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aSSmaBSSmSBSSSSSSSSSBSBSSSaSti * . NEWS ABOUT TOWN. E. R. Andrews of Olympia, Wash., is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E: W. Kimbrell. ^ Mrs. j. C. Hunter and her childish of Liberty are guests in the home oi Mrs. ttunter s iatner, L>. J. Massey. Miss Martbu 'Dyches has returned to. her home in Fort Mill from Anderson college. Thieves Monday night broke into the store of the E. \V. Kirabrell company and carried off a number of suits of men's clothing and other articles, valued at alout $50. The driver of a Rock Hill lumber truck Mouday afternoon was fined $5 by the authorities of Fori Mill for turning his truck on Main street in violation of a town f , ordinance. v Misses llattie Belk, Elizabeth Mills, Anna Wolfe, Elma Bradford and Virginia Barber, who have been students at Wiuthrop college during the 1921-22 session, are now at home for the summer holidays. Farm work in the Fort Milt section has been dt a standstill for several days on account of recent ruins. An usually heavy ruin which fell at (i o'clock Friday, at ternon has been followed , by numerous showers. mi i.i . i! 11 i . sutee lie let! a few weeks ago for a vacation in New England. Dr.- A. L. Ott yesterday an. nounced that he had associated With hint in his dental office Dr. C. E. Bruce of Winnsboro, who is expected to arrive in Fort Mill \ within the next week or ten V . days. Dr. Bruce is a recent graduate cf the Atlanta Dental college. He is a nephew of J. T. Young of Fort Mill. Sales of cotton on the Fort Mill market for Friday and Saturday of last week and i'or Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the present week amounted to 73 bales, according to the report made to The Times yesterday af* . ternoon by K. Shannon, public weigher. The ruling price tor the i . - oesi grades of the staple was 20 1-2 cents. Friends of the family of the Rev. J. B. Black, former pastor of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church are loking forward with pleasure to a visit which Mrs. Black and her litle daughters are to make this week at the home of Col. and Mrs, T. B. Spratt, before joining Mr. Black at Ridge Spring, N. C., where he has recently accepted the pastorate of the Presbyter*an church. James T. Young, Jr., yesterday said that the story recently sent * out from Fort Mill to newspapers in this section stating that he had decided to leave Fort Mill and locate in Spartanburg was based on misinformation. "I received some time ago an offer to become connected with an advertising concern which has an office in Spartanbnfg," said Mr. Toting, ,4but I never aeriooMy considered accepting the offer." i nice run iuui wiiue iueu were assessed $f> each Monday morning by* Magistrate .J. it. flaile when they pleaded guilty to taking part in a poker game Sunday in which there was more ai stake than good wishes. The Times this week carries three additional announcements oi' candidates >\ho will enter the York county primary this summer: J. L. Houston, lor judge ot probate, and W. K. Bradford ami W. C. Talley for the house ot representatives. F. E. Clinton, member of the York county board of registra tion, requests The Times to announce that the board will spend Tuesday, June 13, in Fort Mill for the convenience of citizens oi the community who may wish to secure registration certificates. Rain in the fifth inning Thursday afternoon broke up a ball game in York between the Fort Mill team and the Americun Legion team of that town. The COUlltV Sent linvw nnniii'??ntlv liu.l ? ?~ "rr"* ?