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a"***' .( ;' i??4 ^ . * i i - mi a This store is prepr supply the public Drugs and Druggii lowest possible pri We carry the choi r Articles to be ha Mothers are invito Talcum Powder. MOOR FAS O W. C. MOORE. 1 c f New Gro< | We have opened | in the Storeroom j! by R. F. Grier i :: Building and soli( the public. o Our stock is fres < ? o offer the lowest pi' 0 Groceries ^uu be s< < i! Armstron 1 * # 1 i > i t - 1"^ "" BIG BAR Second Hai We are offering ces on a number steads, Washsta bles, Oil Stoves, < B. C. FE1 PHO t" " " ~ ~ Why It Pays' Our store is only one of tli in the United States, but te banded together for the pi facturing the very finest < known as The Rexall Store sand has the same buying j this advantage on to its cr ? the ten thousand?that's wl The most important depart be the Prescription Depart and a strict adherence to with the highest possible qi I ^ ensures your saieiy wnen > K LYTLEl J 7*?S?* JOB PH AT THE TIMES OFFI RUG STORE V tred at all time to with the freshest sts' Sundries at the ees. icest line of Toilet d in this section. lhI to try our Baby RUG STORE Ph. G., Manager :ery Store I a Grocery Business | formerly oecunied * n the Town Hall | 3t the patronage of to h and clean aiul we | ices at which good 1 old. | ig & Hope I GAINS IN nd Furniture linilftliAllv lnw nri " r?? J of Bureaus, Bednds, Chairs, Taetc. RGUSON >NE 29 Io Trade Here v , . i o forty thousand drug stores n thousand of those stores are lrpose of buying and manu- I it rv _ r* a % ? n urug rstore goods and are t s. Each one of those ten thou- I >ower as the whole, and passes | istoraers. Our store is one of | by it pays to trade here. . ment of a. drug store should raent. Perfect compounding, the doctor's orders, together lality of drugs and chemicals, ,ve fill your prescriptions. >RC/G CO. Storm INTING CE - ? PHONE 112 ?~~ m Ton nm jj CONDENSE! f WHY NEW 1 f Sewing Machi A Ten Points of Advantage w ? sesses and all the Good x 1. Steel needle bar, with adj A 2. Drop forged steel cam, y and power. j: 3. Double feed alike on both \] the goods straight, strong a] s 4. Positive gear motion, ins A and strength. Sews very fa x 5. Patent hand adjustable h A quired. y 6. Scientific treadle motion, \ * ache. Insures more work w 0 other machine. ^ 7. Always ready to sew thi< A balky or snarls the thread. X 8. Our own patent automati A " head to place with belt on y cast iron levers to break or simnlfl And uimnlv iMrfaftt ( rv r?? U apron under the drop frame $ easier replaced than wood, fj 9. Made like a watch. All p X that if any may break or w A without trouble. X 10. All kinds of fancy wor SHOME without any extra al are furnished with each ma The NEW HOME has nothi made for a cheap machine, who want the best family i ? price is not high, but you 0 the same price you would a * catalogue .house. Come to () the NEW HOME if you ha k that millions of ladies hare A HOME machines. Many of x neighbors. Why not ask th< A NEW HOBOS? y Machines at terms and price ? and suited to all classes of | Young i -A.. O- 0"C GOOD TO Groceries, Market, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. Li J. Massey aays he has sold more Shoes this season than ever before, because he had better Shoes at lower prices. Washington. July 5.?The rejection or acceptance of Ilenry Ford's offer for the power and nitrate plant at Muscle Shoals may be recommended by the Senat* Agricultural committee tomorrow, it was learned today. Seam tor Norris. chairman, announced he had called an executive session of th* committee at which an attempt will b* made to make a final disposition of the I, project. If yon describe a woman's dress ( yon tell the naked truth. Germany seems -to understand that French nltimstn^ff are intended foj home f^nsn^p^fln, ' - ^ % . ' ' V"-.' I (8.10.)' TSMEB : j D REASONS . | THE * HOME ine is the Best | rhich no other Machine Pos- A Points of Other Machines. x lusting screw to take up wear. X which gives great strength X i sides of the needle. It pulls v ad fast without puckering. Q uring durability, accuracy, $ st. 1 A all bearing, no wrench re- x that does not make your back i) ith less fatigue than any # ck or thin goods. Never gets ^ Ic lift drop head, brings the ^ ready to sew. No springs or a get out of order. Perfectly y Our patent dust proof cloth y is stronger, more durable and 0 arts are interchangeable so A ear out it can be replaced x k can be made on the NEW J ttachments, except those that X .chine. () L ng cheap about it. It is not Z ^ It is made expressly for those A f nacbine money will buy. The )s ? must not expect to buy it at )k ? stenciled machine from some A t us, get the price and examine y 4 ve any doubts. Remember X 4 bought and are using NEW U J them are your friends and y ?m what they think of the Q | ts to meet all competition, A ? purchasers. V fc Wolfe j! )?TSS INGSTOEAT ' How a Noted Vet. Gets Bid of Z Bate?Farmers Heed. Dr. H. H. Butler says, "I use RAT-SNAP around my hospitals every three months, whether I see rats or not. It does the work ?RAT-SNAP gets them every time. I recommend it to everybody having rata." Don't wait until there is a brood of rats, act immediately you see the first one. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drag Co. and Moore's Drug Store. LOTS FOB 8ALS?Three lots in Whiteville Park, Fort Mill, a cheap; cash or terms to "reliable party, or will consider a trade, b Write to J. L. Pattens*,. Box 48, o Mount Holly, N. G. _ ^ * .. -- ' '/ ' ; ^ >: We War Bankir Busine Our methods are r tern efficient, our bial, our directors credit extension eqt With such powerful you will find an aff FIRST NATIONA sirable connection o tage and pleasing cc First Natio Operated Under the Stri United States ( Vacation Sea: Let us mail to your vacation of Fiction. They will add to Also, don't forget we have a ture and Supplies and SERVXi YOUNG & ROCK I Stationers and Offl Always 1 You will alwavs fin Store the freshest a thing in GROCER1 We are in business get rich in a day, a and 'are satisfied profii. BRADFOt HAL!. STREET MEN'S WOF We have a nice assortment ft Tan, Light Blue and Dark B T HECASI PHON S. A. LEE and T. F What's the uset Just as we , egin to save up a few dimes an- a ther drive is started and some- b ody begs the money from us. f< > i -V"' r" I f . .^v K-,,' V it it Your ig ss nodern, our syscourtesy prover te capable, our litable. 1 existing factors lliation with the L BANK a def mutual advanx>peration. roal Bank ct Supervision of the Government ?> DAfl 10 CIV/11 AO A AC1 C Z address several late Books T the pleasure of your stay. $ full line of Office Furni- J CE is our middle name. .. : HULL I IILL | ce Outfitters. T he Best d in stock at this nd best of every[ES. not expecting to week or a month with a modest ID & CO. PHONE 113 'K SHIRTS IEN'8 WORK SHIRTS, in Hue, going at__75c and 90o I STORE E 8 \ LYTLE, Mgrs. . ?. ? MJLL -U-IU.U1JL awwa?i One never knows how good a tan was until he has been killed > y a railroad and his widow sees >r damages. ' Vv-v?*? '" * * ' + ' v-n-;';: Ss/r ' kv: <v - ' <t-r> v