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* ^ i J A Oualitv The purchase of < ? is au important This drusr store t point to keep its i est standard of qi We carry a full NYAT.'S BU.lliP.1 A. 1 A AtJL AJ.JL est stock of TOIL MOORE'S E W. C. MOOR1 * *** m? *** *- ^ v I I New Gro 1 f We have openei . o in the Storeroon o by R. F. Grier jt Building and sol o the public. ' Our stock is fre o offer the lowest p 0 Groceries can be < > 1 Armstroi i; phc * i: ?* BIG BAE Second Ha We are offering ces on a numbei steads, Washst bles, Oil Stoves, - B. C. FE PH< v ?WBa*Bggsg?egg in, i 1 T Soda Founta SERVK Is not only giving you w SERVICE makes a study ' sure your having the best OUR FOUNTAIN is deai sure that cleanliness so n< As to ingredients, we use and . the famous LIGGET' which there are none bett And at that, our prices ai IVTLEJ * Hi ' 33>*3^ , mmramsmsmsssatzsssi pnf Drug Store ! drugs and medicines j item in one's life. : herefore makes it a stock up to the high- j nality. j line of the famous j >IES and the choie,ET ARTICLES. | )RUG STORE Ph. G., Manager I A.. A 1\A IvA a - A I w f^rr* V {! eery Store l! I ' . *7 1 a Grocery Business + \ 1 formerly occupied ? 1 in the Town Hallf ; f ict the patronage of t \ I! vsh and clean and we | / rices at which good | j sold. $ j I j ag & Hope | )NE 11 | \ 1 ~| j IGA1NS IN ( . _ i mo Furniture i ? l unusually low pri- j r of Bureaus, Bed- j ands, Chairs, Ta-' j etc. RGUSON DNE 29 ? ? mi - i :e hat you. order, REAL SODA of cleanliness and purity to en; drink or sundae procurable, led and inspected daily to eneeessary to palatable foods, only the purest, freshest cream P FRUITS and SYRUPS, than i er. , 1 re moderate. g ? DRUG CO. * Stan \ l , b| , , ? r _ ^ * " 1 - - j - i 1 ' 1 " i fgK rORTMLI CONDENSE] WHY NEW! Sewing Mach j Ten Points of Advantage v ? sesses and all the Good I 1. Steel needle bar, with adj 12. Drop forged steel cam, and power, r 3. Double feed alike on both ) the goods straight, strong a: i 4. Positive gear motion, ins ] and strength. Sews very fa ' 5. Patent hand adjustable t I quired. f 6. Scientific treadle motion, iache. Insures more work v, other machine. > 7. Always ready to sew thi 1 hftlkv nr ennrlo tVio tVironrl I 8. Our own patent automat \ head to place with belt on I cast iron levers to break or f simple and simply perfect. ) apron under the drop frame ? easier replaced than wood, j 9. Made like a watch. All p t that if any may break or w y _ without trouble. I 10. All kinds of fancy wor !- HOME without any extra a are furnished with each ms p The MEW HOME has nothi J made for a cheap machine. who want the best family i ? price is not high, but you J the same price you would a ; catalogue house. Oome to [) the MEW HOME if you ha a that millions of ladies have ^ HOME machines. Many of i neighbors. Why not ask th K MEW HOME? ^ Machines at terms and pric< r and suited to all classes of Young< -A.. O. JC GOODTH Groceries. Market, Country Produce. S*nono rvuneen. M r . . J J???BSSSSS L. J. Massey says he lias sold nore Shoes this season than ever >efore, because he had better Shoes at lo^rer prices. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The regular semi-annual meetng of the stockholders of the Fort Mill Cooperative Association will be held at the store of the corporation on Thursday cycling, July 20, 1922, at 8 P. M.. . C..W. EA80N, Secretary. , i. ,' -= READ THE TIMES ^ CVXET WW * . (B. 0.) TIMES D REASONS | ' 'THE 1 i HOME ine is the Best | rhich no other Machine Pos- A Points of Other Machines. x justing screw to take up wear. x which gives great strength a l sides of the needle. It pulls jt nd fast without puckering. (1 uring durability, accuracy, ^ st. A all bearing, no wrench re- x that does not make your back U ith less fatigue than any ? ck or thin goods. Never gets * ic lift drop head, brings the V ready to sew. No springs or A get out of order. Perfectly U Our patent dust proof cloth f is stronger, more durable and 0 >arts are interchangeable so A ear out it can be replaced x k can be made on the NEW J ttachments, except those that * ichine. H ing cheap about it. It is not Z It is made expressly for those A machine money will buy. The x must not expect to buy it at ? , stenciled machine from some A us, get the price and examine V ve any doubts. Remember X > bought and are using NEW y mem are your inenas ana y em what they think of the H )s to meet all competition, A purchasers. V & Wolfe 0?K>K=>H0>W<.rX40>?0>? / ' '?