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Miss Mary Bouknight is vfiitiiig her cousin, Misa Vivian Ellis, at Silverstreet, Newberry county. J. P. Jeter,-Jr., who travels out of Greenville for the American Casualty company, spent yesterday in Fort Mill with his sister, Mim O T Puln r*. % . ' Miss Bulo^r Massey. daughter v- of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massey, has returned to her home for the summer vacation from Mitehell college. Statesville, N. C. Monthly tests' are to be made of the electric fire alarm installed a few weeks ago by the town council ot Fort Mill, beginning with u test Friday at noon. The equipment of the Third battalion headquarters company, 118th regiment, S. ('. N. G., located in Fort Mill, now includes a motor cycle, which was received yesterday. | Sales of cotton in Fort Mill for Friday and Saturday of last week and for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week ran up to a total of 175 bales, according to K. Shannon,public weigher. Mrs. W. F. Harris, accompanied by her little granddaughter. Nancy Harris, left yesterday for visit of several weeks to Mrs. Harris' daughter, Mrs. \V: Ij. Reunion, at Granileville, Aiken county. W. 11. Ardrey, ?Jr., has accepted* a position with the North Carolina highway commission. Foi the present he is located at Pineville, but expects to be transfer led to Wadesboro within a few weeks. Friends of Mrs. .1. T. Young have been pleased to note the recent improvement in her condi tion since she returned Saturday from Rochester. Minn.. \vlicr?? Hhi was for several weeks a patient at a hospital. . M. A. Cohen, who came to Fori Mill from Charlotte, N. C., seveial months ago and opened here a dry goods store, yesterday closed his place of business and moved his stock of goods to (Jastonia, N. C., where he has had a branch store for some time. An important transfer of Fort Mill real estate occurred a few ? days ago when Mrs. E. M. Belk sold to L. A. Harris the two Main street store rooms which have been occupied for several years by the Cash store, of which ?Mr Harris is one of the proprietors During a thunderstorm Satur day afternoon the home of W. H Crook, in the Cold -llill neighbor hood, was struck by a bolt ot lightning. The bolt did little damage to the building, however and only slightly shocked Mrs. Crook. Mr. Crook thinks tin house would have caught fire but for a heavy rain which was falling at the time. 'i'ltit ill no in<>? * vjii tiij^ iin vict" ui llIU I v" 11 * day iueetiiig which has been uu dcr way at the Fort Mill Presby teriail church, with the Rev. W. 11. Mi ley, I). I)., evangelist for the synod of South Carolina, doing the preaching, was held lust night. Dr. Miley's sermons were listened to attentively by large congregations and the meeting ii thought to have done much good To Miss Muo Alford, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Alford ol Fort Mill, who has been making her home with her grandmother in Union for some time, caute the distinction gt the close of the session of the Union high school lam Friday night of being first in the graduating cluss of 19 girls and one boy and of winning the Kathleen Arthur medal, presented each year to the student mnKing the highest general average for the term. Special services in celebration of the laying of the cornerstone of St. John's Methodist church are to be held ou the first Sunday in July, yesterday said the Rev. \V. R. Boukuight, pastor of the church. The cornerstone was placed in position yesterday aftemoou by workmen from the Palmetto Monument "Works of pr^ " Yoi'U, by which it was presented to the church. Mr. Bouknight is r making an effort Co have Bishop Collins Denny come to Fort Mill *? preuefi the sermon, incident to &. the laying of the cornerstone. A cuse somewhat out of the ordinary was heard by Magistrate J. R. Haile Monday afternoon when-a negro girl, Audrie-tihant. appeared in his court for a preliminary hearing on a warrant jjffi. a worn out for her arrest by George Bailey, negro mat), who - charged the girl with an attempt to kill him by placing ground glass in bread she had made for his consumption. Bailey testified that Ufa girl had been cooking & ' ' ' " ' . "7' ' u7 - ;:>" *' " 145-.., . ?