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ssessaeasdmesaaaaattEM THE FORT MILL TIMES Thursdays?Democratic. W. R. Bradford. Editor and Publisher. ine ri in en invites contributions on live subjects, but does not agree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. The right Is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those Interested. Telephone, local and long distance, No. 112. Entered at the postolllce at Fort Mill, P. C.t as mall matter of the second class THURSDAY, JUNE, 8, 1922. v ? > The race for the governorship .of South Carolina this year emphasizes the fact that in this Sta>e men of oustanding ability cbme to the front slowly in seek friends in deciding to become a candidate lor public oflice is worth less than its face value. JUr^jMost men run for public otliee on their own motion?they do not wait to be urged to do so. They seek oflice for the financial gain there is in it or for the better _ standing tliey imagine it will giye them among their fellow citizens. But it is a fact, attribute it to what one may, that for the governorship in' this State men new to political life are not looked upon with favor. It seems .to be a condition precedent to success that the-candidate must have been a more or less regular oflice seeker for years. Elect a man governor of South Carolina who , has not gone around for years looking the boys in the eye and tullinn * 1.?... 1 nwmg uinii nuai B WHICH H1HI who'8 why?the idea! We don't play the game that way in thin Legion Auxiliary Organized. . Organization of a woman's auxiliary of Eli Bailes post, No. y- 48, American Legion, of Fort Mill was perfected last Friday after> noon at<a meeting in the Legion club rooms. at whichthe following officers were/elected: President, 'Mrs. Elizabeth M. Belle;. vice president, Mrs. T. B. Sprat t; secretary, Mrs. W. L. Boyd; treasurer, Mies Nora Hamilton. Another meeting of the auxiliary is ' to M held ibis afternoon and the officers request that all who wish to join be present iitg the more important political offices. The county to county campaign will open wilhiu the next .fortnight and thus far there is little competition for any of the offices* except the governorship, and -that, in the mail), by men who have - been candidates, for public office so often in the last 15 or 20 years that one cannot recall offhand the score of their numerous races. Of course there is a reason why so little new blood is injected into State politics. There are many men in South Carolina whose names are never mentioned in connection with Stute offices who would muke excellent officials. A big percentage of these men have 110 stomach Tor politics because it is a rough and tumble game as we play it in this State and it is not easy for even those who are successful at it to get by without losing more than they gain. . Other well equipped men refrain from seeking public office because the financial rewards are 1 w suiull and they .will not make the sacrifice that would be involved in giving up their private busiin ss to serve the people. Still another class of men who would make acceptable public ollicials never enter polities because of inherent timidity?neithrt* their friends nor their neighbors urge them to run for oflice, und they therefore conclude that failure awaits them should they try it. They have not learned that most of the \h\k one hears about this man or that man reluctantly uc ceding to the solicitation of his , >- -> NOT TU . , . > EFI Chain 1 v CONTINUES T1 Entire Mor Closing Saturda There Will Be Added Every D Friends to Con Efird's D< ROCK HILL Ford y, ? THE UNlVERSi Farming, like every otl down the overhead. It' is not a question of Fordson; it is a question tinue farming on the old The farmer's problem is i it is also a production p down the cost of product! The Fordson does more and in less time than the Let us give you the pre call today. " Heath Ho FORT M1L1 *' - . ?* %." * AV j-7 **' ^ ICE! IE ' (c IRD i Sale TROUGH THE ith of June y Migin, juiy 1 New Bargains' ay. Tell Your ie. $ - ? ' ;pt. Store - - - s. c. $ U. TRACTOR __^ f^jjjp ^O^OETROiT', J Reduce W Your Production Cost* .' "fier business, must cut . being able to aflord a of being able to contoo-costly basis. . . x>t all a sales problem; roblem.^ He must cut ion. work at a lower cost old hand* methods. of. Write, phone or 1 tor Co. u's. c * ' ' \ " . ' > . '* ; (8>o;> times v , " ! ? "" ' m m mwsmmjm&EW&MwM i Hot Weath 1 ? "ft A I lur ivj n 1 Genuine Mohair Suits i 1 grey, well made, cool I $12.50, $15 and $17.50. i . Straw and Panama Ha i age, NEW and not ca i| $2.50 and $4.00; Straws I $3.50. v One lot slightly s New lot of Knit Neckv ing the New Knit Ties, 2 ' ' Men's Athletic Union i New Oxf?rds, English. $2.95 to $6.50. Silk, Lisle and Cotton i. Big line Men's Dress S For L Another shipment of S brown, gteen and red. New lot Silk Dresses, t Special La( I Don't fail to see these?2j for Hats worth up to $7.( Be sure to see our He Hose, Misses' and Childr< PATTE] TUP /^\I TAT IT ion. yUALi 1 J ? N- " " ' . - ? . Is governed to a great exter from which it is made. 1 many people come here for Everything we sell in foods merit. Long experience i: t&ught us how to judge and - ers get the benefit. And why they remain customer! Fort Mill Cocp ES. PARKS, \ I _ ANNOUN To The Building F * v. : ..: t x .. ' t We are equipped to make < and any kind of Building i and cordially invite your in< We carry Framing^ Floorir I Llliie. Planter. Clement Mn and we can manufacture ai Rock Hill Lun j.Pbone 615 Oakland / n. / wmmmqmmmimmmlMpmmimmmmmm m . v '.' ( * " i erjComfort | Len I HB in black, dark grey, light | and comfortable, only _ i ts to suit the man of any $ irried-overs. Panama at ? $ 1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and g oiled, choice, 50c. | rear. Everybody is buy- fa 5c, 50c, 75c and $ 1. 1 Suits, 75c and $1. r , brogue or wide toe at t* 1 Or hn 1 ^ ^ WW v -W *4/ ICQ hirts at $ 1. 1 yadies j >ilk Parasols, black, navy, Jack, brown and navy. | dies' Hats for Saturday. tj >2.45, $2.95 and $3.45 1 )0. I >siery Window. Ladies' | sn's roll top, all colors. ^ RSON'S Y OF BREAD it by the quality of the flour hat is one reason why so their flour. tuffs is of the same order o? ' i .1 ?*i i tne grocery business has how to buy. Our customthat, we might remark, is I of ours from year to year. erative Store I , Manager. -vi H - :?m UUilV/ UI A U1 t. 1T1111 < ?? quick deliveries of Lumber material right at your door quiries. * ig, Ceiling, Siding, Shingles, -? ldings, Lathe, Doors, Sash, \ lything in Millwork. iber Company ^ enue . ROCK HILL, S. C. * * * *!. ; 1 v.