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. . \ > > ?> . *'**'- <yvfcii> ' PWA>fTOiyy?*ife^T>^ NEWS ABOUT TOW. Mrs. Mamie Boyd is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Stewart, in Mt. Holly, N. C. The Rev. J.W.H. Dyches, Th. D., pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist church, is in Jacksonville, Fia., this vVeek attending the an. nuai meeting of ihe Southern Baptist, convention. Before he retiiriiH home l)r. Dv<>lit>? will speml several days wiiu relatives in barnwell county. Fort Mill won an interesting and closely contested ball game l'roin Arcade mill in Kock llill Saturday afternoon, 3 to 2. The Fort Mill boys accumulated 10 hits to V for Arcade and the game was almost devoid of errors. The next game between Fori Mill and Arcade will" be played in Fort. Mill Saturday uiternoou. Col. T. rt. Spratt left yesterday for Charleston, YV. Ya., to a I tend the annual meeting of the general assembly of the Southern ITesbyterian church as one ot the commissioners oi bethel presbytery. Col. Spratt expects to be away from home about ten days, dnrmg which he will spend a uay or two in \N ashinglon. A message received in Fort Mill a day or two ago told of the critical illness ul a hospital in Ualiney of Mrs. Elizabeth iiatuer, wrte of the Kev. YV. A. Hafner, former pastor of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church. Mrs. liafivor has been ill for soine4 thue and little hope is now held oui lor her recovery. Farm work in the -Fort Mill community was given another backset Tuesday" by a heavy rain which fell throughout the after* noon and evening. A considerable part of the Co it on crop in this section has been planted, howwor, and most of it is said to be up to a good stand, but the lurmers are anxious lor a series 01 dry, warm da.>s ihat they may tli 111 out the cotton and get then lands in readiness*for corn planiing. The combined enrollment 01 the three bori Mill Suuday schools, Methodist, baptist au.i Presbyterian, is now considerably more than bOO and the nuiabei attending each is increasing steadily, bast Sunday there wen more titan JOJ pupils ami teach era in the Sunday school at St. John's Metmodist church. The superintendent of the Mcthodis. Sunday school is A. O. Jones, oi the baptist S. A. Lee, and ol the Prcsbytcriun F. M. Muck. Special Sunday school exercises ore to be St. John's Methodist Church next Sunday evening, to which the officers of the Sunday school extend the public u cordial invitation. . GRADED SCHOOL NEWS. The Fort Mill graded scboo. will close for the session Thursday, May 25. The filial examinations t\ell be held next Tuesday i ? und Wednesday und 011 Wcdne>duy evening the primary und ele* uientary grades will entertain the ( public with an operetta, "A Da.v in Flowerdom," of which the children's chorus will be u feature. The sume evening the sixth J and seventh grades ulso will give a short play,? interspersed with songs. Thursday evening the pupils of high school will hold an open meeting of the Wilsonian Litera- ? ry society, after which the ceriif- < . y 1| icates aud prizes will be award- < ed. The exercises will close with ' an amusing play feiven by the ninth and tenth grades. There will be no graduating , class at the school this year, as , there is no 11th grade and State high school diplomas are issued only to 11th grade graduates. Miss Vivian Ellis, one of the graded school teachers, will give a music recital in the school audi %, torium Friday evening, May 19. Wmt Bitten b/Oat. . JU: Ziza Mills, 10 year old daugh fer of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mills, ? ,-j|r ^Ulbner Parks, 12 year old son '' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parks, and w ; t negro woman were bitten Sat- , ;0 oniiy by a c^jt which it is feared :wae-suffering from hydrophobia. was at the store of the company and there bit K^?||pro children and the woman. By it-*prang at. Mr. Mills, but ||fciyjjjg^|<icceed in biting him. feBfc^lliott advised that the HSHej and Sunday morngBwsd,was sent to the bac[mHBHMp^ilspi rliniiiil of the health for examiSffijmg*;Vhere was delay in the f the bacteriologist. 'Tuesday , morning 1 ~ from the department stating that the head was so badly decomposed it could not be examined. Pasteur treatment is given both the girl and boy at their homes. Pershing in Charlotte. Numerous Fort Mill people are expecting to attend the 20th of May celebration which is being put on in Charlotte this year by the ex-service men of that city. Among the notables who will b'. present for the celebration are Ge \ Pershing, Governor Morrison and Hanford MacNider, j commander of the American Legion. NOTICE. The State Tax Commission has served me notice to the effect that the assessment on lands in York County for 1922, which averages $7.38 per acre, exclusive | of buildings, has been increased to $7.95 per acre. Any Tax Payer aggreived may appeal to the Tax Board of Review within ten days, giving ( grounds of said appeal. J. T. CRAWFORD, Chairman County Board Equalization. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOK CONGRESS 1 hereby announce that 1 am a candidate in the Democratic primaries of South Carolina for the nomination for Representative of the Fifth Congressional District for the 68th Congress, and I take thisopportunity to thank the people of the District for their loyal support in the past and to say that I shall endeavor to deserve their supportv and confidence in the future. W. F. STEVENSON. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR At the solicitation of voters of practically all sections of York county, 1 have decided to announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of county supervisor of York County, subject to the approval of the voters iu the primary election. If nominated 1 pledge myself to give the taxpayers an efficient, economical business administration. JOHN P. GORDON. FOR COUNT* TKKASUHICK. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, according to the rules of die Democratic primary. Win. A. DOUGLAS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. ARTHUR T. HART. I am a candidate for the office uf Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. M. C. WILLIS.~ I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. W. D. THOMASSON. i i ?i - i ucrcujr aiiuuuuce myseii a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters >n the primary election. D. L. SHIEDER. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic Voters in the primary election. JOHN R. LOGAN. I am a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the Primary Election. ERNEST W. GUY. .Massey's Cut Price Shoe Sale ; is still running full blast. Lots of new Shoes at new prices just received. I can accommodate a number of boarders at my home on Hall ofaani on/1 tO?l K ko J 4^ ??? ry? vv v nuu tt iik ur |iicani'U (U ttll" swer inquiries relative thereto. Mrs. W. H. Windle.Fort Mill.S.C. DR. T. O. ORIOO DENTIST Office Next to That of 0. S. Link; Formerly Occupied by Dr. J. B. Elliott TtUehost Connections 1 iii IN MBteUAM. s vV MRS. MART McATEER. How well do we remember The days In which we roamed When we were little children Around our mother's home,. ? When ehe In joy would greet them With smiles In pleasant form And to her heart would press them While holding In her arms. >. It was then we knew no sorrow That lasted o'er a day. For smiles of precious mother Would wipe them all away; For we were then unconscious Of what we had to meet. When we would t>e no longer Around our mother's feet. But days and years kept passing Until that awful day When mother heard the summons That called her far away. 'Twus May the second. The year, of nineteen, That brought the saddest hour inai we naa ever seen. ** But we could not resist it. Fort it was God's call of lcve, That took her from our presence Into the home above. And now she's done with sorrow With aches and pains and grief, For in that parting hour She found a sweet relief. But, oh, our precious mother. We miss her here below,. Though she was old and feeble. Her steps were very slow. J How we miss her gentle footsteps. Miss each kind and gentle word, No more in the lonely household : POTTS SUPPl t I Furn < "Cash if you 1 i > ^ i: you want it" | New Perfectit I specialty. We ofi ; cent off regular pi f ment just receive i five burners. i 1 Potts Su fm> I ? * a? + i#f41 MOORE'S Dl At this Drug Store the Purest and Freshest addition a lull line of Pro Goods, Etc. We have had sixtec Prescriptions, and you mi tions will be filled here jv We invite you to c Drinks and Ice Cream. ' . MOORE'S Dl W. C. MOORE. I 1 ANNOUN f We wish to announce to the peo T have recently opened "an up-to-date now in a position to supply your nee< 2 Furniture, Office Supplies, Stationer * Engraving, Printing and kindred lift <' Our policy will be dictated by tii (, be obtained by standing behind oor % * deal. It is on that basis that we ex < \ are ddftbly assured on this point whe 4 E. Young, formerly .of your city, is Your Business is Solicited. J ' YOUNG * Stationers and Office Outfitters ? e *?< Hitting the Bnllstye. I If we had fine weather all the time people would complain about \ the monotony of it. If the girl's complexion will stand wind and rain, Percy, you. need not wait any longer. If yon stand for right things yon are not so apt to fall for wrong things. r j Love is blind, of coarse, but.' matrimony, ia often a core for! u?t sort of bUudnesa. 4 ^ *? i mi ' "--y " * < i I WIU-k?r ?mile toIm H l?