*' the edge on the locals, the score" standing (3 to 3 in their favor. The 'Junior Bureau class of the Fort Mill Baptist Sunday school, with a number of girl friends 01 the members, Wednesday enjoyed a picnic oh the banks of Sugar creek, near. town. Their pleasures for the day were directed by their teacher, Miss Jess sie Merritt. Friends of George Fish, general manager of the plants of the ?Fort Mill Manufacturing compa?. uy, will be pleased to learn that his health,*"'which bus not been good for several mouths, is showing considerable improvement notice. Notice is hereby given that the Books of Enrollment for voting in Democratic Primary Elections In York County win be opened on Tuesday, June 6th,. 1922, and will pamo in ?? W*? *? " ? vww* VfTVU IA4AVAA A licouaj) July 25th, 1922? on which latter date the books tfill close. Per* sous desiring to vote in the com* tug primary elections are required to enroll at their nearest precinct, calculated by the jiearest practicable route. Each appli* cant for enrollment shall in person^ write upon the club roll full name, his or her age, postolttce address, and occupation.. The following is a list of the various precincts, with the eurolU nient committee and place the said book of enrollment is to b* sept: Aragon?Hilton's Drug Storoi 8. M. Koss, J. M. MciSwain, James Gregory. T U 1 >_ A uciuci u iii. r ui u a uiui c, a. C. Barnett, H. M. Burnett, W. L?. Adams. Bethany?McGill Bros'. Store, VV. B. MoGill, Martin McCartes, J. 1>. Smith. Beersheba ? Beersheba School House, J. B. McCarter, Hugh uove, VV. A. CarroHr BluirsviUe? J. iT. Russell's Residence, J. N. Russell, Mrs. J. .sT. Russell, S. L. Blair. Bullock's Creek?Porter B; Good's Store. Porter B. Good, Mrs. P. B. Good, R. L. Vinson. Catawba?J. C. Paris' Store, J. C: Faris^ VV. H. Spencer, VV. B. .Simpson. Clover ? Campbell - Matthews Company, Sam J. Matthews, 1. J. v'ampbell, F. H. Jackson. Ebenezer?Matthews' Store, B. H. Matthews, J. L. Currence, Joe Steele. Filbert?W. E. Laud's Store, \V. E. Land, VV. L. Purstey, E. L. Wood. Forest Hill?R. E. L. Ferguson's Store, R. E. L. Ferguson, \V. P. Boyd, E. F. VVhisonuut. LI . 1CII I L..I. 1-V ft. r on nun?uyue wrug oiore. A. 0. Lytic, J. K. Haile, A. L. Parks. . Cannon Mill?School House, \V. C. Pannell, J. J. McSwain, W. S. Wood. Hickory Grove?Hood Drug .Store, C. W. Kirby, J. H. Hood. C. R. McGill. Hopewell?J. W. Smart 's Residence, J. W. Siuarr, G, W. Wilaerson, Will Dowdle. Lessee?Lesslie & Glasscock's Store, W. C. Lesslie, J. P. Shill.liglaw, J. E. Glasscock. McConnellsville?Moore & SanSit'er's Store, J. M. Sandifer, J. M Williams, .J. M. Crawford. Mitchell's Store ? Mitchell's Slore, G. P. Mitchell, Jatnes W. DrafHn, Toy P. Reid. New Zion?A. J. Alexander's Store, A. .J. Alexander, \V. M. Wallace, W. M. Smith. , Newport?Jackson's Store, J. J. Swinnic, T. F. Jackson, Ladd i. Lumpkin. Ogden?K. C. Caveny's Store, Li. C. Caveny, 1. S. Kidd, H. Dunlap. Rock Hill No. 1?Erwin CarojEers' Office, Erwin Carothers, J. B. Creighton, C. K. Chreitzberg. Rock Hill ;No. 2?Diehl-Moore Shoe Company, T. A. Moore, A. K. Hutchison, Henry Maseey. Rock Hiii No. 3?V. B. McFadJcn's Office, D. B. McFadden, W. j B. Meredith, V. B. McFadden. Rock Hill No. 4?-Phillips'Drug Store, Dr. W. Q. Stevens, Miss Alta Fewell, Mr. Carothers. Sharon?First National Bank, J. S. Hartuess, P. F. Ferguson, J. ft Saye. Santiago?rA. M. McQill's Store, A. M. McGill, J. E. Biggers, R. R. Brown. . Smyrna ? Whisonant's Drug Store, R. B. Whisonant, J. N. Quinn, S. L.