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- ? ???? srii /"ii Chair i TOT Dl//pr : int. D1UULC ' . THE 1 . w Continues All o Ju CHEER UP MEN! You Are In This Sale Too BARGAINS All Round Palm Beach Suits Men's genuine Palm Beach Suits, all this season's newest nut terns, the same suits that are f being sold up to .$15.00. This suh' . . .$10.75 Monroe Clothes $6.00 Off oil Any Monroe Suit of Clothes in Our Store Friday and Saturday. ' Men's Suits Special sale price on Men's Suits $9.75 to $17. Dress Shirts, 79c ^^Special lot of Men's Dress Shirts, values worth more than $1.00. Sale price 79e Dress Shirts, 64c New shipment Men's Dress Shirts well made, of goocTquality percale, $1 value. Sale'price. .64c Dill. Di.-! ni - i oiik ou-ipe onirts, $1.35 Men's Wash Silk Stripe Shirts, $2 values. Sale price $1.35 $1 Chambra^ Work Shirts.. .65c Men's Hosiery 15c Socks, per pair. 10c Men's Knox Knit Socks, also other leading brands 18c 50c Silk Socks, per pair.... 25c Khox $1 fashion seam Silk Socks, per pair 65c Men's 2-Piece Athletic ' U nderwear 50c Athletic -Shirts and Draw era .. .. 35c Men's Athletic Union Suits Men's fullcut nainsook Athletic ? Union Suits 44c $1 Athletic Union Suits....64c Men's 72-80 count full cut Ath letic Union- Suits, well made. Sale price ... ... ... 64c Hants' Athletic Union Suits..98c rri "* " ? Overalls, 94c Men'i full cut, heavy weight Overalls, $1 value. Sale price, ... ..94c< Men's union made "Overalls, best quality denim. Sale price.$1.35 ~ Boys'Suits All Prices Out on Boys' Suits, Including Monroe, Jr. ? ... ? * ^1- Boys' Wash Suits Boys' Wash Suits, made of genumo puretta cloth. Sale price, ^ ?? ....... ... ... MM.. ^lidH ^ . ? II ^ I ... ? grr r ''v y; ' Z'f " N iirs l Sale IT SALE OF TEAR f the Month of ne Rompers, 79e Children's Rompers, well made, Sale price 79c Boys' $1.00 Ove-ralls, 64c One lot Roys' Overalls, made of pood quality denim, special. Sale price 64c Boys' Pants, 44c Boys' Khaki Pants, 65c values. Sale Price 44c MEN'S ALPACA SUITS Men's $18 Alpaca Suits to go ou sale Friday morning at 8:45 at $10.75 FOR THE LADIES Crepe (le Chine, $1.08 40 inch Crepe de Chine, good heavy quality, in all colors, values worth up to $1.65. Sale price __$1.08 ?? . Black Teffeta, 94c Yard wide guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk, a good quality. Sale piyce 94c Colored Taffeta, 98c Yard wide Navy Blue Taffeta Silk, $1.60 qualitv. Sale pricb. ?. ..." 98c A Wicked Slaughter of Silk Dresses Taffeta Silk, Crepe, cool and | lovely little dresses that will , give you good wear; dresses I worth up to $10, for. . ..$3.76 Voile Dresses We are offering one lot of $5 and $6 Voile, Organdy, dotted Swiss and Combination in all the latest styles at, each. .$3.45 One rack of white gabardine Wash Skirts, $2 values.,.. .94c Silk Dresses One lot Silk Dresses, including Crepe de Chine, Crepe Knit, Canton Crepe, Taffeta, etc., . values worth up to $18.50. Sale price $9.96 One lot of Canton Crepe Dresses, a very special value at. $13.76 Another rack of Silk Dresses, values up to $10.00, at...$6.75 LINGERIE All Silk Camisoles, Silk and. Philippine Underwear and Gowns included at sale price. SILK PETTICOATS One lot Silk Petticoats, various j colors. $3 values, at S3.79 ( Jersey Silk Petticoats. Sale Drice . ....... . . \ BRASSIERES r J All 25c Brassiere* for 18c j 50c Brassieres fnr 85c 50c Corset Covers .35c Iment Store South Carolina j 2K . ^ - jj. "" ' * ' " y*' ' ^ijfcS8Se8BB FHgTOJtT MIL i 1 fl ^ I There are just I we have sold s large nuigjber of Tacoma Refi | Ice ( 0 this season. V 1. Quality?T1 ( be built in a Refi ( 2. Price?We 0 you money. 