>rt. Yet aow since she's departed, Her gentle voice we etill can Mfu*. Though far away in distance It. aeems that she. la near. Bar body now lies qu'et la Fort Mill's graveyard. With nothing but the angels Her silent form to guard. But they will still be tending O'er mother's silent form," While watching and waiting For resurrection morn. And then she will awaken And from the dust arise (To greet again her children Beyond the beautifulskies. And then there'll be no parting I With mother any more, But we can dwell together On Canaan's happy shore. ?Composed by Mrs. J. R. Hope. Card of Tfwinks ami Gratitude to the good people of Fort Mill for their kindness and courtesy to our wife and mother through her Illness: May the good L>ord bless them all In this world and In the world to conic provide for them a happy home at His right hand. J. N. McAteer and Children. You have noticed, of course, that when some of the upstarts get flivvers they shake their oltl friends. Anybody can view with alarm. It takes real discernment to be able to point with pride these days. LY COMPANY f iture | 4 have it Credit if | * >n oil stoves a ; fer these at 25 per \ rices. A big ship- | id both four and | 4 pplyCo. | uiiil l 1jlj.u! mmmmssm j RUG STORE you will find not only Drugs to be had, but in prietary Medicines, Toilet \ >n years experience filling ty be sure your Prescripist as your doctor orders. % ome here for your Soft RUG STORE Ph. G., Manager / Sement pie of Fort Mill and vicinity that we 4 Stationery and Book Store and are T da for anything in the way of Office Z y fterne of all kinds, Lithographing, 4 ea. % ie conviction that succeM can only ? roods and giving every man a square pact to conduct our business. You 1 n we mention the fact that Mr. Alex Z a member of the firm. ? Sl hull | N. Trade St., ROCK HILL, S. C. | ts<?t?>si o ??,. ?eoao'??e?o > a? - _ ... Offer million pure Porto Rioo and Nancy Hall Potato Plants grown from treated potatoes; immediate shipment; $1.50 per thousand shipping point; guarantee safe arrival; pays buy good nlants. Q. J. Derrick. Daneaater. a c. Jap , Grass and Matting Bogs ? than pre-war prices; 9 by IS &8t T5.SC to 4S.SG jt Wggcy 'fc -'si'i"- k & :., --r . * w v 1 MBMEBf9S9BBHaK? OUR j| -Your Convenienc 7 It is our aim to be more than ecary shop?rather to be a co hold shopping. IWere we to list the innumer tion which we have in stock, of this newspaper. We seek member of the family, from to serve each with Promptnes Many people run to the druf sickness in the family. We i not only in sickness but in h We are readv to serve YOl | LYTLEDRUC A ? ELECT 11 IK M Ask jour grocer for MI.KCTIIK broad to 1m* hud on flu* Fort ! wraitpcd hi a sanitary \vrap|>er Fleet rik Maid on It. Fort Mill groccrymau also Iiuik cents, and us fine as anyone cti ELECTRIK MAI II * U'lk/... I>r..? 1 I Let Us I Your Home. Lighl If your home lig been in use three ye battery probably ne over. Let us do tl ggg equipped to put any in proper working c proud of our -ability S service on this class I Hughes Batter Opposite P< V ROCK HIL " ComEHY ^ When in DiHiht About Your Eyes or Your Glasses.? .GO ' ' TO THE Williams Optical Co. Optometrist* and Opticians Izard Building Ground Floor Hampton Street *00KHI" H DRIVE IN at LET US -SHOW YOU SOME OF f; THE CARS NOW BEING & PAINTED. YOU W1I.L THEN *(! DECIDE WHERE TO BRING If YOUR CAR WfTRV IT f A NEW COAT. j jrasors pa,sSop JAIL. A. JOHNSON, Mmnmgw. Auto PttoUn, Bod]r?ni Tttp BuUden WXXMLL.S.C. >>?&. v> . ':^w' , * 'V..,' * * ? -v/ Jh*. , sssssss^ssssssass iTVAlYA Q i :e and Comfoit . Q * i a drug store, a mere apoth- x nvenient center for house- A able articles of all descrip- A , it would occupy a full page X to fill the needs of each A Grandmother to Baby, and X s, Accuracy and Courtesy. A r store only when there is ? ire equipped to serve you A ealth as well. s i COMPANY | \?&j Stare A <j<kzx. <xzr-x tv<cz>v* All) BREAD ? maii> iuir.\i>?the ls-st Mill uiark?*l. l-'ach I* hi l Is which lias a picture of the illo our llisrtiits?IO lor III mid wish. Try a pnrkilKc. D BAKE SHOP HOI K llll.1.. S. I'. Repair t Plant Battery '18 [hting plant has I ^ :ars or more the ||| 'W eds to be looked ic job ! We are make of battery ondition. We're ' to give prompt of work. y Company I WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Miitnnri fjdv VTnfsl Tried Cardui.?Says "Result Was Surprising."?Got Aloof Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.?"My back was to weak I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and was not well at any time," says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known farmer on Route 6, this place. MI kept getting headaches and having to go to bed," continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which She obtained relief through the use of Cardui. "My husband, having heard of Cardui, proposed getting it for mo. "I saw after taking some Cardui ,.. that I was improving. The reeult was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was to nervous and cross. My husband said ho would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said I got along fine. I was in good healthy condition. I cannot oay too much for it" Thousands of women have suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of CardnL Y flincn It hn helned en mnnv van 1 should not hesitate to try Cardul U troubled with womanly ailments. ; For sale everywhere. &II -Genuine Puerto Hieo Potato Plants now ready. Try the auto route and come to qur plant beds, get what you want when you want it. Don't he fooled by booking your order for cheap plants and getting nothing until it is too late. Ten States demand plants this month ? one-half enough bedded to supply demand. Talephone 125 - B. Medirin Plant iFarm, York County's Plant Doc- . ?> I tor, Fort Mill, S.~C.