University of South Carolina Libraries
' B1 |r*. ;! . ^ SALE V If 1 .. ROCK HI WEDNESDA P ; t. ' FARMERS, brin to the big lot op office, where th ty of buyers. One Hundri s % in Rock Hill Sto gains. Biggest in Rock Hill. IpWatch for Big S] ROCK HILL I c * . ' * * Death of Mrs. Sallie A. Nivens. Mrs. bailie A. Nivens, widow of L. S. Nivens, died at her home I ill the upper section of Fort Mill township last Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock, following an illness which extended over many months. Mrs. Nivens was 62 years old and before her marriage to Mr. Nivens was Miss Sallie Boyd. The funeral services were $ conducted by the Rev. Mr. Smith, pastor of Flint Hill Baptist church, and the interment was in the Flint Hill churchyard; Mrs. Nivens is survived by four sous. Alva Nivens, Bert Nivens, Rich- . ard ^ivens and Brown .Nivens, and three daughters, Mrs. Chas. Thomas, Mrs. H. P. Currence and Miss Leeola Nivens. w Remember the Sabbath. The Times publishes the following at the request of J. J. Stamen of Fort Mill: Whoever works on the Sabbath day Shall be parsed. I command you to K? to church. Keep tne Lord'* dcy holy without any manner of work. You shall not Idle nor misspend you time In bedecking yourself In oostly apparel and vain dressing. For I Nhave ordered it a day of rest. 1 will have tho day kept holy, that your sins may be forgiven I jro?- ; - : Yo\i shall, not break my commandments. but observe and keep them, they betnff written with my own hand and Spoken. with my own mouth! You aha)) not 'only |o to church yourselves, also your servants, and yml maid servants. Observe my words and learn my. commandments. t You shall finish your labor everv Saturday at 6. o'clock In the afternoon, at which hour the preparation for the Sabbath begins. I advise you to rust flvrf Fridays In a year, beginning at Oood ir Fridays the five yon and ccably laI when It Yon shall them that acramont; l nvfmlier * SDAY . | / .7 4 ILL, S. C V ' IIINtii I, UUI1L IT g your Produce posite the posture will be plen% 4 ;d Specials res at big barevent ever held pecial Circulars. MERCHANTS 1 1 j CITATION. State of South Carolina?York County. By J. L. Houston, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. Whereas J. Andy Tate has applied to rae for Letters of Administration, 011 all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Sallie A. Nivens, late of the County aforesaid, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said County, to be holden at York Court House on the 22nd day of June to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and Beal this 6th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two and in the 146th year of American Independence. J. L. HOUSTON, Probate Judge of York County. University of Sooth Carolina SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS The examination for the award oi vacant scholarships in the University _ a 0 il / ? 1: ?m? - > ui ouutn *j#ruiiii? miu ior aumission Ol new students will be held at the Count; Courthouse July 14, 1922, at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When scholarship! are vacant after July 14, they will bt awarded to those making the highest avenge at examination, * provided the; meet the conditions governing th< award. Applicants for scholarship! should write to President Currell foi scholarship application blanks. Thea< blanks properly filled out by the applicant should be filed with President Currell by July 10. Scholarships art worth $100, free tuition and fees. Next session will open September 20, 1922 For further information writs to. President W. S. CURRELL, University of Sooth Carolina, | COLUMBIA, S. C. jk . * - ?* ' "-V* *V~ v 4 ?? m foet mhi j| There are just l | we have .sold su y large number of I Tacoma Refiri I I/?n r I 11/1. V this season. 1. Quality?Th be built in a Refr 2. Price?We j you money. Not only are th customers holdinj ones are being ad Come on folksfor Quality, Rig Square Deal. | Young i p o O. vTC GOOD TH i . v i Groceries, Market, Country Produce. Phone Fourteen. . _ t ; LISTEN! \ Baker's is the Barber Shop that , baked the prices, but it didn't do . it at the expense of service. [ Hair Cut.; ..- 25c [ Shampooing, plain.. 25c r Singeing 25c ? Tonic 25c i Shave 15c r Massage, plain 25c i Come and see us. We will save t VOU mnnpv anH nanfl WA? ??" " ? ? ?vuu j vu c? n } smiling , BAXX&'b BARBER SHOP. Jsp Orass and Matting Bugs at lest than pre-war prices; 9 by feet $5.904o ?6.50 at Maesey'a. v * *. ?$* ' # * r ' # ' 1 * v*:'" "*"* - " > :-?t-'~ -\> -" r* .?*. - ; ' "' -" '"' ' ' .5 * ' ( , (8. Q.) TIMXS I 1 ?? ? two reasons why j| ich $n unusually j| igerators and 1 bests | te best that can 0 igerator.. 0 guarantee to save e ranks of our old 0 I firm, but new 0 Ided daily. 0 ?lind up with us 0 bt Price and a 0 sa"^ If k Wolfe | >3STES INGS TO EAT , ** N "How We Cleared Oar Summer a Home of Rati, "by Mrs. Perry, 'j"When we opened our seaside I home last May, it was alive with I rats. Thev'd fmawed all thp-nn- I holstering. We cleaned thorn out in a week with RAT-SNAP. I prefer this rat killer because it comes in cake form, no mixing. Saves dirtying hands and plates.' Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold by Lytle Drug Co. and Moore's Drug Store. 7 " Some congressmen probably never will be heard of if they are to quit sending opt garden seed. . ' Sometimes a man refrains from running for office because of his ii modesty, but more often it is be- ei cause of fear of defeat. n \ . V' 'V^*1 ' * > * " -V *? 4 . r * v .- > * ** 1' " ' ~ 1 . ' i^ai liuig ar Saving Of course, a ma counts, but what ii ance is his Saving It is not the an vou nnpn an infprf that means most i: regularity with wl First Nati Capital and Surplus Resources ONE-HAL SUPERIOR All Kinds Av Cars Wash? For a Satisfactory a L CASE, ] Always' ' You will always fi Store the freshest thing in GROCEF We are in busines get rich in a day, . and 'are satisfied profiiBRADFO HAU. STREET ' - MEN'S New lot MEN'S FANCYt prices very reasonable. Alsi HATS, which are selling these are several GENUINI ' and see them. THE CAS PHC # . S. A* LEE and T. Lloyd George knows his Britih empire whether the British mpire knows Lloyd George or ot. / ' ) * * V ^ - -mT ... ; Power id Power in's earning power c s of prime importPower. nount with which :st-bearing account n the end, but the Inch you add to it. onal Bank $50,000.00 F MILLION DOLLARS S- <#> : GARAGE I ito Repairing I d?Repaired I T Job Just Try Us | Proprietor. ^ The Best nd in stock at this I and best of everyUES. >s not expecting to a week or a month with a modest RD & CO. \ J - PHONE 113 =\ A* A I i uAfb 'APS just in?pretty patterns, o, nice assortment of STRAW at verv low prices. Among 3 PANAMA HATS. Come in I >0 STORE >NE8 F. LYTLE, Mgrs. Most things have their compensations. Women who wear drug store complexions know better than to weep in public. , # / * > * w