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1111 "r . -. & - * pg$?r .____ ''-'? picnic on the banks of Steel ;>ji. >;.? ."* . ?, luesaay. / Keeber Mills, 12-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mills, has been ill for several days with fever, but his condition is now j 9 much improved. The Kev. J. W. 11. Dyches Mon- | day 'afternoon attended an impor- { taut meeting of the Baptist pas- ; tors' finiifprpni'p *>- ' v ???v A VA A UO- i sociation in Hook Hill.. At a recent meeting of the I board of. directors of the First National bank of Fort Mill, the usual semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent was declared, payable July 2. The Rev. W. R. Bouknight has returned to Fort Mill after assist- j ing the Rev. W. fc>. Pettus in a j ten day meeting at the Methodist j church at Edgewold, near Colum- , ' bia. > i Only two Fort Mill men, Wal- ; ter Epps and J. YV. Uunn, have j been drawn to serve on the petit i jury during the second week of ' the July term of court for York county. Shelley Sultou, J. 1). Vaughun and the Rev. J. W. H. Dyches motored to Charlotte Monday ! evening to attend a meeting of Dilworik council, Junior O. U. A. M., at which the (Jastonia degree team initiated about ten candi- 1 dates for membership in the order. A number of her playmates en- j joyed a birthday party with little Helen Ferguson at the home , of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. . L. Feruguson, Tuesday afternoon 4 to G o'clock. T he 22 little guests, both boys and girls, greatly enjoyed the games and the refreshments \J. Ed Armstrong and C. 1). J Hope, well known Fori Mill eft?znis, have opened a grocery si ore in the room in ihe low .i ' liail building on Main street o - j copied for a number of years by R. F. Grier. -lioih Messrs. Armstrong and Hope have main trieiuis who will wish for the... success in their business venture. | Friends ot George 1'isli, general manager of the plants of the Fori Mill Manufacturing company, were pleased to welcome hiin 1 ? uume yesterday, alter an absence I ?. of several weeks which he spenr j iu New England recuperating j from a severe illness which he I underwent some months ago. j Mr. Fish apparently is greatiy improved in health and says he * feeling better than he has felt for .a long time. Mrs. C'avett Spann Beurdske I ^ of Moss Point, Miss., is a guest at ! the home of her father, Magistrate J. K. Hade, where she wili i remain for some time. Before lur marriage several years ago, Mrs. Beardslee was Miss tmla Haile, , one of Fort Mill's most popular young ladies. Before returning to her home in Mississippi, Mrs. Beardslee will visit relatives and | friends in Lancaster, Kershaw, Union and Sportanburg. - Maj. and Mrs. ?Jas. lJ. Fulp an ) their sons, Jas. Fulp and John ( itichard Fulp. of Abbeville aio guests at the home of Maj. Fulp s mother, Mrs. A. O. Jones. Mrs. Fulp and their sons will remain i with Mrs. Jones for some time, 1 but Maj. Fulp is attending the' summer school at Winthrop cot- ; lege. Later he expects to teach j at the summer school at the Univ- ; ersity of South^Xarolina, before ! returning to AbbeVille to. resume i bis. duties as head of the city schools. The congregation of St. John's) Methodist church, Fort Mill, is ' looking forward with much in-! t treat to th<> nnijnin r? ? th?ir church on Wednesday evening of , next week of a ten day meeting to be conducted by the Rev.- E. It. , Maaon of Lancaster; Services will i| be held each evening during the ;l fheeting at 7 :45 o'clock and large . audiences are expected to greet t . Mi*. Mason, uho has the reputation of being one of the strongest .1 v-; preachers in the Upper South RRiW . Carolina conference. v * Fort Mill is at last to have aft up-to-date undertaking establish- J . roent. During the last few days a copartnership has been formed by J. T. Young, W. D. Wolfe and A. L.** Parks to conduct such a .business, to be located in the Ardrey building, next door to the furniture store of Young & Wolfe.1 and'workmen have about finished remodeling the building for the occupancy of the firm. In addi-: tion to a Urge stock of coffins! and caskets, the firm intends to carry a full line of other burial "" " - ^ " " I *fWliu It Poiro ??ii jii i ajo , Onr store is only -one of th in the United States, but tei 1 banded together for the pn facturing the very finest c known as The Rexall Store sand has the same buyin g j this advantage on to its ci ihe ten thousand?tliat"s wl The most importaut depart be the Prescription Depart I and a strict adherence to with the highest possible qi ensures your safety when > LYTLE I 3k* Majestic Auspices Eli Bailes I 4 to 11 P.M. The first cotton bloom of the season found in the Fort Mitt community was sent to The Times office SN educsduy by Florence McCoy. Alaj. .J. K. Ardrey, U. S. A.,ami Mrs. Ardrey ure guests ol 1 and Mrs. J. L. bprutt. Maj. Ardrey lias been stationed at Port McPherson, Atlanta, lor several years, but recently was transferred to Port Leavenworth, Kaus., to which post lie will report after spending