University of South Carolina Libraries
- "JtrT.'. td ' **1# * * ? MOORE'S DI \ ' * m ^ ? ?-- = mi-*? o a i ins ?lore is prepai \ supply the public Drugs aiul Druggis lowest possible pric We carry the choic r Articles to be had Mothers are invito Talcum Powder. MOORE'S DF W. C. MOORE. I !; New Groc i > <? 1 o We have opened i o in the Storeroom |f by R5F. Grier ii Building and solid V, the public. o Our stock is fresl * * offer the lowest pri o Groceries can be so 4 r 4 > | Armstron; 4 4 > 4 > (V <~\ A Stroer Patriotic jBl jr i MAJESTIC Open 4 P, M. - / 4 Auspices: Eli Bailes BIG BAR< Second Han t. We are offering i ' ce. on a number . -+./ steads, Washstai bles, Oil Stoves, e P* * > 7* ' k. B. C. FEF " nor <V'. "A ^ P* *UG STORE red at all time to with the freshest ts* Sundries at the es. sest line of Toilet 1 I in this section; T [1 to try our Baby ttJG STORE 'h. G., Manager ery Store ! % i Grocery Business |. formerly occupied 1 the Town Hall | t the patronage of | i and clean and we | ces at which good I Id. ' I * g & Hope j Prices 10c and 30c ^ Post, Amer. Legion ^ A IATC IAT jrtino in id Furniture unusually low priof Bureaus, Bedids, Chairs, Taste. fcGUSON IE 29 ?1 ' V -i \ .1 t -i S . : * I - - * y l&V. ..v. ?? - * j* K ?r m FOKT MLE <1 il ft I CONDENSED * WHY 1 NEW | Sewing Machin STen Points of Advantage whi< sesses and all the Good Pc 1. Steel needle bar, with ad jus A 2. Drop forged steel cam, wh y and power. ? 3. Double feed alike on both si U the goods straight, strong and s 4. Positive gear motion, insuri A and strength. Sews very fast. X 6. Patent hand adjustable ball K quired. y 6. Scientific treadle motion, tha * ache. Insures more work with () other machine. s 7. Always ready to sew thick A balky or snarls the thread. 4 8. Our own patent automatic A tlAftd tn nlara nrlOi K*H ati ro ic&st iron levers to break or ge simple and simply perfect. Oi apron under the drop frame is easier replaced than wood. 9. Made like a watch. All pari that if any may break or weai without trouble. 10. All kinds of fancy work < HOME without any extra atta< are furnished with each machi The NEW HOME has nothing made for a cheap machine. It who want the best family mat $ price is not high, but you mil Q the same price you would a st * catalogue house. Come to us, (1 the NEW HOME if you have * that millions of ladies have tx A HOME machines. Many of tfc X neighbors. Why not ask them 7\ NEW HOME? W y Machines at terms and prices and suited to all classes of pi | Young & . . * -a., GOODTHI Groceries, Market, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. SCHOOL TAX ELECTION. H Notiee is hereby given that on June 30, 1922, an election will be held at Gold Hill Schol House, in R Gold llitl School District No. 39, e\ on the question of reducing the sc local school levy to eight mills on ? the dollar. The polls will open ti at 7 oclock A. M. and close at b< 4 P. M. Voters will exhibit their ui registration tickets and tax re- in ccipt8. T . F. H. WILSON, b; J. E. EPPS, D W. H. CROOK, = Trustees L. J. Massey aays he has sold more Shoes this season than ever ^ before, because he had better V I Shoes at lower prieea. _ ^11 1 otumi. I liB REASONS | rHE * iOME n e is the Best | sh no other Machine Pos- Q >ints of Other Machines. a ting screw to take np wear. x dch gives great strength A des of the needle. It nulla v fast without puckering. I ng durability, accuracy, ~ I bearing, no wrench re- x ,t does not make your back y i less fatigue than any f or thin goods. Never gets 2 lift drop head, brings the x ady to sew. No springs or A t out of order. Perfectly y ir patent dust proof cloth it stronger, more durable and 0 s are interchangeable so A r out it can be replaced x can be made on the NEW J Dhments, except those that x Lne. U cheap about it. It is not ^ is made expressly for those A shine money will buy. The X st not expect to buy it at ? -.LI M X ouvucu iinHimiie irurn some |l , get the price and examine V any doubts. Remember A )ught and are using NEW y cm are your friends and * what they think of the U to meet all competition, A ir chasers. )t : Wolfe J ^ $ 3STES WIS TA FAT iiuu * v uni | I ^ tow a NoUd Yst. Gets Bid of Bats?Farmers Hood. Dr.. H. H. Butler says, "I use AT-&NAP around my hospitals rery three months, whether I * rats or not. It does the work -RAT-SNAP gets them every me. I recommend it to every>dy having rats." Don't wait ntil there is a brood of rats, act nmediately you see the first one. hree sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold y Lytle Drug Co. and Moore's rug Store. j-'ia 1 LLJJ.. H I . . i LOTS FOB SALS?Three lots i "Whiteville Park, Fort Mill, heag; cash or teraas to reliable arty, or will consider a trade, frit# to J- L. Patterson, Box 43, louat Holly, N. C, ) \ KBBBBB9B5aB-5SSSS=a-99B^9S^S9aS Four Pe fntat Compounded While Savings Ac opened at this Ban new quarter begins may wish to start v We pay 4 per con pounded quarterly Accounts. If you are not alr< 1 ! /? n long list ot Saving this Bank, we invit Savings Account w First Natio Operated Under the Stri< United States G 1 -Or*? !>: | Vacation Seas ? Let us mail to your vacation a * of Fiction. They will add to i * Also, don't forget we have a | ture and Supplies and SEE VIC ); YOUNG & ;; rock h * > < Stationers and OMc < > o Always 1 v *n _i r - i ou win aiways nn< Store the freshest ai thing in GROCERI1 We are in business get rich in a day, a and 'are satisfied profit. BRADFOR HALL STREET UMBRE] MEN'S AND LADIES' UMB] will not turn inside out in the to yon. Good quality mater proof. THE CASH PHONI S. A. LEE and T. F. Maybe the children of a generr 1 ation ago were better than those th< of today because they had better th parent?. wl > ~~~ i r Cent % A est * . \ Quarterly ) :counts may be k at any time, a s July 1 and you irith the quarter, it interest, com, on all Savings sadv nnp nf ? j w.av va v.aa'W ;s Depositors of e you to open a rith us. nal Bank :t Supervision of ths lovernment * . ! +-f+<i+<v+v+<S+-4+ on is Here I _ ?tt, ddress several late Books ? the pleasure of your stay. t. full line of Office Furni- J !E is our middle name. .. 4 HULL I ILL I e Outfitters, Z "he Best x# 1 in stock at this id best of everyES. r 'fnot expecting to week or a month with a modest M ID & CO. PHONE 113 t # , *' 1 -~x- ^t-i LLAS I ttfLLAS, the kind that wind. Let us show them ial, rain proof and sun r STORE :s LYTLE, Mgra. The people may not know what ey want, but it is evident that ey want something besides lat they've got. _ < ?