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?y?^wy \-wi' ' /' I ^ * ' g=eg=g^=gg NEWS ABOUT TOWN. John Goodwyn of Central is a guest of Hampton Dyches at. the baptist pastorium. Henry Ferguson and his family have moved to Fort Mill from Sanford, Fla., and are occupying the Watson cottage on Claiborne street. Miss Margaret Caldwell ol Chester is a guest at the home ot ner aunt, airs. VJ. r. Jtsiaukensmp. iu the Gold Hill community. Kobert Erwin and Gilder Bouknight are at home i'roin Cleinson college and Newberry college, resepctively. "Billy"' Mack and Arthur Young have returned to their homes in Fort Mill to spend the bummer vacation iroin Washington and Lee university, Lexington, Va. Maj. Erskiiie A. Ardery, U. S. A., and Mrs. Ardrey are expected to arrive from Fort McPherson, Atlanta, within the next week or ten days for an extended visit to l)r. and Mrs. J. L. Spratt. in a game of bascbull advertised to determine the championship of York county, Aragon mill of Kock Hill Saturday afternoon defeated Fort Mill .oil the former's diamond, 18 to 0. Cards have been issued by Mrs. C. P. Blankeuship announcing the engagement of her daughter. Miss Frances, to Warren B. Ferguson of Chester, the wedding to take place June 21 ut the home ol the bride's mother. A ten day meeting at which the preaching will be done by the Kev. E. K. Mason, pastor of the liiinpiiHtpr \li<t Iwulwl clmrcli will begin ut St. John's Methodist church, Fort Mill,'the first Sun day in July. Thirty-nine new registration certificates were issued Tuesday to citizens of Fort Mill by the county registration board, which spent the day here. Eighteen ot the 39 certificates were issued to women and there were 8 renew. ins for citizens who has mislaid their old certificates. The senate of the United States Friday confirmed the nomination of I'apt. S. W. far lis to be posimuster of Fort Mill. The appointment, to run for four years beginning a few duys ago, wuswon by Capl. Furies as u result of a civil service examination held in Kock Hill a few week.ago. A business fuilure in Fort Mil. during the last week which uiaii) people learned of with regreat was that of the Patterson dry goods store. E. it. Patterson, proprietor of the store, stated that inability tu collect was the principal cuuse of the financial embarrussment of his business. Friends of Mr. Patterson are hopeful that he soou will be in position to reopen his store as the result ot efforts which it is said will be inudc to that end. Miss Minnie Garrison, t >uchei in the Fort At ill grade I sclioo. for the last 18 years, a few days ago received from the State board of examiners a . life license to teach ill the elementary gradesof the public schools of .South Carolina. The certificate wus issued "in recognition of efficient service" rendered in the class room and is signed by Governor Harvey, John E. Swearingeu, su iiuviiuviii wa. vuuvuvivtij uuvi the members of the State board of examiners. .The revival meeting which has been in progress in* the Fort Mill Baptist church for the last ten days closed with the services Wednesday evening. The large audi' eoces which attended the services were pleased with the preaching of the Rev. R. Q. Lee; pastor of the First Baptist church of Chester, and the singing of Carlyle Brooks and the choir. As a partial result of the meeting, 32 candidates were received for baptism and six joined the church by letter. The Rev. J. W. II. Dyches, pastor of the church, will admiuister (he ordinance of baptism at the 11 o'clock services Sunday morning. y. m -? ? These new fangled vacuum cleaners seem to be sweeping the nmintrv TAX EXTENSION. Notice is hereby given that the time for the payment of State apd ' county taxes has been extended to June I, 1922, with a penalty of 3 per eent for March, 5 per cent for April, 6 per cent for May and 8 per cent plna coata of treasurer from June 1; when exeeu. ~N tions will go into the hands of the sheriff. H. K. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. . / Importer* Rob Public. Manufacturers and importers are taking advantage of the opportunity the prospect of the passage of the protective tariff bill now being considered by the senute of the United States affords them to rob the people. This feet was brought home forcibly io a P'oi*t Mill citizen a few days ago when he visited a crockery store in a nearby city to buy a let of dishes. 44 1 was in this store some time ago and looked at'this very sei of. dishes, or a set like them, and was then quoted a price for the jet considerably lower than that which you are now offering me," laid he to the clerk. "These are not he dishes we had in stock then, but are the some quality und were made to sell at the same price," the clerk replied, 4 but t he importer charged us more for them 011 account of the new tariff law and we are iiaving to pass the added charge >11 to our customers." 