*<: .-v.n twmmr~* ?? did not show the presence of any foreign subBtane^T m m m u. Death of Mrs. T. W. Andre^a. Mrs. Lillie Cornelia Andrew*, wife of F. W. Andrews, died aft her home in Fort Mill last Thur^ day afternoon, following an iDnos8 that had extended over several months.' Mrs. Andrew^ was . IS years old and was a meirtmr of The Methodist church; ;ides her husband, she is survived by five children, whose father was the late R. M. Gross, towhom Mrs. Andrews was married several years ago and who difcjS in Fort Mill about three years ago. One of Mrs. Andrews' chil-^ dren is Miss Laura Gross, who ! iias been employed for several' years at he dry goods store of L. J. Massey. The funeral services vere conducted by the Rev. W. K. Bouknight and the interment uas in the Fori Mill city ceme.cry Friday afternoon; L. L. Worrell's Son Dead. Fort Mill friends of L. L. Worrell, some years ago superintendent of weaving for the Fort Mill Manufacturing company, learned vvith regret of the death Sunday ifternoon at the Presbyterian .lospital in Charlotte, N. C., of lis 17 year old son, Samuel Worrell. The young man was employed by a wholesale drug con....... _ * .cm in viiui luut' 111> 10 U icn days ago, when he accidentally dropped a box 011 his leg. The eg became infected and necessiated an operation in the effort to save his life. He failed to rally .'rom the operation. Mrs. J. A. Lipe Dead. A severe illness lasting over a en day period yesterday mornng ended the life of Mrs. J. A. Lipe at her home a short distance ,iorth of Fort Mill. Mrs. Lipe vas about 40 years old and was he mother of six children, who nirvive her. She also is survived ?y her husband and other relatives'. Mrs. Lipe was a member the Methodist church and the Mineral services were conducted his morning by the Rev. W. K. douknight. after which interment .vas at Zoar cemetery. S. A. Anderson Dead. Sam'l A. Anderson, well known i.rmer of the lower section of Mecklenbusr countv. died of mien. nonia at his home Saturday, folxwing a short illness. Mr. An- I lerson was 67 years old. The inerment was at Pleasant Hill ihurch Sunday afternoon. He j nad many friends in Fort Mill,dl of whom regretted to hear of lis death. He is survived by his widow, one son, six daughters and i number of brothers and sisters. Btunrd Breaks Tradition. " One of the oldest traditions of :he Mississippi coast has been smashed. A buzzard has recently I been seen to alight on Ship is- . iimd, 13 miles off Biloxi, an isand heretofore shunned by buz .ards. It is said that when the French were anchored at Ship island in 1699, en route-'to Biloxi o establish- the first- capital of (he Louisiana province, a misnonary died ou board a vessel. His last prayer was that the buzzards would not disturb his body. He was buried on the island, and iccording to tradition no buzzard had ever been seen there until .ust week. Memorial to Capt. John Smith. The latest in jitney movements is about to be launched in the I'nited Stales. "Get a nickel from the Smiths" will be the war cry raised in every city, town ind hamlet. It will be sponsored by the"Capt. John Smith Memorial association, with headquarters in Norfolk, Va. Each contribution will swell a fund for the erection of a gigantic qionuraent to the memory of apt. Smith on the spot at Cape i Henry where, in 1607, he and his 1 bund of colonists first set foot on Aihericau soil. ( With hundreds^of thousands of Smiths contributing, it is hoped .hat the total will be sufficient to erect the tallest monument in America at the entrance of Hampton Roads, where it will be visi tie tar out at sea. Women may run for office, but * they will never throw their hats 1 in the ring. < The woman . who brage about i how happy she is with her hus- \ band may be just talking to hear < herselftalk. ra*. 