two months with relatives and iriends in this section. Cupt. S. W. Parks. E. b. Parks, W. b. Moss and li. F. Patterson bunday urove through the coun try to Gaffney in Mr. Parks' car 10 attend services at the churcn of the Uev. \V. A. llafner, former pastor of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church. The first meeting of the creditors of E. K. Patterson, recently declared bankrupt by the federal court m Greenville, will be held in York Monday. Mr. Patterson'* friends ure hopeful that lie soon will be able to straighten out hi* financial affuirs and reopen hn dry goods store in Fort Mill. P. Y. P. U. Elects Officers. The quarterly social meeting ol the Senior B. Y. P. U. was held in the Berean room of the Fori Mill Baptist church Tuesday c*V ning from 8 to 10 o'clock. Pre cedtug the social hour a business sessiou was held at which the i'ol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing six months' term Miss Willie K. Barber, president Mrs. W. L. Ferguson, vice presi dent; Miss Louise Patterson, re vuiuui^ ocu&ciar^ , IUIM r^nuivi Meacham, treasurer; MissMariai Parks, chorister; Mrs. J. S. Potts librarian; Miss Kutli McLaugh lin, corresponding secretary. Written reports of the worl for the past three months wen submitted by the retiring officers FOR SALE?I have one hun dred bushels of good sound vchiti Corn in shuck. Price reasonable Alexander Barber. 4 "i i' . '" is- * " - >1" fo Trade Here 1 - _. _ ? _ _ h * 4 U e forty thousand drug storea a thousand of those stores are irpose of buying and manu>f Drug Store goods and are s. Each one of those ton thoujower a* the whole, and passes istoiuers. Our stpre is one of iy it pays to trade here. * , ment of a drug store should inent. Perfect compounding, the doctor's orders, together lality of .drugs and chemicals, ve fill your prescriptions. )RUG CO. Store | I o ^ /jv ^ j^1, tH? LS1W^1917) ' Bflp w.. + * - July 4|J|1 Post, American Legion Prices 10 and 30c c c " t servant uiri Wouldn't Go in Cellar, fearing Rati. Mrs. Topper, Plainfield, N. J. says, "Hats were so bad in our ^ cellar the servant girl wouldn't j go there. Bought some RAT- jj SNAP and it cleaned ali the rats 'out." HAT-SNAP destroys rats 'and mice. Absolutely prevents J odors. Comes in cake form, no ? mixing. Cuts or dogs won't touch | it Three sizes, 35c, (G5c, $1.25. 4 Sold by Lytic Drug Co. and . Moore's Drug Store. A# prominent composer of jazz o music says it is still in its infan- C icy. Let us hope it will die young. <1 .1 . _ 1 i TAX EXTENSION. 'u I Notice is hereby given that the ? time for the payment of State and 1 county taxes has been extended c to June 1. 1922, with a penalty i of 3 per cent for Mdrch, 5 per i cent for April, G per cent for May [ and 8*per cent plus costs of tfeasi urer from June 1, when ex ecu- * i lions will go into the hands of the 1 i sheriff. ' r 1 i - H. E. NEIL, j Treasurer of York County. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J 1 FOR CONGRESS 1 hereby announce that I ant a candidate in the Democratic pri ,niaries of South Carolina for ? nomination for Representative' of 1 the Fifth Congressional District 1 ' far the G8th Congress, and 1 take)* ! thlfl nnnnptKnU.. I <1 w IMIIII 1 IU tlllINK uir PC*- I* ; pie of the District for their loyal 1 - support m the past and to say ' that 1 shall endeavor to deserve * their support and confidenee in < i the future. I W. P. STEVENSON. 4 FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR : At the solicitation of voters of * practically all sections *of York * county, 1 have decided to au: nounce myself as a candidate for 1 " nomination for the office of co*?- 4 i ty supervisor of York County, ( . subject to the approval of the i t voters in the primary election. If 1 ? > + jk- ) / . ^ > m flfte \M I over* 5y '4 . ?? -Whlg'trS f.M-Jr jf *Wnj S\ " i i: 4>:. " ' A | Ma" tf ; /"%i amd' f Yo, ** *' ?'I/u |f Is goc "nm " "e oidfleld ominated 1 pledge myself to give he taxpayers au efficient, eeoicmical business administration. JOHN F. GORDON. FOR COUNTY TKKASUHEH. I hereby anuounce myself as a andidate for Treasurer of York ?ouuty, according to the rules of he Democratic primary. Win. A. DOUGLAS. I hereby announce myself as a andidate for Treasurer of York kmnty, subject to the recommenlation of the Democratic voters u the primary election. ~ ARTHUR T. HART. " I am a candidate for the office 1 ?f Treasurer of York County, subset to the recommendation of the )emocratic voters in the primar> lection. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself as a andidate for Treasurer of York county, subject to the recommen- , lation of the Democratic voters 1 a the primary election. W. D. THOA1ASSON. I hereby announce myself a Andidate for Treasurer <ff York bounty, subject to the recominenlatiou of the Democratic voters n the primary election. D. L. SHIEDER. I am a candidate for Treasurer ?f York County, subject to the 'oeominendation of the Democratc voters in the primary election. JOHN R. LOGAN. I ma a candidate for Treasurer >f Yorli County, subject to the I ipproval hi the Democratic vot- I rs iiL.the Primary Election. L ERNEST W. GUY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ^ I am a candidate for renomina:iou in the Democratic primary '.or the House of Representatives _ lod will ^gtijarateful to the voters 4 the ('OURypfor such support as I hejrHCeelJpK worwv of. w. b. bHLdford. a I hereby announce myself a can. ^ lidftte for the House of Repre- s] icntatives, subject to the action (j if the voters of York County in j, rhe Democratic Primary. W. C. TALLY. J JUDCE Of PRO^TK < I hereby announce inyself a J candidate for reelection lo the iftee of Probate Judge of York ^Maty, subject to the action of A ihe roters in the Democratic Primary. I J. L. HOUSTON. r-~ Race Vi at INDIANAP( Road Vi at wichi %lp \fou Choi ) miles at 94.48 miles an houi a rough-finished, sun-baked ment at record-breaking speedCHdfleld Cord Tires underwent st a Speedway May 30th. They i or the third successive year an* sing in the money, upholding th ace drivers have in the trustwori s tires to meet the greatest dem and safety. Their records in e^ have been equally as good. nsider this achievement along with ty made at Wichita, Kansas, this I525 miles on rutted. Icy Kansat night on a Studebaker stock car ge. This test was made by a gr< ve dealers in a tire, oil and ga ~>r Kemn of Wichita was officii avit to tne mileage and service g u may never subject your tires to iiananolis nor the steady grind of b id to know you can get such safety ying Oldfield tires. Ask your neare (^PTOSES Most Trustworthy Tires Built' Tire Car.'.iasiy, Ai EAT KLECTRIK "The Bettei If for no other reason. Kleci Better Bread" because it is retaining the natural fl avor it from your grocer ami "TASTE THE D ELECTRIK MAI It. A. Wilson, l*rop. ,itug|on^. comkkV STOP THOSE HEADACHES. 90 per cent of constant headaches are caused from eye strain. Stop in and let us examine those eyes and stop those headaches. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted. Lenses duplicated while you wait. Williams Optical Co. Optometrists and Opticians Izard Building Gnund Floor Hampton Street BOCK HILL S. C. / v Experts Painting An Automobile fe make it look like a NEW AR, especially when it has been ubbed down and sandpapered nd the finest quality of couch aint and varnish has been used. Vhen we paint a car in any deired color itdooks like new and he paint will last indefinitely, t will also protect it and you get rotection and beauty combined rhen it is painted by 1 lOBHSOH'S pa15op JAS. A. JOHNSON. Manager. >uto Painters. Body and T?tp Builders ROCK HILL, S. C. . . > f- * . ctory )LIS ctory TA )se Tires r?a relentless grind concrete and brick -that is the gruelling iccessfully at Indianvere on the winner's d on eight of the ten > e confidence succeesthiness and ability of ands of speed, endur 1 - hll nun-uuvtn Missouri Lady Suffered Uatil SU Tried Cardui.?Says "Retik Was Surprising/'?Got Aloag Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.?"Mr back was SO weak I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains ssi was not well at any time," says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-know* farmer on Route 6, this place.- "1 kept getting headaches and having to go to bed," continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from sfcldl she obtained relief through the nsa of Cardui. "My husband, having heard of Cardui, proposed getting It for ms. "I saw after taking some Oardnl .. . that I was Improving. The result was surprising. 1 felt Ilka a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not reet well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It atrengthened me . . . My doctor said I got along fine. 1 was la good healthy condition. I cannot aay too much for it" Thousands of women have snfftrfd as Mrs. Williams describee, until they found relief from the uoo of Casdsl Since it has helped so many, yon should not hesitate to try Cards! If trouDiea wun womanly aiimaau. For sale eyery where. MM . - j 11 'IIf this is normalcy, why ilid we want to get back to itf The objection to the ring in politics comes from those who are outside of it. When you fall off the waterwagon these days you are apt to land in a hearse. And what has become of thoae old fellows who won medals during the World war! _ V * * w+ jV'Y ^ * - .* r?ijr uiun lUipuriHUI ? another test of Oldfield 1 past winter and early 9 roads, running day without a slugle tire dud of Wichita auto- j sollne economy run. \ il observer and made iven by Okifteld tires. the gruelling experience ad winter roads, but it r and mileage economy st dealer. Agents Everywhere* oTdrt*ld Tlr?? dlitrlbultd - t Itrnugh 73 brunch** ?nd distributing ware liuuM'n In till p?rt? of the lulled \ Stulri, Mtir* ilcn'cr* arc constantly liriMinlnft OUiftvid tftfiidM and OlJluLl I lies arc now available . In your conuuunIty y | ^ r i ? i ' i i (rcsifOLo . i MAID BREAD l* Bread'' 'trik-Muid would be "The _ electrically baked, thereby of the ingredients. Order IFFERENCE" D BAKE SHOP rock iij1.l. s. c. WEAK, NERVOUS, ai i diiu nnum