fun- ! i building just to I 1 m m i >re, also a Motor | | ro. ib. ; ? = ? A * in 1 ????? ** 111 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Q] FOR CONGRESS ' f* 1 hereby announce that. I am a ic undulate in the Democratic primries of South Carolina for the oininatiou for Representative of ** io Fifth Congressional District ur the 68th Congress, and 1 take lis opportunity to thunk the peo- U1 le of the District for their loyal ipport in the past and to say lat I shall endeavor to deserve Ot icir support and confidence in rc ic future. * ?c W. F. STEVENSON. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR ol I aiu a candidate for reelection s County Supervisor, subect to ei ic approval of the Democratic urty in the primary. HUGH W. BROWN. I hereby announce myself > as a indldule for County Supervisor/ subct to the choice of the voters In the emoeratle primary electon. H J. E. LATHAM. je At the solicitation of voters of in ractically all sections of York unity, 1 have decided to an[>unce myself as a candidate for tit miilint ion for (ha nffina .w ? l?V VIUVV VFJL VVUH* All r supervisor of York County, ai ibject to the approval o^ the of >ters in the primary electiou. If tfc nuinated 1 pledge myself to give le taxpayers an efficient,' eco- ] omical- business administration, di .JOHN F. GORDON.^ sc . * of FOR COUNTY THEASDKEK. tb The Times is authorized to antninee Mrs. LUCIA EWART UINN as a candidate for Treas- j rer of York County, subject to | te action of the voters in the Jt emoeratic primary. to I hereby announce myself as a pt imlidate for Treasurer of York W ounty, according to the rules of ic Democratic primary. ! Wm. A. DOUGLAS. ? I hereby announce myself as i ^ indidate for Treasurer of York ** ounty, subject to the recomtnenBtion of the Democratic voters i the primary election. ARTHUR T. HART. ?* T am a candidate for the office f Treasurer of York .County,'subict to the recommendation of the JJ emocratic voters in the primary " action. ' m _ M. C. WILMS. I hereby announce thyself as a di iadidate for Treasurer of York O ounty, subject to the recosmsnr lA A : v * z '* . V r^= GVbi I. -and Ttu The high mi phasize the fac These records, * totals, justify way to build ti; Among the double gum-di of liquid guminternal heat ai Another is pressure, whicl tension. By blending , and by tempe more mileage. Many cord t say one is best. Those who 1 stopped shopp cords standard with Firestone Come in and g I Mi Mi I at ion of the Democratic voters i the primary election. W. D. THOMASSON. I am a candidate for Treasurer t York County, subject to the commendation of the Democratvoters iu the primary election. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. I hereby announce myself a indidate for Treasurer of York ounty, subject to the recommenation of the Democratic voters t the primary election. D. L. SHIEDER. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer f York County, subject to the ^commendation of the Democratvoters in the primary election. JOHN Ii. LOGAN. I am-a candidate for Treasurer f York Oniintv. Kiiho?i?t ihp ^proval of the Democratic vot* iu the Primary Election. ERNEST W. GUY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I hereby announce myself as a tudidate for reelection to lite ouse of Representatives, sub?jt to the action of the voters the Democratic primary. E. W. PURSLEY. I am a candidate for renominaMi in the Democratic primary f the House of Representatives id will be grateful to the voters the county for such support as ey feel I am worthy of. W. R. BRADFORD. [ hereby announce myself a can. date for the House of Reprentatives, subject to the action ' the voters of York County in e Democratic Primary. W. C. TALLY. JUDGE OF PROBATE 1 am a candidate for Probate idge of York: County, subject i the rules of the Democratic irty. Being a young man, I am kturally subject to inquiry as to wacter, standing, habits and ipaeity, and where my fellow iUaiiB AHA aalSaCaJ ~.Uk tU. ^T/UO ai c OOilOllCU W llli me i t*lit of such inquiry, I. will appreale their support. Respectfully, RALPH H. CAIN. Sharon, S. C. I hereby announce myself' a tndidate for reelection to the Rce of Probate Judge of York Minty, subject to the action of ? voters in the Democratic rimary. J: L. HOUSTON. FOB SALE?I have one Iran ed bushels of good sound white m In shush* Price reasonable, lexander Barber. 