1 7 (. * " . v '-r 'V ~ ' ' ' . V f* ' - " '*: .<j ? .ielJilii iirU"i'in FOR CONGRESS < I hereby announce that 1 aro? i candidate in the Democrat maries of ^onth^ Carolina f AinSp nomination for BepresentatMjgrft the Fifth Congressional PlPMp for tiff 68th Congress, and JfirngTf mis opportunity to thank thdMEL pie oflCthe District for tMraSfv suppcnt in the past anSjjjto sjfcp \ thatj f shall endeavor tKttesemr*' ( their Support and conHBfcpce (par | * jfl ^ F* STEV^^?^|>- ^ FOR COUNTY WPER|M@ At f he solicitation of voHfltt pract^ally all sections oflHBNj 'counts, 1 have decided (lound myself as a candidate for | lomimrtion for the office of counvoters (in the primary election. If nominate iPptftUftiAfU* t(f|?e I the taxpayers -an efficient, eco- < nomical business administration, i JOHN F. GORDON. i ??? ^ FOR CO|XT\ TKE.\BURER. 1 eiLeMeylite:r,^firTl County, according to the rules of , the Democratic primarv. m i IVm. A. DOUGL/MjJI I hereby announce myselfr * candidate for Treasurer of York ( County, subject to the reeominen- ( dation of the Democratic voters , m ,he ; I am a candidate for of Treasurer of York Coifm^WM1" ject to the recommendation of the Democratic v'qft&s ot* astasia election. M. -C. WILLIS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for %TjM|awrsk^L^fiydL. i County, subject T^flfe rebonnflln-^ dation of the Denwoeratic voters J in the primary QteomlM |Cn*II I W. 1). THOMASJSON. c I hereby announce YnflirD ? J ? ilJiw qu sail Pufre -?r1 At Reduo We beg to call attentkm to 41 faring on PUBEO&YBTAL 300 Lb. Block v 200 Lb. Block .. A .. . 100 Lbs. .. 75 Lbs 1.. 60 Lbs .. 60 Lbs 40 Lbs. .. 26 Lbs 20 Lbs 16 Lbs. - 10 Lbs. .. B. C. FER PHONI MOORE'S DF j t. At this Brag Stor* ; the Purest and Freshest 3 addition a full line of Frop Goods, Etc. We have had sixteen Prescriptions, and you maj tions will be filled here jus We inyite you ^to eo Drinks and Ice Cream. MOORE'S DF W. C. MOORE P lr i > Everything fa PROM RK BAVHI WT J If we can do anything for yd 1 701, Rock Hill, and we will 1 ^ GIVE OB J YOUNG Mftl Wmtiomn and Qfl V V : ^ ' ' / >?' .* W ' * '.**- , " ^BWSy^Bfa' Tfewirer of YoHr ?Wn7>^M*to the reeoinmeu* lotipn of the Democratic voters Bfor Treasurer ^ ttSjjj lamocratic votUahrersaty of South Carolina ????AHCE ?The exatf irmtion for the award of E*^&chltf?i?3 iOWBtfftiversUy )f Booth Carolina and for admission of MRttflikfltM&T* Applicants must not be less than sixteensye^-s oirve. When scholarships fcterige ir exUninlBdKT^JVo^WHT they meet the conditions governing the iw?S!% Applicants for scholarships jh#Bd yritAljk jrreaident Currell for ifUA^iip tepteiftation blanks. These blanks properly filled out by the applicant should be filed with President Currell by July iaOSBMhiftf ft# worth $100, free tuition and fees. Next . PaesidMt W. S. CUBE EL I,, . suthfloid, ad . COLUMBIA^ S. C. try ijW?sjii*! NOTICE The regular* ^i{?<WUtiH?o^ he reviv^ services to be held at h.3<?*biait!R|MK?m?iesir> >rder of the Worshipful Master. --gjllul TitkmnoO p<steljiee?> r , ed Prices B NEW PRICES we are ofIOE, effective May 1: ; $1.60 . 1.00 ? 60 ?.. 46 ? ? 36 - ... 30 ? 28 ? 20 1.1 - 16 . .. ? .. 15 i v iO' GUSOINT e 2? tUG STORE you will find not only Diiff to bo had, but in riotary Medicines, Toilet yoara experience filling r be euro your Prescript ae your doctor orders, me here for your Soft / ' 1 1 'if T," ! tUG STORE fc. G.. MUstiw . r ihie Office I i M omotran | i B -drop US a line, or nhon<? e Mm the job. r !! * * :: fc HULL | mjL v - -t im OnttllUrs. ~ J< MI ?