-Caldwell. # York No. 1?Sheriff's Office, F. E. Quinn, D. T. Quinn, J Howard McMackin. -Vm-It Ma o n:*-. t n - ? ?iw. ? liau, ?J. * . I Faulkner, J. B. Neil, J. M. Williford. . ? ' JOHN A. MARION, County Chairman. Attest? J. H. SAYE, Secretary. CARD OP THANKS. We desire to express onr deep appreciation to our friends and neighbors for their many aeta of kindness and words of sympathy in the illness and at the death of .-j our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Blanche (Griffin Gamble. . , J. M. GAMBLE 4 CHILDREN. 11 ' i i .a. , Maasey'a Cut Price Shoe Sale 1 is still miming fnH- blast. Lots I of new Shoes at new prices just ! received. ! IMw&m : - - w: ?:* > ^>*,S "'"' ?i> '?.' >,** v" ^ N EB9BB99BOBBS9BnBMHMH?He9^P9Be9ll FOR CONGRESS T | * I hereby announce that I am * candidate in the Demoerafie pri-i maries of South Carolina for the nomination for Representative of I jt urc \jF At Reduc ? ?,v . We beg to oafl attention to 1 fering on POT* CRYSTAL 300 Lb. Block f 200 Lb. Blook \ 100 Lbs . 75 Lbs I .60 Lbs. .... !. .... . 50 Lbs - 40 Lbs 26 Lbs 20 Lbs. .. ..." 16 Lbs. .. 10 Lbs. 1 B. C. FEF [ PHON 1?l mm mm \ j MOORE'S D1 j * , i This Store is prepai supply the public .Drugs and Drhggis lowest possible pric W e carry the; chou Articles to be ha( Mothers are invite Talcum Powdqr. ? r^? MOORE'S Di W. C. MOORE. | I 1 ? i Everything fc i ' rioasTm um k If ve cin do anything, for yi ( 701, Bock Hill, and wis will I : OIVJ6 US i ! YOUNG 4 MCK . Mrtlnwra :*ai r aMMSaaaHgaMMB the Fifth Congressional District for the 68th Congress, and I take this opportunity to thank the people of the District for their loyal support in the past and to say that 1 shall endeavor to deserve their support and confidence in the future. W. F. STEVENSON. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR At the solicitation of voters of practically all sections of York County, 1 have decided to announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of county supervisor of York County/" subject to- the approval of the voters in the primary election. If nominated 1 pledge myself to give the taxpayers an efficient, economical business administration. JOHN F. GORDON. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, according to the rules of the Democratic primary. Win. A. DOUGLAS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. ARTHUR T. HART. I am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters iu the primary election. M. C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. W. 1). THOMASSON. I hereby announce myself a I T* ppp^" > candidate for Tremmr of York Coantv. iihiunt tn tW ?n da t ion of the Democratic voters in the primary election D. L..SHIEDER. I apa candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. JOHN R. LOGAN. I am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the Primary Election. ERNEST W. GUY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am a candidate for renomination in the Democratic primary for the House of Representatives and will be grateful to the votera of the county for such support as they feel I am worthy of. W. R. BRADFORD. I hereby announce myself a cau. didate for the House of Representatives, subject to the action nf tilp vntai-a rwf Vai-U ?- W ? v%v?M V* a vr* a* V VUUI > ill the Democratic Primary. W. C. TALLY. JUDGE OF PROBATE I hereby "announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Probate Judge of York 'County, subject to the action oi the voters in the Democratic Primary. J. L. HOUSTON. CARD OF THANKS. We are grateful to our many friends and neighbors for their hiudness and sympathy in connection with the illness and death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Sullie A. Nivens. We are especially indebted to Dr. J. R. DesPertes ft?r his efforts in her behalf. May God's richest blessings rest on all of them. " CHILDREN. For Sale?Millions Porto Rico, Nancy Hall and Early Triumph potato plants 75c per 1,000 F. O. B. Valdosta. Dorris Plant Co., Valdosta, Ga. 2t ystal Ice ed Prices Jm Mkw niOES we art of ICS, effective May 1: . .. $1.50 1.00 . 