4t ' ' V -DIPPED C< iirjiigh fiHuu/t,. lcage records of Firestone Cords cor t that Firestone methods are differer steadily increasing in number an< the Firestone contention that there res. primary sources of Firestone extrj pping?the saturation of the cord p -thus coating each cord and virtual!; nd friction. Firestone air bag curing, with iti ti places every cord accurately and ? the rubbers of different plantation ring it before mixing, Firestone n Ires are good?a few are better?Fii tiave already experienced Firestone i ing and experimenting?they have i equipment. Investigate your fric e Coras?and buy your next tire ;et your share of extra mileage. FABRIC {Old Br Id "9*9" 17.99 30 i 3 SR. \i OldSald "999" R.99 30 i 3>a 10. CORD .. ... R*guUr Size $13.75 Sitru Size 17.50 12 S 4 37.40 . |2t41? 41.90 ? 33 I S 57.15 ifOUNG & WOLFE EAT ELECTltlK "The Bettci If for 110 other reason. Klet Better Bread" because it is retaining the natural flavor it from your grocer and "TASTE THE D! ELECTRIK MAI % It. A. Wilson, Prop. STOP THOSE HEADACHES. 90 per cent of constant headaches are caused from eye strain. Stop I in and let us examine those eyes and ston thnao hoiulaoliau Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted. Lenses duplicated while you wuit. . Williams Optical Co. Optometrists and Opticians Izard Building Ground Floor Hampton Street BOOK HILL S. C. J I \ ill.' .. ? J-l Experts Painting i.'" . An Automobile We make it look like a NEW CAR, especially when it has been rubbed down and sandpapered and the finest quality of coach paint and varnish has been used. When we paint a car in any de sired color it looks like new and the paint will last indefinitely. It will also protect it and you get ^ protection and beauty combined t when it is painted by JOlBSOrS^SSor; JAS. A. JOHNSON, Manager. t Auto Painter*. Body and 'fop Builders ROCK HILL. S.C. J / UACTUTT re | rULW j||l ^er DOLLAR. | l? tic ORDS Records itinue to emit and better. 1 in mileage is one best a mileage is lies in a vat y eliminating i 200 pound equalizes the s and types) ten add still restone users nileage, have made these :nds' success accordingly. s =^= i< MAID BREAD r Bread" trilv would be "The electrically baked, thereby of the ingredients. Order IFFERENCE" D BAKE SHOP ItOi'K Ilii.L, S. C. CARDUI HELPED nrAiiu ATai?iiaw? IttUAIH SIHtfililH Alabama Lady Was Sick Far TWm Years, Suffering Pain, Nerroaa and Depressed?Read Her Own Story of Recovery* Paint Rock, Ala.?Mrs. C. If. BflB, of near here, recently related the following interesting account of her re covery: "I was In a weakened condition. I waa alck three yeare 1b bed. suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak. I couldn't walk across the floor; had to lay and my little one# do the work. I was almost dead. I triad every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I believe If I hadn't heard of and takes Cardul I would have died. I bought Ix bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now wall and strong. X haven't had an/ trouble since ... I sure can testify to tto good that Cardttl did me. X don't think there Is a better tonio mads and I believe It saved my life." For over 40 years, thousands of w? men have used Crrdul snoceaafnllr, In the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these woman dft4 take CarduL It may help you, too. ^ At all druggists* . II " "**" ***** *** Some women smoke and roue larn socks, but none do both at * he same time. It frequently happens that a 'highbrow" is a man who has ucceeded in getting people to ccept his appearance for hia trains. Does anybody know what has tecome of all the second lieUta. re had during the wart