><? ?M I >H iWlM >I <1 I - dNifcv v ' fZtit - >' '? "Wm. , I i -'S ' ' - ' v " * I I 5 EXTRA GOOD jj |f - ' ALL THIS A FREE?50 Cascade Envelop X < Linen Paper A FREE?One cake Jnntell T Y of Johntell Face Powder. A FREE?One Battery with .1 Y 1 50c Harmony Liquid Sham A 60c Jordan Almonds, extra i Y 40c Zinc Oxide Adhesive PI X .25c Pnretest Zinc Sterate.. U 65c Rexall Liver Salts ? And other MONEY SAVFJ | LYTLE DRU( EAT ELECTltlH "The Bett< If for no other reason. Kle Better Bread" because it is retaining the natural flavor it from your grocer and "TASTE THE E ELECTRIK MA] K. A. Wilson, ProiK I Field Seed o A We ?re offering the farmers * I X prices 011? Xx Sudan Grass, 90 Day Velvet Z X Velvet Beaus, Bunch Velvet xyj Cane, Japanese Ribbon.Cam Y Cane; Williamson's Prolific a'* Goodman's and Hayes' Cor x of all varieties. All varieties X We are pushing Porto Jfcico t quality. Every' pTahPTs trut f plants at $1.25 per 1,000 in ' t Cash with order, and three % ' make delivery. ^ Melon and Garden Seed. I Garrison-Fa I. ROOK HILL, S. C. | Office Phone 690 I % vet \ ' * 'c^KV * We* Never Advise GLASSES Except N When Necessary? Nor do we prescnbe glasses without a most thorouge and painstuking I Examination. By WILLIAMS'S METHOD We are able to do thia with the least annoyance and gratest effectiveness to our patients. Williams Optical Co. Optometrists and Opticians Izard Building Ground Floor Hampton Street ROOK HILL S. C. i i DRIVE 'ill* . M< LET U8 SHOW YOl SOME OF ii THE CARS NOW BEING ' I FAINTER. YOU WILL THEN DECIDE WHERE TO BRING YOUR CAR WHEN IT NEED8 I A NEW COAT. JQHStfS paishop * ' XA8. A. JOHNSON. Maoax?r.' 1 iHto Rindra, Body and Top Builders .j ' ROCK HILL, S. C. * ? / ^ A *; *4 / ^ #v g55Bgaa?^^^B > VALUES AT H Star* > MONTH es with one pound of Cascade _ 50c oilet Soap with each 50.; box A each $1.50 Flashlight.. $1.35 A poo 33c V HH special, pound . ' 39c A aster 29c y 19c * 49c 0 IS at x i rOMPAMV f H : MAID BREAD ?r Bread'' ctrik-Maid would be "The t electrically baked, thereby of the ingredients. Order S >IFFERENCE" I D BAKE SHOP 1 f i;u( k HILL. S. C. I Potato Plants 1 i of this sect ion attractive X Beans. Osceola Stringles* X Beans, Soy Beans; Aiuber ? '. Silver Drip and Orange T ?. Douthit's Famous Prolific, n; (Jerman Millet; Peanuts X of Cow peas. # ' Potato Plants of .splendid J i to Variety. We ofl'er these 10.000 lots, delivered to you. J v days allowed in >\hich to _ ^ ^ X ns oeeowo, "Our Seed Will Grow." {J tesidence Phone 647-J \\ * > i > CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick F?r 1W<N > Years, SafferiB{ Pak,N<m*t and Depressed-?Read Her Own Story of Recovery* Paint Rock. Ala.?Mrs. a 1L SUM Of near here, recently related the M to wins Interesting account of her f> corery: MX was in a weakened ten* dltlon. X. was sick three years In bed offering a great deal of pain, weak; \ nervous, depressed. X was to week. ) I couldn't walk across the floor; |nt had to lay and my little ones da the ' work. I was almost dead. I If lit every thing I heard of, and a number et doctors. Still X didn't get soy retted. M I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. * I 1 oelleve If I hadn't heard of and taken I Cardni I would have died. X bought S lz bottles, after a neighbor told me I what it did for her. I "I began to eat and bleep, began to | gain my siren gin ana am bow ww und strong. I baren't bad amy turn fl bio since ... I sure can testify to the I good that Cardul did ma. I 4w1 fl think there la a better toaif Mk.- fl and I beliera It eared my Ufa." I For orer 40 ysars, thouaande of WW I men hare used Crrdul tiuemfnilr, In the treatment o> many -rnvmrnrnm m ailments. fl If yon suffer as these women #4 1 take Cardul. It may help you. tarn. I At all dnocglsta. B H 1 Genuine Puerto Rico Potato ' . gB Plants now ready. Try the auto vm route and come to our plant beds, Ret what you want when you wMit it. Don't be fooled by book-~ ing your order for cheap plants and getting nothing until it ia too Ifite. Ten States demand planta this month ? one-half enough bedded to supply demand. Telephone 125-B. Medliu Plant Perm, York County's Plant Doe- ^ tor, Port Mill, S. 0.