60 45 . ? 36 30 28 20 ? 16 ... .? 15 : - 10, EGUSON IE 29 * * UJG STORE red at all time to with the freshest ts1 Sundries at the 68. jest line of Toilet 1 in this section, d to try our Baby V * UJG STORE rh. CL, Mtntfir MM ir theOffiee | Kbofmstran | ni drop us a line, or pkooo > T bo on Ibo job, I 1 TMUlL I t HULL t H2LL f Ida Ostlfttora. ini|i'M>H.wi>' .. |?9niHHHSHraafeS [ JUNE | EXTRA GOOt 5 \ Thm *???*< I V ALL THIS A FRF.F.?50 Cascade Envelop . Linen Paper .. A FREE?One cake Jontell T ? of Johntell Face Powder. A FREE?One Battery with ? 50c Harmony Liquid Sham A 60c Jordan Almonds, extra V 40c Zinc Oxide Adhesive P a .25c Puretest Zinc Sterate.. . y * 65c Rexall Liver Salts f And other MONEY SAVE] | LYTLE j EAT ELECT11I! <; "The Bett If for no other reason. Eh Better Bread'' because it i: retaining the natural flavoi it from your grocer and "TASTE THE I ELECTRIK MAI It. A. Wilson, Prop. N v | Let Us Fill 1 I ICE G | MOTOR OILS I (WHOL %> I CULP BR f I !j GROCERIES J n (RET | PHONE IfwST A# For Perfect : Sight i. WEAR OUR Glasses, made to 'PIT YOUR Eyes, after the error of 'refraction is determed by a carefui examination. BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED WHILE YOU WAIT. L.y * ?' ' Williams Optical Co. 11 Optometrists and Opticians '' Izard Building Ground Floor Hampton Street BOOK HILL S. C. APivr wmmm w mm IN j? LET ITS SHOW YOU SOME OF D THE CARS NOW BEING U PAINTED. ' YOU WILL THEN '3 DECIDE WHERE TO BRING J YOUR CAR WHEN IT XEEDS J A NEW COAT. jmremra paint vVQlliHHt D . shop JAB. A. JOHNSON, Aato Pftlnttra. Body aad'Top Bulldore rock hill, s. c. SALE?1 > VALUES AT 0 xCC Star* : j| ?| > MONTH I es with one pound of Cascade A 60c y oilet Soap with each 50 j box A each $1.50 Flashlight.. $1.35 A ipoo 33c V special, pound . *39c A laster 29c U 19c ? . : . 49c U R.S at s S COMPANY | C MAID BREAD er Bread" *i'trik-Mahl would be "The s electrically baked, thereby r of llu> ingredients. Order IIFFERENCE" [D BAKE SHOP KOCK HILL, S. C. four Wants | E KEROSENE i! *? i GREASES :: ESALE) y < * . < > MOTHERS JL AND COAL aid > 1: < NO. 15. ^ .! | < S Tired | "I was weak and run-down," jD M relates Mrs. Bula Burnett, of I Si Dalton, Qa. "I was thin and ff just felt tired, all the tlmsi 9 1 didn't rest well. I wasn't" flj erer hungry. I knew, hf H this, I needed a tonic, and A as there Is none better than? Rj . CARDUII n The Woman's Tonic I 0 . . . I began using CardutT 'm 3| continues Mrs. Burnett. A A "After my first bottle^ I slept U R| better and ate better. I took M A four bottles. Now I'm wall, H A feel Just fine, eat and sleep,* H H my skin Is clear and I have fl SBmiuou sua ur? im UUH M Csrdul U the best tonic ?nr?r Vj made." ", I WA Thousands of other vmm? H' hare found Cardul Joel a* K n Mrs. Burnett did. It should K M help you. U At all druggists. Genuine Puerto /ilico- Potato Plants now ready. Try the auto route and come to our plantheds, get what you want when yon WLnt it. Don't be fooled by booking your order for. eheap plants and getting nothing until it ia too late. Ten States demand plants ( this month ? one-half .enough bedded to supply demand. Telephone 125 -B. Medlin Plant Farm, York County'a Plant Doetor, Fort Mill, S. C. ' ' 4,'i -, .-B &A WUttmam. i