* )KES INGS TO EAT ?' How a Noted Vet Gets Eld of Rate?Fanners Heed. Dr. H. H. Butler says, "I use RAT-SNAP around my hospitals every three months, whether I see ratrf or not. It does the work ?RAT-SNAP gets them every time. I recommend it to everybody having rats." Don't wait until there ia a brood of rats, act immediately you see the first one. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytic Drug Co. and Moore's Drug Store. No matter how good an excuse may be, it is seldom satisfactory. The man who buys a used car often thinks he has been badly Is** : v> ^ , 'A asm runner no. ?v?i REPORT OFJ[HE CONDI1 " . . THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN] In the State of South Carolina, at the close c RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, includiag rediscounts, u er bunks, and foreign bills of exchange indorsement of this bank Overdrafts U. S. Government Securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. boi value) * Ail other United States Government ;securiti< Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Furniture and Fixtures ' . ileal estate owned other than banking hot Lawful reserve v/lth Federal Reserve Rank Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process Cash in vault and amount due from national Amount due from State banks, bankers, ant in the United States Checks on other banks in same city or town Miscellaneous cash items ' Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer nn< ^ Treasurer ' Other assets Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits Circulating notes outstanding . Cashier's checks outstanding Individual deposits subject to check Dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits (other than ba posits) subject to Itoserve .. Certificates of deposit (other than for money V Other time deposits Total of time deposits subject to reserv U. S. Government Securities borrowed Bills payable (including all obligations rep borrowed other than rediscounts) Notes and bills rediscounted, including acce banks and foreign bills of exchange or d dorsement of this bank Total State of South Carolina, County of York, ss.: I, W. T. Barron, Cashier of the above i swear that the above statement is true to th belief 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me his 3 C. ! Correct Attest: IA. HARRIS. OSMOND BARBER. J. T. YOUNG, Directors. SUMMARY Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits ___ Resources if Ymincr Wnlfo J IVUU^ VVVIIV I | Funeral Direc | Embalm I MOTOR EQUI1 j; Day Phones 144 and 34; Ni :: FORT MILL, < < > Always Th You will always find ii Store the freshest and thing in GROCERIES, We are in business no get rich in a day, a we and 'are satisfied wil profit. BRADFORD HAIJ STREET * . I MEN'S SOFT S t * We have some pretty plain white SOFT SHIRTS FOR MRU, with < very thing for hot weather. Gome V THE CASH S PHONES S. A. LEE and T. P. LY j -*:v\ ? > % *?3^ - - 1?A? > . _/ *s v^PHSP * v\ A * \ Reserve District No. 6 riON OF K, AT FORT MILL, >f business on June 30, 1922. icceptances of othor drufts sold with _. . $344,631.66 . . None. ids par $40,000.00 >s 7,400.00?? 47.400.00 8,672.31 3,210.00 ise 2,700.00 10,847.83 i of collection.... 236.79 banks 3,676.11 1 trust companies 528.84 as reporting bank 103.08 109.20 1 due from U. a. J,000.00 . " 2.500.00 $426,514.82 -. $ 40.000.00 10.000.00 '10.130.96 40.000.00 : 143.45 71,086.28' 1.600.00 nk de J73.286.28 >orrowed> 17,496.93 149.374.04 e ... $166,870.97 *. 4,650.00 resenting money 45,800.00 ptnnces of other rafts sold with In 35.633.17 $426,514.82 tamed bank, do solemnly e best of my knowledge and W. T. BARRON, CmhUr. rd duy of July. 1922. S. LINK, Notary Public. r $4U,UUU.UU $20,195.30 $240,300.70 $426,514.82 _ ..! LJL? $+ <?' *> & Parks | torsand j ers I ?MENT I ? ight Phone 34 ?j SOUTH CAKUL1NA | 9 ? ? , -- x \ ======================== 'i >N *".] ie Best -. &: ' x stock at this best of every? t expecting to ek or a month th a modest & CO. PHONE 113 , ' j ' 1HIRTS I ^1 J- 'JbRH and pongee colored Dollam attached.' The - - i(Be in and see them. ^ TORE M jjF jfHSK jiy%? SIR ^fjjSuTMCTB