44There never was a more highhanded piece of robbery," sant he customer, "because the tariff law' of which you speak has*noi . ef passed C ongress, but its propost d passage affords the 1m porter an opportunity to steal .root the public, which can't help tself. I'll take the dishes,, beause they are what 1 want." n 1 x. m 11 v/uu.ens oiow 10 Xjnroii. Little interest has thus far been .iiuniicsted by either the men or women of Fort Mill entitled to vote in the Democratic primary [ to be held the latter part of August for State and county ofti,'ials. '1 lie local club enrollment ooolc has been open for the last ,i i: days and up to last night not more than a score of citizens had - gued it, according 11? Arthur C. uytle, club secretaiy. .\u changes .11 the party rules uiiecting the liialilieations of citizens who wish to# vote were made at the recent State convention and the only thing necessary to be done in connection with the club roll o insure members of the party he right to vote in tlfle August primary is to write his or her wimo in the enrollment book. In he ease of persons who are una.le to write their own names, the party rules authorize one of the* enrollment committee to write heir names .for them. In South Carolina the Deinoratic primary is equivalent to 'lection and to the citizen who ishes to have a voice in the seection of State and county offiials enrollment in his or her loal Democratic club is therefore a matter of much importance. ' I DOCTOR knows *and has confidence in this store. Whether for service in emergencies or sickness, or for everyday needs, you will find us prepared to give you the best. Your Prescription is by far the most important part of our business. Only a registered graduate pharmacist compounds it and double checks it to prevent errors. But in addition to our complete ana Italy equipped prescription department we have a complete stock of everything usuallyf sold in an up-todate high-class drug store. Lytle Drug Co. "The Bwudl Store." PboM 10 for luitant fUrvioe. v "** * v ' ", *' ' <C. ^ x v Hra?, * ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. JrOR CONGRESS I hereby announce that I aib a candidate in the Democratic primaries of South Carolina for the nomination for Representative t>f the Fifth Congressional District for the 68th Congress, and 1 take this opportunity to thank the people of the District for their loyal support in the past and to say that I shall endeavor to deserve i heir support and confidence' in I he future. W. F. STEVENSON. \ FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR At the solicitation of voters of practically all sections of York county, 1 have decided to an-1 | m nounce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of county supervisor of York County, subject to the approval-of the voters in the primary election. If nominated 1 pledge myself to give the taxpayers an efficient, economical business administration. JOHN F. GORDON. FOK COUNTY TKKASUllER. 1 hereby announce myself us a candidate for Treasurer of ork Comity, according to the rules of he Democratic primary. Win. A. DOUGLAS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in tin* primary election. AKTlIUIt-T. IIAKT. I llm a candidate for the ofliec of Treasurer of York County, subject to the recoiiimeiidation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself as a. candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. W. D. THOMASSON. 1 hereby announce myself a DRN LIPTOIS And join the Aiill over the glob^ w the world's stand Trial packages 2! B. C. FEB frlOf ] I ns . i ^ I : MOORE'S D! / n i* This Store is pre pa supply the public Drugs and Druggie - lowest possible pri< W e carry the choi Articles to be ha Mothers are invito Talcum Powder. - i MOORE'S D W. C. MOORE. j rr /_ n if Vacation Sc 0 * * ** '; Let us mail to jour vacitk > of Fiction, xnej wiii odd 1 > Also, don't forgot ws hove | turn and Supplies onld 8KB | YOUNG I sooa $ Itittnm %nd I ???*??> 3Sfo* > 5"* / ^s'V * * ? candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. D. L. SHIEDER. I am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to-the recommendation of the Democratic vpbtro in the primary election. JOHN R. LOGAN. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the Primary Election. ERNEST W. GUY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am a candidate for renomination in the Democratic primary for the House of Representatives and will be grateful to the voters of the county for such support as they feel 1 am wocthy of. W. R. BRADFORD. I hereby announce myself a can. didate for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the voters of York County in the Democratii^Primary. C. TALLY. JUDGE OF PROBATE I hereby announce myself a i: J... J? ? a.- . i-.. vuiuuuute lor nTieeuuu iu me office of Probate Judge of York County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic Primary. J. L. HOUSTON. For Sale?Millions P$rto Rieo, Nancy Hall and Early Triumph potato plants 75c per 1,000 F. O. B. Valdosta. Dorris Plant Co.. Valdosta, Ga. v 2t Life often goes hard with the ftllow who takes things easy. We are admonished to love our neighbor, but that doesn't mean going 011 his note at the bank. A pessimist remembers that a bee Rtings. An optimist remembers that it makes honey. It begins to look as if the allies thought we were paying them to let us win the war. JK I'S TEA ions scattered all no irArnorniTA if na w m?h?y^wi\? ard beverage. 5 cents. tGUSON <E 29 I RUG STORE red at all time to with the freshest its' Sundries at the ees. eest line of Toilet d in this section. nl to try our Baby \ RUG STORE Ph. G., Manager laton is Here < m Address several late Books to the pleasure of your stay. > a full Una of Ofnee Fund- ! VIOB Is our middle name. .. St HULL ; sol Hkm Outfitters. | eoooeeeoeoeoeoeeeoeaeeeesoi : *? - ' -' j?s-- v o I- . This space will V for one month to A Mill merchant wh< s plication for it, "fl time he is confide] a ing he will be er V here will not im A ness. This offer i ? non-advertisers on EAT ELECT 11IK "The Better If for no other reason. Klee Better Bread" because it is retaining the natural flavor it from your grocer and "TASTE THE DI ELECTRIK MAI1 R. A. Wilson, I'rop. aeeeee v*> * ? PEAS - PEi & > * PURE BRABHAMS AT... . | PURE IRONS AT * WONDERFUL, OR UNKNO 1 SOUND MIXED CLAYS OR ; SOUND MIXED, ALL VAR. * 1 Garrison-Fai % ? ROCK HILL, S. 0. ; f Office Phone 699 j R I -I | CQMBVKV I j For Perfect Sight WEAR OUR Classes, made to FIT YOUR Eyes, after the error of refraction is determed by a carefui examination. I BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED WHILE YOU WAIT. I Williams Optical Co. 1 1 vpiumrii idih miiu upuciantc I Izard Building: Ground Floor I Hampton Street 1 BOOK HILL S. C. I 1 nnn/r wkive IN * LRT US SHOW lOU 8()ME OF ' THE CARS NOW v BEING PAINTED. YOU WILL THEN " DECIDE WHERE TO BRING YOUR CAR WHEN IT NEEDS , A NEW COAT. k 1 ; jomsors paishop JAS. A. JOHNSON. M?n*C?r. 1 Auto Palntan Body and Top Bulldovo rockhiu;,s.c. ' rV* 'Va> . " r "" ' ^ ^ -? < : -V Srr *? " - * . I \V i?'\ -l" ? ? ^ be contributed ~~ "li* ^ ) will maks ap- ff at the advnrtii- Q [titled to iusert t iprove his busi- V j s made to local A MAID BREAD Bread" trik-Maid would be "The electrically baked, thereby of the ingredients. Order FFERENCE" O BAKE SHOP HOCK HILL. S. C. i; ? \S - PEAS i ?> < $2.60 .1' $2.60 WN, AT $2.70 j> IRONS AT $2.30 ! | [eties $2.26 i > 1 risSeedCo. j; (? "Our Seed Will Grow." 1 \ esidence Phone 647-J ! i k -ur t SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION tlitj(ir^i BUck-Drnngbft Hifblj Recommended by a TeuenH Grocer for Troubles IU> suiting from Torpid Lifer. East Nashville, Tenn.? The tills lency of Thedford's Black-Draufht, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, it vouched for by Mr, W. N. Parsons, grocer of this city. "It ia without doubt the best liver medicine, and I UUU l UB1IBVV 1 tuuia (SI Btong VUWK1 It. I take It for aour stomach, lm>? ache, bad liver, indigestion, and al) other troubles that are the result ?t a torpid liver. "I have known and used tt fer years, and can and do highly recommend II to every one. I won't go to bed With out It In the house. It will do sit H claims to do. I can't say enough tM !* " Many other men and women through cut the country have found Blsdlh Draught Just as Mr Parsons dsscrftil -valuable in regulating the liver t* Its normal functions, and in eleaaslfeg the bowels of Impurities. Tbedford's Black-Draught liver SMdt eino la the original and ohly genuine., Accept no Imitations or snbetitats* v ? Always aak for Tbedford's. fcg Genuine Puerto Rico Potato ? 0Plants now ready. Try the auto route and come to our plant b^dn, pet what vou want when vou want it. Don't be fooled by book* ing you reorder for cheap plants and getting nothing until it is too. late. Ten States demand plants this month ? one-half enotfcfk. bedded to supply demand. Tataphone 125 -B. liedlin PUuit ' Farm, York County's Piant Doa|tor, Fort Mill, S. C, i'il / W - : ^ V . >.\V