0 Not only are tl y customers holdir 0 ones are being a< 1 Come on folks | for Quality, Ri| 0 Square Deal. ! Young * ' ! i j&k.. O. JC GOODTH Groocrtca, Market, Country Produce. Pbwe Fourteen. V t V r j * ' * ' / SCHOOL TAX ELECTION. Notice is hereby sriven that on hine 30, 1922, an election will be ie)d at Qold Hill Schol House, in Sold Hill School District No. 39, >n the question of reducing the ocal school levy to eight mills on the dollar. The polls will open it 7 ooloelc A. M. and close at 1 P. M. Voters will exhibit their registration tickets and tax reicipts. P. H. WILSON, . - .J. EPP8> - - W. H. CROOK, . ^ , Trustees. I'F L. J. Maasey says he has sold nore Shoes this season than ever before, haaanee he had bettei Shoes at tager prices. ' ? * ' ' K V . " afe J*X ?W S?jr?liL -'if" in , ' ? - ^ "M * " ^ ires, e.y raaar n i hi iiin i " j 3 two reasons why i V 1 * uch an unusually j ... I rigerarors ana Chests ? *, t he best that can rigerator. ( guarantee to save { lie ranks of our old ig firm, but new ( dded daily. I .?line up with us C ght Price and a C & Wolfe : / _ / i / 33STES INGS TO EAT , # t "How We Cleared Our Summei Home .of Rats, "by Mrs. Perry. "When we opened our seaside home last May, it was alive with rats. They'd gnawed all the upholstering. We cleaned them oul in a week with RAT-SNAP. 1 preier tnis rat Killer because it comes in cake form, no mixing Saves dirtying hands and plates. ' Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold . by Lytic Drug Co. and Moore's Drug Store. . LOTS FOR SAIA?Three lots in Whiteville Park,- Port Mill cheap;. cash or terms to reliabli party, or will consider a trade ' Write to J. L. Psttirssn? Bsi> 48 Mount Holly, 1J,&r M * +' ' * t I* V T# '*-v ~ '\i*. -v. .? ''*/'*<. rffTil i iMnliT i \ EBSS999BSSS9BBBSBS9S9959SSSSSCSHBSSSES rri~ in i line u an Ac< !We have instalie windows of this Ba keeps perfect time v or works of any ki: tell you what make: that is a secret?but how to save money cret. The clock r any hour or minute and 2 p. m. is the open a savings accc value the business clients and solicit n< We have received a com] of Fort Mill township subje< commutation road tax and t cept the money and forv ) Treasurer. ! First Natic i f Capital and Surplus Resources ONE-HALF I i * " / I i I SUPERIOR II All Kinds Aut ' i Cars WashedIFor a Satisfactory m. L. CASE, Pre if~ = ft ^ Always 1 You will always fin< Store the freshest ai thing in ,GROCERI I We are in business get rich in a day, a and 'are satisfied profit. BRADFOR HAM. STREET - * i r u - ;| LADIES' SI I AT ONE DOL I We have one lot Ladies' Slippi : ' olose out at only $1.00 pair. THE CASH PHONI ! S. A. LEE and T. F. \ u-? i 1 - - - ? ? . We sometimes suspect that the . "lord old days'7 were good be- on i, cause of the people, who lived in be them. ; v w< *V ' ' ~ r ' . ' ..v - * - V *: ? -cv;-;*. ^ v >'?. > 4 0 |"?Tj I 3 Start zount d in one of the nk a clock which without pendulum nd. We cannot s the clock go? : we can tell you That's no seeminds you that between 9 a. m. : correct time to >unt with us. We of our present iw accounts. plete list of the citizens :t to the payment of the will be pleased to ac/ard it to the Connty roal Bank $50,000.00 MILLION DOLLARS GARAGE ! o Repairing | t A\wpan cu I Job Just Try Us f >prietor. ^ lie Best d in stock at this nd best of everyES. not expecting to week or a month with a . modest to & CO. PHONE 113 . IPPPOCI Jll A AJIW LAR PAIR era which we are going to Sizes limited. 1 STORE . LYTLE, Mgrs. JJIL -l L?..< I - J? - * An exchange says . that the ily thing that is ever fair to .th capital and labor is the eather. _ * - " - * . , .